Tag Archives: Religion

September 22, 2013 Bible Study — God Loved Us Before He Created the Universe

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 39-41:16

     When Hezekiah recovered from his illness, the king of Babylon sent emissaries with a gift to wish him well. In his pleasure at the kind gesture, Hezekiah proudly showed the emissaries all the treasures of Jerusalem. Isaiah came to Hezekiah after they left and prophesied that all of the treasures in Hezekiah’s palace would be carried off by the Babylonians and Hezekiah’s own sons would be taken into captivity there. Hezekiah responded that this prophecy was good because it said that he would have peace for the rest of his life.
     Next is a transition from an historical account back to purely prophetic writings. Here is the passage that John the Baptist said spoke of his coming, but in a way it is also instruction for us. We are to clear the way for God, getting rid of the rubble and debris in our lives that obstruct Him acting through us. We are to be messengers for God, telling the people around us that God is coming. Indeed, He is already here among us.
     What, or who, can we compare God to? He is so much greater than all we can see, that there is nothing that can possibly be an adequate representation of what God is like. The entire world and everything in it is insignificant compared to God and His magnificence. Even if we were capable of gifting the entire Earth to God, it would amount to nothing compared to what He is and has. God will strengthen the weak and powerless. Then at the end of chapter 40 is the basis of one of my favorite hymns.

they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.(KJV)

Unfortunately the song is still under copyright or I would post the lyrics here. It was written by Stuart Hamblen and I will echo a piece from the refrain: Teach me, Lord to wait
Down on my knees
Till in your own good time
You will answer my pleas.
If we learn to do this, God will say to us, “You are my servant. I have called you from the ends of the earth. Do no be afraid for I am with you.” I will wait.



Ephesians 1:1-23

     In today’s passage Paul gives a primer on the Christian faith. Paul wrote that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing because we are united with Christ. God loved and chose us to be holy and blameless in his eyes even before He created the universe. At that time He determined to adopt us as heirs through Jesus Christ. He did this because it was what He desired and it gave Him pleasure to do so. We are redeemed, and our sins are forgiven, through the blood of Christ. God made known to us His plan by giving us the wisdom and understanding to comprehend it. This plan is to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ in due time.
     God’s purpose was that those who first came to know His message through Christ would bring praise and glory to God. Now that we who were not there at the start have heard the Gospel message, we have been included in those same blessings and purpose. When we believed we were marked with the seal that is the Holy Spirit. God did all of this so that we could and would praise and glorify Him.
     From the first moment that he heard about the Ephesian believers faith and love for God’s people, Paul had been praying for them. He asked that God give them wisdom and revelation through the Holy Spirit so that they might fully know the hope to which God has called us and His great power.


     There are some wonderful things in Paul’s teachings here. He tells us that God chose us to follow Him before He even created the universe. The universe was designed to bring us into a relationship with Him. We did not end up where we are by accident or chance. Every detail was planned to bring us to where we are today. He knew the bad choices we would make and designed the universe to give us every opportunity to love and surrender to Him. This same plan will, in due time, bring all aspects of this universe into unity in submission to Christ. When we accept God’s grace, He gives us the Holy Spirit as a seal to mark us as His. I just realized that this is like a king’s seal which he gives to favored individuals to allow them to speak on his behalf. That is a great and frightening honor, to know that with the Holy Spirit within me, I speak on God’s behalf. Does what I say bring honor to God?
     I am challenged by what Paul writes about praying for the Ephesian believers. In several of his letters, Paul speaks of praying constantly for those he is writing to. When I think about that, I realize how much time Paul must have spent in prayer. I do not come close to that. I struggle to spend even a few moments each day, let alone the hours which Paul must have spent. Lord God, please help me to spend more time praying to you. There are so many in my life that I need to be praying for: my friends who do not, yet, know Christ, my co-workers (both those who know Christ and those who do not. Which reminds me that I want to bring praise for the co-worker whose faith has recently been revealed to me), my friends who do know Christ, and others.


Psalm 66:1-20

     I will call on all the earth to praise God. He has done wonderful things. I cannot begin to summarize this psalm, but reading it brings me great joy. I confessed my sins and God listened to my prayers and answered my cry. He has done wonderful things for me. He will do wonderful things to you, if you turn from your sins and go to Him.


Proverbs 23:25-28

     Yesterday’s proverb stated that a godly child gives his father joy and a wise child is a source of pleasure. Today’s proverbs start by telling us that that we should make our parents happy by being godly and wise. Then the writer tells us that a promiscuous woman promises pleasure but delivers only danger. The same is true in the other direction as well (a promiscuous man promises pleasure, but delivers danger). The short term pleasure is less than the long term harm being involved with such people brings.

September 21, 2013 Bible Study — Bear One Another’s Burdens

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 37-38:22

     After receiving a detailed report from his emissaries regarding what the Assyrian field commander had said Hezekiah expressed deep sadness and sent them to the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah told the king’s emissaries that God had heard what the Assyrian had said and would act. Isaiah told them that Sennacherib, the Assyrian king, would receive word that he was needed at home. He would return home, where he would be killed by the sword.
     Soon afterwards Sennacherib received word that the king of Cush(essentially modern-day Ethiopia) was leading an army out to engage him. Before marching to meet the Cushite army, Sennacherib sent a letter to Hezekiah. In the letter he told Hezekiah that God was no more able to protect Jerusalem from him than the gods of other nations had been able to protect them. Hezekiah took the letter to the Temple and spread it out. Hezekiah prayed to God, asking Him to deliver Jerusalem. Hezekiah acknowledged to inability of the other gods to save their peoples, but called on God to demonstrate that He was more than those other gods made of mere stone and wood.
     Isaiah came to Hezekiah with a message from God. Isaiah told Hezekiah that because he had prayed about Sennacherib God had spoken against him. Sennacherib thought he was something because he had conquered many nations, but God told him that this was merely according to the plan God had decided long before. Those peoples had so little power against Sennacherib because that was according to God’s plan, not because Sennacherib was such a powerful man. Then Isaiah wrote one of the great passages about those who defy God:

But I know you well—
where you stay
and when you come and go.
I know the way you have raged against me.
And because of your raging against me
and your arrogance, which I have heard for myself,
I will put my hook in your nose
and my bit in your mouth.
I will make you return
by the same road on which you came.

God went on to tell Hezekiah that the Assyrians would not do enter Jerusalem, they would not even besiege it. Instead, the Assyrians would return to their capital by the road they had come.
     That night, 185,000 Assyrian soldiers died in their camp. In the morning when the survivors got up they found the bodies. Sennacherib broke camp and returned to Nineveh, his capital. While he was there, he went to worship his god in his temple. Two of his sons attacked him there and killed him with swords.


Galatians 6:1-18

     Paul wrote that if a fellow believer is caught in sin, we should work to restore them. We should do so gently, cautiously, and humbly, being careful not to fall into the same temptation. We are to bear one another’s burdens. We need to avoid thinking that we are better than the sinner we are trying to help. It is wrong to compare ourselves to others, either to think we are better than they, or to think that they are better than ourselves. We need to carry our own burdens, not expect others to do it for us. We will reap what we saw. If we plant in order to satisfy our sinful desires, we will harvest the destruction that comes from such actions. On the other hand, if we plant good in due time we will harvest the reward of good behavior. Therefore we should do good to all people, especially our fellow believers.


     Paul makes two apparently contradictory points here. First, he says that we are to bear one another’s burdens. Then a few sentences later he says that everyone must carry their own load. These are not actually contradictory. We are to help each other as much as we can, but we cannot prevent someone else from suffering the consequences of their own actions. In addition, Paul is saying that I am to help you as part of my Christian duty, but I have no right to demand that you help me. This does not mean that I should reject your help, if you offer it. It merely means that I should not expect others to take up the burdens I have in this life.
     In some ways Paul’s teaching about harvesting what we plant is related to this. He is saying that actions have consequences and we should do those things that have consequences we desire. Lois McMaster Bujold(a fiction author) expressed what I believe Paul is saying here in one of the best ways I have ever seen. One of her characters said the following (my paraphrase), “Actions have consequences. So, if you desire something, choose those actions which have that something as a consequence.” This seems to me what Paul is saying here.

     Paul then concludes his letter by telling the Galatians that those who are trying to convince them to be circumcised are only doing so in order to avoid persecution and to claim the Galatians as their disciples so they can boast. Paul replies to that by saying that he wishes to never boast of anything other than the cross of Christ. Specific rules are not what is important, what is important is to be transformed to live as a new creation, living in love (although elsewhere Paul points out that there are certain behaviors that are always contrary to love).


Psalm 65:1-13

     This is a psalm with a lot in it. If you are reading this for a synopsis of it, stop, follow the link and read the psalm. God is worthy of praise and will receive it. Sooner or later everyone will come before God, whether they wish it or not. If we approach Him with humility and remorse, He will forgive our many sins. God’s power reaches to the ends of the universe. No matter how far from home we go, God will still be there to answer our prayers. There is no place on earth, and no person, that is distant from God. No matter who or where you are, if you turn to God He will answer your prayers and meet your deepest needs.


Proverbs 23:24

     If you want to give your parents joy, show wisdom and lead a godly life.

September 20, 2013 Bible Study — We Are Not Worthy To Be Saved

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 33:10-36:22

     Isaiah prophesied the downfall of Assyria. He said that their own policies would kindle and feed the fire of their destruction. He predicted that they would be completely burned up in the fire. The interesting thing is that Assyria was so completely destroyed that in the 19th Century historians thought references to it in the Bible were evidence that the Bible was fable because they thought Assyria had never existed. Isaiah further prophesied that the sinners in Jerusalem would be terrified by the fire which destroyed Assyria.
     The prophet predicted that the question that would be asked would be who could survive the fire which destroyed the Assyrians? The answer he told us was those who are honest and fair, those who refuse to do wrong, no matter what incentive they are given. They will be sheltered from the coming fire and supplied with food and water. A fire such as the one which destroyed the Assyrians is coming once more. Once more the only ones who will be able to survive this fire will be those who are honest and fair, those who refuse all enticement to do wrong.
     The prophet goes on to say that God’s wrath will not be limited to Assyria, the mightiest nation of the day. He will pour out His anger on all of the nations which have oppressed those who serve God. The wilderness and the desert will bloom in the days after God’s wrath is revealed. We are to say to those who have been struggling to be righteous in a wicked world that God is coming. Let us strengthen those who are tired from the long fight, encourage those whose strength is failing, and give courage to those who are frightened at the evil in this world. God is coming to save them. God is about to lay out a straight road through the wilderness for those who are walking in His ways. Indeed, this prophecy has been fulfilled. There is a straight and direct road to God and soon we will see Him face to face. When that day comes, all sorrow and mourning will pass away and those who do His bidding will be filled with joy.
     The prophet changes gears and recounts some historical events. During the reign of Hezekiah, the Assyrians began to invade the Kingdom of Judah. The king of Assyria sent some of his officials with a large army to confront Hezekiah at Jerusalem. Hezekiah sent some of his courtiers to parlay with them. The Assyrian field commander asked them what made Hezekiah confident that he could stand up to the Assyrians? Did he think that Egypt could protect them? The field commander told them that Pharaoh was unreliable and would cause them harm without aiding them in any way. He then asked if Hezekiah thought God would help him? The God which the Assyrians perceived Hezekiah as having insulted by insisting that the entire kingdom worship only in Jerusalem. The field commander finished his message from the king of Assyria by claiming that they were attacking Jerusalem at God’s direction.
     Hezekiah’s envoys then asked the Assyrians to address them in Aramaic rather than Hebrew so that the people on the walls would not understand what was being said. The Assyrian field commander replied that he intended for the people on the wall to understand and began shouting in Hebrew. Initially he had said that God would not protect Jerusalem because He had directed the Assyrians to attack, but now he revealed what the Assyrians truly believed. He told the people not to allow Hezekiah to trick them into believing that God would rescue them. The Assyrian told them to trust him and open the gates. They would be taken into exile to a fruitful land where they would lead lives of leisure. Then he told them, do not be fooled into thinking that God will rescue them, or that He even could rescue them. The Assyrian asked them what had happened to other nations, had any of their gods rescued them from the Assyrians? Likewise, he said, their God was not able to rescue them from his hand.


     This passage illustrates how some of our enemies will first attempt to make us question whether we deserve God’s salvation. It is only once they have gotten us to doubt whether we are worthy of God’s salvation (we aren’t, but that doesn’t matter), that they will tell us that God is not able to save us anyway. This strategy often works. If they first tried to tell us that God was unable to save us, we would reject that argument. However, if they convince us that God will not save us because we are not worthy of being saved, our human reaction is to then go for “sour grapes”; “Well, he couldn’t have saved me anyway.”
     However, I have an answer for those who try to convince me that I am unworthy of being rescued by God. That answer is, “You are absolutely correct. I am a sinner, who does not deserve God’s grace. But God does not care. Out of His wondrous love, He has chosen to do so anyway.” As long as we remember that God’s promise to rescue us does not rely on our deserving it, we will not fall for this line of reasoning.


Galatians 5:13-26

     We have been called to live in freedom. However, Paul tells us not to use our freedom to indulge our sinful nature. Rather, he tells us to use our freedom to serve one another in love. If we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives, we will find that we are not doing what our evil nature craves. The Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of those of our sinful nature. These two are in constant conflict, the desires of the Spirit in conflict with the desires of our sinful nature. Paul goes on to list the actions that show we have given in to our sinful natures. Many of them we are very familiar with, sexual immorality, impurity, jealousy and drunkenness to name a few. But some of them we tend to overlook, dissension, divisiveness, outbursts of anger, and selfish ambition. We know that these latter are there, but we often focus on the ones that are harder to disguise.
     Then Paul wrote about the fruit that we will bear if we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. As followers of Christ, we nail our sinful desires to His cross and crucify them there. Then we strive to follow the leading of the Spirit in all aspects of our lives. Rejecting conceit and jealousy of each other, we avoid provoking our fellow believers to anger.


     Every time I read this passage it reminds me of something I learned a few years back. I learned that the way to stop doing those things that I know I should not, but find hard to resist, is to fill my time doing those things that I know that I should be doing. Some years back, I struggled with a substance abuse problem. I was not a drug addict or an alcoholic. It did not effect my daily life, but I had started smoking marijuana in college and I could not resist the temptation when the opportunity arose. I had some friends who smoked and felt no leading to stop associating with them, yet whenever I was with them, I would smoke pot. At the same time there were some things I was feeling called to do, but I felt like I would be a hypocrite if I did them while still smoking marijuana. I struggled with this for about a year. Finally, I cried out to God and asked Him to take the temptation away. Soon after, the Spirit convicted me that I was to do those things He was calling me to (teach Sunday School, become involved in some Church leadership positions, a few other things), even though I was still doing something I knew I shouldn’t be. I followed that leading and started doing those things. Six months later, I realized that I had not smoked marijuana in six months. To this day, it amazes me. Looking back, I know what happened. When I started doing the things that God was calling me to do, I spent less time with my friends who still smoked marijuana. That made it easier for me to say no when they passed the marijuana around without condemning them, or implying I was better than they. But the point is that I did not reduce the time I spent with them in order to stop smoking marijuana. I reduced the time I spent with them because I was busy doing the things God called me to do. When we do the things the Holy Spirit directs us to do, we don’t have time to gratify the desires of our sinful nature.


Psalm 64:1-10

     When I read this psalm it reminded me of an exchange I have with some of my friends when we part:

Me: “Stay out of trouble.”

Friend: “That’s no fun.”

Me: “You’re not in trouble if you don’t get caught. And it doesn’t count if you like what happens when you do get caught.”

I started this because of a similar response to the opening phrase being, “Be good.” However, as time went by and I began to have a closer walk with God it took on new meaning. Today’s psalm contains pieces of what that exchange means to me now. The psalm talks about people who think they have a clever plan that no one will figure out. They are sure that they won’t get caught. The psalm assures us that if we do wrong, we will get caught. That, while other people may never know, God knows and He will hold us accountable. At the end where I say, “It doesn’t count if you like what happens when you get caught,” there is a corollary. That corollary is, “If you don’t like what happens, you got caught.” Sometimes I get an opportunity to make a longer exposition of what the phrase means to me. When that happens, I tell people that if someone else gets hurt, physically, mentally, or spiritually, you got caught.


Proverbs 23:23

     Today’s proverb tells us to get the truth, wisdom, discipline, and good judgment and never sell them. I interpret this in two ways. We should strive to obtain the truth, wisdom, discipline, and good judgment and refuse to give them up for anything. But more importantly, when we know the truth we should not tell others something other than the truth, no matter what we are offered. The same goes for wisdom, discipline, and good judgment, we should not allow anyone to convince us to pass off as those something that we know is not. We should give the wisest advice we know, encourage others to live disciplined lives and exercise good judgment.

September 19, 2013 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 30:12-33:9

     Today’s passage starts by telling us that those who despise what God says, preferring to instead rely on oppression and lies, will experience calamity. Calamity will fall upon them suddenly, seemingly without warning (although, the prophet compares it to the collapse of a bulging wall, so the warning is there for those who are willing to see). It is only by turning to God and resting in Him with quiet confidence that we will be saved from the coming calamity (the prophet was referring to a specific event in history, but I believe that his words apply to us today). However, rather than follow that course, they chose to turn to a foreign nation, a human agent, for rescue. God warns us that when the time of trouble comes human agents will fail us.
     God longs to be gracious to us, so He will show us compassion. Those who wait for His help will be blessed. If we call to God for help, He will answer. He will be our teacher, a voice in our ears telling us when to turn right and when to turn left.


     This reminds me of a recent event I went to for the group I fence with. Part of what we do at some of our events is to conduct something called melee, where one group of fencers attempts to be victorious over another group of fencers, all fighting at once. This is very different from one on one bouts. One of the important things is teamwork and working together, just as in any sport. I have done fencing melee on several occasions and it has never gone well. By the time I figure out where I should be to support my teammates, I have been eliminated from the field. However, on this last occasion, I, and another fencer inexperienced in melee, was matched up with a veteran with experience directing other fencers in melee. He spent a good bit of his time telling us when to move right and when to move left, when to move forward and when to move back. He gave me directions on where to focus my attention. This made it much more fun then my previous experiences. I did not have to worry about how what I was doing fit into what everybody else was doing, somebody else was doing that. I could focus on doing my part, letting someone else guide me to fit it into the big picture.


Galatians 5:1-12

     Paul wrote that Christ has set us free. Now that we have been freed we must not willingly enslave ourselves once more. Paul uses the example of circumcision to show us that we cannot find favor with God by following a set of rules and regulations. If we try to make ourselves right with God, we are rejecting God’s grace whereby He made us right with Him through Christ’s sacrifice. What is important is that we have faith, which will be exhibited through love.
     Paul warns us that false teachings can be like yeast. Something that seems like it is a disagreement over a minor point of doctrine can spread and influence everything until our entire belief system has become corrupted. If we place our trust first and foremost in God, He will keep us from believing false teachings. God will hold accountable those who spread such confusion.


Psalm 63:1-11

     I read this psalm and want to embrace it as a meditation for my heart.

O God, you are my God;
I earnestly search for you.
My soul thirsts for you;
my whole body longs for you
in this parched and weary land
where there is no water.

I strive to search for God and His will for my life with all of my being. The imagery presented here of someone thirsting for water in a parched desert is such a great metaphor for how our souls long after God. I have occasionally been involved in intense athletic activity on a hot summer’s day. When I got done, I was so thirsty that I could wanted water and even after drinking my fill I wanted more. That is how I want to feel about God, like I can never get enough of Him. It seems to me that the closer I get to God, the closer I want to get to God.


Proverbs 23:22

     Listen to your parents, they have a lot to teach me. Even now, more than 20 years after my father’s death I think of things he taught me and thank God for his wisdom. I know that I fall short of spending the time with my mother that I should.

September 18, 2013 Bible Study — What Am I Building My Refuge On?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 28:14-30:11

     Isaiah warns the rulers who think that they have found a way to avoid the troubles that are coming. He tells them that their refuge is built of lies and deceptions. He tells them that God has laid the solid foundation stone of truth for anyone who wishes to build on. Those who rely on it will survive the coming troubles. However, because they have chosen to build their refuge on lies and deceptions, it will be swept away in the coming storm. Those who have made a deal to avoid death and destruction on the basis of lies will find that God has overturned their deal and it is null and void.


     I will build my refuge from the troubles of this world on the foundation stone of truth which God has laid. As Paul tells us that foundation stone is Jesus. I know all too many people who have built their lives on lies and deceptions. I will pray to God that He will give me the words to show them how to start over and build their lives on His truth.

     Isaiah tells those who refuse to believe the promises that God is making that they are blind. He says that they fall into two classes, those who can read, but refuse to break the seal on the scroll to read what is written inside and those who cannot read. He says that they honor God with their lips, but in their hearts they have no interest in God. Their worship of God is nothing but rote following of man-made rules. Their wisdom will perish and what they know will vanish (the prophet is speaking here of those who have built a refuge on lies and deceptions). They think they can hide their evil plans and actions from God. The prophet tells us it is foolishness for the pot to call the potter stupid. The day is coming when the deaf will hear the words of God and the blind will see. The humble will be exalted and the poor will feast. The scoffers will be gone and the arrogant will disappear. Those who plot evil and use trickery to pervert justice will be killed.
The prophet follows this up by saying:

My people will no longer be ashamed
or turn pale with fear.


Galatians 3:23-4:31

     We have been made children of God through Christ. As believers and followers of Christ we are no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female. We are all one in Christ. None of us are more, or less, important than others. God has sent His Spirit to live within us leading us to call God by a term of loving affection.


     Every time I read this passage I think of how without Christ our relationship is, at best that of a son, or daughter, who called their father, “Father”. A stern figure to be respected and feared, but never approached. But now with Christ our relationship is that of a child, who when they become frightened because the shadows on the wall make them fear the monsters under the bed, cries out, “Daddy!” knowing that their father will come and drive the monsters away and hold them in his arms until the fear subsides. If you do not know God as that kind of father, I pray, with all of my being, that His Spirit will come to you and show you how much He loves you.

     Paul asks the Galatians why they would want to return to that formal distant relationship, where they were enslaved to rules and regulations when they have this much closer relationship with a father who loves them? He asks that they remember how they felt when they took him in and cared for him in his sickness when he first came to Galatia. He tells them that those who are teaching that they must obey the letter of the law are zealous to win them over. But they are zealous to win them away from Paul rather than for their own good. They want to lead the believers to distrust Paul so that they will be more loyal and faithful to these new teachers. Paul tells them that zeal is a good thing when it is in a good cause AND when it is all the time. We need to be zealous for the right reasons and we need to be zealous all of the time, not just when it makes us look good.


Psalm 62:1-12

     This psalm fits in so well with what the Spirit said to me from the passage in Isaiah.

I wait quietly before God,
for my victory comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress where I will never be shaken.

I will not try to drive away the threats I face. I will wait quietly for God to come and deal with them. I will cry out to my God when something causes me to fear, then I will quietly wait on Him. He is the rock upon which I will base my security. As long as I stand on Him, I will not be shaken or disturbed. I will rest quietly in His presence, knowing that my enemies cannot harm me there.


Alanna vs Adam (2)

Proverbs 23:19-21

     If you spend your time partying with drunkards and gluttons you will end up without any money or assets.

September 17, 2013 Bible Study — The Righteous Will Live By Faith

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 25-28:13

     Isaiah praises God for all His wonderful acts. God will destroy mighty cities, turning them into rubble. As a result, nations of ruthless people will learn to fear Him. In contrast to the destruction which God has and will bring upon the powerful and ruthless God has and will be a refuge for the poor and needy. God is spreading a feast out for all the peoples of the earth. Death has been swallowed up in victory. Those who declare that this is their God will partake of the feast and He will wipe away all tears.
     God will bring down the cities of the arrogant so that the poor and needy, the oppressed, will be able to walk over them. He will smooth the path for the righteous so that it is not steep or rough. I will show my trust, my faith, in God by obeying His laws. I know that doing His will is the only path to lasting happiness and fulfillment. I strive to live like this

All night long I search for you;
in the morning I earnestly seek for God.

The wicked do not respond to God’s kindness. God will give them opportunity to repent, but they will continue to do evil until God brings judgment against them. The time is coming when God will punish the people of the earth for their sins. But when that day arrives He will also defend those who are faithful to Him. He will treat those who are faithful to Him as a vineyard, tearing out the briers and thorns to throw on the fire. However, even in that day, those who turn to Him in their distress will be welcomed into His arms.
     We as people on this earth complain because God treats us as little children, spelling out His will a line at a time, a little here and a little there. However, God has tried showing us the big picture, offering us a place of rest, but we do not listen. Therefore, God will continue to show us His will a line at a time, a little here and a little there.


     I, for one, am grateful for God’s patience in spelling out His will for my life a line at a time. I know sometimes I complain because I do not see where He is leading me, but I, also, know that when He has shown me I get distracted from what comes next and try to jump ahead to the “good” parts before the time is ripe. I just ask that God show me where to put my foot next.


Galatians 3:10-22

     Paul points out that if we try to live by the law then we can never make a mistake, we must keep every aspect of the law every day for all of our lives. If we have ever made a mistake and committed even the most minor of sins then we cannot hold ourselves up as righteous. On the other hand if we live by faith, we recognize that we cannot possibly measure up to God’s standard and we rely on God to redeem us. It is through faith that we can have life. It is not by keeping the law that we are justified before God, because, sooner or later, we will fail to keep every element of the law. It is only by faith that Christ will provide us with righteousness that we can be justified before God. The law was given to show us that none of us are more righteous than others of us. All of us have sinned, have done things that cause harm to ourselves and others.


Psalm 61:1-8

     This psalm shall be my prayer whenever I face troubles. I will cry to Lord and beg Him to hear my prayer. I will seek the safety of sheltering under His wings. He will hear me and answer my prayer. He reserves a place for those who fear Him. When my heart is overwhelmed I will cry to God for help.


     Why does the psalmist cry out to God when his heart is overwhelmed? He does not say it here, but I know from my experience what the answer is. I cry out to God when my heart is overwhelmed because I know from experience that God will deliver me. I am striving to turn to Him sooner so that I can find and follow His path before I am overwhelmed.


Proverbs 23:17-18

     I will not envy sinners, even when they appear to live a life I want for myself. I will continue to fear the Lord and strive to please Him, because nothing I desire compares with accomplishing that. I have never been disappointed by the rewards I have received for doing that which pleased the Lord.

September 16, 2013 Bible Study — Let’s Feast and Drink, For Tomorrow We Die?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 22-24:23

     Isaiah prophesied the fall of Jerusalem. He predicted that the people would make all kinds of preparations to protect the city. Except the one that mattered, calling out to God for deliverance. God called on the people to weep and mourn in repentance for their sins. Instead they danced and partied saying, “Let’s feast and drink, for tomorrow we die.” It is funny how many people today quote that line as the thing to do, when in this passage those who say it are being condemned.


     This prophecy so strikes me as applying today. God is calling on people to express remorse for their wrongdoing and repent, but rather than do that people are doubling down on their sins and celebrating. How often have I heard people say “Let us eat or drink for tomorrow we die” as a philosophy of life? Yet, this passage tells us that this attitude is sin, one which God will not forget. The passage is directed at those who see trouble on the horizon and do everything in their power to meet it, except turning to God. Are we calling on those around us to call out to God for deliverance? Are we calling out to God for deliverance?


Galatians 2:17-3:9

     Every time I read this passage, I get confused about what Paul is trying to say here until I get to this verse:

I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God…(NIV)

I should not try to live for my own pleasure and enjoyment, rather I should put to death my own desires and live to fulfill God’s will. I can never succeed in following a set of rules, the law, closely enough to stand in God’s presence on my own merits. There is more to it than that. I will get more pleasure and fulfillment from doing what God desires than I can by seeking to satisfy my own earthly desires.


Psalm 60:1-12

     When a people turn from God, He will strike them. He will break their defenses and turn them over to their enemies and to trouble. However, He will raise a banner as a rallying point for those who fear Him. There He will muster His forces and defend those who come to Him. From that rallying point, those who fear the Lord will sally forth. With God’s help they will be victorious over all opposition.


     The key point in this psalm is that, in times of trouble, those who fear the Lord must look for where He is raising His banner and rush to that point in order to serve Him. From there God will send them forth to victory.


Proverbs 23:15-16

     Do we make it our goal to mentor those around us to be wise and to say the right thing? Do we find joy when they show wisdom?


September 15, 2013 Bible Study — Discipline Is Needed

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 19-21:17

     Isaiah prophesied that destruction and tribulation would come upon Egypt. Those who advise the rulers of Egypt would give advice that was wrong and foolish. Isaiah further prophesied that five cities in Egypt (at that time cities exerted control over the region surrounding them, so this would mean five regions of Egypt) would follow the Lord and ally with Israel (almost to the point of becoming one nation with Israel). Isaiah told us that God would strike Egypt, which would cause the people of that land to turn to the Lord and follow Him. When they turned to follow Him, God would heal them. In that day, Isaiah told us, there would be a road from Egypt to Assyria and the people would move back and forth on it freely. He wrote that Assyria and Egypt would be allied with Israel. This reads to me that these three would be formed into a confederation, or possibly a single nation. Reading this passage, Isaiah seems to be saying that the day will come when the Middle East will be united in worship of God.


     This prophecy may have been fulfilled in the time period of the Early Church, before the rise of Islam. But as I read it, I cannot help but think that God is telling us that there will be a day like this in the future. There is one thing that this prophecy makes clear to me, the only path to peace in the Middle East is through Divine intervention and by God’s grace drawing the people of the region to unite in worship of Him.

     Isaiah next prophesied concerning the fall of Babylon. His prophecy bears a great resemblance to what we are told actually happened in the Book of Daniel and in other historical records. This passage has often been seen as a warning to those nations which become complacent in their might and power. The Babylonian elites became arrogant and confident that no one could penetrate their city walls. However, God had other plans and Cyrus devised a plan that let him take advantage of their complacency.


Galatians 2:1-16

     Paul wrote that when he went to Jerusalem after completing his first missionary journey he spoke with the leaders of the Church there. He explained to them in detail what he had been preaching to the Gentiles. Paul was concerned that the message he had been preaching might be deficient in some manner. He was not impressed by the reputations of the leaders, but he recognized the value of comparing his understanding of God’s word with his fellow believers. Paul claimed that the whole incident only occurred because some false believers had joined the Church in order to take away the freedom of belief in Christ and replace it with slavery to the Law. Paul went on to write that the leaders of the Church in Jerusalem added nothing to the message he was preaching. This means that Paul had arrived at the same Gospel through direct revelation and studying Scripture that they had been taught by Jesus.
     Paul then told of a time when Peter came to Antioch. When Peter first arrived, he ate with the Gentiles, just as Paul did. However, when some Jewish believers arrived from Jerusalem Peter started taking his meals separate from the Gentiles according to traditional Jewish practice. Paul confronted Peter over his hypocrisy for pretending to follow Jewish custom in front of other Jews, when he lived otherwise in their absence. Paul pointed out to Peter that both men knew that they were made right with God by faith in Jesus, not by obeying the Law. No one is ever justified before God by their own works.


Psalm 59:1-17

     The psalmist calls on God to rescue him from his enemies. However, he asks that God not kill them because people too quickly forget such lessons. Instead, he asks that God allow them to be destroyed by the words they speak (which they think no one who will hold them accountable has heard). The psalmist tells us that his enemies come out at night and scavenge like wild dogs. However, he rises in the morning with a song of praise for the Lord on his lips. Yes, I will strive for this:

But as for me, I will sing about your power.
Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love.


Proverbs 23:13-14

     The proverb writer advises us that parents who truly love their children will discipline them. He points out that it may sometimes be necessary to impose physical discipline to teach a child to avoid behavior that might lead to their death.


September 14, 2013 Bible Study — Commit Yourself to Instruction

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 15-18:7

     Isaiah prophesied that the land of Moab would go from being a fertile land to being a desolate land. The people of Moab would cry out to their gods, but no one would save them. He then gave a similar prophecy about Aram (Syria) and Israel (I believe this is a reference to the Northern Kingdom here, but in context it may be the entire people of Israel). This is to happen because they have turned from the God who can save them.


     Today’s passage contains references to what will happen to peoples who turn from God to worship idols. As they descend further into evil God stores up judgment against them. But hidden in among the judgment coming upon the people for doing evil is cause for hope. Isaiah writes that only a few will remain who will turn to Him. The destruction will come and in the evening the remainder will wait in terror, but in the morning their enemies will be dead. Those who turn to God will be saved from the destruction which God is bringing.


Galatians 1:1-24

     Paul began his letter to the Galatians with a them he had written of to the Corinthians as well. He wrote that he has heard reports that they have been receptive to teachings contrary to the gospel which he taught them. Apparently, they have been misled by some speakers who are twisting the gospel message into something it is not. Paul wrote that there is only one gospel. Anyone who teaches anything contrary to what he originally taught them will fall under God’s curse, even if that someone is Paul himself, or even an angel from heaven. Paul said that if his goal was pleasing people he would not now be a servant of Christ.
     Paul reminds the Galatian believers that his message is not a man-made one, but rather one he received from God. He reminded them of how he persecuted the Church in his attempt to destroy it before his conversion. He brought up his zeal for following Jewish traditions as a motivating factor in that effort. He then pointed out that he had been chosen by God out of God’s grace. God revealed Jesus, His son, to Paul so that Paul would proclaim God’s Good News to the Gentiles. Paul wrote that when he received the revelation from God, he did not seek out human teachers. Rather he spent several years communing with God and studying the Scripture on his own. The only teaching about the Gospel that Paul received from men before he began his ministry was 15 days he spent with Peter and James, the brother of Jesus. After this short visit in Jerusalem, Paul went on his first missionary journey, preaching the Gospel.


     Paul is emphasizing here that the message he preached was based on direct revelation and studying the scripture. Yet, it agreed with the message preached by those apostles, and others, who had studied at Jesus’ side during His earthly ministry.


Psalm 58:1-11

     This psalm reminds us that there is a God who will judge those who do evil. The judges on this earth may make unjust rulings, but God will call them to account. God will avenge injustice. There will be times when injustice seems to reign, but God will pass judgment on the evildoer.


Proverbs 23:12

     I will seek knowledge and commit myself to being instructed in wisdom and knowledge.

September 13, 2013 Bible Study — Greet One Another With a Holy Kiss

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 12-14:32

     Isaiah tells us that the day will come when we will be able to drink deeply from the fountain of salvation. That day is now.

Surely God is my salvation;
I will trust and not be afraid.
The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense;
he has become my salvation.(NIV)

“I will trust and not be afraid.” That is a statement of faith that I am determined to make my own. I will trust that God will provide for me when I do His will and I will not be afraid if what others will do or say about me doing God’s will.
     Isaiah writes a warning to those who rely on their earthly might. He writes of the coming fall of Babylon, this at a time when Babylon is just rising in power to challenge Assyria. He tells Babylon, Assyria, and Philistia that God will cast them down because of the evil they have done (or will do) in their arrogant belief in their own power. Isaiah warns anyone who will listen that might does not make right. No matter how mighty any nation may be God is mightier yet. He will bring judgment against those who do evil.


2 Corinthians 13:1-14

     Paul writes that he is about to make his third visit to Corinth. He had warned them about some sinful acts when he was there on his second visit. He is now warning them again in his absence. Some of the Corinthian believers had been demanding proof that Paul was speaking a message from God, if those in the church had not repented and turned from their sins, Paul promised to bring the proof they were looking for. However, he warns them that they will not proof a pleasant experience. Christ was crucified in weakness, yet He lives in the power of God. In the same way, Paul was weak, but God’s power would channel through him when next he visited the Corinthian Church.
     Paul told the Corinthian believers that they should examine and test themselves. If they discover Jesus within themselves they have not failed the test. Paul has confidence that as they test themselves and what the Spirit is saying within them, they will realize that Paul also has not failed the test. He believes that God’s Spirit will show them that Paul’s teaching accurately reflects God’s instructions for us. He goes on to say that he is happy to come off as weak if by so doing the Corinthian believers are shown to be strong. He is praying that they will be fully restored and reconciled to God. He is writing to them so that when he is with them in person he will not need to tear into them and discipline them. Paul wants to be able to encourage them and show them how to grow in the Lord when he is with them.
     Paul concludes his letter by calling on them to rejoice in the Lord. He asks them to encourage each other and to live in unity. We should seek to mature in the Lord as we love one another. He tells them to greet each other with a holy kiss. He then blesses them with the grace of Jesus, the love of God, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit.


     In the Church in America we do not often address Paul’s instruction to the Corinthians to greet each other with a holy kiss. It makes us uncomfortable. However, it contains an important lesson for us. Perhaps if we focused more on it it would help us address one of the greatest problems on our society. Our society has a tendency to view all physical contact between two humans as either violent or sexual. The Bible teaches that we as humans need physical contact and that not all non-violent physical contact is sexual. We need to be aware of the tendency of our sexuality to insert itself into all of our relationships. But we also need to emphasize the Biblical truth that not all non-violent physical contact is sexual in nature. We as human beings need to have physical contact with one another that is not about gratifying our sexual desires.


Psalm 57:1-11

     A psalm of praise that we should read in that spirit. It is also a psalm to remember when troubles seem to be all around us. Let us have faith in God and give glory to His name. His love and faithfulness will not fail. Our enemies may set traps for us and dig pits in our path, but, if we trust in God, it will be they who are caught in the traps they set. They will be the ones to fall into the pits they dig for us. I will be confident in God’s love and I will sing His praises. I will exalt God before all who live.


Proverbs 23:9-11

     The first of these proverbs is one I need to take to heart. I need to spend less time arguing with those who will not listen to wise arguments. Of course, I, also, have to work to make sure that I am not the one being a fool.
     Do not cheat others out of what is theirs just because you can. Do not ever make the mistake of thinking that someone is powerless and does not have protector, because God will be their defender and He will take up their cause.
