The Adventures of Surac–Introduction

    Ever since I started this blog it has been my intention to write entries other than my daily Bible Study, but I never got around to doing so for various reasons. However, I play Dungeons & Dragons and have wanted to keep a log, in story form, of the campaigns I play in in order to keep track of what is going on in the campaign (and because I think it might be fun). This also has never happened until now for various reasons. So, now I am introducing “The Adventures of Surac”.
    The characters involved are: Vod, a human 3rd level Barbarian/3rd level Monk (conceived by the player as being from an order of monks who harness their rage), Tifa (I am unsure of the spelling), a half-elven/fey 6th level Rogue, and Surac, a human 6th level Warlock. The adventures will be told from the perspective of Surac (my character). I have not yet told those I am playing with of my intention to post my summaries of our gaming sessions here, but they certainly deserve partial credit for the stories which result.

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