I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

I read today’s passage and think about what is going on in the world. Isaiah prophesied against Egypt. He said that Egyptian would fight against Egyptian. Did that not just happen this summer? He says that God will hand Egypt over to “a hard, cruel master.” I could certainly envision Egypt’s current President as filling that role. Isaiah further prophesies that the Nile will fail to rise and flood the fields. The Nile has stopped rising to flood the fields since the Aswan Dam was built. The rest of the prophecy does not fit what we have so far seen, but it gives me cause for hope. The passage says that the people of Egypt will turn to the Lord. I believe that when Isaiah made this prophecy he was referring to a time in his future that is now long past. However, I am not sure that this prophecy does not also refer to what we see happening today. Perhaps the violence and strife we see in Egypt today will lead many of the people of Egypt to turn to the Lord. I pray for that outcome.

Paul continues discussing the beginning of his ministry. He talks about going to the Jerusalem Council. He tells us that he wanted to see if what he was teaching was consistent with what those who had walked with Jesus in His earthly ministry taught. Paul reports that the apostles in Jerusalem agreed with his understanding that Gentiles did not need to become Jews and follow Jewish Law in order to become Christians. Paul continues to tell us that later when Peter came to Antioch, he confronted him over hypocrisy. When Peter first arrived in Antioch he ate with the Gentiles. However, when a delegation came from James, Peter began separating himself from the Gentiles and other Jewish Christians began following his lead. Paul confronted Peter about this. He pointed out to Peter that we are not justified by adherence to the Law, but only by faith in Jesus Christ.

In yet another psalm the psalmist calls on the Lord for deliverance from his enemies. He says that his enemies have contempt for the Lord. However, he asks the Lord not to kill them because soon forget such lessons. Instead he asks God to bring them low and let them live as living examples of the result of defying God. I have an additional reason that I ask God to allow my enemies to live. If they die, they will have lost their opportunity to turn to the Lord. I look at what happened in Libya and Egypt. The destruction and death of those who committed these acts would be in the best interests of the U.S., but I pray for their salvation. I pray that somehow they would come to know the Lord. I know the power of the Lord and I will sing His praises morning, noon and night.

Today’s proverb tells parents that they should, at times, use physical discipline on their children. Spanking a child will not lead to the child’s death. On the contrary, spanking the child may well save the child’s life (by teaching them to avoid behaviors which carry a high risk of death).