Tag Archives: Religion

April 13, 2014 Bible Study — You Must Choose, God, Or Money?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 13:2-3

    We need to choose our words with care because they will provide the “food” we will eat. The type of life we will lead going forward will come out of what we say to others now. Those who say treacherous, dishonest things will find their lives filled with violence (probably a result which they desire). So, let us be careful not to say things which will lead to results we do not desire. Carelessly saying whatever comes to mind will lead to our destruction.


Psalm 82:1-8

    God will pronounce judgement on the rulers of this earth. He will hold them accountable for making unjust decisions. On the other hand, He will honour those rulers who give justice to the poor and the orphan. He will praise those who rescue the weak and the needy. All the nations on this earth belong to God. He has given authority to those who rule over them. He will judge those rulers if they fail to use that authority wisely. Those who use their authority for their own interests, at the expense of justice may seem to prosper for a time, but God is keeping score.


Luke 16:1-18

    Jesus told the story of the shrewd manager. Upon being told that he was about to be fired summoned all of those who owed his master and cut their debts in half. Jesus holds this up as an example for us. He was not telling us that we should defraud our employer if we are fired. Rather, we should use our material resources in order to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Let us show others that we care about them by the way in which we use the material resources which God puts at our disposal.
    A story I learned in my childhood illustrates this point. During the Revolutionary War a woman who lived near where I grew up refused to take sides. At one point she was arrested for having wounded British soldiers in her house, whose injuries she was treating. George Washington (or one of his commanders, I do not remember this detail) intended to execute her for treason. However, her neighbors came forward and begged him to not do so. They argued that she had always been generous to her neighbors, helping those in need. In fact, they produced evidence that she had provided care equally to injured soldiers from Washington’s army. In the end, she was not executed because the Army was satisfied that she had used her resources to help those in need regardless of which side they were on. Jesus concludes His teaching on this subject by reminding us that if we allow it, money will become our master, demanding loyalty which we should be giving to God.


Joshua 7:16-9:2

    Yesterday’s passage concluded with the account of how the Israelites were defeated when they attacked Ai. This defeat occurred because one of their number had failed to follow God’s command at Jericho and kept some of Jericho’s wealth for himself. The important lesson from this passage is that an organization can be defeated in its pursuit of God’s goals if even one of its number has allowed his personal desires lead him to disobey God. This passage reminds me of an event from my past.
    When I was in my 20s and attending elsewhere, the congregation my parents attended was struggling. However, it seemed to have found a new mission and new life. It was being led by a team of three interim pastors. Men who were semi-retired from ministry and had other means of support (although they were receiving a stipend for this role). After several years, one of those men left his wife of many years. He went to live with a woman with whom he had been having an affair for many years. Within a matter of months the congregation had disbanded. To this day, I am convinced that the reason the congregation disbanded was because of this man’s sin.

April 12, 2014 Bible Study — Joy When The Lost Is Found

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 13:1

    A wise child listens and learns from the instructions their parents give them. One can generalize this even further, a wise person listens to the advice of those with more experience than themselves in the area under discussion. The writer mentions a particular class of fool, the mocker, who mocks anyone who believes differently than themselves, even when that person is more knowledgeable on a particular subject than themselves. One should always be skeptical of the arguments made by someone who mocks people who disagree with them.


Psalm 81:1-16

    Let us praise God with every means at our disposal. Let us make music praising Him with every instrument we can lay our hands on. If we will listen to God’s instructions, He will lift the burdens from our shoulders and provide for all of our needs. All too often, we refuse to listen to what He tells us. We stubbornly insist on following our own desires rather than the course which He lays out for us. I am guilty of this, even though I know that God’s plan for me is better for me that what I would choose for myself. Oh Lord, send Your Spirit upon me so that I will do your will!


Luke 15:1-32

    Jesus tells several stories about how God feels when sinners repent and turn to Him. The first two stories are just about the joy which is experienced when we find that which we thought was lost. The third, the story of the Prodigal Son is much more complicated. Do I share the Father’s joy when those who were lost turn to Him?
    In the story of the Prodigal Son, we have the son who returned to his father, recognizing that he did not deserve to be counted as his father’s son. We have the father who welcomes his son home, despite the wrong that the son did him. Not only does he welcome him home, he throws a party to celebrate his return. Finally, there is the elder brother, who resents his father’s joy at the return of his brother. I hope we can empathize with all three characters in this story. There are three questions we need to ask ourselves. First, do I recognize my tendency to fall into the pattern of the elder son? Second, do I recognize myself in the prodigal son? Third, and most important, am I willing to share in the Father’s joy at the return of the son who was as good as dead? When non-believers find God and are welcomed into the family, do I want to throw a party?


Joshua 5-7:15

    For six days the army of Israel marched around the city of Jericho. The army spoke not a word as they marched, while seven priests blew ram’s horns. On the seventh day they marched around the city seven times. At the end of the seventh circuit the priests let out a long blast on the horns and the entire army shouted as loud as they could. When they did this the walls of Jericho collapsed and the army was able to rush in and slay the town, sparing only Rahab and her family. Every time I read this account, I think that there is a lesson on trusting God in this story. They followed the instructions which God had given them and thus obtained the victory.

April 11, 2014 Bible Study — Do Not Seek To Honour Yourself

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:27-28

    The lazy will not even take the effort to cook any game they catch, while the diligent will always find plenty to eat because they make use of everything they acquire. The godly follow a path which leads to life, they do not choose actions which result in death and destruction.


Psalm 80:1-19

    Let us cry out to God and ask Him to turn us again to following Him. It is only by the power of His Spirit that we can be blessed and follow His will. We cannot do so on our own. It is only when God shows His face to us that we can experience the blessings that come from serving Him. I pray to God that He send out His Spirit and turn His people once more towards Him. I ask that He send His Spirit upon me and change me so that I serve His will in all that I do.


Luke 14:7-35

    Jesus was at a feast when He noticed that everyone was trying to sit in the seats of honour. Jesus then gives some advice that is not just about seating at a feast. He tells us that we should not attempt to honour ourselves; we should not put ourselves forward as someone deserving of honour. Rather we should be humble and assume that everyone present is more deserving of honour than ourselves. Jesus goes on from that to tell us that it is better to good things for those who cannot pay us back for our kindness. These two lessons go together. Do not do good things in order to receive recompense, whether that recompense is material or something insubstantial such as being honoured.
    Jesus followed this up by telling the story about the man who prepared and threw a banquet. When He sent out word that the meal was ready to those who had initially accepted His invitation, they all replied that they were too busy to come now. This is a clear reference to those who have lived a “religious” or “righteous” life believing that they had an “in” with God. The important thing is not that we were invited to God’s feast, nor that we accepted to invitation. The important thing is that we are ready to do His will when He says that now is the time. If we do not respond when God tells us it is time, our place will be taken by the alcoholics, the druggies, the dregs of the earth (not just the unfortunate who life has dealt a raw hand, but those who have chosen a self-destructive path). I think it is wonderful news that God will include these, but I do not want to be left out because I failed to answer the call.
    Jesus goes on to tell the crowd following Him that if they wish to follow Him they need to be willing to give up everything in this life, to the point of suffering a horrible death. It is important for us to count what following Him will cost us before we set out. There have been those who fell away because they discovered that the cost of following Christ was higher than they were willing to pay. In some cases I believe that if they had realized the cost when they chose to follow Christ, they would have done so anyway and when the time came they would have continued on. But because they had not realized the price they would need to pay, when the time came they felt betrayed and fell away from Christ. Following Christ will cost us everything which we have, even our very lives. If we are not willing to pay this price, we may as well never start down that road.


Joshua 3-4:24

    The people of Israel purified themselves the night before they were to set out to cross the Jordan. They went forth in faith and God stopped the flow of the Jordan River so that they could cross on dry ground. Unlike when they had crossed the Red Sea, this crossing was done where it could be witnessed by many people besides the Israelites. As they crossed the Jordan they gathered stones so as to make a memorial to remind future generations of what God had done for them. I will strive to purify myself when God has revealed that He is about to use me to demonstrate His power, even if it is only through something that does not deserve to be mentioned next to crossing the Jordan. In addition, this passage reminds us of the importance of creating memorials to remind ourselves of what God has done in our lives. These memorials will serve as a basis for strengthening our faith when we doubt and as an opportunity to tell others of the wonderful things God has done for us.

April 10, 2014 Bible Study — Enter Through the Narrow Door

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:26

    The godly choose their friends with care because wicked friends will lead them astray. That is not quite what the proverb says, but I think that is part of its message. Another way to look at it is that godly friends will give you advice which will help you lead a godly life, while wicked friends will give you advice that encourages you to act wickedly.


Psalm 79:1-13

    Reading this psalm reminds me of our society today, where those who reject God mock those who try to follow His commands. They do more than that, they subject them to scorn and disparagement. They attempt to force them to give up their faith in God. Let us cry out to God for vindication. As a first step to receiving that vindication from God we must confess our sins and repent of them. If we dedicate ourselves to turning once more to God and serving Him, He will show His power. God will pay back those who have heaped scorn upon His servants. They will see that He is indeed God, the Creator of the universe.


Luke 13:22-14:6

    Jesus was asked whether only a few would be saved. He answered by telling us to work hard to enter by the narrow door. Many will attempt to do so, but will fail. Jesus tells us that we have a narrow window of opportunity to accept God’s offer of salvation, once the door is closed it will be too late to change our minds. It is not enough to call ourselves Christians, followers of Christ. If we do not have a personal relationship with Christ, He will tell us that He does not know us. I just realized that Jesus is telling us that many of those who appear to have the inside track will fail to be admitted, but who are seen as unwelcome in the Kingdom of Heaven will be granted entry. Some of those whom we look down upon will be granted great honour by God, and some of those we view as worthy of great honour will receive none from God.


Deuteronomy 34:1-12

    God had told Moses that he would not enter into the land which God had promised to the people of Israel. However, He led Moses up onto a mountaintop overlooking the plains of Jericho and gave Moses a vision of the entire land. After seeing the vision which God gave him, Moses died at the age of 120. At the time which the editor of this compilation wrote, no prophet like Moses had arisen in Israel. The editor tells us that Moses spoke with God face to face. As followers of Christ, we have that opportunity.


Joshua 1-2:24

    After the death of Moses, God spoke to Joshua and promised to be with him for his entire life. We may embrace the promise which God made to Joshua as our own. If we are careful to obey the instructions which God has given us, He will be with us throughout our lives. If we obey His instructions with strength and courage, we will succeed in all that we do and God will be with us wherever we go.
    Joshua sent spies into Jericho to scout it out for him. While they were there they entered into the house of Rahab the prostitute, who hid them from the men of the King of Jericho. Rahab made a great statement of faith and asked the spies to promise safety for herself and he family when they conquered Jericho. Rahab demonstrated great faith in her actions to hide and then help the spies. She took great risks. If the King of Jericho had discovered her actions, she would have suffered dire consequences. Do we have the faith to do God’s will, even when those around us will cause us to suffer for doing so? Rahab chose to be on the side of the Israelites, God’s side. Which side will we choose?

April 9, 2014 Bible Study — Are We Producing Fruit Yet?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:25

    This proverb reminds me of the importance of telling people that they have had a positive impact on my life, no matter how minor.


Psalm 78:65-72

    We may think that God has abandoned us because of our sins, but, if we turn back to Him, He will rouse to our defense. However, the rescue He brings us may not come from the direction we were expecting and He may lead us down paths completely different from where we thought He wanted us to go. Let us remember that the plans God has for us will be far better than anything we could have imagined for ourselves.


Luke 13:1-21

    Jesus reminds us that we are all sinners deserving of death. If we do not repent of our sins and turn to God, we will suffer and die. He follows this up with a parable of a fig tree that has been carefully tended, but failed to bear fruit. The man who had planted it determined to cut it down. However, his gardener begged him to give it one more year. That is where we are. If we are not currently bearing the fruit of the Spirit for a harvest for God, we are on borrowed time. We have a limited amount of time left to demonstrate that we will respond to the love which God has lavished on us. When I read passages like this one, and look at my life, I grieve at how far I have fallen short of fulfilling God’s will for my life and pray that He will change me so that I will do more for Him.


Deuteronomy 33:1-29

    God loves His people, those whom He has called to His service. I read this passage, and the very different blessing which Moses gave for each of the tribes, and I was reminded of how God calls each of us to different paths in this life. Let us not think that because someone else has been called to leadership and been blessed by following that call that it means that we need to take up a position of leadership in order to be blessed. Some are called to build up their families and teach the next generation to serve God. Others are called to stand up to pressure and use the strength God has given them to resist evil. Yet others are called to exercise the gifts which God has given them in economic matters to acquire wealth to use for furthering God’s purpose. I will not go on listing the various ways in which God may call different people, since I cannot possibly list them all. Whatever path God has called you to trod, follow it with dedication to Him and He will bless you throughout your life and into the next.

April 8, 2014 Bible Study — When My Master Returns, Will He Find Me Faithfully Carrying Out His Instructions?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:24

    The route to becoming a leader in any endeavor is to work hard at it. Those who work hard rise to positions of leadership, those who are lazy end up serving others.


Psalm 78:56-64

    If we rebel against God time and again and worship things other than Him, His patience with us will run out and He will leave us to suffer the consequences of our actions.


Luke 12:35-59

    Jesus warns us to be prepared for His return. We do not know when that day will be, but let us carry out His will every day until He arrives. I want Him to find me doing His work when He comes on that day. We must not allow the apparent delay in His return to make us complacent and lazy in doing the work which He has set for us.
    Jesus goes on to tell us that He did not come to bring unity, rather He came to divide people. Families will divide over His teachings. Each one of us must decide for himself what is right. We cannot just yield that judgment to some authority figure. We cannot go along with what others say is right just to avoid strife and division. Jesus has called us each to make our own judgment as to what is right. If we wish to be faithful servants of Christ, we cannot accept as right the beliefs of those who oppose Christ.


Deuteronomy 32:28-52

    Moses’ song continues telling us that we are foolish and senseless. All too often we fail to heed God’s commands and despite our desire to serve Him we allow ourselves to fall into the hands of His enemies. Let us not seek to exact revenge from our enemies because God has reserved that right to Himself. When our strength is gone and we can no longer stand on our own, God will come and lift us up. He will support us. God will avenge those who have been oppressed. He will repay the oppressors for their actions. He will repay those who strike down His servants out of hate for Him. Let us rejoice because God will take vengeance against those who do evil. He will cleanse the land of evil and populate it with those who honour and serve Him.

April 7, 2014 Bible Study — Store Up Treasures In Heaven

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:21-23

    The wise do not boast about what they know, nor do they make an effort to convince everyone of their superior knowledge. Those who attempt to show everyone how much they know an any given subject instead reveal how foolish they truly are.


Psalm 78:32-55

    The psalmist reminds us how time and again the people of Israel rebelled against God, despite the wondrous acts which God performed in order to rescue them. Nevertheless God saved them once more when they turned to Him again. Let us strive not to follow their example. But even if we do, when we turn once more to God we can know that He will forgive our sins and welcome us back. Even so, let us remember that every time we turn away from God there is a risk that we will not turn back to Him before we meet our end.


Luke 12:8-34

    Jesus tells a story that reminds me of a bumper sticker that was popular for a while, “He who dies with the most toys, wins.” This story tells us that the opposite is true; he who dies with the most toys, loses. Jesus goes on to point out that we should not worry about what we will eat, or what we will wear. God knows our needs and will provide for them. Rather than worry about material things, let us seek to do God’s will and serve His kingdom. If we do this, God will provide for our needs. Jesus reminds us to use our material possessions to serve God by assisting the poor and needy. By doing this we will store up treasures where they will last for eternity, rather than where they can only do us good for the short length of time which we will live.


Deuteronomy 31-32:27

    God told Moses that he was about to die. So Moses brought his assistant Joshua before the people of Israel and named Joshua as his successor. It is worth noting for every leader that Moses had trained Joshua for many years. Then when the time came that he would no longer be able to lead Israel he appointed Joshua to replace him. In addition to training a leader to succeed him, Moses left written instructions for the people of Israel, instructions which he had received from God. It is important that those who lead a group make provision for its continued leadership after they are no longer able to provide leadership.
    Moses wrote a song as part of his farewell to the people of Israel. This song reminds us that all too often when God blesses us with material possessions we forget Him and turn away from Him. This goes well with Jesus’ instruction to use any material wealth which we acquire to help the poor and oppressed. If we do not focus on using our material possessions to serve God we will end up serving our material possessions rather than God.

April 6, 2014 Bible Study — It Is Not Enough To Appear Righteous

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:19-20

    If you tell the truth, you do not need to worry about explaining inconsistencies. If you tell lies, you need to be constantly remembering what you said and fitting it into the other things you talk about. When you plot evil you need to fill your mind with the lies and deceit necessary to carry out your plot. On the other hand, when you plan on how to obtain peace your mind can, and will, be filled with joy at all of the wonderful things you wish to do for others.


Psalm 78:1-31

    This psalm reminds us of the importance of telling the next generation about what God has done, both in our lives and in the lives of those who went before us. Let us tell those younger than ourselves what we know of God’s wondrous actions so that they may know of Him and choose to follow Him. Each generation must decide for itself to follow God, but we need to give them the information to make an informed decision.


Luke 11:37-12:7

    Jesus tells the Pharisees and teachers of religious law that while there is nothing wrong with acting so as to appear righteous, it is not enough. It is not even the proper place to start. It is more important to give to the needs of the poor and support justice than it is to do things which make others think we are righteous. When we teach others about following God, we should strive to act in ways which make it easier for them to do so. Let us encourage those who are trying to follow God, rather than stressing the ways in which they are falling short.
    Jesus then turned His attention to the crowds. He warns us not to imitate the hypocrisy of religious leaders, nor to allow it to discourage us from doing what is right. We should not let human opposition frighten us, since the most they can do is kill our bodies. Rather, we should fear God who can kill not only our bodies but can destroy our very souls. Then He tells us that despite the fact that we should fear God, we should also trust Him to care for us. We are more valuable to God than we can possibly imagine. God pays attention to the details of our life more closely than we are even capable of ourselves, to the point of numbering the hairs on our heads.

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Deuteronomy 29-30:20

    Today we are given a choice between life and death. If we love God with all of our hearts, minds, souls, and strength, and obey His commands, He will give us life and joy. If we reject His commands and worship things other than Him, we will be destroyed. God is not far from us, nor are His commands. They are not difficult to know and understand. We do not need someone specially trained to interpret them for us. We do not need to send someone up to heaven, nor to the ends of the earth to know God’s will. He lives with us and will speak in our hearts to show us the way. We need only seek His face and we will find Him.

April 5, 2014 Bible Study — The Tools of Evil Cannot Be Used For Good

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:18

    The cutting remark is much admired by many people in our society, and I will admit that I have often been proud of my ability to deliver such a remark with good timing. However, I have discovered that what this proverb states is true. The real sign of wisdom and verbal skill is the ability to make the well-timed quip which builds people up and offers healing for their wounded psyches. While I enjoy the exchange of quick-witted barbs, I get much greater pleasure out of the well-timed, unexpected compliment (especially one which counters another’s just stated denigration of themself).


Psalm 77:1-20

    The psalmist speaks of crying out to God when in deep distress. He could not sleep because of the weight of his troubles. He was beginning to wonder if his troubles were now his lot in life, if God had chosen to not rescue him from his troubles. Then he thought of all the great and wondrous things which Gad has done. As he thought about those things, his hope was restored. He realized that as great as the troubles he now faced were, God had overcome even greater troubles in the past. God is holy and powerful. No matter how great the troubles we face today, God is more than powerful enough to rescue us from them. When Israel was trapped between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea, God gave them a way out. In the same way, no matter how hopeless our situation may seem, let us trust in God because He will provide us with an escape from our problems.


Luke 11:14-36

    Some of those who opposed Jesus tried to explain His ability to cast out demons by claiming that He received this ability from the prince of demons. Jesus answered this explanation by making two statements. The first was to point out that it made no sense for the prince of demons, Satan, to give someone the power to cast out demons, since demons were serving Satan’s purpose. The second was to point out that there were others who cast out demons and to ask if his detractors were suggesting that they too were doing it by the power of Satan? One of the points that Jesus is making here is one I never saw in this passage before. He is telling us that you cannot use the tools of evil to accomplish good purposes. Ultimately, if you use evil tools you will produce evil results.


Deuteronomy 28:1-68

    If we obey God and do as He instructs us, we will be blessed in many ways. God will defeat those who oppose and attack us. On the other hand, if we do not obey God or follow His instructions, all of our plans will come to naught. We can not fail if we obey God’s direction for our lives, but nothing we do will succeed if we ignore His instructions.

April 4, 2014 Bible Study — Am I Asking For an Egg, Or a Scorpion?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:15-17

    Most people think that they know what is the good, right, and true thing to do, but those who are wise honestly seek and consider the advice of others before choosing a course of action. When others suggest that their chosen course of action is a mistake, a fool gets angry and feels insulted, while a wise person calmly considers what they have to say.


Psalm 76:1-12

    This psalm is a wonderful reminder that God is glorious and majestic. He is more majestic than anything on this earth, or anywhere in this universe. God will judge those who do evil and deliver the oppressed. Even those who stand in defiance of God bring glory to His name. He will use those who defy Him as weapons to carry out His will.


Luke 10:38-11:13

    I have heard several different takes on the story of Mary and Martha. Today it struck me that Martha was caught up in getting things done, in providing things to her guests. Mary, on the other hand, was more concerned with spending time and socializing with her guests. Jesus’ message was that it is more important to spend time with people getting to know them and their needs than it is to get things done.
    Next Jesus taught His disciples about prayer. First, He gave them a template for prayer. I remember when I first saw this broken down into its component parts (actually, it was Matthew’s version, but it works here as well). It gave me a new insight into prayer that has stuck with me ever since. I am going to try to do the same thing here using the NIV:


Acknowledging both God’s authority over us and love for us as our father

hallowed be your name,

We desire that people venerate God’s name and acknowledge that it is holy

your kingdom come.

We pray that God’s authority be recognized by all

Give us each day our daily bread.

Provide us each day with what we need to make it through that day

Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.

This is a twofold piece. We ask God to forgive our sins while recognizing that He will only do so to the extent which we forgive those who sin against us

And lead us not into temptation.

Finally, we ask God to help us avoid, and resist, temptation to do wrong.
    Having given us a template of how to construct our prayers, Jesus reminds us to be persistent in our prayers. He then gives us a threefold approach to petitioning God: Ask, Seek, Knock. If we persist in asking God for our desires, He will give them to us. However, it is not an entirely passive thing. We must actively seek the things we desire from God. As we seek we will find (especially as we seek to align our desires with His will). Finally, when we find what we seek, we are to knock to request admittance into God’s presence. This last reminds us once more of the need for persistence. Jesus concludes His teaching about prayer by pointing out that earthly fathers will give their children good things when they ask for them. How much more will God give us the good things we ask for out of His love for us. There is also a subtle reminder that when God is slow to give us what we ask for, perhaps we should examine our desires to see if what we ask for is really something good. Jesus tells us that when a child asks his earthly father for an egg, he will not give the child a scorpion. The reminder here is that an earthly father also is unlikely to give his child a scorpion even if the child asks for one. In the same way, some of the things which we ask of God may be bad for us just as a scorpion would be a bad gift for a young child.


Deuteronomy 26-27:26

    I have declared today that the Lord is my God. I will walk in His ways and do as He tells me. This is not the first time I have made this declaration, and I pray to God that it is not the last. Will you join me in making this declaration? Will you dedicate your life anew to serving God? If we do this, God will send His Spirit upon the people of this land and claim them for His own. God will use those who submit to Him to change the world. Use me today God to show someone Your love!