Tag Archives: Religion

March 4, 2014 Bible Study — Where Does My Authority Come From?

    I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 10:24-25

    The wicked are right to fear, because their fears will come to pass. On the other hand, the godly have many hopes because God will grant their godly desires. The storms of life will wash away the wicked, but the righteous have built their lives on a solid foundation.


Psalm 47:1-9

    The psalmist is right. Let us shout to God and clap our hands in His praise. I will not be embarrassed to let the world know that I praise God for His wondrous deeds. He is King over all the earth and I will not be afraid of those who do not honour Him.


Mark 11:27-12:17

    At the beginning of today’s passage the religious leaders confronted Jesus about where He got the authority to do what He did in the Temple at the end they attempted to trap Him with a question about paying taxes to Caesar. I never really thought about these two accounts having a linked theme, but reading it today I see one. The first story is about the source of Jesus’ authority. When Jesus asked the religious leaders whether John the Baptist’s authority came from heaven or from man, the author, Mark, is showing us that all authority derives from either God or human sources. In the second story, the religious leaders ask Jesus about paying taxes to Caesar. Which is really a question about whether Caesar has the authority to tax them. These two stories are linked by Jesus’ parable about the tenant farmers who kill the messengers sent to collect the rent. This parable tells us what happens when we side with human authority against God’s authority.
    In the first story, Jesus asked the religious leaders a question which contained a trap. They were unable to answer His question without falling into one side of the trap or the other, so they answered by saying they did not know. In the second story, the religious leaders asked Jesus a question which contained a trap. Jesus changed the context of the question so that when He answered it, it was the religious leaders who were caught in the trap. In both stories, Jesus changed the context of the confrontation so that it was on His terms, not that of His enemies. When we get into discussions with unbelievers we need to learn to do the same thing. We are called to discuss controversial issues on God’s terms, not on man’s terms.
    When the religious leaders asked Jesus the source of His authority, He highlighted the point that authority either comes from God, or from man. They then attempted to trap Him with a question about taxes, which was, to a degree a question about who had authority, God or man (in the form of Caesar)? Jesus managed to show that while the religious leaders claimed authority from God, they relied on Caesar’s backing to maintain their power.


Numbers 2-3:51

    While the Israelites were traveling in the wilderness, God gave them a specific pattern for camping and for their order of march. As I was reading this the number it struck me just how many people were in this camp. We don’t know the total number of people, but the total number of men, not counting women, children and Levites, was 603,550. To put that in perspective the population of Boston, Massachusetts is 636,479. When you add in the Levites, women and children the number has to be close to the population of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1.548 million people. Just think about that, Moses was trying to travel through the wilderness with a group of people the size the city of Philadelphia.

March 3, 2014 Bible Study — My House Will Be Called a House of Prayer For All Nations

    I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 10:23

    Only fools take pleasure in doing wrong. The wise realize that the fleeting pleasure one might gain from such actions is not worth the greater pain which it causes (whether that pain is to others or oneself).


Psalm 46:1-11

    What a wonderful psalm! God is my refuge, I need fear nothing.

So we will not fear when earthquakes come
and the mountains crumble into the sea.
Let the oceans roar and foam.
Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!

People may bluster and threaten, yet I know that God is sovereign and His will cannot be thwarted. I will trust in Him and He will protect me. The psalmist then gives us a command from God:

Be still, and know that I am God!

It is when we are still in both our minds and in our bodies that we hear God speaking to us.


Mark 11:1-25

    I have a perspective today on the story of the donkey which Jesus rode in the Triumphal Entry that I have never heard mentioned before. The attitude of the owner of said donkey. When the disciples went to untie the colt they told those standing nearby (who I am assuming were the owners), “The Lord needs it and will return it soon.” At which point they were sent on their way with the colt. Do we have a similar attitude with our possessions when someone tells us that God has need of them? Are we willing to put our possessions at the disposal of those doing God’s work? How do we know when God is calling for us to offer our possessions for use in a particular ministry?
    This passage makes this the perfect place to discuss something that has been concerning me lately. Often times at our congregation someone will hold a sale as a fundraiser for some event in the lobby of our building after our worship service. Jesus condemned the religious leaders of His day for commercializing the Temple. I am quite sure that the presence of merchants in the Temple courtyards began from good motives, just as these fundraisers are held from entirely good motives. However, the question is, how do we know when we have crossed the line? I want to be clear that I do not think any of the fundraisers that have been held at my congregation have crossed the line. They have just become a frequent enough occurrence that I believe some attention should be given to the impression they may give outsiders who attend our services. I, also, want to say that I do not have the answer here.


Numbers 1:1-54

    This passage is among the reasons I started doing this blog. I believe it is important to read all of the Bible regularly, but before I started this blog I found myself skipping over passages like this one. Today I realized that this passage tells us the importance of determining what resources we have available to accomplish the mission which God has given us. Moses could not effectively plan how to invade the land of Canaan until he knew not just how many men he had, but how many were in each unit (tribe). In the same way we need to muster our resources and figure out who God has sent to aid us when we start a new mission for Him.


Leviticus 27:14-34

    This passage describes a way to determine the value of possessions which have been donated to the service of God.

March 2, 2014 Bible Study — I Want To See

I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 10:22
     It is not material possessions which constitute true wealth, rather it is God’s blessings which I crave.


Psalm 45:1-17
     This psalm always gives me trouble because it strikes me as little more than a courtier’s flattery of the king. Yet I firmly believe that everything that is in the Bible is there because God has a message in it for us. So, there must be something here the Spirit wants me see. As I look at this with that eye, I see one important point. One note necessarily directed at me, but a lesson for us today just as much as this psalm was meant to flatter the king in the day it was written. If someone with authority over others wants success and to endure in their position then let them love justice and hate evil. Those who wish to be leaders blessed by God need to defend truth humility and justice.


Mark 10:32-52
     Jesus once more predicts His death and resurrection. Shortly after doing so, James and John asked to be seated in places of honour when He sat on His throne. Jesus asks them if they are able to follow the suffering path He will take to reach His throne and they respond in the affirmative. He then tells them that He does not have the authority to grant them their wish as those places have already been designated to someone by the Father. Jesus then reminds them (and us) once again that the path to greatness in His Kingdom is to be the servant of others. We are to follow the model which Jesus gave us. He came to serve others, not to be served. He came to suffer so that we would not have to. If we wish to be great in the Kingdom of God we need to serve others and be willing to suffer in order to relieve others from suffering. This is a truth that works in the workplace as well as in the Church, the path to greatness is by being of service to others.
This is capped by a story that I try to take to heart. When Blind Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was nearby, he began making a fuss so that he could gain Jesus’ attention. The people around him told him to be quiet and settle down, but this just made him shout louder and kick up a bigger stink. When Jesus heard him, He told the crowd to let him through. Immediately, Bartimaeus threw aside his cloak, jumped to his feet, and ran to Jesus. When Jesus asked him what he wanted, Bartimaeus replied, “I want to see.” Jesus told him to go, that his faith had healed him. Instantly Bartimaeus could see and followed Jesus down the road. I never noticed the importance of this story right here in Mark’s account. Jesus had just once more told His disciples that He would soon die and they did not understand. No sooner had He told them this than they began asking for places of honour in the Kingdom. Once more He had to tell them that those only those who served others would receive honour. Then we have the story of Bartimaeus. All he wanted was to be able to see. Do we desire to have out eyes opened the way Bartimaeus wanted his sight? Do we recognize that without Jesus, we are blind? Oh Lord, I want to see. Let me see Your will. Let me see how you want me to act and then cause me to act that way.


Leviticus 25:47-27:13
     This passage begins by discussing the importance of not allowing our “brothers” to be mistreated. The reason for this is that is that they are God’s servants and belong to Him. Those who mistreat God’s servants is disrespecting God. Today let us use our resources to protect God’s servants throughout the world to the best of our ability. The passage goes on to tell the people of Israel that if they faithfully follow God’s commands they will live a peaceful life and never be in want. It also warns them if they fail to follow God’s commands they will face disease, privation, and invasion. There is a universal truth in this. Those societies which honour God and attempt to behave in a righteous manner will be prosperous and face few threats. Those societies which denigrate righteousness and hold honesty in low esteem will be filled with strife and poverty.

March 1, 2014 Bible Study — Let The Children Come To Jesus

I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 10:20-21
     Do I value what the righteous people around me have to say? And, am I afraid of being held in poor regard by the wicked? If we listen to what the righteous have to say, we will be encouraged and prosper. Fools come to destruction because they discount the advice they receive from the righteous.


Psalm 44:9-26
     Sometimes God’s plans for us seem cruel. We do not always face roses and parades when we follow God. We may not understand what God is doing in our lives, but God’s love is unfailing and He will rescue us. Actually, I am reminded of a thought I had while listening to a song. The song said that God turns ashes to gold, and there is truth to that. However, as I listened to that song I realized that too often we look at the ashes around the crucible, rather than at the gold which God used the fire to purify. When I have passed through the fires which God is using to purify me, I will strive to look at the gold he has brought to light, rather than at the ashes that are all that remain of the dross He destroyed to free that gold. (I know, I am not keeping my metaphor clean there, but I think you can understand what I am saying).


Mark 10:13-31
     Mark recounts how some parents wanted to bring their children to Jesus for Him to bless them. His disciples rebuked the parents for wasting Jesus’ time. When Jesus saw what the disciples were doing, He was angry. He told them (and us) not to interfere with children coming to Him. I am a firm believer in adult baptism and am disturbed when I see young children being pressured to “make a decision for Jesus.” I think it is very important that someone be old enough to truly understand the decision they are making and to count the cost (as Jesus elsewhere tells us to do before we choose to follow Him). However, this passage makes clear that parents should bring their children to Jesus and that Jesus welcomes the children.


Leviticus 24-25:46
     God commands the people of Israel to observe a Sabbath year and a Year of Jubilee. During the Sabbath year they are not to plant their fields or prune their grape vines. They are not to gather the grain which grows on its own into barns nor harvest the grapes that grow. They are allowed to eat what grows on its own, but they are not to cultivate anything during that year. In response to their fear that they will not have enough to eat God promises them that He will bless them with a surplus in the sixth year sufficient to tide them over.
The Year of Jubilee was to occur every 50 years. It was to be a Sabbath Year with additional provisions. It was to be a year of restoration where those who had done well would restore those who had suffered misfortune. The provisions can be analyzed many different ways, but the key concept is that we do not truly own anything. It all belongs to God and we are merely allowed to make use of it in trust from Him. The whole concept of the Year of Jubilee is a reminder that we are to use every thing which comes into our possession to bring glory to God.

February 28, 2014 Bible Study — It’s Not About Me!

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 10:19

     All too often I say more than I should and in the process say things I should not say, things that are hurtful, or that are boastful. I need to learn to speak less and listen more.


Psalm 44:1-8

     We have heard what God has done, but have we really listened? Our ancestors told us what happened, but still we think that it is through our own strength that we will be victorious. However, if we trust in our strength and in our weapons we will fail. It is only by God’s power that we will have victory over our enemies. I will not trust in my sword or by bow, nor in the strength of my arm. I will fully rely on God’s power to bring me the victory (which of course means that I can only be victorious in those battles which God calls me to fight).


Mark 9:30-10:12

     This passage has a series of separate stories, each with their own point. In a way, there is a theme through all of these. That theme is, it’s not about me. Initially, I thought that the beginning of this passage was not part of that theme, but as I thought about it I realized that it did indeed fit into the theme. Jesus told the disciples that He was going to be killed and rise from the dead. The disciples did not understand what He meant and, rather than ask Him, they began arguing over which one of them was the most important (ad therefore could boss the rest around). When Jesus realized what they were talking about He told them that the most important person did not get to boss others around. No, the most important person served everybody else.
     A little later, John came to Jesus and told Him that he had seen someone casting out demons in Jesus name. John said that he had told that person to stop because he was not one of them. Jesus told them that they were wrong to stop the man. At first reading, this seems like a completely different issue. However, once you realize why John told the man to stop, you see the connection. John told the man to stop because he was not part of the “right” club. He was not one of the disciples, that meant he was not “important” enough to use the power of Jesus’ name. Jesus’ answer to John tells us that we don’t get to act as gatekeepers to God. Our job is to bring the Gospel to people, not to decide who gets to approach God.
     Then we have the account of Jesus’ teaching on divorce. Once again this seems to be about something else (and to a degree it is). But let’s look at what Jesus tells us. He tells us that marriage, and whether the marriage continues, is not about our desires and what we want. When we get married, it is no longer about us. It is about the marriage. God has joined us with someone. It is not up to us to decide if we want to be part of that union. As I said, all of these stories have one point. It is not about me. If I want to be important, than I need to put other’s needs before mine. If I want to act in the power of Jesus’ name, I don’t get to tell others that they can’t. If I get married, it’s not about what I want anymore. It’s not about me.


Leviticus 22:17-23:44

     I know what I think about this passage, but I am having a little difficulty getting it to fit together in a coherent manner. So, I will ask you to forgive me if this comes out a little disjointed. Overall this passage emphasizes the importance of putting God first. Give to God from the best we have. When we harvest, give to God before we take for ourselves. Don’t give to God in order to avoid having to dispose of something we don’t want.

February 27, 2014 Bible Study — I Do Believe; Help My Unbelief!

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 10:18

     I prefer the NIV translation for today’s proverb. Those who conceal their hatred of others and then spread slander about them are fools. It does not take people long to figure out that you are not really someone’s friend when you are constantly telling others bad things about them.


Psalm 43:1-5

     This psalm contains my prayer for today:

Send out Your light and Your truth;
let them guide me.

I am happy to say that I know that God is doing so for anyone who will look to Him. I will strive to let His light and His truth guide me today and every day. The psalm ends with the answer to depression (although it is easier said than done):

Why am I discouraged?
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again—
my Savior and my God!

When I feel sadness or discouragement I will put my hope in God and praise Him. I will recognize that even when things seem difficult and trouble besets me, God will be my defender and will care for me.


Mark 9:1-29

     The story of the Transfiguration is a reminder that when we have a spiritual mountaintop experience we cannot stay there. There are times when we have transformational spiritual experiences. We need to remember that they do not last. The time comes when we need to take that experience back into the world. I just noticed one other thing that I have never connected it to the mountaintop experience part of this story. As they descended the mountain, Peter, James, and John discussed among themselves the meaning of what Jesus had said to them because they did not understand it. The same thing is likely to happen to us when we have mountaintop spiritual experiences.
     When Jesus got down from the mountain He discovered the some teachers of religious law arguing with the rest of His disciples. Jesus asked them what the argument was about. A man came forward to say that he had brought his son to Jesus’ disciples and they were unable to heal the boy. Jesus told the man to bring his son to Him. This is followed by an exchange which always touches my heart. The father begged Jesus to help him and his son if He was able. Jesus questioned the father’s doubt and told him that anything was possible for those who believe. The father than made the statement which sums up so much of my prayers, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” I find my self praying this prayer almost daily. The wonderful thing is that it is a prayer which God always answers with a resounding “Yes!”


Leviticus 20:22-22:16

     Early in this passage is a phrase which contains a truth we do well to live by. “Do not live according to the customs of the people I am driving out before you. It is because they do these shameful things that I detest them.” This is so true of how we should live, although I would change it to “Do not live according to the customs of the people you live among. It is because they do these shameful things that I detest them.” God is not driving the people practicing this detestable culture out of the land before us. Rather, He is now calling on us to transform this culture by being faithful to Him. As I read this passage it reminded me of Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Let us be transformed by God’s Spirit so that by our example those around us will change their behavior and themselves be transformed by God’s Spirit.

February 26, 2014 Bible Study — Who Do You Say That I Am?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 10:17

     If we accept discipline we benefit not only ourselves but those who follow our example. On the other hand when we do not listen to constructive criticism we encourage others to continue destructive behaviors which may lead to their own death. So, we should accept correction because it will make our own lives better and because it will encourage others to follow wise advice.


Psalm 42:1-11

     The beginning of this psalm is a wonderful statement:

As the deer longs for streams of water,
so I long for you, O God.
I thirst for God, the living God.

Sunday morning we sang a song by Martin J. Nystrom which was based on this psalm titled “As the Deer Panteth for the Water.” If you are not familiar with this song, look it up. The psalmist remembers how it used to be, but is discouraged because it is no longer like that. Then he remembers that he used to put his hope and trust in God and determines to return to doing so. He finishes the psalm with a great statement of faith and a reminder to all of us:

Why am I discouraged?
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again—
my Savior and my God!

When I am discouraged and my heart feels sad, I will put my hope in God and I will praise Him again. It is amazing how praising God will lift one’s spirits and bring joy to one’s heart.


Mark 8:11-38

     Today’s passage contains a story of Jesus healing a blind man. Jesus took the man out of the village, spit on his eyes and laid His hands on them. Then He asked him if he could see anything. The man replied that he could see, but not very clearly. This is often the way it is with us when we first hear God’s message for us. We get a sense of what He wants, but it is not clear. In this account, Jesus laid His hands on the man’s eyes and his sight became clear. God will do the same for us. If we wait for Him, He will once more place His Spirit upon us so that we can see His plans clearly.
     The last part of today’s passage is a perfect example of how we can sometimes both get it so right, while getting it so wrong. When Jesus asked the disciples who they said He was, Peter spoke right up and said that He was the Messiah, God’s Anointed One. Then just a short time later when Jesus was telling them that He was going to be crucified, Peter took Him aside and reprimanded Him for being negative. Jesus castigated Peter as not seeing things from God’s perspective. I recognize myself in Peter here. So many times I get a wonderful insight from God, then turn around and apply it from a human perspective rather than from God’s.


Leviticus 19-20:21

     There are many instructions in today’s passage which will make our lives better. However the one which I want to comment on has to do with harvesting the fields and gathering the grapes. God instructs the people of Israel to not gather their harvests with the maximum efficiency. They are told to allow some of their crops to slip through their procedures for gathering them in so that the poor may come and gather those up and eat them. Notice that they are not told to gather their crops as efficiently as they can and then give some of their surplus to the poor. Rather they are told to allow the grain which cannot be easily gathered to remain and to do the same with the grapes which cannot be easily gathered. They are to allow the poor to come and gather those items. This serves two purposes. It allows the poor to be fed, but it also requires the poor to make an effort to acquire their food. Those who are economically successful are to leave spaces for those who are poor to thrive and possibly rise out of poverty.

February 25, 2014 Bible Study — I Don’t Have What It Takes

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 10:15-16

     This passage is a reminder that while acquiring wealth offers a bulwark against life’s storms, living a righteous life is more important than any amount of money.


Psalm 41:1-13

     This psalm follows on the proverbs passage so well. Its beginning so perfectly captures the message of the proverbs I just read. While wealth provides a bulwark against life’s storms, the key to making the most of it is to use that wealth to help the poor face those same storms. If we serve the Lord by using whatever wealth comes our way to assist those less fortunate than ourselves, God will bless us in ways beyond imagining (those blessings may include wealth, but are not primarily wealth).


Mark 7:24-8:10

     This passage concludes with Jesus feeding another large crowd starting with a small amount of food. Once again when Jesus asks His disciples to feed the crowd, they object that they cannot find enough food in the remote region they are in. And once again, Jesus asks them to share what little food they have. Jesus had the crowd sit on the ground, then He took the loaves of bread they had, blessed them, and gave them to distribute among the people. When He did this someone brought forth a few small fish, which Jesus blessed and gave to the disciples to distribute as well. When all had eaten their fill, they collected more leftovers than the amount of food they had started with.
     The disciples had seen Jesus feed a large crowd with a small amount of food once before and they had seen His many miracles. They had even been empowered by Him to go out and perform similar miracles. Yet, when He asked them to feed the crowd, their initial reaction was, “How can we do that?” How often are we the same way? We have seen how God has provided for our needs and how He has accomplished wonders, yet when He calls on us to serve others, all too often, our response is, “I do not have enough money, enough skill, enough…?” Isn’t it time we learned that when God calls on us to act, not only will He give us enough to do what He asks, but we will usually end up with a surplus?


Leviticus 16:29-18:30

     This passage contains a prohibition against anyone among the people of Israel offering sacrifices anywhere but at the Tabernacle (whether to God or otherwise). This prohibition served two purposes. First it was to ensure that no one offered sacrifices to other gods while pretending that they were sacrifices to God. The second purpose was to ensure the unity of the people. Overall this part of this passage is a reminder of the importance of worshiping within the larger body of those who serve God. It is important to gather together with our fellow believers on a regular basis to worship God. It is too easy to drift into self-serving understandings of God if we do not test our beliefs with others who are also striving to serve God.
     The passage then tells the people of Israel not to fall into any of the many negative sexual practices of the people of the land of Canaan. It is in this passage which God told the Israelites that homosexual sex was wrong, but homosexual sex was fairly far down the list. In a way if we look at this, we see that by the time we get to God forbidding homosexual behavior we have already broken many of his prohibitions about improper sexual behavior. All too often, we as Christians look the other way at what we consider “lesser” sexual sins, but draw the line at homosexual behavior. If we wish to be a prophetic witness to society about sexual behavior we need to be faithful on all aspects of sexual behavior, not just homosexual acts.

February 24, 2014 Bible Study — Evil Comes From Within Our Hearts

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 10:11-12

     In order to speak with wisdom it is necessary to first acquire understanding. Speaking before you understand the situation is asking for trouble and will likely incite violence against oneself. Those who are wise are constantly seeking to know more, but the foolish prefer to tell others what they think.


Psalm 40:11-17

     I can empathize with the psalmist here. I know of times when my mistakes (mostly ones I would have avoided by staying away from sin) and the troubles they had produced overwhelmed me. I cried out to God and He rescued me. All who search for God will be filled with joy. They will find gladness in His presence. God is my help and my deliverer. His rescue of me will be timely.


Mark 7:1-23

     Some teachers of religious law came from Jerusalem to see what the fuss was about Jesus. They confronted Jesus about His disciples not keeping their rituals of washing their hands before eating. It is worth noting that they did not have a problem with it because it was unsanitary (a concept with which they would have been completely unfamiliar), but rather because it violated their idea of righteousness. Jesus fired right back at them for putting their traditions over the law of God. He pointed out that they allowed their traditions and rituals to override the clear intention of the Law. They said that someone could declare their possessions and wealth as dedicated to God, thus absolving them of the obligation to care for their elderly parents. Jesus declared that the actions we do are more important than the food we eat. It is more important to do what is good for others than it is to follow some specific religious ritual.


Leviticus 15-16:28

     The passage finishes out the section of laws which regulate behavior concerning public health within the people of Israel. It contains a series of instructions whose value is clear to us today because of our knowledge of the dangers of being exposed to the bodily fluids of other persons. These bodily fluids are also breeding grounds for disease agents.
     Next the passage describes the ritual sacrifice of the Day of Atonement. It is from this passage that we derive the term “scapegoat”. It is a sign of how many people today have no real knowledge of the Bible that this term is becoming “escape goat’. The concept of the scapegoat in this ritual is one of separating ourselves from our sin. The idea presented here is that the sins of the people will be laid upon the goat and it will be sent out into the wilderness. In some ways Jesus filled this role for us by carrying all of our sins on the cross.

February 23, 2014 Bible Study –Wait Patiently For the Lord

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 10:11-12

     These proverbs are useful for analyzing my behavior. When I speak, do people find my words a life-giving fountain, or am I using them to hide violent intentions? Do my actions and words stir up conflict, or do they soothe the offenses that others have taken? If we are not sure that the answer to the first question is the former and to the second question is the latter, let us strive harder to make it so.
     It is my goal to speak words of life to everyone I meet on all occasions. Further, it is my goal to help others look past offenses and forgive them. I will strive to make peace between those who are angry with one another.


Psalm 40:1-10

     If we wait patiently for the Lord, He will turn to us and answer our cry. This is such a hard lesson to learn. He has done it for me before. When I waited patiently for Him, He raised me out of despair and set me on solid ground, showing me the path He had for me to follow. Let me live my life so that others will see what He has done for me and put their trust in Him. I have told people about God’s justice, but at times I have been afraid to speak out. Oh Lord, do not let me be afraid to speak any longer, do not allow me to keep your good news hidden in my heart. Compel me to share your faithfulness and saving power with all whom I meet. When I die, let it be said of me at my funeral, “He told everyone of your unfailing love and faithfulness.”


Mark 6:30-56

     When the apostles returned from the preaching tour Jesus had sent them on Jesus attempted to withdraw to a quiet place to debrief them. However, the crowds saw where they were going and met them when they got there. This passage contains one the most powerful images of those who came to hear Jesus teach. “They were like sheep without a shepherd.” This is a terrible indictment of the leaders of the day, especially the religious leaders. The thing is, it is also true of many people today. When I look at society around me, I see people being preyed upon because no one is acting as a shepherd to protect them from the predators of this world. Rather than being protected by those who shepherd them and lead them to pastures where they can thrive I see them being led by those who prey upon them and have no care for their well-being.
     I noticed something about the feeding of the 5,000 that I have never noticed before. I am sure that others have noticed it and commented on, but I have never come across it before. When the disciples asked Jesus to send the crowd away so that those in it could get food, Jesus told them to feed the crowd. The disciples replied that did not have enough money to get food to feed them all. Jesus told them to find out how much food they had. When the disciples returned with their five loaves of bread and two fish, Jesus had them sit the crowd down and shared the food out to the crowd. The point I never noticed is that Jesus asked the disciples to share their food with the crowd even though it was obviously not enough to feed everyone. When they followed His command, not only was there enough for everyone there were twelve basketfuls left over. The point here is that when we are evaluating an action, the first question to ask ourselves is not, “Is it practical?” The first question to ask ourselves is, “What does God want us to do?” This does not mean that we should not consider what is practical, but it means that just because something does not seem practical it is not what God wants us to do. Sometimes we need to step out in faith and trust God to make things work. Five loaves and two fish were clearly not enough to feed over 5,000 people. Yet when they gave them to Jesus, He gave them back and somehow not only was everyone fed, but more was left over than what they started with.


Leviticus 14:1-57

     The passage describes the procedure those who have been cleansed of serious skin disease are to follow. It is an acknowledgement that God has shed His grace on them by cleansing them of disease. This is followed by a description of what to do if a house has been contaminated with mildew. The mold/mildew described is known today to present a health risk to those who live in a house so contaminated. The passage describes how to repair such a house so as to eliminate the contamination, including determining that the house is so thoroughly contaminated that it is not repairable.