Tag Archives: Religion

December 2, 2013 Bible Study — Sin Is Lawlessness

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Daniel 9-11:1

     In studying the writings of Jeremiah Daniel discovered that Jeremiah had prophesied that Jerusalem would remain abandoned for 70 years, at which time God would restore the people of Israel. Upon learning this, Daniel turned to God in prayer and fasting. Notice that Daniel does not turn to God and “claim” His promise to restore the people of Israel. Rather Daniel turns to God with remorse and confesses his sins and the sins of his people. He begs God to restore His people, not because they deserve it but because God is merciful. At the end of his prayer Daniel lays out the order in which God does things. God forgives, listens, and acts, in that order. A bit of thought on that tells us something about how we should approach God. Let us therefore confess our sins, repent of(turn from) our sins, and pray.


1 John 2:18-3:6

     John reminds us that we have heard that “the Antichrist” will appear sometime in the future. He tells us that the antichrist is not a singular being, rather there are many antichrists. Anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ is the antichrist. It is not possible to be in communion with God if we deny His Son. On the other hand if we are in communion with the Son we are also in communion with God. John tells us that we must watch out for those who are trying to lead us astray. The Holy Spirit lives within us and will teach us the truth. We do not need anyone to teach us the truth.
     As I read this I think of those around us who argue that we should not and cannot impose our morals on others. By this they mean that we should not ask others to live according to our moral code. However, they then turn around and demand that we live by their moral code. This happens in many ways. One of the more recent examples is related to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Supporters of the Act argue that the owners of Hobby Lobby should not be allowed to force their moral opposition to abortion and contraceptives in their employees by refusing to pay for those as part of the health care coverage they provide their employees. Yet on the other hand, they claim that it is a moral duty of the owners of Hobby Lobby (and every other business) to pay for health care coverage for their employees. They are incapable of seeing the contradiction between these two positions. I hate to use such a politically charged example, but it is important to recognize that the secular world constantly attempts to impose its morals upon us while telling us that we must not even ask others to except our morals. They deny that Christ is the Son of God, then attempt to claim the moral authority of God.


Psalm 121:1-8

     I look at the mountains in their majesty and the forests in their glory, but that is not where my help comes from. When I am in need, my help comes from God. God watches over me and will not let me stumble. What a wonderful thing to know that He is watching over me and He never sleeps, not even a short nap. This is as true for you as it is for me.

The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go,
both now and forever.

This is true, whether we wish it or not. God is watching over us, let us willingly allow Him to guide our steps.


Proverbs 28:27-28

     If we give to the poor, God will provide us with all that we need. However, if we ignore the needs of the poor and turn a blind eye to their existence, curses and trouble will fall upon us. When the government is run by the wicked, everyone attempts to stay out of sight. When the wicked fall from power, those who do not attempt to exploit others will flourish.

December 1, 2013 Bible Study — Do Not Love This World

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Daniel 8:1-27

     Today’s passage clearly applies to the rise of Alexander the Great and the division of his empire into four kingdoms. It tells of the rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes and his fall. He gave himself the name Epiphanes, which means “God manifest”. Despite his successes in battle, he died of disease and with his death the Seleucid Empire entered into decline. This passage reminds us that no matter how powerful a human ruler may appear, God is in control of history and has determined the time of their power, from beginning to end.


1 John 2:1-17

     John wrote in order that we might not sin, but he told us that if we do sin, we have one who will intercede on our behalf with God. Those who truly know God will obey His commandments. We can show our love for God by obeying His word and living as Jesus did. The message of Christ is not exactly a new one, yet it is new. We cannot live in the light (see yesterday’s blog for the importance of living in the light) if we hate any of our fellow believers. If we are truly living in the light we will love all of our fellow believers and not do anything that will cause them to stumble.
     Just as important as loving our fellow believers is having God’s love within us. We cannot love this world and have God’s love within us. This world offers only physical pleasure and pride in our accomplishments. The things of this world will fade away and are fading away. Instead of loving this world let us love God and do what is pleasing to Him.


Psalm 120:1-7

     I will take my troubles to the Lord. He alone will answer my prayers. I will not rely on liars and deceitful people in order to find peace. I know that only God can be trusted, only those who rely fully on God truly desire peace. I will spend my time with those who love God because that is the path to knowing and following His will for me.


Proverbs 28:25-26

     Ultimately the cause of all fighting is greed (James made the same point in his letter as well). The only path to true prosperity (which may have nothing to do with material wealth) is trusting in God. If we trust God and follow His will we will have riches beyond measure (most of which money cannot buy). It is foolish to trust solely our own understanding of a situation. If we wish to find the wise path, we will seek counsel from others.

November 30, 2013 Bible Study — God Is Light

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Daniel 7:1-28

     This passage is a difficult one to understand. I have generally been taught that the four beasts represent the same four kingdoms as those depicted in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the statue. However, since we are in the middle of Chanukah, I think it is worth considering that the four beasts may represent the four kingdoms into which Alexander the Great’s empire splintered. In this interpretation, the fourth beast is the Seleucid Empire and the horn on its head which supplants three other horns represents Antiochus IV. Such an understanding would be consistent with Antiochus IV’s desecration of the Temple and the rise of the Maccabean Jewish state.
     Having considered this interpretation, I suspect that the traditional interpretation is probably more accurate. I have always been hesitant to connect the apocalyptic prophecies of the Bible to specific events, since to a degree I think that misses their point. The point of this prophecy is not its prediction of some specific event, although it may do that. Rather the point of this prophecy is to tell us that human rulers will rise who will set themselves up in God’s place, and for a time seem to be able to control all around them. However, in due time, such rulers will be utterly destroyed and all of their power taken from them. This world is God’s and ultimately the only kingdom which shall last is His.


1 John 1:1-10

     John wrote that God is light and those who wish to fellowship with God must live in the light. This means that we do not attempt to hide any of our actions in the dark, or even in the shadows. There is no darkness in God, not even shadows. If we live in the light and have fellowship with others living in the light, Jesus will cleanse us of our sins. This does not mean that we will be without sin, rather it means that we openly confess our sins both to God and to those around us. If we openly admit our sins, not bragging, but rather admitting them as failure, God will forgive us and cleanse us from all wickedness. The challenging part of this is admitting our sins, both those we admit as sins to ourselves and those we attempt to convince ourselves are not really sin. The key to overcoming sin is to be open about the sin we struggle with, as we bring it out into the open, God’s Spirit will cleanse it, just as sunlight will cleanse corruption that is opened up to it.


Psalm 119:153-176

     If we remain faithful to God, many will persecute us and seek to bring about our downfall. However, God has promised to be our advocate. He will stand by our side, if we remain faithful to Him. He will listen to our cries and answer our prayers. We may wander away from Him, but He will seek us out like a shepherd seeks out a lost lamb. I ask of God that He keeps me from ever forgetting His commands.


Proverbs 28:23-24

     In the long run people will appreciate honest words of criticism more than dishonest flattery. Those who justify stealing from their own parents are no better than a murderer. If someone will steal from their parents without recognizing that it is wrong, they will find reason to kill another for their own advantage.

November 29, 2013 Bible Study — God Is Patient

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Daniel 6:1-28

     After the conquest of Babylon by the Medes and Persians, Daniel once more was appointed to a position of authority. The other administrators and government officials sought out ways in which they could manipulate and/or blackmail Daniel into supporting their interests. They were unable to find anything to use against him, except for his faith. So, they went to the king and flattered him into outlawing worship of any being or thing other than the king for thirty days. Despite the law, Daniel refused to change his practice of praying to God and he made no attempt to conceal this fact. The other officials watched Daniel and as soon as he carried out his practice they returned to the king and demanded that Daniel suffer the punishment written into the law, which was to be thrown into a den of lions.
     The king realized his mistake too late. The law had been written and could not be changed. So, he had Daniel arrested and thrown into a lion’s den. He expressed his hope that Daniel’s god would protect him from the lions and returned to his palace, refusing to eat. In the morning when the king returned to the lion’s den, Daniel was still there, unharmed. The king ordered Daniel’s release and had the officials who had conspired against Daniel arrested and thrown into the same lion’s den. The lions immediately attacked and killed the conspirators.
     Daniel was targeted despite his integrity (and in my belief because of his integrity). His enemies used that same integrity against him, yet even so, Daniel refused to compromise his beliefs. Both Daniel and his enemies knew that if they could separate him from his routine of prayer and worship of God, they could crack his otherwise unimpeachable integrity. Daniel had a regular, daily routine of connecting with God. This gave him the strength to remain faithful to God in all that he did. It is the same for us. If we want to be people of integrity(and as followers of Christ, we are called to be people of integrity), we need to have daily communion with God.


2 Peter 3:1-18

     Peter wrote that some will scoff at the idea that Christ will return. They will tell us that things have been as they are since the beginning of time. They overlook the fact that right in that statement is a testimony to God. Time began when God created the universe and the earth within it by His word. By His word, he destroyed the earth with water in the flood. Now, by His word, the earth and the universe are awaiting the day He will destroy them by fire. God is not constrained by time and does not view it as we do. Christ will return at the time which God has already determined, but it will not be at a time that we, as humans, will expect. It will not be by our timetables nor according to our understanding. Any delay we perceive in His return is not a result of God being slow. Rather it is a result of God’s grace and patience. God wishes for everyone to repent and is giving us time to reach out to our friends and neighbors.
     A day of great destruction is coming, but we should not dread that day. Rather we should look forward to it with great hope and anticipation, because it will be followed by the creation of a new heaven and new earth. This new creation will be filled with righteousness and the sin and destruction of this earth will be destroyed with it. With this hope, let us live peaceful, blameless lives as an example to others whom God is patiently calling to come to Him. God is giving people time to be saved. Let us not waste the time which He is giving us, but let us reach out with His Spirit to those who do not yet know Him.


Psalm 119:129-152

     God’s laws are perfect and trustworthy. They do not require advanced degrees, or esoteric studies. Those who seek to understand God’s commands and will need only study His word to achieve understanding. The study of God’s law provides the light necessary to understand it. Even the simple-minded can comprehend what God desires. Actually, sometimes it is easier for the simple to understand what God wants than it is for those of great human understanding. I want to understand God’s will for my life, so I will turn to Him in prayer. I will pray and cry out to God. I will study His word and listen to His voice, then He will give me understanding of what He wishes me to do.


Proverbs 28:21-22

     It is wrong to show partiality, even though some people will do wrong for the most miniscule of perceived gain. Hoarding wealth in order to grow rich leads to poverty, always of the soul and often material as well.

November 28, 2013 Bible Study — O Lord, Sustain Me

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Daniel 5:1-31

     Nebuchadnezzar’s successor, King Belshazzar, threw a feast. During the feast he decided to demonstrate his power by bringing the cups which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem and using them to praise and worship his gods. While they ate and drank, giving praise to the many idols which they worshiped, a hand appeared and wrote on the wall. He called for his wise men to tell him what the writing meant, but none of them could read it. He and his court were struck with terror. The queen mother heard the commotion and told him to send for Daniel. When Daniel arrived, King Belshazzar offered him great honors if he could tell him what the writing meant. Daniel declined the honors and read the message.
     This story is about what happens when someone comes to believe that they are in the position they are in because they are more deserving of honor than others. We are in whatever position we are in in life because God desires to make use of us there. The good things do not happen because we are better than others, or more deserving. The bad things do not happen because we are worse than others, or less deserving. In both cases, God puts us in that situation so that we can serve Him. When we fail to use the circumstances we find ourselves in to serve God, things can only get worse as illustrated in this story.


2 Peter 2:1-22

     Peter tells us that just as their were false prophets among the people of Israel there will be false teachers among the followers of Christ. These teachers will teach clever but destructive heresies, things which sound much like the truth but contain twists which destroy. He explains how we can recognize them by their greed and immorality. They will teach that immorality is not immoral. They appeal to twisted sexual desires and to greed. They promise freedom but are themselves slaves to sin and selfish desires. I read this and it is as if he is speaking to those of today who proclaim that sexual immorality is not immoral and those who proclaim that following God will result in becoming wealthy and having all of one’s material desires satisfied.
     Sandwiched in the middle of his prophecies against false teachers is a promise to those who are faithful. He points out that Noah and Job both lived in the midst of wicked people, people whose wickedness would lead to their destruction. Yet in both cases God provided rescue. God delivered both Noah and Job from the destruction He was about to bring upon the people among whom they lived. Neither Job nor Noah lived lives as examples of perfect moral behavior. However, both were deemed righteous by God because they strove to worship and obey Him, despite their human weaknesses. Let us today stand as witnesses to those around us and call them to turn from their wickedness. Destruction is coming, but I will not fear it because God has promised to save those who strive to serve Him. I am deserving of God’s judgment, but I have faith that. through Christ Jesus, He will have mercy on me.


Psalm 119:113-128

     The psalmist warns us against divided loyalties. We cannot be loyal to both God and material desires. I will seek to follow God’s commands and serve Him all of my days. I will put my hope and trust in Him. I will not take the counsel of evil-minded people, instead I will study the Lord’s word and obey His commands. This psalm touches me deeply today and raises my spirits when so much is going wrong. I have been truly blessed by God.


Proverbs 28:19-20

     It is through hard work that our needs are met, those who pursue get-rich-quick schemes and fantasies of wealth end up in poverty.

November 27, 2013 Bible Study — Study God’s Will To Acquire Wisdom

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Daniel 4:1-37

     Today’s passage describes Nebuchadnezzar having another dream. The dream foreshadowed Nebuchadnezzar abandoning his throne for a period of time (seven “periods of time”) and then returning to take it up. The account tells us that Nebuchadnezzar became arrogant and took credit for his success. He came to believe that he was a god and could do anything he desired. In response to this, God struck him with some form of madness so that he left human civilization and lived as a wild animal for some period of time. At the end of the time chosen by God, Nebuchadnezzar looked up to the sky and his sanity returned. When his sanity returned he praised God and acknowledged His power.
     This is a lesson for us to remember that everything we have accomplished in this life has happened according to God’s will. When we begin to believe that we are the masters of our own fate and stop humbly honoring God for the gifts He has given us, He will show us the limits to our ability.


2 Peter 1:1-21

     Peter began his second letter by reminding us that God will give us grace and peace in proportion to our knowledge and understanding of God and Jesus Christ. He then wrote about the structure of our lives in Christ. There is an order to how we should build our relationship with God. It starts with faith in Christ and a recognition that without Him we can be nothing but slaves to sin. Once we have come to this faith, the natural reaction is to allow God to replace our sinful desires with the desire to do good (and to actually do good). Once we have received the desire and willingness to do good, we next add knowledge of God’s commands and will. It gives us no benefit to know God’s commands if we have not yet received the desire to follow them. As we are given a knowledge and understanding of God’s will for us, we begin to exercise self-control, which leads to embracing patience. As we patiently endure the trials which God sends our way we acquire godliness. Godliness expresses itself as brotherly affection for our fellow believers and as love for all we meet. As we acquire these characteristics in increasing measure we will become more effective at carrying out God’s will in this world.
     If we discover that the ministry we are involved in is unproductive and/or ineffective, we can look at this list and examine whether we are approaching some aspect in our lives in the wrong order. For example, are we seeking more knowledge before we have applied what knowledge we already have in order to do good? Or, are we attempting to express love and brotherly affection before we have learned to exercise self-control? It is never wrong to express love and brotherly affection. However, if we have not yet learned the appropriate self-control for the situation, our attempts to express those may fail and instead of love and brotherly affection we may exhibit selfish control and interference.


Psalm 119:97-112

     The key to wisdom is studying God’s instructions. If you want to be wiser than others, meditate on God’s word. However, it is not enough to just meditate on it, you must also put it into practice. In this passage is a phrase that we must make a touchstone for our lives:

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path.

As we study God’s word and apply it to our lives we will discover that it provides guidance for our path helping us to see obstacles before we trip over them and stumble. Of course we can still trip and fall if we refuse to adjust our course according to what the light of God’s word reveals to us. O Lord, give me the humility to accept the need to adjust my course according to Your will to avoid the obstacles that are before me.


Proverbs 28:17-18

     The perverse will find themselves falling into traps of their own making.

November 26, 2013 Bible Study — Serve Others With Humility

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Daniel 2:24-3:30

     Having received both a description of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and an interpretation of it from God, Daniel approached the man under orders to kill all of Nebuchadnezzar’s advisers on wisdom. Daniel told him not to carry out his orders because Daniel was able to tell the king the meaning of his dream. When Daniel was brought into Nebuchadnezzar’s presence the first thing he did was refuse to take any credit for the interpretation. Daniel told the king that no human agency has the ability to reveal the secret which the king was keeping. However, God knows all secrets and reveals them to whom He wills. The key lesson I take away from this passage is Daniel’s statement that he did not possess some special insight, not was he wiser than others. He was merely the one whom God had chosen to reveal His meaning to King Nebuchadnezzar. Do we have the same humility when God chooses to use us for His purposes?

     The second part of today’s passage from Daniel is one of my favorite stories in the Old Testament. King Nebuchadnezzar set up a gold statue and issued a proclamation that everyone was to bow down to worship it. Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego refused to do so. When King Nebuchadnezzar found out, he confronted them. Nebuchadnezzar asked them what god would be able to save them from being thrown into a fiery furnace at his orders? Their response is one that I wish to emulate in all circumstances:

If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us… But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.

The God whom I serve is able to rescue me from all troubles and hardships, but even if he does not, I will not serve or worship any god but the one true God.


1 Peter 4:7-5:14

     This passage is full of important teachings. It starts by reminding us to have disciplined prayer lives, something I struggle with. It then tells us to demonstrate hospitality to our fellow believers in an ungrudging fashion. Peter then tells us to use whatever gifts God has given us to serve others with all of the strength we have, which also comes from God. Whether that gift is one of speech, or some other means of helping others, let us seek to use it to bring glory to God’s name.
     We should not be surprised when we face trials and tribulations as a result of our faith. I will rejoice when I am insulted or persecuted because of my faith in Christ. God will not fail me in my trials any more than he failed Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego. Peter changes tack somewhat as he moves to his next exhortation. He tells us that elders, those with authority over others in the Church, should humbly use that authority to serve those others, while those who are younger should accept the authority of the elders. Let us serve one another with humility and humble ourselves before God, just as Daniel did. I will give all of my worries and cares to God because He desires good things for me and has the power to bring them into being. I will stand firm on the foundation which God has laid for me.


Psalm 119:81-96

     We may face troubles and trials that seem to be beyond our endurance, yet God knows our limits. His love for us knows no bounds and His faithfulness is eternal. He will rescue us when the time is ripe. Let us humbly wait for His rescue for it will arrive in a timely fashion, even if not in the time we desire.


Proverbs 28:15-16

     A wicked ruler is as devastating to those he rules over as a wild predator is to someone who is helpless. A ruler who oppresses his people is a fool, a wise ruler will hate corruption. This fits in with what Peter said about leaders in the Church. Those in a position of leadership, whether it be elders in the Church, or government officials, should use their authority to serve others, not to satisfy their own desires.

November 25, 2013 Bible Study — Repay Evil With Blessing

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Daniel 1-2:23

     The Book of Daniel begins with two accounts of Daniel’s faith (the first one included his three friends). In the first story, Daniel and his friends request that they be provided food which complies with Jewish dietary laws. The king’s chief of staff, Ahspenaz, was initially afraid to feed them anything other than the foods which the king had provided for the young men he was training. Daniel suggested a ten-day trial. After ten days, Daniel and his friends, who had eaten the kosher diet, looked healthier and better nourished than those who had eaten the king’s diet. Daniel and his friends did not choose their diet because they thought it was healthier for them. They chose their diet because they believed it was God’s command for them to do so. They had faith and they acted on that faith, despite the doubts of those around them. Am I willing to act in a similar fashion on my faith?
     In the second story, King Nebuchadnezzar asks of his counselors something that is impossible for any human to accomplish. He asked them to explain to him the meaning of his dream, without telling them what the dream was. King Nebuchadnezzar was resolute that if his advisers had the powers they claimed, they should be able to tell him his dream and its interpretation. When they insisted that it was not possible for any man to do what he had asked, King Nebuchadnezzar ordered that all of the wise men in the kingdom be put to death. Daniel and his friends had not been present when the king made his demand. When the commander of the king’s bodyguard came to kill Daniel and his friends, Daniel asked why the king had made such an order. Upon hearing the reason, Daniel requested of the king more time. Daniel and his friends then petitioned God for an answer to the king’s riddle. When God revealed the answer to Daniel, he did not immediately rush off to the king claiming what a puissant and wise man that he, Daniel, was. No, Daniel’s first response was to praise and thank God for revealing the secret to him. Once more, do I give credit to God when others honor me for merely being faithful to Him?


1 Peter 3:8-4:6

     Peter instructs all believers to be of one mind in service to Christ, loving one another with compassion and humility. Rather than respond in kind when people insult us or commit evil acts against us, we should strive to bless them and bring about good to them. Peter points out that there will be few people who will desire to harm us if we are always eager to do good. If we do suffer for doing good, God will reward us. Let us not fear what those who do not know Christ fear. It is because of Christ that we do not fear what they fear and we should always be ready to explain this, but with humility and gentleness. It is our goal to provide an avenue for the Holy Spirit to convict them and convince them to also put their faith in Christ. I will strive to have the same attitude which Christ had. Being ready to suffer if that is what results from doing God’s will. Our friends who do not yet know Jesus will be constantly surprised that we do not join them in their self-destructive behaviors and may slander us as a result. Yet I have had enough of chasing after my own selfish desires and anxiously wish to seek and desire the doing of God’s will.


Psalm 119:65-80

     If we truly believe God’s commands He will teach us good judgment and knowledge. Any suffering we experience will be good for us because it will teach us to obey God’s commands. I truly believe that God’s instructions are more valuable than any material wealth that I can possibly imagine. Doing God’s will brings greater happiness and contentment than any amount of wealth. God created me and put me where I am, I pray that He gives me the wisdom to do His will in this place and time. I pray that God will bring companions who will encourage me to fear Him and obey His word for it is only by obeying His word that I may avoid shaming myself before others.


Proverbs 28:14

     Those who fear to do wrong because they fear God will be blessed, while trouble will abound to those who stubbornly refuse to consider, and thus fear, the consequences of their actions. What a great truth, when I was young, many of my friends thought I was wise because I often withdrew from bad actions before things went wrong and others got into trouble. However, the truth was that I feared getting caught more than I desired the anticipated joy of the action in question. Over time I learned that the reason that those in authority attempted to stop my fellows from doing many of those things was because doing them could all too easily lead to harm for those who did it (or for others).

November 24, 2013 Bible Study — We Are Slaves To God

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Ezekiel 47-48:35

     As Ezekiel finishes describing his vision of the new Temple, he describes a river which will flow out from the Temple and into the Dead Sea. He describes going along the river and crossing it every 1,000 cubits. At each crossing the river was significantly deeper until it became too deep to walk across and could only be crossed by swimming. The description is of a river of life which will bring new life to the Dead Sea, so that it will teem with fish. As I read the passage it seemed to be a figurative prophecy about the river of life in the New Jerusalem after Christ returns. Yet, the emphasis on the fact that the marshes and swamps will remain salty makes me wonder if it is a prophecy that will yet take place in this world.


1 Peter 2:11-3:7

     Peter instructs us to live lives that are above reproach, so that even when unbelievers accuse us of doing wrong they will know that we behave honorably. Continuing in that line of thinking, Peter tells us to submit** to human authority because it is instituted to punish those who do wrong and honor those who do right. He goes on to tell slaves to submit to their earthly masters, wives to submit to their husbands, and husbands to be considerate of their wives and to treat them with respect because we are all equal before God. The theme running through all of this is that we as believers need to act honourably in all we do. God has given us freedom, yet we answer to God and may not use our freedom as a cover to do evil.

** I prefer the word “submit” here as used by the NIV and the NRSV (and most other translations) to the word “respect” used by the New Living Translation because it is possible to submit to authorities, even when they behave badly, but it is impossible to respect those who have not only failed to earn it but have acted in disreputable fashion.


Psalm 119:49-64

     I rely on God’s promise to me. It is my source of hope. God’s promises are the only sure source of hope we can find. It is through meditating on His commands and following His instructions that we will find comfort in all that troubles us. O Lord, teach me Your decrees.


Proverbs 28:12-13

     When the righteous are victorious, everyone considers it a cause for rejoicing. When the wicked rule, people hide because no one knows who will next suffer from their depredations. Those who conceal their sins will find them coming back to haunt them whenever they think they are about to succeed. Those who confess their sins and turn from them will find mercy and forgiveness.

November 23, 2013 Bible Study — The Stone That Makes People Stumble

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Ezekiel 45:13-46:24

     Ezekiel lays out the tax which the people are to give to their ruler. He then says that the ruler shall provide the sacrifices to be offered at all of the regularly scheduled worship services. From this we learn that the leaders are to provide for the people and assist them in coming before God. This passage provides yet another model of the rule that those who lead shall be servants of those being led.


1 Peter 1:13-2:10

     Peter instructs us to think clearly and exercise self-control. He tells us to live as obedient children of God and not to living to satisfy our own desires. God has ransomed us with something more valuable than material wealth. He ransomed us with the lifeblood of Christ. We were thus cleansed from our sins and failures. Let us therefore love one another with a sincere and pure heart. I need to keep it in the forefront of my mind that God is using me as a building block to build His house/Temple, the place where He lives. I need to remember that I am always in a holy place because I am part of that holy place.
     Peter points out that to those who trust and honor Christ He is the cornerstone, the linchpin of both their lives and the Temple of which they are a piece. However, to those who reject Christ, everything about Him is a cause for them to stumble and fall.


Psalm 119:33-48

     I read this psalm and feel for those who reject Christ because following God’s commands is the only path that truly leads to happiness and fulfillment. I want the eagerness for God’s law to which the psalmist refers. O Lord God, help me abandon my sinful, shameful ways and follow your guidance. I will follow God’s ways and not be ashamed to speak of them, no matter who my audience, from the lowest to the highest. I will meditate on God’s commands.


Proverbs 28:11

     The rich are always sure of their wisdom, but sometimes the poor are more discerning. Never make the mistake of refusing wise advice because the person giving it has suffered hardship.