Today, I am reading and commenting on Zechariah 1-6.

Zechariah begins by reminding the people of how their ancestors sin had led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of its people. He then tells them that restoration took place when those same ancestors repented of their sins and accepted the punishment which God had meted out to them. God had scattered the people if Israel to all parts of the earth. Now He was calling them back to gather in Jerusalem once more. But as part of this, God will be calling people of many nations to become part of His people.

Zechariah proceeds to give a message for both the High Priest and the Governor over the Returned Exiles in Jerusalem, a separate message for each, both of these message have relevance for us today. Zechariah’s message to Joshua, the High Priest, was that Satan would accuse him before God of sin. The accusation would have merit, but God would strip him (Joshua) of his sin and dress him in righteousness. It is only after cleansing him of his sin and dressing him in robes of righteousness that God asks Joshua to walk according to His requirements. Something similar happens to us. Satan, the adversary, brings us before God and accuses us of the sins which we have committed. Often times, he is that little voice in our head which tells us that we are no good and worthless. God neither dismisses our sins as meaningless, nor does He pretend they do not exist. Instead, He removes them from us and washes away the filth they have placed upon our bodies and souls. Then He dresses us in the finest clothes of righteous behavior and tells us, “Look, this is what you were made to be.”

Which brings us to Zechariah’s message to Zerubbabel, the governor. God has given Zerubbabel a difficult task, to rebuild His Temple. Zechariah tells Zerubbabel that he will not accomplish this task by might, nor by power. No, he will only accomplish the tasks he has been set by the Spirit of the Living God. In the same way, we will only live up to the beauty and righteousness of which God has shown us to be capable by His Spirit. We will not do so by our strength, nor by our will, but only by the Spirit of the Lord.
I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.
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