Tag Archives: Religion

January 26, 2013 Bible Study — I Am Who I Am

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Amaryllis In Full Bloom
Amaryllis In Full Bloom

Exodus 2:11-3:22

     When Moses became a grown man, he went out to watch his people, the Hebrews, at their labors. While there, Moses saw and Egyptian beating a Hebrew. carefully checking that there were no witnesses, Moses killed the Egyptian and hid his body. The following day, Moses saw one Hebrew man beating another. Moses chided him for hitting his fellow Hebrew. The man replied by asking Moses if he was going to kill him as he had the Egyptian. Moses became fearful that what he had done had become known and indeed it had. Moses fled from those Pharaoh sent to execute him. In a story vaguely reminiscent of the story of how Abraham’s servant found Rebekah to become Isaac’s wife, Moses meets a Midianite priest. After fleeing Egypt, Moses stopped and sat by a well. While he was there the seven daughters of a priest of Midian came to water their sheep. However some other shepherds drove them away from the water. Moses got up, rescued the daughters and watered their sheep. While the story does not make much of this these two accounts (killing the Egyptian and rescuing the priest’s daughters) suggest that Moses was not a good man to cross and that he had a sense of justice. The priest invited Moses to stay with him and in time gave Moses one of his daughters to be his wife.
     Years went by and the Israelites continued in their slavery and suffering. They cried out to God for deliverance and God heard their cries. One day when Moses was tending his father-in-law’s flocks, God appeared to Moses in flames of fire within a bush. When Moses saw that the bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the fire, he approached to investigate. As he approached the bush, God called out his name. Moses responded, “Here I am.” God then identified Himself to Moses as the God of Moses’ father and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This caused Moses to hide his face because he was afraid to look at God. God then tells Moses that He has seen the misery of His people and heard them crying out to Him. Now God was sending Moses to Pharaoh to bring His people out of Egypt.
     Moses’ response to God’s instruction was to question how he could accomplish this task. Moses wanted to know who he was that God thought he could do it? He’d tried once to help the Hebrews in Egypt, failed and been forced to go into exile. He’d built a life for himself outside of Egypt, now God wanted him to go back to the scene of his previous failure. What was going to be different this time? God’s answer was that He would be with Moses this time. To which Moses replied, “Well, when people ask me who You are, what do I tell them?” God answered this question as well, and it is clear (to me anyway) from His answer that Moses was not just asking what he should tell people about the God who had sent him, Moses was asking, “And who are you?” God’s answer was, “I am who I am.” God then instructs Moses to tell the Israelites that he has been sent by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God further instructed Moses to go before Pharaoh and request permission to take a three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to God. God told Moses that Pharaoh would refuse, but that God would not only compel Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt, the people of Egypt would give much of value so that when they left Egypt it would be as if they had plundered Egypt.
     How often when God directs us to do something do we respond as Moses did? I know that I do. All too often I respond with, “I tried and it didn’t work. Why would it work if I tried a second time?” All too often, I look at a task that God has set before me and say, “I don’t have what it takes.” God’s answer to that is, “I am who I am and I will be with you.” The first step to serving God is doing as Moses did, when God calls we need to answer, “Here I am.” There are still going to be times when we ask God, “How can I do that?” when He tells us what He wants us to do, but He promises that He is not sending us out alone. He will be with us. The one who is “I am who I am” and who is “I will be what I will be” will walk with us when He sends us out to do His will.

Reflections Of a Chandelier
Reflections Of a Chandelier

Matthew 17:10-27

     Yesterday’s passage concluded with the Mount of Transfiguration story, which I did not cover in my devotional. Today begins as Jesus comes down from the mountain and rejoins the bulk of His disciples. When Jesus got to the crowd that was waiting for Him a man approached Him requesting Jesus heal his son, whom he had brought to the disciples but they were unable to heal him. Jesus expressed frustration over the unbelief of those around Him, then He healed the boy. I believe that Jesus’ frustration was directed at His disciples, not the father of the boy or the other people bringing the sick to Him for healing. This seems to be supported by Jesus’ answer when the disciples ask why they could not heal the boy. Jesus tells them that they had too little faith. He goes on to tell them that if they have faith as small as a mustard seed they could say to the mountain, “Move from here to there” and it would move. I believe that part of how that works is that if we truly believe that it is God’s will that the mountain move from one place to another, we will not wait for it to move. We will start moving it, even if we have to take a shovel and start filling a wheelbarrow. I am not saying that the mountain will not be moved by a miracle. I am saying that if we have faith that God’s purpose in this world will be served by that mountain being moved, we won’t wait for the miracle. We will do what we can, starting now, no matter how futile that effort may seem. How often do I frustrate Jesus by my lack of faith? How often do I fail to act because I do not believe I can make a difference? Am I willing to act to accomplish God’s will, even when I know that my efforts are insufficient to the task? The fact is that my efforts are always insufficient to the task, but God does not expect me to accomplish it by my own efforts.

A Splash Of Red Among the Office Greenery
A Splash Of Red Among the Office Greenery

Psalm 22:1-18

     This is the psalm Jesus alluded to when He cried out “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” while He was being crucified. There are other references to this psalm in the Gospel accounts of the crucifixion. It is my understanding that when a first century rabbi quoted the first line of a passage, they were referencing the entire passage. So, when Jesus cried out “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” from the cross He was, in essence, crying out the entirety of psalm 22.
     Today’s portion of the psalm is one of utter despair. The psalmist references being mocked and tortured, suffering pain and humiliation. He tells us that people mocked him for his trust in God. In all of the suffering the psalmist references in today’s passage, he still acknowledges that God made and formed him from his very birth and that he will continue to worship God. Am I prepared to remain dedicated to God in the face of mockery and suffering?

Another Amaryllis Begins To Bloom
Another Amaryllis Begins To Bloom

Proverbs 5:7-14

     The writer advises us to stay away from adulterous relationships or we will lose our honor and likely all that we have worked for will come to naught. Adulterous relationships make one susceptible to many diseases and one will likely regret them later in life.

January 25, 2013 Bible Study –Who Do You Say That I Am?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.
     Over the last few days I have observed that someone is working their way through my January Bible Studies. I would appreciate it if you would give me some feedback on what you think of my posts. If you know me personally and would rather not post on the comments, I would be perfectly happy with comments received in another manner (email, facebook, in person, etc). I welcome comments from anyone else who would like to comment. I am striving to improve these in any way that I can that will serve the will of God.

Fancy Move With the Cape
Fancy Move With the Cape

Genesis 50:1-26

     When Jacob died, Joseph mourned him fervently. Joseph had his father embalmed according to the Egyptian practice. Joseph requested permission from Pharaoh to take Jacob’s body to the land of Canaan for burial, as Jacob had requested (and made his some swear to do). The Pharaoh granted Joseph permission to do this. Not only did Pharaoh grant Joseph permission but his entire court accompanied Joseph and his brothers on the trip to bury Jacob. Reading the passage and comparing it to Egyptian burial practices suggests that Jacob was buried according to Egyptian burial practices including full mummification. I believe that the way that Joseph and his brothers conducted the burial of Jacob served as a witness to the people of Egypt concerning following the will of God.
     After Jacob’s burial Joseph’s brothers were afraid that now that their father had died Joseph would seek revenge on them for what they had done to them. So they sent a message to him claiming that Jacob had left instructions asking that Joseph forgive his brothers the sins and wrongs that they had committed against them. When Joseph received this message he wept. His brothers then came to him in person and threw themselves at his feet begging his forgiveness and offering themselves as his slaves. Joseph responded by telling them that despite their intentions to harm him, God had used their actions to bring about His great plan for the salvation of all of them. Joseph told them that he would not put himself in the position of God and attempt to gain revenge against them. Indeed, he told them, he would provide for them and their children. Joseph spoke kindly to his brothers and reassured them that he carried no grudge from their mistreatment of him as a child.

Another Picture Of A Snowy Day
Another Picture Of A Snowy Day

Exodus 1-2:10

     In time, Joseph and his brothers and those who knew them died. However, the Israelites multiplied and became numerous. A new king arose in Egypt who had no memory of the role Joseph had played in Egypt. This new king viewed the Israelites as a threat. The Pharaoh enslaved the people of Israel and treated them poorly, but they nevertheless thrived and multiplied even faster. The Pharaoh then ordered the midwives of the Hebrews to kill the baby boys when they delivered them, but let the girls live. The midwives refused to do as the Pharaoh commanded. When Pharaoh confronted them about it, they told him that the Hebrew women gave birth before the midwives got there. This led Pharaoh to be more open about it and issue a proclamation telling all of his people to throw any newborn Hebrew boy into the Nile, while allowing the girls to live.
     It was into this that Moses was born. When he was born, his mother saw that he was a strong and fine son. She hid him as long as she could (about three months). When she could no longer hide him she took a papyrus basket and coated it with tar so that it was waterproof. She then placed the babe in it and placed it among the reeds along the Nile. Her daughter, the baby’s sister, watched from a distance to see what happened. Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, along with her attendants. She saw the basket and sent one of her slaves to fetch it. Pharaoh’s daughter opened the basket and saw the baby, which was crying. Pharaoh’s daughter realized at once that this was one of the Hebrew babies, but she felt sorry for him. Moses’ sister approached Pharaoh’s daughter and asked her if she should fetch one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for her. Pharaoh’s daughter told her to do so. Moses’ sister got her mother and brought her to Pharaoh’s daughter. Pharaoh’s daughter instructed Moses’ mother to nurse him for her, paying her for the service. When Moses grew older, his mother took him to Pharaoh’s daughter who raised him as her son and gave him his name.
     Reading this today I noticed something I never saw before. Let’s look at the situation. Pharaoh’s daughter sees a basket in the river and being curious sends a slave to retrieve it. She opens the basket and discovers a crying baby in it, a baby she immediately recognizes as being a Hebrew baby. How did she know it was a Hebrew baby? Well, it is unlikely that at three months of age a Hebrew baby would look much different from an Egyptian baby. So, the most likely reason she knew it was a Hebrew baby is because she knew her father’s order that Hebrew babies be thrown into the Nile. No sooner does she open the basket than a young Hebrew girl approaches and offers to go get a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby. Now, what are the chances that there would be a random Hebrew girl close by when she opened the basket? One that not only knew a Hebrew woman who was nursing, and thus could nurse this baby, but was willing to approach Pharaoh’s daughter and offer to find such a woman? None of these things are conclusive, but it seems likely that Pharaoh’s daughter was fully aware that the “wet-nurse” she got for the baby she found was the baby’s actual mother.

Amaryllis Buds In The Window
Amaryllis Buds In The Window

Matthew 16:13-17:9

     Jesus asks His disciples who people think that He is. They answer Him that some people think He is John the Baptist reincarnated, others think He is Elijah or one of the other prophets. Then Jesus asks them who they think He is. I can imagine them looking at each other, a little nervous about answering the question, then finally Simon Peter blurting out that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus replied that this was not something Peter was able to figure out based on human knowledge but rather was something revealed to him by God. Jesus then confirms Simon Peter’s nickname as Peter, the rock. It is not clear to me whether Simon was known as Peter before this or if this is the origin of his nickname. The author of this Gospel refers to Simon Peter as such from the very beginning, although the author of the Gospel of Mark says that Jesus gave Simon the name Peter. I am not sure that it makes much difference whether Simon was always called Peter or if he was first called that here. Jesus then goes on to say that He will build His church (or assembly) on this rock. Jesus said that the gates of the kingdom of death would not overcome His assembly. This is an interesting construction. When I was growing up whenever I heard someone speak about this passage, it was used to support the idea that the attacks of evil could never destroy the Church, the Body of Christ. At some point in my late 20s/early 30s I read this passage and realized there was another message here (since then I have heard others teach this same message). Gates are not used to attack. Gates are used to stop people (usually members of an enemy military) from entering some place. That put a different complexion on what Jesus meant here. All of a sudden I saw that Jesus was saying that nothing, not even the gates of the kingdom of death, could stand in the way to prevent His Church (His assembly) from accomplishing the goals which God set for It.
     Jesus went on to say that He was giving “you” the keys to the kingdom of heaven. That whatever “you” bound on earth would be bound in heaven and whatever “you” loose on earth would be loosed in heaven. I do not know Greek. However several sources I found indicated that the “you” used in reference to the keys to heaven is singular and the “you” used in reference to binding and loosing is plural. I believe it was on the basis of this passage that the Jerusalem Council we are told of in Acts 15 decided to tell Gentile believers that they did not need to be circumcised. It was not Peter who crafted this decision, but rather James who spoke up and offered his judgment, which was then adopted by the assembly (or church).
     Starting after Peter’s declaration that Jesus was God’s Anointed One, the saving Messiah for whom the Jewish people were waiting, Jesus began to teach His disciples that He must suffer and die at the hands of the religious leaders. Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke Him for being negative and depressed, telling Him that this would never happen to Him. I can just picture Peter, thinking that Jesus was suffering from depression due to all of the opposition He was receiving, taking Jesus aside and telling Him, “Buck up! Stop letting these people get you down. They aren’t going to be able to kill you. You’re the Messiah.” Imagine Peter’s surprise when Jesus responded to his pep talk by calling Peter Satan and telling him that he was not paying attention to God’s concerns, but only to human concerns. It was only a few days prior that Jesus had commended Peter for receiving insight from God. Jesus then turned to all of the disciples and told them that they needed to take up their crosses and follow Him. This would have had a very specific meaning to people in the first century. They would all have been familiar with the line of condemned prisoners carrying their crosses to the place of execution. Jesus was not talking about bearing some generic burden. He was talking about carrying the cause of our death. If we try to avoid death we will lose our very souls. On the other hand, if we are willing to sacrifice our lives and our very being in order to be like Christ and serve God, we will find a life that is more joyous and abundant than anything we can imagine.

Amaryllis Close Up
Amaryllis Close Up

Psalm 21:1-13

     The psalmist tells us that the king who relies on the Lord and follows His ways will receive his heart’s desire and be victorious in all his battles. This is true not only of kings but also of ordinary people. Those who love the Lord and seek His ways will receive their heart’s desire, while those who oppose the Lord will not succeed.

Hey, Did You Notice I Like Pictures Of the Snow?
Hey, Did You Notice I Like Pictures Of the Snow?

Proverbs 5:1-6

     The writer warns us against getting involved in sexually immoral relationships. Those who crave adulterous relationships are smooth talkers and speak with honeyed words, but they wander aimlessly through life on a path that leads to death.

January 24, 2013 Bible Study –The Signs Of The Times

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

The Two Musketeers Redux
The Two Musketeers Redux

Genesis 48-49:33

     Word came to Joseph that his father had fallen ill. Joseph went to see his father and took his two sons with him. Jacob tells Joseph that Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh will be counted as Jacob’s sons. It gave Jacob great joy that after believing he would never see his son Joseph again he now saw not only Joseph but Joseph’s sons. Jacob then asked Joseph to bring his boys close so that he could bless them. Joseph directed Ephraim, the younger of the two, to Jacob’s left hand and Manasseh, the elder, to Jacob’s right. Jacob, however, crossed his arms to place his right hand on Ephraim and his left on Manasseh. When Joseph “corrected” him by telling him that Ephraim was the younger, Jacob told Joseph that he was aware of which boy was which, but, while Manasseh’s descendants would become a great people, the descendants of Ephraim would be even greater. After this Jacob calls together all of his sons and makes predictions about their futures, and that of their descendants, based on their behaviors. After making these prophecies, Jacob tells his sons that he will soon die. He instructed his sons to bury him in the cave where Abraham had buried Sarah and was himself buried.

More Snow In The Woods
More Snow In The Woods

Matthew 15:29-16:12

     At one point Jesus was teaching on a mountainside. Great crowds came to Him bringing those suffering from many afflictions and laid them at His feet. Jesus healed them all. The people were amazed and praised God. After three days, Jesus called his disciples to Him and said that He did not want to send the crowds away hungry. The disciples questioned where they could find enough bread to feed that many people in such a remote location. Jesus then asked them how much food they had. They replied that they had seven loaves and a few fish. Jesus had the crowd sit down and then took the loaves and the fish. He blessed the food and broke it up and gave it to the disciples to distribute to the people. Everyone ate and was satisfied. Afterward, the disciples gathered seven baskets of leftovers. The number of those who ate was 4,000 men, plus women and children.
     There are a couple of factors about this story that strike me. The first is that it was not very long before this that Jesus had fed 5,000 men plus women and children from just a few loaves and a few fish, now the disciples once again cannot perceive how they could feed all of these people. The second thing has to do with something I mentioned on Tuesday. The idea that in first century Palestine the relationship between a disciple and a rabbi was one where the disciple strove to learn how to be like the rabbi and do the things the rabbi did, while the rabbi strove to teach the disciple how to accomplish those goals. So, when I read this story I see Jesus offering His disciples the opportunity to do what He had done. In the feeding of the 5,000 Jesus offered the disciples the opportunity to call on the power of God to feed the people, but they did not understand what He was getting at, so He demonstrated what power was theirs to command. I think that He expected them to not understand on that occasion. However, this time I think that Jesus was hoping that the disciples would understand what He was asking of them and that they, or at least one of them, would take the initiative. I think that we often disappoint Jesus in exactly the same way. I know that I do. Do we really believe that we can be like Jesus? And do the things that He did (and does)? I believe that God will perform miracles through me, but I do not have faith that God will perform miracles through me. I fervently pray to God that He help my unbelief.
     At some point the Pharisees and the Sadducees came to Jesus and asked Him to show them a sign from heaven. Jesus replied to them that they knew how to interpret the signs of the weather, but were unable to read the signs of the times. He then calls them a wicked and adulterous generation and tells them that the only sign they will be given is the sign of Jonah. He then left them and went away. As they were crossing the lake the disciples had forgotten to bring bread with them. Jesus warned the disciples to be on guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The disciples thought He said that because they forgot to bring bread. Jesus berated them for being caught up in worry about forgetting to bring bread. He reminded them of feeding the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and feeding the 4,000 with seven loaves of bread and how in both cases there was more left over than what they started with. It was only then that they realized that He was not talking about bread when He warned against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees. This is a reminder how a seemingly minor error can spread through our whole belief system to corrupt the entire thing. It is also interesting that Jesus referred to the yeast of both the Pharisees (who were the legalistic religious conservatives) and of the Sadducees (who were the tolerant religious liberals) as the same thing.

First You Put Your Right Leg Out
First You Put Your Right Leg Out

Psalm 20:1-9

     I will echo the psalmist’s heartfelt wish that God rescue you in your times of distress. I pray that God will send you help and grant you the desires of your heart. I will celebrate your victory with you. I love the way NIV words the beginning of verse 6, “Now this I know”. Such an emphatic statement. There are things I hope for and that I think are true. But, this I know. God does give victory to those He has chosen, who follow His ways. Some may trust in strength, weapons and training, but I will trust in the name of God.

Snow--Hey You Try Coming Up With Four Captions A Day
Snow–Hey You Try Coming Up With Four Captions A Day

Proverbs 4:20-27

     The writer warns us to be careful what we allow into our hearts, because everything we do flows from what we value. Further we should watch our language because how we choose to express our thoughts shapes the way we think. Plan our actions carefully so as not to succumb to the temptation to deal with obstacles by doing wrong and thus be sidetracked off of the path of righteousness.

January 23, 2013 Bible Study — The Blind Leading The Blind

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Sword And Dagger Fencing
Sword And Dagger Fencing

Genesis 46-47:31

     When Jacob and his entire household, including the households of his sons, arrived in Egypt Joseph went to meet them in the region of Goshen. Jacob was overjoyed to be reunited with Joseph and expressed that now that he had seen Joseph once more he was ready to die. Joseph instructed his brothers that when they went in to see Pharaoh they should tell him that they were shepherds because the people of Egypt detested shepherds. Joseph’s brothers followed Joseph’s advice and the Pharaoh allowed/encouraged them to settle in the land of Goshen (depending on how one reads the passage and understand the political situation in Egypt, this could be seen as anything from giving them permission to settle there to an order to settle there and nowhere else). When the Pharaoh asked Jacob how old he was Jacob told Pharaoh that he was 130 years old and gave Pharaoh a blessing.
      The passage tells us that the famine continued after this. When the people of Egypt ran out of money they approached Joseph and asked him to give them food so that they would not die. Joseph replied by telling them that he would give them food in exchange for their livestock. Joseph supplied them with enough food for a year in exchange for all of their livestock. The following year the people again approached Joseph for food. This time they offered themselves and their land in exchange for food. Joseph agreed to this and supplied them with food. Joseph bought all of the land and people of Egypt for Pharaoh, except for the priests, who received a stipend from Pharaoh (in other words, they were government employees). The passage tells us that Joseph reduced the people of Egypt to servitude. Once Joseph has done this he gave them grain to plant what had been their fields. In return he required them to surrender one fifth of what they produced to Pharaoh. So, Joseph arranged for the people of Egypt to sell themselves into servitude to the government of Egypt and as a result of the people and everything they had belonging to Pharaoh he imposed a 20% tax in exchange for allowing them to make use of those things.

Picture On A Snowy Day
Picture On A Snowy Day

Matthew 15:1-28

     Some Pharisees and religious teachers arrived from Jerusalem to ask Jesus why He did not teach His disciples to follow the traditions of the elders, such as ceremonial hand-washing before eating. Jesus replied by asking them why they followed traditions that allowed them to break direct commandments from God. He gave the example of a tradition that allowed an adult child to dedicate their possessions to God and not use them to help their parents thus violating the command to “Honor your father and mother.” Jesus called them hypocrites for putting their own teachings above the commands of God. He quotes Isaiah as saying that they honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far from God. They worship God in vain because they follow mere human teachings rather than the commands of God. Jesus then explains that one is not defiled by what one eats, but rather by what one says. Jesus’ disciples asked Him if He realized that the Pharisees were offended by what He had said. Jesus told them not to worry about the opinions of those who did not faithfully teach God’s word. He told them that the Pharisees were blind guides. If a blind man allows a blind man to be his guide, both will fall into a pit. The disciples then asked Jesus to explain the parable. Jesus explained that what we eat goes into our mouth through our stomach and out of our bodies, while what we say reflects what we think and who we are. From our inner being come evil thoughts and it is those thoughts which defile us.
     Jesus left that area and withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. While He was there a Canaanite from that region came to Him and cried out asking Him to heal her daughter. Jesus initially ignored her. Finally, His disciples asked Him to send her away. Jesus replied that He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. The woman came right up to Him and knelt at His feet. From this position she begged for His help. He responded that it was not right to take the children’s food and toss it to the dogs. She answered that even the dogs are allowed to eat the food that falls from the table. Jesus replied to this commending her faith and telling her that her request was granted. Her daughter was healed at that moment. Jesus’ reply to the woman was a strong insult. The woman accepted Jesus’ insult and acknowledged that she was not deserving of His care. She knew that she had no right to His healing, but threw herself on His mercy and love. There are three reasons this woman received from God what she sought. She was persistent even when Jesus appeared to ignore her. She had faith that Jesus could give her what she desired. She recognized that she was no deserving of this gift.

You Need To Get Closer Than That
You Need To Get Closer Than That

Psalm 19:1-14

     The psalmist tells us that if we look to the skies we will see the glory of God. Whether we look during the day or during the night, we cannot help but feel the majesty of God. The law of God is perfect. His commands are trustworthy and right, following them will teach us wisdom and bring us joy. God’s word is more valuable than anything we can own. I will not allow sin to rule over me by choosing actions which I know to be sin and I will beg God to forgive me for those sins I do not realize I have committed.

Another Picture On A Snowy Day
Another Picture On A Snowy Day

Proverbs 4:14-19

     Do not follow the paths that the wicked walk. They walk in darkness and stumble over obstacles that they never see. Those who choose wickedness never see the obstacles between them and their goals until they bump into them. The righteous are like someone who walks in the light, they are able to see the things between them and their goals and navigate around them.

January 22, 2013 Bible Study — Getting Out of the Boat

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Hat versus Cape
Hat versus Cape

Genesis 44-45:28

     When Joseph’s brothers were preparing to leave, Joseph ordered that once again the silver with which they paid for the grain be put in their sacks with the grain. However, this time he also ordered that his silver cup be placed in Benjamin’s sack along with the silver he paid for the grain. As soon as his brothers had left the city Joseph sent his steward after them to accuse them of stealing his silver cup. The brothers deny stealing anything and agree to having their possessions searched. When the cup is found in Benjamin’s sack his brothers tore their clothes and returned to the city. Upon returning to the city, Judah spoke for the brothers and begged Joseph to make him, Judah, a slave and allow Benjamin to return to his father.
     Joseph was overwhelmed with emotion by Judah’s impassioned defense of his brother and could no longer contain himself. He revealed himself to his brothers. Joseph tells his brothers that they should no longer be angry with themselves for selling him into slavery because God had sent him into Egypt ahead of them in order to keep their families alive. Joseph then tells them to return to Jacob and bring him and their families back to Egypt where Joseph can help take care of them for the remaining five years of famine. When Pharaoh heard that Joseph’s brothers had come he sent orders that they should take carts from Egypt to go and load their families into to bring them all to Egypt. Joseph sent his brothers on the way with plentiful supplies and gifts for his father. As they left he called after them asking them not to quarrel on the way. When they got back to Jacob and told him that Joseph was alive and running things in Egypt, Jacob did not at first believe them. However, once Jacob saw the gifts Joseph had sent, he changed his mind and wanted to go to Egypt to see his son Joseph before he died.
     One of the important parts of this passage for us to pay attention to is what Joseph said to his brothers when he revealed himself. He tells them not to be angry at themselves for what they did to him because it fulfilled God’s will. We should both follow Joseph’s example and his advice. We should follow his example and forgive those who have done wrong to us, recognizing that God has, or will, bring good to us out of those wrongs we have suffered. But we should also forgive ourselves for the wrongs we have done. Before we can do that we need to do as Joseph’s brothers had done and change so that we are not the sort of people to repeat those wrongs. This story contains a microcosm of how we as Christians should deal with our bad choices. We need to repent and change our behaviors so that we do not make the same mistake again. Then we need to forgive those who have done wrong to us. Finally, we need to forgive ourselves for the wrongs we have committed, determining not to repeat those wrongs.

The Same Snowy Day
The Same Snowy Day

Matthew 14:13-36

      This passage starts with something I have never noticed before. When Jesus learned that John the Baptist had been beheaded, He withdrew by boat to a solitary place, presumably to be alone with His thoughts. When Jesus did this, the people of the surrounding towns followed Him on foot. When Jesus saw the large crowd that had gathered, He had compassion and began healing their sick. When it got late in the day, His disciples came to Jesus and suggested He send the crowds away so that they, the crowds, could go and get themselves something to eat. Jesus’ response was for the disciples to feed the crowd themselves. The disciples replied that they only had five loaves of bread and two fish, not by any stretch of the imagination enough to feed a crowd of this size. Nevertheless Jesus told His disciples to bring the food they have to Him. He then took the food, blessed it, broke it into pieces and gave it to His disciples to distribute to the crowd. The disciples filled twelve baskets with the leftovers they gathered up after everyone had eaten and was satisfied.
     When they had finished, Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side of the lake. He then dismissed the crowd and went up on the mountainside to pray. Shortly before dawn, Jesus headed out to the boat walking on the lake. The boat was well out from shore by this time, although not as far as it might have been because the wind was against it. When the disciples first saw Jesus they thought He was a ghost and were frightened. Jesus spoke to them and told them not to be afraid. Peter asked Jesus to confirm that He was who He said He was by telling Peter to come to Him. Jesus does so. Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus. However, when Peter noticed how rough the wind was making the water he became frightened and began to sink. Peter cried out to Jesus. Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. Together they climbed into the boat.
     This second story highlights something that was pointed out in our Sunday worship service this week. In First Century Palestine, a disciple was someone who strove to become just like his teacher. Someone strove to become the disciple of a particular rabbi because they wanted to be like them, because they wanted to do the things that that rabbi did. That is why Peter wanted to walk on the water to Jesus, he wanted to be like Jesus and to do the things that Jesus did. When we look at this story, I think we see that the disciples were beginning to realize that Jesus was more than a man. Peter here asked Jesus to tell him to come to Him on the water because Peter was not sure that this was something it was possible for him to ever be like Jesus in. That is, Peter, along with the rest of the disciples, was beginning to believe that they were unable to realize their goal of being completely like Jesus. When Peter asked Jesus to tell him to come to Him on the water, Peter was asking if this was something that they could aspire to. Jesus’ answer to Peter, and to us, was that yes, everything He did is something that we can learn to do if we follow Him. Jesus calls us to be His disciples, to strive to become just like Him and to do the things that He did. We too can feed the five thousand and walk on water. However, in order to do it, we need to be willing to get out of the perceived safety of the boat and put ourselves at risk. All too often that is my problem, I am afraid to get our of the boat and walk to where Jesus is waiting for me to join Him. At least Peter got out of the boat even though his faith failed him before he got to where Jesus was waiting. I am afraid that my faith will fail me before I get to where Jesus is waiting and thus I do not even get out of the boat.

Fencing With Sword and Dagger
Fencing With Sword and Dagger

Psalm 18:37-50

     The psalmist tells us that he pursued his enemies until they were destroyed. However, he tells us that they turned and fled from him not because of anything he did, but because God caused them to do so. Let us praise and exalt God because He will cause our enemies to turn from us and flee. The Lord lives and He will be our rock and our savior. He will avenge us and save us from our enemies. We need not fear pursuing the goals that God sets for us, for He will cause those who oppose us to turn and flee.

Another Shot On A Snowy Day
Another Shot On A Snowy Day

Proverbs 4:11-13

     We can recognize the path of wisdom because it is straight and clear. If we follow the path of the wise ours steps will not be hampered and we will not stumble when we run. If we hold onto wise instruction it will provide us with life.

January 21, 2013 Bible Study — The Starting Point of Wisdom

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Solving The World's Problems
Solving The World’s Problems

Genesis 42:18-43:34

     After imprisoning his brothers for three days, Joseph spoke to them and said that he would send them on their way, but he would keep one of them imprisoned as a hostage for their good behavior. Joseph told them if they were to bring their youngest brother Benjamin to him and then he would know that they were honest men. The brothers discussed among themselves that this must be God’s punishment against them for sending Joseph to his death (what they thought was his death). They were unaware that Joseph could understand them because he had used an interpreter to talk with them. Joseph gave orders that they be given the grain which they had come to buy. In addition, he gave secret orders that the silver they had used to buy the grain be placed in the sacks with the grain. Joseph selected Simeon as the hostage and had him bound in front of his brothers. Joseph then sent them on their way.
     After departing Egypt the brothers discovered that the silver had been returned to them and were terrified. When they told Jacob what Joseph had demanded of them (they did not know that it was Joseph), he refused categorically to allow Benjamin to go even though Reuben offered his own sons as hostages for Benjamin’s safety. After some time, Jacob told his sons to go back to Egypt to buy more grain. They responded that they could not go unless they took Benjamin with them. Judah promised to look after Benjamin and told Jacob to hold him personally accountable for Benjamin’s safety. Jacob agrees and sends them for gifts for Joseph (not knowing that it was Joseph) and telling them to take double the amount of silver as the previous time so that they could return the silver that was in the sacks when they got home the last time.
     When the brothers presented themselves to Joseph, he saw Benjamin with them. He gave orders that they be taken to his house and a feast be prepared. When the brothers were taken to Joseph’s house they were frightened, convinced that they were to be enslaved because of the silver that was returned to them. So they approached the steward of the house and explained that they had brought the silver back with them, plus additional silver to buy more food. The steward told them not to worry, it must have been God, the God of their father, who gave them the silver because he had received their silver on the last occasion and that grain was paid for. When Joseph came home for the meal, the brothers presented the gifts they had brought him and introduced him to Benjamin. When Joseph saw his brother Benjamin he was moved to tears. He left his brothers’ presence and composed himself. When he returned he ordered the food to be served. Joseph ate separate from his brothers. The brothers were amazed because they were seated in order of their ages, from eldest to youngest.

Snowy Day
Snowy Day

Matthew 13:47-14:12

     Today’s passage begins with a final parable about the Kingdom of Heaven from the series that was in yesterday’s passage. In this parable Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a net let down into the lake to catch fish. The net will catch all kinds of fish, some good and some bad. When the net is full the fishermen pull it onto the shore and collect the good fish and throw away the bad fish. Jesus tells us that at the end of the age God’s messengers will separate the wicked from the righteous and throw the wicked into the blazing furnace. This is a warning that it is not enough to be caught up in the net, to be part of a church body, we need to serve God with all of our hearts as well.
     Soon after this Jesus returned to his home town. Initially, the people were amazed, but then they started to question why they should listen to Him and where He got the power to perform miracles. They recounted how they knew His family and they were not anything special. Jesus told His disciples that a prophet is not without honor except in his home town. This is a warning to us that we should not dismiss the word of God just because we are familiar with the background of the one who is speaking it. There is a human tendency to attempt to bring down those who rise above the common lot, especially when they are from those we know.

Working On A Sewing Project
Working On A Sewing Project

Psalm 18:16-36

     God has reached down and rescued me when I was in over my head. With God’s help I can charge through any barrier, scale any wall. When I am doing the Lord’s will nothing will block my path. I will not turn away from His commands because God’s way is the perfect way. God’s word is flawless and He will shield me. I will not turn from my God. Those who are devious will discover that God is even more savvy and canny than themselves, but those who are pure and faithful will discover that God is also pure and faithful. As long as I walk along the path that God has chosen for me, I will walk in the light.

Another Snowy Day Picture
Another Snowy Day Picture

Proverbs 4:7-10

     The starting point to being wise is valuing wisdom above all else. Those who risk all that they have for wisdom will be honored.

January 20, 2013 Bible Study — I Will Call Upon the Lord

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

"OK, how about if I do this?"
“OK, how about if I do this?”

Genesis 41:17-42:17

     Pharaoh told Joseph his dreams. Joseph tells Pharaoh that God is using the dreams to tell him that Egypt is about to experience seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Joseph advises Pharaoh that he should find a wise and intelligent man and put that man in charge of gathering a portion of the harvest during the good years to be held in reserve for the coming years of famine. Pharaoh heard Joseph’s advice and thought that it was wise. Pharaoh decided that the best person to implement Joseph’s plan was the person who had proposed it (Joseph). So Pharaoh made Joseph the second most powerful man in Egypt and gave him a wife from a powerful official in his court. Joseph implemented the plan and when the famine came, it hit more than just Egypt, but Egypt was prepared and people came from throughout the region to purchase food from Egypt.
     The famine struck Canaan as well. When Jacob learned that there was grain available in Egypt, he sent his ten oldest sons to Egypt to buy grain. When Joseph’s brothers arrived in Egypt, Joseph saw them and recognized them, but they did not recognize him. He approached them and accused them of being spies. They vociferously denied this telling him that they were all sons of one man. They told him that they had two additional brothers, the youngest, who was with their father, and one who was dead. Joseph had them arrested and told them that one of them would be released to go back to their father to bring their youngest brother to prove that they were telling the truth.
     Joseph is testing his brothers here. He is attempting to see how they will react to a threat to their half-brother Benjamin (Joseph’s full brother). We do not know what Joseph would have done if his brothers reacted to this differently, so I do not want to put too much emphasis on Joseph’s motives. Rather, I think the place to focus in this story is on how his brothers react to this situation, which we will see in tomorrow’s passage.

Two Stumps In The Snow
Two Stumps In The Snow

Matthew 13:24-46

     Matthew gives us a series of parables that Jesus told. The first is the story of the wheat and the weeds. The story is about a farmer who sows some wheat seeds. In the night his enemy comes and sows some weed seeds among those wheat seeds. When the seeds sprouted, the weeds sprouted up along with the wheat. When the farmer’s servants saw the weeds among the wheat, they asked if they should pull the weeds. The farmer told them not to because in the process of pulling the weeds, they might uproot some of the wheat. Instead the farmer tells them to wait for the harvest to separate the weeds from the wheat. This is a lesson for us that we cannot reliably separate out those who are serving God, but have not yet reached maturity so as to bear fruit, from those who are serving Satan and will never bear fruit. If we attempt to get rid of those who are “weeds”, we will inevitably destroy some of the “wheat”. This does not mean that there can be no Church discipline, as Church discipline is not intended to pull the “weeds” but instead is intended to train the “wheat” in how it should grow to bear the most fruit. God will separate the wheat from the weeds when the time is ripe.
     Next are the parables of the mustard seed and the yeast. There are several different messages contained in these two parables. However, they contain one message in common. They talk about how something that seems small and insignificant can have a large impact. The mustard seed may be small but it grows to the largest plant in the garden. Yeast is practically insignificant compared to the other ingredients in dough, yet it is the yeast that causes the dough to grow to double in size (or more, if you let it). Both of these parables tell us that while we may seem few in number and insignificant in the world around us, if we allow God to put us where He wishes us to be we can be a major force in this world. Perhaps God will cause our group to grow and become a noticeable presence in the world, like the mustard bush. Or perhaps He will cause our group to grow and permeate society around us to transform it, like the yeast. In either case, the key is to serve God.
     The final two parables in today’s passage talk about someone who finds a great treasure and risks all that they have to obtain it. Am I willing to risk all I have and am to serve God, to gain the Kingdom of heaven?

The Feast Laid Out
The Feast Laid Out

Psalm 18:1-15


I love you, Lord;
you are my strength.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;
my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the power that saves me,
and my place of safety.
I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise,
and he saved me from my enemies.

I could think of no better way to express what this psalm means to me. Do not be afraid to call upon the Lord when you are in distress. He will hear and answer your prayer. Read this psalm and recognize the unstoppable power with which God will ride to the rescue of those who love Him. He will shield the brightness of His presence until He is ready to strike. Then His enemies will be struck suddenly with irresistible force, as if by hail and lightning. I recently faced a significant financial setback that was causing me to wonder how I was going to pay all of my bills. I called on the Lord and He provided me with the means to pay my bills above and beyond what I asked for.

What Winter Should Look Like
What Winter Should Look Like

Proverbs 4:1-6

     This proverb advises the young to remember that their fathers were once young. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that they do not understand, they were once in your shoes. We gain wisdom and understanding by listening to those with more experience than ourselves. If we love wisdom, it will guard and protect us.

January 19, 2013 Bible Study — What Type Of Soil Am I?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Shells In A Bowl

Genesis 39-41:16

     When Joseph arrived in Egypt he was sold to Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh’s guards. God was with Joseph so that everything Joseph did prospered. When Potiphar noticed Joseph’s success, he gave Joseph ever more responsibility until Joseph was running Potiphar’s entire household. Joseph was successful because he behaved in a godly manner. His behavior resulted in good outcomes because that is what happens when one behaves in a godly manner. The same thing will happen with us, if we behave in a godly manner we will have success.
     However, Joseph’s success did not come without a price. Potiphar’s wife noticed him and considered him a handsome man. She wanted to add him to her conquests. When he refused to accede to her requests she became insistent. He started to avoid her as much as he could. Until one day he was in the house with her alone. She approached him and grabbed his cloak and demanded he come to bed with her. He left his cloak in her hand and fled. Potiphar’s wife then went to her husband and accused Joseph of attempting to rape her. Potiphar was furious and had Joseph thrown into prison. Despite the mistreatment he received, Joseph continued to act in a godly manner. This once again led to Joseph receiving special treatment.
     While he was in prison, Pharaoh’s baker and his cup-bearer were placed into the same prison. They were assigned to Joseph’s care. After they had been in prison for some time each of the men had a dream in the same night. When Joseph came to them the he saw that they were more unhappy than usual and he inquired as to the reason. They answered that they had dreams that seemed to have meaning but they did not understand them. Joseph tells them that interpretation belongs to God and asks them to tell him their dreams. The two men each told Joseph their dreams and Joseph interpreted them. Joseph told the cup-bearer that in three days he would return to Pharaoh’s favor and he told the baker that in three days he would be executed. Joseph asked the cup-bearer to mention him to Pharaoh and get him out of prison when he received his good fortune. However, the cup-bearer forgot. Two years later, Pharaoh had two portentous dreams in the night. Pharaoh sent for his advisers and magicians, but none of them could tell him what the dreams meant. At that moment, the cup-bearer remembered Joseph. He told Pharaoh that Joseph could interpret dreams. Pharaoh sent for Joseph and asked him to interpret the dreams. Joseph told Pharaoh that he had no ability to interpret dreams, but that God would give Pharaoh the answer he was seeking.
     Notice that while the passage repeatedly says that God made Joseph successful in everything he did, Joseph still experienced hardship. The same will be true for us. If we follow God’s will, we will experience success. However, this does not mean that we will not experience persecution and suffering. Also, notice that when Joseph suffered misfortune, he did not rant and rave against God. Instead, he remained faithful even though time and again circumstances went against him and he experienced suffering.

A Stream In Winter
A Stream In Winter

Matthew 12:46-13:23

     Today’s passage includes the parable of the sower. After Jesus tells the parable, His disciples ask Him why He speaks to the people in parables. Jesus gives them an interesting answer. He tells them that He speaks in parables because the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven are given to His disciples not to the people in general. He goes on to quote an Old Testament passage. First He tells them that He speaks to them in parables because:

“Though seeing, they do not see;
though hearing, they do not hear or understand.”

Then He goes on to quote from Isaiah where Isaiah says that the people hear but do not understand and see but do not perceive. Isaiah goes on to say that their hearts have become calloused, they barely listen and do not look. Otherwise they might see, hear, understand and turn and God would heal them. Neither Isaiah nor Jesus say that God did this to the people. This is something the people did to themselves. People do not see because they choose not to see. They do not hear because they choose not to hear. People do not understand because they do not want to understand. If people truly listen, look and seek to understand God’s will, they are able to do so. If they do seek to hear, see and understand God’s will, they will turn from their sins and God will heal them.
     After saying this Jesus explains the parable of the sower. He tells them that some people hear God’s word but do not understand it. When this happens, the evil one snatches it away from their hearts before it ever has an opportunity to take root. This is the seed sown on hard ground (the path), people who resist the idea of needing God. Other people hear the word and embrace it, but they never take it into the depth of their being and when trouble arises because of the word, they fall away. These are the seed sown on rocky soil, people who want everything to be easy. Still other people embrace the word but get caught up in their daily life and do not nourish the seed. The worries and concerns of their daily life choke out the seed as it grows and they do not bear fruit. This is the seed cast among the thorns. The final group are those who embrace the word and understand it. They produce a crop many times what they receive. I sincerely hope I am in that last group but I fear I am in the third. I wish to be faithful and serve God as He desires, but the various aspects of my life seem to keep distracting me. Once more I ask God to make me fruitful, to cause me to produce His fruit.

Fencers Lay On
Fencers Lay On

Psalm 17:1-15

     O Lord, I know that You hear my prayer. You test my thoughts and examine my heart. I strive to walk in your paths and follow Your commands. Help me to speak only Your words. I have seen the wonders of Your love. I offer my prayers to You because I know that You will answer.

Growing Mint Indoors
Growing Mint Indoors

Proverbs 3:33-35

     The wicked will find God opposing them and mockers will find themselves mocked, but the righteous and humble will find God on their side in all they do. The wise will be honored, while fools will be embarrassed.

January 18, 2013 Bible Study — He Who Is Not For Jesus Is Against Him

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

More Snowy Day
More Snowy Day

Genesis 37-38:30

     When Joseph was 17 he began working with his brothers tending the flocks. In particular, he worked with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, who were the servant women that Rachel and Leah had given to Jacob as wives in their competition over having children. These were the sons that Jacob had put out front when he thought Esau might be coming to extract revenge. Joseph reported on their bad behavior to Jacob (in other words he was a tattletale). To make matters worse, Jacob spoiled Joseph, giving him extravagant gifts that indicated that he favored Joseph over his brothers. This resulted in Joseph’s brothers hating him.
     It is with this background that Joseph starts telling his brothers about the dreams that he had. In one dream he saw that they were out binding grain when the sheaf he had bound stood upright while the ones his brothers had bound gathered around and bowed down to his. This infuriated his brothers because they interpreted it as Joseph ruling over them. They also interpreted it as Joseph planning to rule over them. In another dream, he saw the sun, moon and eleven stars bowing down to him. When Joseph told his father about his dream, his father rebuked him for suggesting that his father, mother and brothers would bow down before him. While Joseph’s brothers became even more jealous of Joseph, Jacob filed it away in the back of his mind.
     Some time later Jacob sent Joseph to find his brothers and see if all was well with them. It took him some time to find where they were, but when he finally found them, they saw him coming from a distance. When they saw him they conspired to kill him and tell their father that a wild animal had killed him. Reuben, the eldest, in an attempt to rescue Joseph from his other brothers, suggested that they not shed his blood. Instead Reuben suggested they just put him in one of the cisterns and let him die there. Reuben intended to return later and take Joseph to their father. His brothers liked Reuben’s idea and decided to follow it. When Joseph got to them, they stripped him of the fancy coat their father had given him and threw him in an empty cistern. While they were eating their noon meal they saw a caravan on its way to Egypt. Judah came up with the idea that rather than let Joseph die, they should sell him to the merchants. The remaining brothers agreed. When Reuben went to the cistern to rescue Joseph, he discovered he wasn’t there. Reuben went to his other brothers distraught over this. The brothers took Joseph’s fancy coat and dipped it in goat’s blood. They then took the coat to their father Jacob, told him they had found it like this and if it was “his son’s coat”. Jacob recognized the coat and went into mourning for Joseph. His remaining sons and daughters attempted to comfort him, but Jacob refused to be comforted.

Two Fencers
Two Fencers

Matthew 12:22-45

     After Jesus heals another demon possessed man, the people begin to ask if perhaps He is the Messiah. However, the Pharisees start to say that He gets the power to cast out demons from Beelzebul, the prince of demons. Jesus replies that any kingdom that is divided against itself cannot stand. If Satan drives out Satan, Satan’s kingdom would not stand. Further, if He drives out demons by the power of Beelzebul, by what power do their own people drive out demons? Jesus continues by saying that everyone who is not with Him is against Him, which is interesting because at another place Jesus says that whoever is not against Him is for Him. We tend to view these two statements as contradictory, yet these two statements tell us a lot about the nature of human reaction to Jesus. Sooner or later, everyone will take sides, either for Jesus, or against Him.
     Jesus continues by saying that if a tree is good its fruit will be good, whereas if a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad. You can tell what a person is like by what they say. What we say comes out of what is stored up in our hearts. If our hearts are full of good things, then our words will be full of good things, but if our heart is full of evil, our words will be likewise. On the day of judgment we will be held accountable by our words. Our words will either acquit us or condemn us. Based on this let us choose our words carefully.

Snow In The Fire Pit
Snow In The Fire Pit

Psalm 16:1-11

     I trust in God to Keep me safe. Every good thing in my life was given to me by God. Those who make anything other than God the center of their life will suffer ever greater loss.

Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
you make my lot secure.

I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,

God makes known to me the path I should follow and I will strive to follow it all of my days. Oh Lord help me to see the path that you have laid out before me!

I Can't Believe She Said That

Proverbs 3:27-32

     Do good to those who deserve it and act when it is within you ability to do so. Don’t procrastinate on doing good, if you have the ability to do good now, don’t put it off. Do not plot against your neighbor and don’t make baseless accusations. Do not envy or imitate the violent.

January 17, 2013 Bible Study — It Is Always Lawful To Do Good

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Amaryllis After The Flowers
Amaryllis After The Flowers

Genesis 35-36:43

     After the problems at Shechem (which were in yesterday’s passage, but I did not cover in yesterday’s blog), Jacob receives word from God to move to Bethel and settle there. Jacob is instructed that he is to build an altar when he gets to Shechem. In preparation for this, Jacob told all of his household to get rid of all of their idols, purify themselves and change clothes. Jacob tells them that this is necessary because they are going to Bethel, where he will build an altar to God, who answered him in his distress and has been with him in all his travels. The people of his household gave him all of their idols and their earrings, which Jacob then buried under the oak at Shechem. Jacob then set out with his entire household. The fear of God fell on all the surrounding peoples and Jacob and his household were allowed to leave the area in peace. When Jacob arrived at Luz (which Jacob called Bethel) he built an altar to God there.
     There is a slight discrepancy in the flow of the story here, as if the writer is stitching together two stories that don’t overlap seamlessly (one, a story of Jacob’s life up until now, with one that started telling about Jacob’s family from this point forward). God appeared to Jacob at Bethel and confirmed his name change to Israel. Jacob translates more or less as “heel” or “deceiver” (interestingly enough, there appears to be no connection between this Hebrew meaning and the 20th Century English Language idiom of using “heel” to refer to a dishonorable man) while Israel translates as “God fights”. We are not to be deceivers rather we are to be those who rely on God to fight our battles because the only battles we are in are God’s battles. I wish I could say that the only battles I get into are God’s battles.

A Snowy Day
A Snowy Day

Matthew 12:1-21

     Today we have two stories about what Jesus had to say about the Sabbath (and indirectly about following religious rules). While Jesus was walking through a grain field His disciples snapped off a few heads of grain and ate them. The Pharisees confronted Jesus because His disciples had violated the Sabbath rules against working. Jesus points out circumstances in the scripture where the “rules” were broken by those considered holy. Then He told them that their problem is that they do not understand the passage where Hosea says that God desires mercy, not sacrifice. Then Jesus continued on until He came to a synagogue which He entered. The Pharisees looked to gain a reason to bring charges against Jesus asked Him if it was legal to heal on the Sabbath. Jesus answer was that it is always lawful to do good. Jesus then told the man to stretch out his hand which was healed when the man did so.
     The Pharisees were caught up in a set of rules that they had created in order to obey the fourth commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy. However, in the process of they lost track of the core of the command. The key part of the command was not the part to do no work, the key part of the command was to keep the Sabbath holy. You keep the Sabbath holy by doing good. Let us take every opportunity to do good.


Psalm 15:1-5

     The psalmist asks, who can dwell in the presence of God? Then he answers the question. The answer is the one who speaks the truth. The one who does not slander or cast a slur on others. The one who does no wrong to their neighbor. The one who despises vile behavior. The one who keeps their promises even when it hurts. The one who lends to the poor without interest. If we act in this manner we will stand firm.

Snow On The Ground
Snow On The Ground

Proverbs 3:21-26

     The writer of this proverb tells us that if we keep our eye on wisdom and preserve sound judgment and discretion we will have no cause to fear sudden disaster. If we do these things God will be at our side.