I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Job again responds to Eliphaz. He condemns his friends for offering him no comfort in his grief and condemning him as a sinner without pointing out to him what his sin was. Once more he cries out for a mediator between himself and God. Job finishes out this argument by expressing the hopelessness of this life if the Gospel is not true. Once more I praise God that we have just such a mediator as Job was crying out for and the grave is not our end.
Bildad responds to Job a second time. This time all Bildad does is point out all of the ways that God brings judgement against the wicked. His argument appears to be that since Job is suffering these things, he must be wicked. Job responds to this by telling his friends that they think they are better than him, when in fact they are not. They are using his suffering as evidence of his sin without pointing out what that sin is. While we as Christians are called to confront our brothers and sisters in the Lord over their sins, we are called to do so in love and admitting that we too are sinners. We must confront the sin and not the sinner. Job then tells us that he knows that his Redeemer lives and that he will see Him when He at last stands on this earth. He tells us that even though he may die before that day happens, he will nevertheless see Him with his eyes. Jesus will return and if we have died before that day comes to pass, we will rise from the dead to see our Redeemer stand upon this Earth.
And on the earth again shall stand;
I know eternal life He giveth,
That grace and power are in His hand.
I know, I know, that Jesus liveth,
And on the earth again shall stand;
I know, I know, that life He giveth,
That grace and power are in His hand.

The Corinthians had asked about the money that was being collected to help those in Jerusalem. Paul tells them that they should collect money out of what they earned each week and put it aside, rather than waiting until it was time to send it and try to collect it all at once. I think this is a great example of how we should approach all such giving. As we earn money we should put a portion aside to give to those individuals and organizations which are doing the Lord’s work. How much and for what causes is for each Christian to decide for himself. This is an area where I am still working on my self discipline.
Paul asks the Corinthians to look out for Timothy when he comes to them because he is doing the Lord’s work. He tells them not to treat Timothy with contempt. We do not know why Paul feared that Timothy would be poorly treated, perhaps it was because of his youth. Whatever the reason, it is a lesson for us that we should judge people seeking to serve God on the basis of their actions, not on the basis of their age, experience, or background. Paul tells us that we should be strong and courageous in the faith and above all we should do everything in love. One of the themes I get from this letter is that we should test all of our actions and speech against the standard of whether or not they are done for love. When I confront someone about a perceived sin, am I doing so out of love for them? Or am I doing it to feel superior to them? When I do something for others, am I doing it in the manner I would wish others to do for me if I was in those circumstances?

This psalm is a great teacher for me. I have learned to wait patiently for the Lord. Perhaps not as patiently as I sometimes should, but still, I think that I can say that I have learned patience. And I trust in the Lord, I have confidence that in His time He will deliver me from the trials I face. However, I still struggle with not being afraid to speak out. All too often, I hide His Gospel in my heart rather than sharing it with those around me. Certainly, I have room for learning more patience and for greater trust in the Lord, but the area I really need His Spirit to work in me is in my willingness and desire to share with others my faith in Him and what I believe that He can do for them. I pray that the Spirit will move in me so that His words will burst forth from me.

A reputation for honesty and hard work is more valuable than money. There are times when you will have needs that no amount of money can meet. When you come to those times, having a good reputation will see you through.