Tag Archives: Revelation 22

December 31, 2024 Bible Study — “Look, I am Coming Soon”

Today, I am reading and commenting on Revelation 20-22.

After writing abut the Judgement, John writes that he saw a new heaven and a new earth because the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.  He writes that He who sat upon the throne said to him, “It is done.”  Not, “It will be done.”  The One who spoke to John spoke in the present tense, not the future tense.  For the most part, I think the present tense there was being spoken as part of the vision of what would happen in the future, but part of me wonders if perhaps we are to understand that the new heaven and the new earth have already been created.  There is a thread which runs through the New Testament that teaches that God’s Kingdom has already come and we need to live in it according to its “laws”.  So, perhaps we are to live as if we are in the new heaven and the new earth, even though the first heaven and earth have not yet passed away.  John writes that nothing impure will enter into the new heaven and earth, nor will anyone who does what is deceitful or shameful, only those whose names have been written in the book of life.

Regardless of whether the One on the throne was speaking in the present tense of the first century or the present tense of the time in the future when John’s vision would take place, in the epilogue of this book, Jesus says to John, “Look, I am coming soon.”  And John is told not to seal up the words of the scroll he is writing to describe his vision because the time of that vision is near.  Time is running out for us to do what is holy and right.  Time is running out for those who have not yet accepted God’s gift of salvation.  The Spirit cries “Come”, and we also are to cry “Come”, inviting all to drink of the free gift of the water of life.  He is coming soon, let us prepare ourselves so that we are ready for that day.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 31, 2023 Bible Study — Those Whose Names Are Not Written in the Book of Life Will Be Cast Into the Lake of Fire

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Revelation 20-22.

I spent a fair amount of time today thinking about the thousand year reign and Satan deceiving the nations at the end of it.  However, I was unable to get my thoughts to come together into something I could write.  Then I came to John’s vision of God’s judgement over mankind.  He writes that he saw the dead gathered before God’s throne, where the books were opened.   All of everyone’s actions were recorded in the books which were opened before God’s throne.  Further John writes that the dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.  This passage probably provides the primary source for the idea that in Christianity if your good deeds outweigh your evil deeds, you to heaven and to hell if the reverse is true.  However, that misreads what John says here, because John tells us that there is another book besides the books which record what people have done.  That other book is the Book of Life.  Each person will indeed by judged by what they had done, but only those whose name was recorded in the Book of Life will escape the lake of fire.  So, while we will all be judged by our deeds, it will not be our deeds which will spare us from damnation.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 31, 2022 Bible Study — The Last Day Will Come Soon

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Revelation 20-22.

I can never quite figure out how the thousand year reign described here fits with the other prophecies about Jesus’ Second Coming in other New Testament books (that does not mean I think it is in contradiction with them, just that I cannot understand how they fit together).  However, one part makes sense to me: the resurrection of those who were martyred for their faith in Christ.  These were those who had not worshiped the beast or received its mark.  The passage says that they will be blessed above and beyond those who are also faithful but do not suffer death for their faith.  Then John writes about the second resurrection when all of the remaining dead shall rise in order to come before God for judgement.  On that day the books which record the deeds of everyone will be opened and all will be judged based on what they have done, except those whose names appear in the book of life.  Ultimately, those whose names are not written in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire, along with devil, and suffer the second death.

Then God will create a new universe, one which will not experience any of the flaws which the current universe has as a result of sin.  The new universe will have no death, nor mourning, nor pain of any sort.  Those who have truly given themselves to God will live in this new universe in the presence of God, walking with God as Adam and Eve walked with Him before they disobeyed.  On the last day of 2022 it is time to remember that the last day of this earth will come soon.  Let us serve God here while we still have the opportunity to do so.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 31, 2021 Bible Study — The Day Of Judgement Is Coming Soon

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Revelation 20-22.

Today is perhaps the first time I realized how utterly appropriate this passage is for the last day of the year.

I do not fully understand the meaning of the first part of today’s passage.  It seems to predict that there will be a thousand year period, before Judgement Day, where there will be no sin on earth, followed by a short period where sin returns and the nations of earth unite to make war against God.  That is inconsistent with what I understand other parts of the Bible to say about sin on this earth.  However, my understanding of those other parts could be flawed (and probably is), and the wording here is ambiguous enough that its proper interpretation is probably different than that straightforward understanding.  Fortunately, the next part is unambiguous and entirely consistent with what other parts of the Bible have to say about the end of the world.  In due time, all will stand before God to be judged.  Everyone will be judged according to what they have done.  Those who have not accepted reconciliation with God will suffer for the evil they have done.  Then the original heaven and earth will pass away (or perhaps it will pass away before the judgement, the time sequence is not particularly important here) and God will create a new heaven and earth, a heaven and earth without the imprint of sin.  There will be no mourning, or crying, or pain in this new earth.  Those who are impure, deceitful, or do that which is shameful will not be able to enter there.  This day will be coming soon, so let us cleanse ourselves so that we may enter into that glorious place.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 31, 2020 Bible Study It Is Finished

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Revelation 20-22.

The first thing which struck me was what the One sitting on the throne said to John after the new Jerusalem came down upon the new earth.  It was the phrase, “It is finished”.  This is the same thing which Jesus said upon the cross just before He died.  Perhaps I am mistaken, but I believe that John intended for us to make the connection of Jesus’ death bringing about the new heaven and the new earth.  I find it hard to fully express the comforting thought which this gives me.  It is finished.  Satan fights on, but he has already been defeated, and he knows it.  In the face of the trials and tribulations which we face let us remain faithful and never forget that it is finished.  For those who faithfully serve God there will be no more death, or suffering, or sorrow, or pain. It is finished and the promise is fulfilled, even if we do not yet experience the fulness of that promise.

December 31, 2019 Bible Study — Perhaps Revelation Is a Vision About Now

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Revelation 20-22.

As I read this passage, it is unclear to me how literally we should take where it says that those who receive the first resurrection are those beheaded for their testimony about Jesus.  I am quite confident that the first resurrection is not limited to only those beheaded because of their faith in Christ.  I believe that the first resurrection includes all of those who were killed for their faith in Jesus.  However, I am not sure that the first resurrection does not include all who died while putting their faith in Christ.  Having said that I come to my main point on the description of those who experience the first resurrection.  The wording implies to me that everything which came before does not apply to a singular set of events future to when this was written.  Instead, all of the vision before this represents a picture of what each and every person faces throughout life (with perhaps some representation of the cycles which we see in history).  In particular, the Mark of Beast does not represent a particular time in the future when people will have literal marks in order to buy and sell things (although, I would still be very wary of things which fit that description).  Instead, it represents compromises of following our faith which everyone of us faces throughout our lives.  Do we compromise with evil in order to put food on the table?

December 31, 2018 Bible Study — There Is a Lake of Fire, Faith In Christ Is the Only Way to Avoid It

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Revelation 20-22.

So, we end the year with the last portion of the Book of Revelation, where John writes that the day will soon come when Jesus will rule over all the earth.  Those who suffered for their faith in Him will rule with Him.  Then Satan and all who have joined him in rejecting God’s salvation will be cast into the fiery lake.  Everyone will come before God to be judged according to their actions and thrown into the lake of fire, unless their names are written in the Book of Life.  Death and the grave, which I take to mean entropy, will be cast into the lake of fire as well.  Those whose names were written in the Book of Life will never experience disease or decay again for the curse of sin will be removed.

John writes that Jesus is coming soon and that there is an open invitation to anyone who desires to come to Him.   The Holy Spirit issues an open invitation to each one of use to drink from the water of life which is faith in Jesus.  Each of us who have accepted that invitation should extend it to everyone we encounter.  The end of the Book of Revelation contains two requests which those who follow Christ should also request.  The first is a request to all to come to Jesus and put their faith in Him.  The second is a request that Jesus return.  It is my deepest desire that all put their faith in Jesus and that He return as soon as all who will possibly do so have done so.

December 31, 2017 Bible Study — The River Of Life

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Revelation 20-22.

    After the beast and his false prophet have been defeated, Satan will be chained and Christ will rule over the earth for “a thousand years”. (I put quotes around that because I am not sure if the thousand years which John writes about is literal or figurative). Those who refused to accept the mark of the beast will reign with Him for that time period. At the end of that time Satan will be released and gather the nations to attack God’s people. This is another place where it is unclear whether the term “God’s people” refers to the Church or to the Jews. The phrasing seems to suggest that Satan will inspire the nations of the world to attack Jerusalem. Whatever the meaning, the armies will gather and appear to be on the verge of victory when fire will come down from heaven and destroy them. At that point Satan will be cast into the lake of fire to suffer torment for the rest of his existence. Then all who have ever lived will come before God for judgement. The earth and skies will be destroyed and God will create a new earth and a new heaven. Those who have not accepted through faith God’s free gift of grace will be cast into the lake of fire along with Satan.

    Then John describes the new Jerusalem which will exist after all of this is over. A city where nothing evil will be allowed to enter. No temples or places of worship will be necessary because the people living within it will continually be in God’s presence. There will be no pain, or death, or suffering for those who dwell within that city. The curse of entropy (and all other curses which came from that one) which came to be because of Adam’s sin will not be on this new city, nor on the new earth in which it will be placed. In that city there will be a river of life…a river of life to which everyone is invited to drink. And this is where it gets interesting, despite the fact that this city does not yet exist, we are all invited to drink now from the river of life which flows through it. Will you join with me in drinking from the River?

December 31, 2015 Bible Study — The Day of God’s Judgment

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 31:25-31

    The writer reminds us that someone who is charming may convince you that they are nice, when, in fact, they are only using you for their own benefit and that beauty is temporary. The most important characteristic one should look for when choosing a wife is a woman who fears and loves the Lord. I praise God that He sent me a woman who does the latter while possessing both of the former. And men, if you do not think the same about your wife, you have made a terrible mistake. Although, as long as she fears and loves the Lord there is time to correct that mistake. I am convinced that any woman who fears and loves the Lord has within her what it takes to be charming and beautiful.


Psalm 150

    Praise the Lord. Not quietly, so that no one notices, but with as much noise and motion and energy so that no one can mistake what you are doing. Make sure that everyone and everything knows that you are praising the Lord. Now and always.


Revelation 22

    Jesus is coming back soon to lift the curse of sin from all of creation by replacing this cursed creation with a new one which has been cleansed of the curse. Those who wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb will enter into the new creation as new creatures themselves. Those who refuse to give up sexual immorality and lies, who are willing to kill others for their own pleasure, will be left outside. Anyone who is thirsty for righteousness is invited to come and drink from the water of life which God is providing through Jesus. Let us respond to His invitation and extend it to those we encounter. Everyone is welcome who is willing to accept God’s truth.


Malachi 3-4

    The prophet warns us that the day of God’s messenger is coming soon, but that many of us who are eagerly waiting for that day will not be able to endure that day. This prophecy has often been interpreted as being about the coming of John the Baptist announcing Jesus. I believe that is correct, but I also believe this prophecy refers to Christ’s second coming.
    The time will come when God Himself will testify against sorcerers, adulterers, and liars. God will take the stand to testify against those who cheat employees out of their wages, oppress widows and orphans, deny justice to foreigners. Only then will such people learn to fear the Lord, but then it will be too late. There are many who think they are serving God who will be judged on that day. People who think they are giving God His just dues, but are making excuses to spend those resources elsewhere. People who think they are praising God, yet see no point in doing God’s will. Those who fear the Lord speak with each other and God will call them His children. The key here is that if we do not fear the Lord, we will not serve Him.