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Proverbs 30:11-14
Some people blame their parents for everything that is wrong in their lives and refuse to credit them for anything that has gone right. These people are sure that they are pure as new fallen snow, when in fact they are as corrupt and venal as anyone. They proudly proclaim how much they have overcome, sure that they are much better than their parents. The truth is that they use others for their own gain, no matter what the cost to those others. No one is truly good until they recognize the debt they owe to others, especially their parents, and take responsibility for their own sins.

Psalm 138
This is a great psalm to meditate on. I will indeed thank God with all of my heart. I will praise Him in the presence of those who think that they are gods. God is greater than all others, but He cares for the humble and lowly. His plans for my life will come out exactly as He planned. I will praise His name and thank Him for what He has done every day of my life.

Revelation 10
John describes how next he saw an angel with one foot on the sea and one foot on the land. This angel held a small scroll, which he gives to John. However, before he did that something interesting happened. The “seven thunders” spoke something in response to the angel’s shout. What is interesting about this is that John was told not to record what they said. Everything else which John witnessed in this vision he was encouraged to write down for us, but not this.
When John was given the scroll he was told to eat it. He was also told that when he ate it, it would be sweet in his mouth but sour in his stomach. John tells us that he did eat it and it was indeed sweet in his mouth, but sour in his stomach. John was then told that he must prophecy concerning many peoples, nations, and kings. This makes me think that the small scroll represents the word of God which He gives to some among us to speak to our fellow man. It is often sweet to us when we speak it, because there is a certain pleasure and self-satisfaction which comes from speaking God’s word to others. However, when we really digest what we have been given, we get a sense of our own short comings and failings which we did not have before.

Zephaniah 1-3
The core of this passage is in the beginning of chapter 2 when the prophet calls the people to gather together in repentance. I think the message here is similar to the one contained in the small scroll in Revelation. It is a call for us to gather in repentance of our sins. The call goes out to humbly seek God and follow His commands, to live righteously and humbly. We are not called to identify what sins others are committing. We are called to identify the sins which we are committing and to repent of those sins.
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