Tag Archives: Religion

April 19, 2013 Bible Study — Triumphal Entry

     Well, I am past my one year mark on this blog. I have not yet noticed that I remember what I thought about these passages last year. I am excited about discovering what God has in store for me as I begin blogging about the passages a second time through. I hope that my writing has improved as I have gone along. I pray that God’s Spirit continues to move in me as I write this. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. The last few days the Spirit has really moved in my heart as I wrote my blog entries. I pray that He continues to do so and that I can take what the Spirit has been saying to me and put it into practice. Please pray for me on that score.
     I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for almost a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

More Magrat
More Magrat

Joshua 19-20:9

     Today’s passage describes what land was allocated to the remaining tribes of Israel. After land was allocated to all of the tribes, Joshua and the leaders of the Israelites designated cities of refuge. These were cities to which someone who accidentally killed someone could flee for safety. The local assembly of the city of refuge would try such an individual, if they found that he had indeed killed the person accidentally, to remain safe he would need to remain in the city of refuge until the death of the high priest who was serving when the accident happened (if they found that it was not an accident they would turn him over to those seeking his death). Three cities of refuge were designated west of the Jordan and additional three cities were designated in territory settled east of the Jordan.

A collection of orchids
A collection of orchids

Luke 19:28-48

     As Jesus approached Jerusalem, He sent two of His disciples into a nearby village to get a donkey for Him to ride. There are two ways to read this. One way is that Jesus knew through supernatural means that the donkey was there and that the owners would approve of Him borrowing it. The other is that Jesus had prearranged with the owners for the donkey to be there for Him to use it on this day. I see no reason to argue in favor of one reading over the other, either is consistent with what I believe about Jesus.
     Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem. The crowds gathered and turned this into a sort of parade of triumph. When they started to enter Jerusalem, Jesus’ followers began to loudly praise God and proclaim that Jesus was a king coming in the name of the Lord. The Pharisees asked Jesus to rebuke His followers. Jesus replied that if they were quiet the stones would cry out. There are a couple of things worth noting about this situation. The first is that Jesus chose to ride in on a donkey. By doing this, He was intentionally presenting the imagery from the prophets of a victorious king. He did not come in as a king preparing to go to war, rather He rode in as a king returning victorious from war. This is not new and is something many others have commented on. The second is something I have never seen mentioned before and it has never occurred to me before. The Pharisees told Jesus to quiet the crowds because they believed that the crowds were on the edge of boiling over into violent revolt against Rome (historical evidence suggest they were correct) and that this parade could easily push them over the edge. But the fact that they asked Jesus to quiet the crowd suggests that they also believed that Jesus was not planning to lead a violent revolt against Rome. This suggests that perhaps the Pharisees had heard and understood parts of Jesus’ message that most (or all) of His followers had missed. I believe that most of Jesus’ followers (including most of His close disciples) believed, at this point, that Jesus was going to overthrow Roman rule shortly (although not necessarily with military might).
     When Jesus got to the Temple, He began to drive out the merchants who were selling in the courtyard. This was a space that was supposed to be reserved for people to come and pray to God. In particular it was a place where Gentiles could come and pray, since they were not allowed to enter the Temple any further. Not only had this area been turned into a market, but it was a market where the merchants charged exorbitant fees if for no other reason than they were convenient if you needed to buy something for a sacrifice. One thing this passage suggests to me is that we must be careful to not make taking part in our worship services depend upon the financial status of those who come to take part.

Camouflaged Magrat
Camouflaged Magrat

Psalm 88:1-18

     I had to read through this psalm three times before it stopped utterly depressing me. The psalmist who wrote this was suffering from deep despair and a sense of hopelessness. He had suffered much in his life. He tells us that he had suffered from various afflictions from his youth. Yet despite all of the troubles he has faced in his life, he still has faith in God and cries out to God in his current despair. Even though he has struggled all of his life, he continues to call out to God in his time of need. I pray to God that no matter how bad things get, I will continue to cry out to Him in my time of need, that I will remember that all good things come from Him.

Lilies in bloom
Lilies in bloom

Proverbs 13:12-14

     When planning for the future and making promises to those around us, this proverb includes some good advice. When something we had hoped for does not happen when we expected but is put off until another day, it will often make us heartsick. On the other hand, when something we long for happens it brings us much joy, especially when it happens unexpectedly.
     Those who ignore instructions given by those in authority will suffer, while those who follow instructions will be rewarded. Wise advice will show people how to avoid danger, more than that, if it is truly delivered in a wise manner, people will be more likely to listen to it and turn from a dangerous course of action.

April 18, 2013 Bible Study — Seek and Save the Lost

     It was one year ago yesterday that I began this daily Bible study blog. However, that first blog I used the wrong link to the scripture passages, so today’s blog is the first one where I am blogging on the same passages for a second time. I am excited about discovering what God has in store for me as I begin blogging about the passages that I blogged about last year. I hope that my writing has improved as I have gone along. I pray that God’s Spirit continues to move in me as I write this. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. The last few days the Spirit has really moved in my heart as I wrote my blog entries. I pray that He continues to do so and that I can take what the Spirit has been saying to me and put it into practice. Please pray for me on that score.
     I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for almost a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Another close up of Magrat
Another close up of Magrat

Joshua 16-18:28

     The passage describes the borders of the land which was given to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. Some of the clans of Manasseh had been granted land east of the Jordan, so today’s passage describes only the land given to the remaining clans. Once the Israelites controlled the land, they gathered at Shiloh and set up the Tabernacle. Seven of the tribes had not yet been allotted their land. Joshua told them to send out three men from each tribe to explore and map the land. Once they returned, Joshua cast lots before God to divide the remaining land among the remaining seven tribes.

Lilies framed by an orchid
Lilies framed by an orchid

Luke 19:1-27

     As Jesus entered Jericho, there was a man named Zacchaeus who wanted to see Jesus but he was too short to see over the crowd. Zacchaeus ran a bit ahead and climbed a fig tree so that he could see over the crowd. Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector in the region and had become very wealthy from it. When Jesus came by the tree Zacchaeus was in, He told him to come down because He needed to be a guest at Zacchaeus’ house that day. The crowd was largely unhappy with Jesus’ choice because Zacchaeus was hugely unpopular and seen (probably accurately) as a sinner and traitor to his people. Zacchaeus, however, responded to Jesus’ outreach by vowing to give half of his wealth to the poor and repay anyone he cheated on their taxes back fourfold. Jesus affirmed Zacchaeus’ actions by saying that salvation had come to his house. Jesus tells the people that He came to seek and save the lost. Jesus did not just go about His life and preach to those who happened to meet. He actively sought out the lost to bring them to salvation. Do I seek out the lost to bring them to salvation?
     Jesus then tells a parable of a master who is called away to become king of a distant land. Before he leaves, he gives a sum of money to each of ten servants with instructions to put the money to work while he was away. When he returned he called the servants to give an accounting of the money they had been given. The first comes to him and tells him that he had increased the sum tenfold. The master gives him charge of ten cities in his new kingdom. A second servant comes before the master and tells him that he increased the sum five-fold. The master gives this servant charge of five cities. Another servant comes before the master and returns to him the money he had been given, telling his master that he kept it safely hidden because he knew his master would take as his own whatever he gained. The master asked this servant why he did not at least deposit the money where it could earn some interest and then took the money from him. This passage has always been a challenge to me because I feel that God has given me many gifts AND that I have failed to make the best use of them. Do I use the assets God has given me to my fullest ability to grow the Kingdom of God? Do I use the talents, material wealth and other gifts which God has given me in order to seek and save the lost? I will strive to remember that such is the purpose for which God has given these things to me.

Magrat's camouflage
Magrat’s camouflage

Psalm 87:1-7

     I read this psalm and I find two things. The first is that the psalmist is speaking of the glory of Jerusalem and how wonderful it is to live there/have been born there. However, I also read the psalm as psalm of praise about God’s great love for people. I read this psalm as a proclamation from God that He will make those who acknowledge Him “natural-born” citizens of the City of God. No matter what our start in life, if we acknowledge God He will make it as if we had always been a part of His Kingdom.

Beautiful orchids
Beautiful orchids

Proverbs 13:11

     Money earned by tricks and schemes is quickly spent. If on the other hand you work hard and build wealth slowly, you will learn the habits necessary to sustain that wealth.

April 17, 2013 Bible Study — What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?

     It was one year ago today that I began this daily Bible study blog. I am getting excited about discovering what God has in store for me as I begin blogging about the passages that I blogged about last year. I hope that my writing has improved as I have gone along. I pray that God’s Spirit continues to move in me as I write this. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. As I said, I am excited to see what difference going through these passages for the second time makes.
     I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for almost a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Another Magrat close-up
Another Magrat close-up

Joshua 15:1-63

     Today’s passage describes the territory that was assigned to the tribe of Judah, with specific mention of the land given to Caleb. The passage concludes by telling us that the tribe of Judah was unable to drive out the Jebusites who lived in Jerusalem.

Pretty lilies
Pretty lillies

Luke 18:18-43

     A man of consequence approached Jesus and asked Him what he needed to do in order to inherit eternal life. The man addressed Jesus as “Good Teacher”. Jesus asked why the man called Him good, since no one is good aside from God. I have heard different explanations as to why Jesus started His response in this manner. Considering the question which Jesus was answering, I believe that Jesus was saying that we cannot earn eternal life. After saying that, Jesus told the man that he should keep the commandments, listing do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false witness, honor your father and mother. The man proclaims that he has kept all of those. Jesus responds to that by telling the man that he still lacks one thing. The man should sell all that he owns, give it to the poor and come follow Jesus. The man was saddened by this response because he was wealthy and unwilling to part with his wealth.
     I have seen many commentaries on this passage and most of them have missed what I think is a key element to this exchange. The man was looking for something he could do as an aside to living the rest of his life the way he had been. Jesus answer was that if we want to have eternal life, we need to make following Him the central focus of our lives. It is not enough to just fit “following Jesus” or “being a Christian” in to our spare time. Following Jesus needs to be what our life is about.
     When the man turned away Jesus said, “In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” In other words, it is impossible. I have heard many preachers try and explain how He was just trying to say that it was very, very hard. Yet, the rest of the exchange seems to indicate that those who heard Him understood Him to be saying that it was impossible because they asked Him, “If this guy, who has ‘everything’ and has lived a righteous life can’t get in, how can anybody be saved?” Jesus answered them that it was indeed impossible for people to earn eternal life, but what was impossible for man was possible for God. In other words, our only hope for salvation is the grace of God.
     Peter then asks, “What about us? We gave up everything to follow You.” I have read this many times before and today I noticed something about Jesus’ answer to Peter that I never saw before. Peter said that they had given up everything to follow Jesus. Jesus told him that everyone who gave up things for the sake of the Kingdom of God would receive back even more than they gave up and eternal life. The thing I never noticed here is the motivation for having given things up. The reward was not for those who gave things up to be part of the uprising against Rome, or for those who did it to be the followers of a “Great Teacher”. The reward was for those who gave things up for the sake of the Kingdom of God. This teaching raises two questions for me. Am I willing to give up what I have to serve God? And am I giving things up to serve God, or am I doing it to be seen as righteous?

If you hadn't guessed, I like my cat
If you hadn’t guessed, I like my cat

Psalm 86:1-17

     This is a wonderful psalm. I was hoping for something that would connect to the Boston tragedy, but I think this is a good reminder that addressing all social problems begins with us as individuals turning to God in times of trouble. The place to start in dealing with tragedy is where this psalm begins:

Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer;
answer me, for I need your help.

I call out to God because I need His help. I cannot deal with the problems of this world on my own. The psalmist tells us more about how we deal with troubles.
Teach me your ways, O Lord,
that I may live according to your truth!

It is only by following God’s ways that we can experience God’s salvation from our troubles, but it is only by God’s Spirit that we can learn those ways and only by the prompting of that Spirit that we can follow them once we know them. Even after a tragedy such as Monday’s, no, especially after such a tragedy, I will praise God and give glory to His name. No other god is like Him, nor can they do the deeds He performs. He can bring healing both to the victims and the perpetrators of this tragedy.

Daffodil in bloom
Daffodil in bloom

Proverbs 13:9-10

     If we live a godly life, we will experience light and joy. If on the other hand we choose wickedness, our lives will be filled with shadows and depression.
     If we are too proud to listen to advice, we will find ourselves surrounded by dissension and strife. On the other hand, if we listen to advice, we will gain the wisdom (in particular, the wisdom to avoid conflict when possible)

April 16, 2013 Bible Study — Persistence In Prayer

     I am not quite sure what to write about the explosions in Boston yesterday, but considering the topic I listed as the title for today I think I need to say something. I will be praying for the people in Boston, but not only for the victims. The people who did this need to be struck the way that Saul was struck on the road to Damascus. I pray that God will strike them down and reach into their souls and show them how much He loves them and brings about change in their hearts. I, also pray that people everywhere see how horrible this was and turn to God, that people recognize that only God can protect us from something like this. All too often we turn to the “authorities” after a tragedy like this rather than turning to The Authority who can truly offer protection and healing.
     I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for almost a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Orchid Close up
Orchid Close up

Joshua 13-14:15

     When Joshua grew old, God described to him the lands left for the Israelites to conquer. God told Joshua that He would drive the peoples from those lands ahead of the Israelites, so Joshua should include that land as he divided the land up among the tribes. The passage goes on to describe how Moses had allotted land to some of the tribes and to tell us that Joshua and the priest Eleazar assigned lands to the rest of the tribes.
     Today’s passage concludes with the story of Caleb coming to Joshua to request his land. Caleb recounts how he was one of the spies who Moses sent into the land from Kadesh-barnea. Caleb reminds Joshua that he was the only one of the spies besides Joshua who encouraged the people to invade right away. He says that Moses promised him that he would have the lands which he had explored as his part of the mission. Caleb asserted that, at 85, he was as strong and able to travel and fight as he was when he went on the spy mission and 40 years of age. Joshua heard Caleb’s petition, blessed him and gave him the Hebron as his portion of land.
     All too often today, some of us think we are too old to do much, yet here was Caleb, at 85, requesting permission to go forth and conquer the land which had been promised to him. Joshua was no younger than Caleb, so that means that Joshua was around 80 years of age when he took over from Moses as leader of the Israelites. Moses himself was around 80 years of age when God appeared to him in the burning bush. When God comes to us with a task, we should not think that we are too old for that task.

Daffodils in a vase
Daffodils in a vase

Luke 18:1-17

     Jesus told His disciples a story about a widow who was seeking justice. The judge from whom she needed a ruling was corrupt and had no concern for justice, public opinion or righteousness. The judge initially ignored the widow’s request. However, the widow did not give up, she continued to come to the judge and pled for justice. Eventually the judge got tired of her pleas and granted her justice to get her to stop bothering him. Jesus tells us that we should cry out to God day and night for relief from our troubles and that God will give us justice quickly. Then Jesus says something that appears to be a non sequitur (I don’t think that it is, I just don’t see how it fits). He asks, “But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?” When He returns, will He find that you and I have faith?
     Jesus then tells another story, one which tells us quite a bit about how we should view sin and those around us. He tells of two men who went to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee (who in the view of those of the day would have been considered an exemplar of righteousness) the other was a tax collector (who in the view of the day was the prototypical sinner). The Pharisee stood by himself and thanked God that he was such a righteous man, recounting all of the things he did to serve God. The tax collector, on the other hand, stood with his head down, beat his breast in remorse, acknowledging that he had no righteousness and crying out to God for mercy. Do we come before God recognizing that we are sinners? Or are we confident in our “righteousness”? Jesus tells us that it is the one who acknowledges his sin before God who returns home justified. Let us humble ourselves before God so that He may raise us up, rather than exalt ourselves so that He needs to humble us.

Helping my mother-in-law pack some stuff up
Helping my mother-in-law pack some stuff up

Psalm 85:1-13

     This is a wonderful song of hope and pleading with God. The psalmist requests that God “restore us again” and “revive us again”. I will echo the psalmist’s plea. I ask that God restore me again and revive me again. That He brings me back into a right relationship with Him. But more than that I ask that He do the same for those who seek to worship Him throughout the world. Restore us, revive us dear God, not just me, but all who call on Your name. Show us Your unfailing love.
     But there is more to what the psalmist says. After asking God to grant us His salvation, the psalmist says that he will listen carefully to what God has to say. He also asks God to not allow His people to return to their foolish ways. I desire to make that my prayer. Dear Lord, do not allow me to return to my foolish ways. I know that I tend towards doing sin and I request that You guide my steps away from such foolishness.

Tending a fire in the fire pit
Tending a fire in the fire pit

Proverbs 13:7-8

     Today’s proverb tells us that some who are poor pretend to be rich, while some who are rich pretend to be poor. Then the writer warns us of the danger of pretending to be rich. The writer tells us that there are dangers that result from being perceived as wealthy and the rich may be able to ransom themselves from that danger. But if someone who is poor faces such danger, they will be unable to escape it if they are perceived as wealthy. It is better to be rich and pretend to be poor than poor and pretend to be rich.

April 15, 2013 Bible Study –The Kingdom Of God Is In Our Midst

     I am approaching the one year mark of doing this daily Bible study blog. I am getting excited about discovering what God has in store for me as I begin blogging about the passages that I blogged about last year. I am debating if I am going to go back and read what I wrote last year to compare it to what I write this year. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. As I said, I am excited to see what difference going through these passages for the second time makes.
     I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for almost a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Magrat in camouflage
Magrat in camouflage

Joshua 11-12:24

     After Joshua and the Israelites defeated and subdued the southern region, the kings of the northern region united to attack them. Joshua mobilized the Israelites and marched against the northern kings, while their armies were still camped at their initial muster point. The Israelites surprised the northern kings and defeated their armies decisively. The Israelites then went on to conquer the cities, completely destroying their populations.When Joshua finished this campaign, the Israelites controlled all of the land except for some Philistine cities on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea (at least that is how this passage reads to me) and the land had rest from war. It is interesting to note that after defeating Jericho and Ai, Joshua only attacked those who either first attacked Israel’s allies (the Gibeonites) or gathered their armies to attack Israel.

Magrat goes exploring
Magrat goes exploring

Luke 17:11-37

     As Jesus reached the border between Galilee and Samaria on His way to Jerusalem, He met ten lepers. The lepers begged Jesus to heal them. Jesus responded by telling them to go and show themselves to the priests (as the Law of Moses required of lepers who had been healed). As the lepers followed Jesus’ instruction and went to show themselves to the priests, they were cleansed of their leprosy. One of them, upon noticing that he was healed, returned to Jesus and fell at His feet praising God. This one was a Samaritan. Jesus notes that only one out the ten returned to praise God and that one was a Samaritan. He asked where the other nine were? The question I need to ask myself is this, am I the one or the nine?
     Some Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come? Jesus’ answer is intriguing. He tells them that the Kingdom of God is not coming with signs that can be observed (I think the New American Standard Version does the best job of translating this in a way that is understandable). Jesus tells them that we will not be able to say about the Kingdom of God, “Here it is,” or “It is over there.” He tells us instead that the Kingdom of God is in our midst. When I read what Jesus says here, it reminds me of earlier passages where He compares it to yeast. The Kingdom of God is in our midst and is (or should be) permeating all aspects of society. I think that to some degree the problems in our society resulted from Christians forgetting that they were the yeast permeating the dough and began to think that we were the dough.
     Jesus goes on to tell His disciples that the time will come when they will long to see His coming. People will proclaim that the Messiah is “Over here,” or “Over there.” But we should not believe them because when Jesus returns, it will be like a flash of lightning that lights up the sky from one end to the other. When I read that description I think about the incredibly bright lightning bolts that happen every once in awhile, the ones where even if your eyes are closed you see the flash. Jesus goes on to tell us that just like in times past when the day of judgment arrived (the Flood and what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah) people will be going about their lives with no thought to the coming judgment when it will arrive suddenly. No one in the time of Noah missed the coming of the Flood, no one in Sodom and Gomorrah missed the coming of the day of judgment on those cities. In the same way, when Jesus returns, no one will miss it.

What's over there?
What’s over there?

Psalm 84:1-12

     I strive to fully share the sentiments the psalmist expresses in this psalm. I want to do this every hour of every day:

With my whole being, body and soul,
I will shout joyfully to the living God.

And I do believe that this is true:
A single day in your courts
is better than a thousand anywhere else!
I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God
than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.

There are times when I forget but God reminds me before I go completely off of the rails. It is truly better to be a lowly servant in the house of God, than a mighty ruler anywhere else.

Magrat up close
Magrat up close

Proverbs 13:5-6

     I like the NIV’s translation of today’s proverb: “The righteous hate what is false,…” A short time back I realized that the way to read proverbs like today’s is as a method for judging myself. Do I hate what is false? Or do I revel in deception and guile? If the former, I am being transformed into God’s likeness. If the latter, I am on the path to shame and destruction.

April 14, 2013 Bible Study — The Way To Build My Faith

     I am approaching the one year mark of doing this daily Bible study blog. I am getting excited about discovering what God has in store for me as I begin blogging about the passages that I blogged about last year. I am debating if I am going to go back and read what I wrote last year to compare it to what I write this year. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. As I said, I am excited to see what difference going through these passages for the second time makes.
     I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for almost a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Magrat suns herself on a rock
Magrat suns herself on a rock

Joshua 9:3-10:43

     After the defeat of Ai, the people of Gibeon resorted to deception to protect themselves. They sent out a delegation with worn out sacks and old wine-skins. The delegation took along food that was stale and moldy. The delegation went to where the Israelites were camped and requested to make a treaty. When Joshua asked where they were from, they claimed to be from a distant country. They told the Israelites that when they set out their bread was fresh from the oven and their wine-skins were new. The Israelites examined their provisions, but did not consult with God. Joshua made a peace treaty with the Gibeonites and the leaders of the people took an oath supporting that treaty. Three days after making the treaty the Israelites discovered that the Gibeonites actually lived nearby. The Israelites marched to where the Gibeonites lived, but did not attack them. The people were angry with the leaders for making a treaty with the Gibeonites.
     Joshua asked the Gibeonites why they had lied to the Israelites about where they were from. They replied that they had been clearly told that God had given the land to the Israelites and promised to wipe out all of its inhabitants before them. The Gibeonites said that they were in fear for their lives. The Gibeonites agreed to be servants to the Israelites in return for their lives.
     When the other kings in the region learned that the Gibeonites had allied with the Israelites, they mustered their armies and set out to attack the Gibeonites. The Gibeonites sent word to Joshua asking for assistance against the attack. Joshua mustered the Israelite army and marched all night to the Gibeonites aid. When the Israelites struck the armies attacking the Gibeonites those armies were thrown into confusion and were defeated. The armies of Israel’s enemies fled from the battlefield and the Israelites pursued them. The passage tells us that Joshua requested that the sun stand still while they defeated these armies and that God granted his request.
     As the armies fled from the Israelites, the kings that had been leading them hid in a cave. Joshua ordered that stones be rolled in front of the cave, blocking the entrance. This was done and the Israelites pursued the armies until the few survivors reached their fortified cities. Joshua and the Israelites then returned and brought the kings out of the cave in which they had his. Joshua had the people of Israel execute the kings. After this, Joshua began a campaign in which he systematically defeated and subdued the entire southern region of the land.

Hyacinth in bloom
Hyacinth in bloom

Luke 16:19-17:10

     Jesus followed up on his parables and stories from yesterday’s passage with the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. In this parable there was a rich man who lived in luxury and wanted for nothing. At his gates lay a poor man named Lazarus who was covered in sores. Lazarus longed for the scraps from the rich man’s table while the dogs would come and lick his sores. Jesus was drawing a picture of one man who lived a life of utter ease and luxury and another man who lived a life of complete misery and degradation. Finally the two men died. Lazarus was carried to Abraham’s side by angels, while the rich man entered into torment. The rich man saw Abraham in the distance with Lazarus and asked Abraham to send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and place it on the rich man’s tongue to ease some of his suffering. Abraham replied that in life, Lazarus had suffered and the rich man been comfortable so now the reverse was happening. Besides even if he wanted to, there was a chasm keeping Lazarus from bringing aid to the rich man. The rich man then asked Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers so that they would not come to the same fate. Abraham replied that Moses and the prophets had given them sufficient warning. The rich man replied that that was not enough, but if someone came from the dead they would listen to him. Abraham answered that if they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen even if someone rose from the dead.
     There is so much in this parable that strikes close to home for me considering the life of luxury that I have lived by virtue of being an American. I have always felt somewhat convicted by this parable to attempt to do more to help those who are suffering. However, today I noticed something I do not remember noticing before, the end of the parable. I believe that Jesus was very specifically addressing the way many people would reject His message even after He rose from the dead.
     Jesus then teaches the disciples about temptation, forgiveness and building up our faith. First He tells them that temptation will come. We will face things that will cause us to stumble in our walk with God. However, this does not absolve those who cause this stumbling from liability. Jesus tells us that we should watch our actions because it would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone around our necks than to cause one of His followers to stumble. Jesus then tells us that when our brother (or sister) sins against us we should point out their sin and if they repent, forgive them. And we are not to forgive them just once, even if they sin against us seven times a day (or more), if they repent we are to forgive them (every day). His disciples responded to this teaching by asking Him to increase their faith. Jesus responded by telling them if they have faith no bigger than a mustard seed, they could tell a tree to be uprooted and cast into the sea and it would obey them. He then tells them that we should not expect to rest from our labors and be rewarded (although elsewhere He tells us that such will happen). Rather when we have completed the tasks set before us by God we should say that we are unworthy servants who have but done our duty. We should serve God, not to receive a reward, but because that is our duty as His servants. When we have finished a ministry which God has given us, we should look for the next task that He has for us rather than saying, “O good, now I can rest.” We can rest when we get to heaven. I have read this passage many times. Today is the first time I noticed that this was Jesus’ answer to the disciples request for more faith. Jesus tells us the way to getting more faith is to realize that serving God is merely our duty and as soon as we finish one task God has given us, look for the next one.

Another hyacinth in bloom
Another hyacinth in bloom

Psalm 83:1-18

     I read this psalm and it reads as if it was written today. It calls on God to be quiet no longer. His enemies are raising an uproar. They are arrogant and plotting to wipe out Israel. The psalmist points out that all the peoples living around Israel are plotting its destruction and the destruction of its people. The psalmist calls on God to rise up and do to those plotting against Israel what He had done to Israel’s enemies in the past. The psalmist calls on God to show His power so that those who were plotting against Israel would learn that He alone was God and supreme over all of the earth.
     I am hesitant to apply Old Testament prophecies to today because I just do not know enough to understand what God’s plan for today is in such matters. I am lucky to be able to see how something that has already happened fits into God’s plan let alone see how His plan will shape the future. Nevertheless, I know that God’s plan will shape the future. When I read this psalm I see one of two futures. In the first, Jesus will return in His full glory in my lifetime. In the second, I see God fulfilling the request of the psalmist. I see God humiliating Israel’s neighbors and showing them His power. Either Jesus will return very soon, or the Muslim world (with many other nations as allies) is going to attack Israel and suffer a massive defeat, a defeat that will be hard to explain strictly on the basis of relative military might. One way or another God will show His power for all the world to see (although many will still choose to ignore it).

Rose bush puts out spring leaves
Rose bush puts out spring leaves

Proverbs 13:4

     Those who are lazy desire many things, but get few of them. While those who work hard prosper.

April 13, 2013 Bible Study — Are We Shrewd Managers?

     I am approaching the one year mark of doing this daily Bible study blog. I am getting excited about discovering what God has in store for me as I begin blogging about the passages that I blogged about last year. I am debating if I am going to go back and read what I wrote last year to compare it to what I write this year. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. As I said, I am excited to see what difference going through these passages for the second time makes.
     I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for almost a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Speaking with the neighbor lady
Speaking with the neighbor lady

Joshua 7:16-9:2

     The next morning Joshua brought the tribes before him and Judah was selected. Then he had the clans of Judah brought before him and one was selected. Then the families of that clan and finally the individual members of the family that was selected. The man Achan was singled out. When Joshua confronted Achan, Achan confessed to taking some silver coins, a gold bar and a robe from Babylon. He had hidden these under his tent. The Israelites went to his tent and found the items just as he had said. The Israelites took all of Achan’s possessions and destroyed them and executed Achan for violating the command of God.
     After cleansing the people of the sin of Achan, Joshua led the entire fighting force of Israel against Ai. Joshua divided his forces and sent one group around to the other side of Ai to hide and wait in ambush. He then took the main force up towards the main gate. When the forces of Ai came out Joshua had his force flee as if it was defeated just like the previous time. When the forces of Ai pursued them away from the city, Joshua signaled for the ambush force to attack the city. The ambush force entered the city and burned it to the ground. The armies of Ai were disheartened when they saw the smoke from the city. At that point Joshua stopped retreating and attacked the forces of Ai, killing all of them.
     After destroying the city of Ai, Joshua built an altar on Mount Ebal. Joshua copied the instructions that God had given Moses onto the stones of the altar. When he had completed this, Joshua divided the people of Israel into two groups. One group he placed on Mount Ebal, the other group on Mount Gerizim. He placed the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant between them. Joshua then had the groups follow the instructions which Moses had givenfor blessing and cursing the people of Israel. Joshua then read all of the commands which Moses had written in the Book of Instruction to the entire assembly of the people.

Orchids at the front of the auditorium on Sunday
Orchids at the front of the auditorium on Sunday

Luke 16:1-18

     Having told the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost(prodigal) son to the crowds, Jesus tells a story to His disciples. The story is about a manager who has been misusing his boss’ money. The boss found it out and called the manager to a meeting to account for his management. The manager realized that he would be fired and did not want to end up doing manual labor or as a beggar. Jesus tells us that the manager decided to make it so that people would be grateful to him. He called in his boss’ debtors and reduced the amount they owed by a large amount. Jesus told His disciples that the people of this world are more shrewd at dealing with other people of the world than are the people of the light. We should use our wealth to benefit others so that when our worldly resources are gone we will be welcomed into heavenly homes. We should use our worldly resources to serve God’s purposes.
     Jesus then says something that is very challenging to me. He says that if we have done poorly in managing the minor matter of the worldly wealth God has given us, why would God trust us with things of heavenly import? I have done a poor job of managing my money. I am striving to improve and pray continually for God’s guidance, but I have gotten myself into a difficult position which requires more stringent control over my impulses than would have been necessary if I had restrained myself earlier. We cannot serve two masters. We must choose to either serve God or material wealth. I strive to be a servant of God and not of material wealth, but I have allowed myself to get into a position where I need to spend more concern for my material well-being than I would like. I continue to strive to manage my money according to God’s will for me and have faith that He will give me guidance and provide for my needs, but it is a struggle I face every day.

Midge's tulips
Midge’s tulips

Psalm 82:1-8

     God sits in judgment over those who rule. He asks them how long they will continue to render unjust judgments that favor the wicked? God will bring judgment against those who fail to defend the weak and the fatherless, who fail to uphold the rights of the poor and the oppressed. Those whom God has granted power on this earth must rescue poor and oppressed from the grasp of the wicked. IF they do not, they will face God’s judgment. As I read this psalm this morning, it reminds me of the trial of Dr. Gosnell, the abortionist who performed abortions for years, coldly murdering those infants which survived his attempts to kill them in the womb and causing the death or injury to many of the women who came to his clinic. He even forced an abortion on one young woman who changed her mind after entering his clinic. All the while, those who claimed they want abortion to be “safe, legal and rare” looked the other way. Who is weaker than the unborn and newly born? Yet those who hold power on this earth can not be bothered to protect them. God will rise up and hold those persons to account. He granted them power on this earth and they failed to use it to bring justice to the poor, the weak and the fatherless. O Lord show me where you have granted me the power to bring justice to those who are powerless.

Magrat on the walk
Magrat on the walk

Proverbs 13:2-3

     Wise words will lead us to be well fed, but those who are treacherous seek violence (or perhaps one should read this as saying that those who enjoy violence are treacherous). Those who watch what they say live long and prosperous lives. Speaking rashly will lead to ruin.
     This proverb comes as a timely reminder for me as I have a meeting with my boss over an issue where I became angry in response to his actions. This reminds me to choose my words with care and let the Spirit of God guide my actions.

April 12, 2013 Bible Study — Are We Seeking The Lost Sheep?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Hyacinth blooming
Hyacinth blooming

Joshua 5-7:15

     When word spread among the peoples living in the land of Canaan that the Israelites had crossed the Jordan on dry ground the people living there became paralyzed with fear. The passage tells us that Joshua had to have all of the men circumcised because the Israelites had not circumcised those who were born while they were in the wilderness. They camped on the plains of Jericho until they were all healed. Then they celebrated Passover and the feast of unleavened bread.
     God instructed Joshua that the Israelites were to march around Jericho once a day for six days with the priests blowing the horns. On the seventh day they were to march around the city seven times with the priests blowing the horns and at the end of the seventh circuit all of the people were to shout loudly. Joshua followed this command, instructing the people to not speak a word until he commanded them to shout. Joshua further instructed the people to destroy everything in the city not made from metal. The objects made from metal were to be kept for the treasury for the Lord’s House. They were to kill everyone in the city except for Rahab’s family. On the seventh day when the Israelites completed the seventh circuit of the city and gave a loud shout, the walls of Jericho collapsed. The Israelites rushed in and completely destroyed the city.
     However, one man kept for himself some of the items which were supposed to be dedicated to God. As a result when Joshua sent a force against the city of Ai, the men of Ai routed the Israelites. Joshua and the other leaders of the Israelites prostrated themselves before God. God told Joshua that someone had stolen items that were to be dedicated to God and instructed Joshua to have the people of Israel spend a day of preparation. Then he was to have the people of Israel present themselves by tribe. God would point out which tribe the miscreant belonged to. That tribe would present itself by clans, then the guilty clan by family and then each member of the guilty family. Once the guilty party had been identified, he and all of his possessions needed to be destroyed.

Magrat watches something move
Magrat watches something move

Luke 15:1-32

     Tax collectors and other sinners came to listen to Jesus teach. The Pharisees began to criticize Him for associating with them. This led Jesus to tell several parables. The first one was about a shepherd who lost one of his sheep. The shepherd will leave the 99 other sheep and go searching for his lost sheep. When he finds it he will react with joy and call his friends and neighbors to celebrate with him. His second parable is about a woman who loses one of ten coins and puts a tremendous amount of effort into finding it. Again she will call her friends and neighbors to celebrate with her when she does find it. Reading these parables I ask myself two questions. The first is, am I working as hard as the people in these two parables to find those who are lost and attempting to bring them home? The second question is just as important, do I celebrate when one of the lost finds their way home? Not just, “Yay, good for you!” but call all my friends and have a parade down main street. OK, maybe not a parade down main street, but we as Christians should be as excited about someone coming to know the Lord as we are when our home town team wins a championship. Does our congregation react to a new Christian the way a city reacts to its baseball team winning the World Series?
     Or, are we more like the older brother in Jesus’ third parable? The third parable in today’s passage is thoroughly familiar to most of us. It is the parable of the prodigal son. The story is basic. The younger of two sons asks his father to give him his inheritance while his father was still alive. By doing this the son was saying that he wished his father was dead. He wanted his independence and his freedom, but he also wanted a share of the wealth that his father had accumulated. The father granted his son’s request and the son went off to live his life as he saw fit. This soon led to the end one should expect of such decisions. The young man had wasted all of his resources and had failed to develop any skills to acquire more. He ended up working for people who treated him terribly. He realized that his father treated even the hired hands better than his current employers treated him and decided to go home and beg his father to give him a job. He vowed to throw himself on his father’s mercy and beg his forgiveness. But on his way home his father was watching for him and saw him long before he got there. His father rushed out to greet him and before the young man realized what was happening his father was hugging him and welcoming him home. The son told his father that he recognized what a bad son he was and that he did not deserve to be treated as a son any longer. The father ignored the son’s protestations and called for his servants to clean the young man up and dress him in fine clothes. Then the father called for a feast.
     This raises several points. Do we recognize how badly we have treated God? Do we recognize how completely undeserving of God’s love we are? The son went looking for his father, but long before he got there his father came and found him. That is how God treats us. When we were lost and began searching, long before we understood what we were looking for, God came out and found us.
     But the story goes on. When the older brother found out that his brother had returned, he did not celebrate with his father. Rather, he was resentful of his father expending resources on his brother. Before we get too judgmental of the older brother let us look at things from his point of view. His younger brother had caused his father immense pain. The older brother had seen his father looking out over the fields to see if his younger brother was coming home. He had seen his father grieve for the loss of his son. He had worked even harder to make up to his father for his brother’s mistreatment of him. Then when his brother comes back after all of this time, his father not only welcomes him back as if nothing had happened, but throws a lavish party for him, something the older brother had never experienced. All too often we sit in judgment of the older brother without thinking that Jesus never tells us how he responded when his father explained why it was appropriate to throw a party for the younger brother. I think that was deliberate. Jesus was telling us that it was natural to feel the resentment that the older brother felt. The question is, how do we respond when our Father explains to us why He is throwing a party? Do we continue to sulk? Or do we recognize our Father’s joy and join Him in celebrating our brother’s return? I pray that I always celebrate with God when one of His prodigal sons (or daughters) return to Him.

Magrat on a rock
Magrat on a rock

Psalm 81:1-16

     The psalmist calls on us to praise God for all the good He has done for us. He tells us that God has offered to lift the burdens from our shoulders and ease the difficulties of the tasks we need to accomplish. When we cry out to Him He will save us (and He has done so in the past). If we refuse to bow to other gods, listen to God and follow His ways, He will subdue our enemies and provide us with the finest food. I will praise God and strive to follow His paths in all parts of my life.

Hyacinth bloom
Hyacinth bloom

Proverbs 13:1

     Those who are wise accept discipline and listen to instruction, but fools mock those who rebuke their bad behavior. Let me always listen to those who confront me about my flaws and strive to correct my behavior. Let me not attempt to justify my failures and mock those who choose to treat others well.

April 11, 2013 Bible Study — Will We Accept God’s Invitation To The Feast?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Hyacinth begins to bloom
Hyacinth begins to bloom

Joshua 3-4:24

     When the time came for them to cross the Jordan River, Joshua instructed the people of Israel to purify themselves. The following morning, at God’s command, Joshua had the priests take the Ark of the Covenant and walk into the Jordan River. As soon as the priests carrying the Ark entered the Jordan River the water stopped flowing from a point upstream of where they entered. The rest of the water continued flowing into the Dead Sea until the Israelites could cross the Jordan River on dry ground. The priests stopped in the middle of the Jordan River while the rest of the Israelites crossed over. Once all of the Israelites had crossed the river, Joshua had twelve men, one from each tribe, go to where the priests were standing and get a stone from the riverbed. They took theses stones and used them to build a memorial of the crossing. The people of Israel stood in awe of Joshua for the faith he showed, and the power God exercised on his behalf, when they crossed the Jordan. When all of the Israelites had crossed the river, Joshua had the priests come out of the Jordan. As soon as the priests left the riverbed and stood on high ground the river began flowing once more. The passage points out that this occurred when the Jordan River was at flood stage.
     It is worth noting that stones from a riverbed look different from stones that have not been in a riverbed. The flow of water over the stones smooths and rounds them, giving them a distinct appearance. This is why the memorial that Joshua had built would have been distinctive.

Magrat by the crocus
Magrat by the crocus

Luke 14:7-35

     Today’s passage takes up with Jesus at a feast at a Pharisee’s house (it is worth noting that despite His many teachings against the hypocrisy of Pharisees, Jesus associated with them). Jesus took note of the fact that everyone was trying to sit in the seats of honor near the head of the table. Jesus tells them that they should not take the seats of honor because it would be terribly embarrassing if the host comes to them and asks them to move because someone more distinguished has come. Rather they should seat themselves at the seat of lowest honor that way they will receive even more honor when the host comes and tells them in front of everyone to move to a better seat. Jesus then turned to His host and told him that when he holds a meal, he should not invite his friends, family and rich neighbors who will invite him back. Rather he should invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind. If he does the latter God will reward him.
     I believe that both of these lessons are for us. We should not honor ourselves. Rather we should live our lives with humility and let others honor us, if and when we are deserving of honor. If we do not receive the honor we deserve in from our fellow man, we will receive it from God. The second lesson is that we should use our resources to help those who have less than we do.
     Someone then called out to Jesus that those who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God were blessed. Jesus used this as the springboard to tell a parable about someone who announced a feast and invited many guests. However, when the time for the banquet arrived the invited guests all presented excuses as to why they could not come. When the man who was throwing the feast heard that his invited guests could not come, he sent his servants out to invite the poor, the sick, the crippled and the lame to his feast. When this was done his servants told him there was still room. So he sent his servants out onto the roads and the byways to compel whoever they could find to come to his feast, but those he had originally invited would not get to taste of the feast.
     There was a part of this parable that I had never noticed before. We all know the part where the original guests offer excuses and refuse to attend the banquet. And most of us know the part where the Master sends out invitations to the poor, the crippled, the sick, the blind and the lame. What I never noticed before is that after inviting those unfortunates, the Master still had room. It was then that He sent out His servants to compel others to attend His feast. The unfortunates are the ones whom God invites first to His feast. It is only after they have all been seated and there is still room that He invited those who were not such unfortunates received an invitation. This is the model we should use when preaching the gospel. We should preach the gospel to the unfortunates of this world and invite them to God’s bountiful table, we should do our best to provide for their needs from the bounty which God has given us. Our ministry to those who are well-off in this world should be a product, an after effect of our ministry to the unfortunates. This is a difficult thing for me to express correctly. It is not that God loves the well-off less, it is just that we should focus our ministry on those who cannot pay us back.
     Finally in today’s passage Jesus tells us that there is a cost to following Him. He tells us that we should look at that cost before we start the journey and recognize the price we will have to pay. Then He makes a statement that many people have trouble understanding. “Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again?” If we as Christians do not live any differently than those around us, what is the point of us being Christians?

Another shot of the crocus in bloom
Another shot of the crocus in bloom

Psalm 80:1-19

     This psalm is a cry for God to restore His people, to listen to their prayers. For me the key phrase is this:

Turn us again to yourself, O God.
Make your face shine down upon us.
Only then will we be saved.

It is only when God turns us back to Him and away from sin that we can be saved. I read that and think about the way that plants turn themselves to the sun when it shines down on them. In the same way, we need God’s face to shine down on us and we need to turn toward Him when He does so.

Magrat behind some forsythia
Magrat behind some forsythia

Proverbs 12:27-28

     I read this proverb and it reminds me of a trip I made with some friends many years ago. We were going up to a cabin in a remote area for an extended weekend. On the way, the car in front of us hit and killed a deer. The people in that car did not want the deer, so my friends, who were hunters, dressed the deer and took it along with us. When we got to the cabin, we butchered the deer (after contacting the state Game Commission). However, my one friend was angry with the others because they cut the best cuts out of the deer to cook and left the rest of the meat for him to cut up. I helped as much as I could, but not being a hunter myself I had little experience with butchering a deer. The thing I learned from that was the importance of preparing all of something at once or losing the opportunity. My friends who cut out just the good cuts they wanted to cook at that moment are like the lazy people in this proverb. My other friend was like the diligent. He made use of everything that was available to him from this chance opportunity. The diligent friend has done well with his life despite many struggles. The lazy friends have since ended up in jail.
     I will strive to be diligent and make use of every opportunity for good that God sends my way (whether that is good meat or the opportunity to witness to others).

April 10, 2013 Bible Study — Enter Through the Narrow Door

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Crocus blooms
Crocus blooms

Deuteronomy 34:1-12

     After giving his final instructions to the people of Israel, Moses went up to the top of Mount Nebo. From there God allowed him to see the entire land that He was giving the people of Israel. Moses died there and was buried. The passage tells us that no one today knows where Moses body was buried. The Hebrew is unclear as to who buried Moses body. Many have interpreted it to mean that God buried Moses’ body, thus explaining why no one knew where he was buried, but the literal translation is “He buried him in Moab” or “He was buried in Moab.” The passage tells us that even though Moses was 120 years old, his eyesight was still good and his body strong at the time if his death.
     The Spirit of God rested on Joshua and he took over leading the people of Israel after Moses’ death.

Magrat on the porch
Magrat on the porch

Joshua 1-2:24

     When the time of morning for Moses was complete, God spoke to Joshua. God told Joshua to be strong and courageous and to study the Book of Instruction which Moses had written, which contained God’s commands for the people of Israel. God told Joshua that if he followed those commands he would be prosperous and successful in all that he did. If we follow God’s commands, we will prosper and be successful in all that we do.
     Joshua then commanded the leaders of the people of Israel to prepare to begin the invasion of the land which God would give them. He went to the tribes which had been given land to the east of the Jordan River and reminded them of their promise to help the other tribes conquer the lands on the other side of the Jordan River. Those tribes reaffirmed their commitment and promised to obey Joshua’s commands.
     Joshua secretly sent two spies to investigate the land around Jericho. They went and stayed at the house of Rahab, a prostitute. The king of Jericho found out about them and sent to Rahab ordering her to bring them forth. Rahab told the king’s men that the spies had left just before the gates closed at dusk. In the meantime, she had hidden the two spies. The king’s men set out in pursuit of the spies. Rahab then went to the spies and requested that they promise to spare her life and that of her family. They made such a promise and instructed her to tie a scarlet cord out the window through which she let them out of the city. In addition, they told her to make sure that all of her family stayed in her house when the Israelites invaded. If she followed these instructions, they promised to preserve the life of her and her family. Rahab let the two spies down outside the walls and tied the scarlet cord to the window. The spies hid out for three days and then returned to Joshua.

When will our tulips bloom?
When will our tulips bloom?

Luke 13:22-14:6

     While Jesus was teaching someone asked Him if only a few would be saved. He answered that we should make every effort to enter through the narrow door because many would try but few would be able. The time will come when it will be too late to enter. After that many will come and knock on the door crying out for the door to be opened, but will be told that He does not know them. There will be those who took their admittance for granted, who assumed that they would get in because of who they were, or who their parents were. But because they did not take action and enter when the door was open to them, their place in God’s kingdom will be taken by others. Jesus goes on to say that many who seem unimportant now will prove to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and many who seem important now, will prove to be unimportant in the kingdom of heaven. We should act to be acknowledged by God, not by our fellow-man.
     Some Pharisees came to Jesus and warned Him that He should go into hiding because Herod wanted to kill Him. Jesus responded that He would continue His ministry until it was complete and that He would be killed in Jerusalem. He continues to say that He longed to gather Jerusalem under His protection, but the people were not willing.
     One Sabbath when Jesus was eating in the house of a prominent Pharisee there was a very sick man present. Jesus turned to the Pharisees and teachers of the law that were present and asked them if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath. They did not answer His question (probably being aware of His previous teachings on this subject and afraid of looking bad in front of others for being unable to present a good argument against Him, but not being willing to agree either). Jesus then turned to the man and healed him, telling the Pharisees that if a child or a cow fell into a pit on the Sabbath, they would get it out.

Daffodils blowing in the wind
Daffodils blowing in the wind

Psalm 79:1-13

     The psalmist cries out to God for salvation. He acknowledges that they are suffering as a result of the sins of their ancestors. He acknowledges that he has sinned and asks God for forgiveness. He asks God for help, not because of his own worthiness but in order to bring glory to God’s name. I will call out to God to act in my life so as to bring glory and honor to His name. I will seek to order my life so that those around me will see that the good that comes to me is a credit to the glory and honor of God. When I experience good things I will praise God and honor His name.

More daffodils blowing in the wind
More daffodils blowing in the wind

Proverbs 12:26

     I really like the NIV translation of this proverb:

The righteous choose their friends carefully,
but the way of the wicked leads them astray.

It is important to choose our friends wisely because godly friends will help us to live godly lives, while if all of our friends are wicked they will lead us astray. But more than that, I will strive to be a godly friend who gives my friends advice that leads to righteousness.