Tag Archives: Religion

May 16, 2014 Bible Study — The Truth Will Set You Free

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 15:12-14

    Those who mock others avoid interaction with those who are wise enough to get their facts straight because they do not want to be corrected when they are wrong. This demonstrates their foolishness because the wise are always seeking knowledge, even when it proves that their past judgements were wrong.


Psalm 112:1-10

    Those who fear the Lord and take delight in doing as He instructs will be blessed. Those who fear the Lord and do as he commands need fear nothing. They can confidently trust God to care for them and provide for their needs. Their success will infuriate the wicked, who will be able to do nothing to thwart them.


John 8:31-59

    There are two complimentary points in this passage. The first is that if we are faithful to Jesus’ teachings we will know the truth and the truth will free us. Of course, it is not just knowing the truth which frees us, but telling and living it as well. As we allow the truth to take over and fill our lives we are freed from the need to remember the lies we have told and fit everything into those lies to avoid being caught out. When we tell and live the truth we are making ourselves children of God and building up our strength to live free and righteous lives.
    On the other hand, every time we tell a lie, we make ourselves children of the devil and tie ourselves into slavery to him. Those who lie frequently come to hate the truth because it reveals who they are. Lying is a sort of gateway sin which leads to all others. When we lie we begin to believe that we can reshape the world into what we want it to be. As time goes by and the world fails to conform to our lies, we commit ever greater sins until we find even murder acceptable to support the lies which we have told. Once we have begun down that path the only way to be freed is to dedicate ourselves to the truth. Let us dedicate ourselves to the faithfully following Jesus’ teachings so that we may learn, speak, and live the truth. When we do that the truth will free us from slavery to sin.


1 Samuel 18:5-19:24

    Saul set David to many tasks and sent him on various missions. David was successful at all of them and became a hero in the eyes of the people. Once more Saul’s insecurity was revealed. Rather than rejoice in David’s successes and see them as reflecting well on him as David’s mentor, Saul became jealous of David. He feared that the people would make David king in his place. Saul’s insecurity made him a king of uncertain temper. One day, in his anger Saul attempted to kill David. David avoided the attempt and when Saul’s temper faded he sent David out as a commander of troops. David gained even more fame as his troops successfully won battles. Saul allowed his insecurity to overcome him. Rather than see David as an asset to his rule, he saw him as a threat to be eliminated. Let us not follow Saul’s path of insecurity. Rather let us follow the path laid out in today’s psalm. Let us fear the Lord and live with the confidence and trust in Him that comes from obeying His commands.

May 15, 2014 Bible Study — This Is the Lord’s Battle

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 15:11

    God can see into the depths of death and destruction so that they hold no secrets from Him; they can hide nothing from Him. In the same way, He can see into our hearts, we can hide nothing from Him and He knows all of our secrets.


Psalm 111:1-10

    I will praise God for all that He has done for me. I will thank Him when I meet with those who serve Him. I will spend time thinking about the meaning of the many great things He has done. I will strive to obey His commands. Oh God, transform me into someone who obeys your commands with joy and ease.


John 8:21-30

    Jesus clearly declares here that those who refuse to accept His teachings will die in their sins. Jesus did not preach a message which He had come up with on His own. He preached the message which He had received from the Father. This passage gives us the clearest model of how we are to follow Jesus. He did nothing on His own, but spoke only that message which the Father had taught Him. In the same way, we should speak only the message which we have been taught by God.


1 Samuel 17-18:4

    When David first heard Goliath’s challenge to the Israelite army, he asked several different groups of men in Saul’s army about the reward Saul was offering for killing Goliath. It seems to me that David was trying to encourage them to go out to fight Goliath. He was trying to find someone in Saul’s army to take on Goliath. This was not out of a desire to see battle. Rather this was because David believed that God would strike down Goliath for defying His army. David perceived Goliath’s challenge as a challenge against God. David did not go out against Goliath because he was so confident in his own ability that he was sure he could defeat Goliath. David went out against Goliath because he was confident that God would defeat Goliath.
    David sought for more experienced warriors to take up Goliath’s challenge against God, but when none did, he took up God’s call himself. In the same way, when we see God calling for someone to champion His cause, we should be willing to answer the call. There may be those with more skills to the task than we possess who choose not to take it up. We should not let that stop us. When God calls us to a task, He will give us the ability to accomplish it. When we fight these battles, let us remember that we will not win from our own greatness. Rather the battle is the Lord’s and He will be victorious.

May 14, 2014 Bible Study — Go, and Sin No More

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 15:8-10

    We cannot buy God off. We will not deflect His judgement by making offerings and giving our money to help the poor. If we became wealthy by oppressing the poor, giving from that wealth by assisting the poor will not count in our favor. If we choose to follow the wrong path in life, God will send things to direct us back to His path for us. If we refuse to allow God’s discipline to guide us back to Him, we will die.


Psalm 110:1-7

    This psalm was interpreted as referring to Jesus by several New Testament writers. It declares that Jesus will rule over all of the earth and those who choose to be His enemies will be forced to submit. Those who follow Jesus will willingly go into battle for Him, but God will be all of the army which He needs.


John 8:1-20

    The earliest manuscript copies that we have of the Gospel of John do not contain the story of the woman caught in adultery, but this story contains many lessons for us. We have the fact that the accusers say that they caught the woman in the act of adultery. Adultery involves two people. Where is the other one? Jesus could have gone there, but He did not. When the accusers demanded an answer from Jesus, He did not respond immediately. When they insisted the He give them a judgement against the woman, He accepted that they had interpreted the Law correctly. Then He told them that the one among them who was not equally guilty of breaking the Law should start the punishment. This is perhaps the second most important lesson of this story: when we look at the sins of others we should first consider the ways in which we have sinned. We are no less guilty of breaking God’s law than anyone else.
However, the most important lesson of this story is Jesus’ final statement to the woman, “Go, and sin no more.” Jesus does not condemn us for our sins, but He tells us to go and sin no more. Let us follow this command from Him. Let us also follow His example. When we are asked to condemn sinners, let us not condemn them. But that does not mean that we should encourage them to continue in their sin either.


1 Samuel 15-16:23

    In yesterday’s passage, Saul became impatient and offered sacrifices to God for his success rather than wait for Samuel to arrive as he had been instructed. Now today, Saul was told to destroy the Amalekites completely, both the people and all of their goods. He gathered his army and attacked them completely destroying the people, except for their king. Saul took the king captive and allowed his men to gather the best of the plunder from the wealth of the Amalekites. When confronted about his failure to do as God had commanded, Saul claimed that they had only kept the plunder in order to offer it as a sacrifice to God. How often are we like Saul? When we are caught doing wrong, we claim that we had the best of intentions. Rather than acknowledge his failure to obey, Saul made excuses.

May 13, 2014 Bible Study –You Will Search For Me, But Not Find Me

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 15:5-7

    It is foolish to despise discipline. A wise person welcomes being corrected, that is how they become more wise. The godly will have treasure no matter how poor, but the wicked will earn trouble no matter how wealthy. Turn to the wise for good advice, the fool has nothing to offer. When I read the last proverb, I was reminded of the several men I have encountered who had been married multiple times who wanted to give me advice about marriage. My recommendation is to take advice from people who have succeeded, not from people who have demonstrated that they are unable to learn from their mistakes.


Psalm 109:1-31

    Let us follow the example of the psalmist. He loved his enemies, even though they fought against him for no reason. He prayed for them, despite the fact that they were trying to destroy him. If we do these things, God will cause the trouble our enemies try to make for us to fall upon them. The very fate they wish for us will be theirs. I will not hate those who attempt to destroy me, rather I will pity them and pray that they repent before it is too late. I know what fate awaits them if I have lived a life which makes their attacks unjustified.


John 7:31-53

    When the religious and political leadership found that many of the people were saying that Jesus must be the Messiah they sent the Temple guards to arrest Him. Jesus told those around Him, including the guards and the leadership that He would only be there for a short time, then He would go away. When Jesus calls to us, we have a limited amount of time to answer His call. If we refuse to follow Him when He calls us and later we search for Him, we will not be able to find Him. If you are feeling God’s call today, do not delay, tomorrow may be too late.


1 Samuel 14:1-52

    Saul was camped with his army not far from where the Philistine army was camped. Jonathan decided to scout out the Philistine encampment. As he was scouting with just his armor bearer he came upon an outpost of the Philistine encampment that was atop a steep hill. Jonathan trusted God to guide him and give him victory. When the Philistines saw Jonathan and his armor bearer, rather than kill them as they approached their camp the Philistines challenged them to come up and fight them. Jonathan did so and killed those who stood before him, while his armor bearer guarded his back, killing those who attempted to outflank Jonathan. Jonathan’s attack threw the Philistine army into disarray allowing Saul to win a great victory that day.
    Jonathan faced an enemy entrenched in a position that he could not hope to assail successfully. He trusted in God and waited for a sign from God to act. God made Jonathan’s enemies cocky and they gave away their advantage of position. God gave Jonathan the victory that day and He will do the same for us, even when our opposition seems to have all of the advantages.

May 12, 2014 Bible Study — Be Sure to Fear the Lord and Serve Him Faithfully

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 15:4

    Today’s proverb continues on the theme of choosing our words with care. What we say can build others up and help thrive. It can also tear others down and destroy them. Let us strive to do the former and not the latter.


Psalm 108:1-13

    Let us place our confidence in God, because with His help we are able to overcome the mightiest of foes. Not only that, but it is Strong>only with God’s help that we can be successful. Human aid will not help us if God is not aiding us as well. Let us always pray, not that God will be on our side, but that we will be on God’s side.


John 7:1-30

    Jesus’ brothers tried to convince Him to go to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Shelters because that was the way for Him to become truly famous. It appears that, at this point, they wanted Him to be famous so that could ride His coattails to a position of honour. However, Jesus did not think it was time for Him to attract the attention He would receive if He arrived at the beginning of the Festival. So, He sent His brothers without Him. Once His brothers had gone, Jesus also went to Jerusalem. However, He arrived without attracting attention and did not seek publicity.
    The Jewish religious and political leaders were looking for Him at the Festival and asked people if they had seen Him (which probably explains why Jesus led His brothers to think He was not coming to the Festival). Jesus was the talk of the Festival with people arguing about whether or not He was a good man, or a fraud. Those who defended Him were afraid to do so publicly because they were afraid of getting into trouble with the Jewish leaders (as opposed to the Roman authorities). Do we allow this to happen to us today, when speaking up for Biblical teachings on certain subjects have cost people their jobs?
    Midway through the Festival Jesus began teaching in the Temple. People were amazed at His knowledge of Scripture considering that He had not been the disciple of any great rabbi. Although, based on Jesus’ reaction to their surprise, there appears to be an element of rejecting His teachings because He did not have the proper credentials. Later, the people questioned whether He could be the Messiah because they knew where He was from. On the one hand the people questioned His teaching because He had not been taught by a recognized “institution” (He had not gone to an accredited Seminary). On the other hand they questioned His authority because they knew where He was from and they believed that no one would know where the Messiah came from. Do we get caught up in only listening to teachings from someone with the correct credentials? Do we insist that the pastor of our congregation have the proper credentials?


1 Samuel 12-13:23

    Samuel stood before the assembled people of Israel and turned over the job of leading the people to Saul, their new king. He recounted how time after time the people of Israel had turned from worshiping God to worship idols. This resulted in foreign powers oppressing the people of Israel. Each time, when the people turned back to God and cried out for His deliverance, God sent them a leader to deliver them and lead them back to Him. Yet this time when they were threatened they demanded more. They wanted a king. Samuel tells them that they had done wrong to demand a king, but now they had one. He told them that the important thing was to fear the Lord and faithfully serve Him. If they did this, God would continue to do wonderful things for them. However, if they turned back to worshiping idols and sinning, God would sweep them away.
    We all make mistakes like the one the people of Israel made in asking for a king. We must live with the consequences of our mistakes, just as Israel had a king as a result of their mistake. However, if we turn back to God and both fear and trust Him, He will bless us and protect us. It is my desire to fear the Lord and to serve Him with my whole being.

May 11, 2014 Bible Study — Have You Told Someone Today What God Has Done For You?

Since today is Mothers’ Day I want to thank my mother for the grounding in faith which she gave me. It is because of her that I have the faith that I do. For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 15:1-3

    The importance of choosing our words carefully cannot be overstated. If we respond to anger with calm, those who are angry with us are likely to become more calm. When we discuss knowledge and learning wisely, we make others want to know more. When we blather on about things which we do not truly understand we show others that we are fools.
    Sometimes it seems that He is ignoring evil. Other times, it seems like He does not reward good. In addition, there are times when it appears that God is not paying attention to either. Yet the truth of the matter is that God is watching both the good and the evil. He will give us just recompense for what we do, whether good, or evil.


Psalm 107:1-43

    I love this psalm. The psalmist commands us that if God has rescued us from difficulty to tell others about it. Then he goes on to give us examples of the sorts of things which God has rescued people from.

  • Some were lost and nearly died.
  • Some rebelled against God and became imprisoned by misery.
  • Some were fools and suffered for their sins.
  • Some faced threats from nature and nearly died.

Yet, when each of the above cried out to God for help, He saved them. I will praise the Lord for the times when He has rescued me, and I will tell those I meet about what He has done for me. For those with eyes to see, one can look at history and see the faithful love of God for those who call on Him.


John 6:43-71

    This passage is a hard one, as John tells us in the passage itself. Jesus tells us that only those drawn to Him by the Father will come to Him. But He also tells us that those who are seek out God and are willing to listen to what God teaches them will come to Him. Many in our society that anyone of good will can attain salvation. This is absolutely true. However, if they are honest seekers after goodness and righteousness, they will, sooner or later, be drawn to Christ. Those who reject Him are rejecting salvation.
    Jesus tells us that if we want to experience eternal life, we need to feed our souls on Jesus. Just as our bodies are transformed by what we feed them, so our souls will be transformed by what we feed them. We need to take Jesus into ourselves so that we can become like Him. We do not each get to decide what it means to be good, although we each need to decide that we desire to be good. There is an absolute standard as to what is good and if we wish to be good we must follow that standard. Many of Jesus’ disciples could not understand His teaching here, or were unwilling to accept His absolute standard as to what is good so they left Him. When Jesus asked the Twelve if they also would leave, Peter spoke for all of them by asking what choice did they have? Who else could they follow who spoke God’s Truth? Am I willing to accept that Jesus is the only place where I can find God’s truth?


1 Samuel 10-11:15

    As I read this passage I see both Saul’s potential and the roots of his failure as king of Israel. When he met the group of prophets he allowed God’s Spirit to take him over so that he began to prophesy (in this context it seems to mean something more like what happens at Pentecostal Church worship services than what we usually mean by “prophesying”). Then, after his first victory, when his followers wanted to execute those who had initially would not accept his kingship, Saul rejected such a course of action. Instead, Saul gave credit to God and invited those who had not wanted to recognize his authority to see and accept that God had chosen him. However, we see the first sign of the insecurity which Saul felt that eventually led him to be fail to follow Samuel’s instructions and later be jealous of David. Saul’s later sins grew out of the sense of inadequacy he demonstrated by hiding among the baggage train. We need to recognize our own sense of inadequacy and turn to God to overcome it. We need to realize that we are not able to do all that God calls us to do on our own ability and that God does not expect us to do so. We must turn to God when the task is more than we can do on our own and accept the help which he sends us, sometimes by divine intervention within us, sometimes by sending others to our aid, and sometimes by some other means.

May 10, 2014 Bible Study — “I Will Never Reject Them”

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 14:34-35

    There are two ways to read the first of today’s proverbs, both are correct. It can be read to mean that a nation will become great if its people and government act in a godly fashion. There is truth to this. However, it can also be read to mean that the true measure of whether a nation is great is the degree which its people and government act in a godly way. This is definitely true. Let us not seek for our nation to wield power in the world. Rather, let us seek for the people of our nation to act in a godly fashion. If the people act in a godly way, the government will follow.


Psalm 106:32-48

    The psalm recounts how the people of Israel, time after time, rebelled against God and did evil. The part that strikes me as standing in judgement against us today is this:

They even sacrificed their sons
and their daughters to the demons.
They shed innocent blood,
the blood of their sons and daughters.

It makes me want to cry to consider the degree to which people of our nation do the same through the practice of abortion. Killing their sons and daughters on the altar of convenience.


John 6:22-42

    Jesus told us that we should spend our energy seeking after the things of God, rather than seeking after food which perishes. When the crowd asked Him what to do in order to perform God’s works, Jesus told them to believe in the one God sent. In response the crowd wanted Jesus to perform yet another miraculous sign. This was despite having witnessed Him feeding the 5,000 the day before and the fact that Jesus crossed the lake ahead of them without getting on a boat. They gave Jesus the example of Moses giving the people of Israel manna in the wilderness. Jesus pointed out that it was not Moses who gave the manna, but rather God who did so.
    Those who come to Jesus will receive the bread of life, which is Jesus Himself. God will give those who truly seek Him to Jesus and Jesus promises that He will never reject any who come to Him truly seeking to serve God. Let us expend our energy seeking the bread of life. Let us believe in Jesus and act on that belief. He will never reject us. Others may reject us and hold us in contempt, but Jesus will never do so.


1 Samuel 8-9:27

    As Samuel grew old, he appointed his sons to act as judges over Israel. His sons, like those of Eli before him, were corrupt and used their position for their own benefit. Samuel’s sons served themselves rather than serving the people of Israel. I had never noticed before, but Samuel was no better of a father to his sons than Eli had been to his sons before him. It was Samuel’s failure to raise godly sons to follow after him which led the people of Israel to ask for a king. This story is such a classic example of people taking the wrong lesson from their experiences. What made the people of Israel think that a king would have a son who would make a good successor when their last two leaders had sons who abused their authority?

May 9, 2014 Bible Study — To What Am I Making God Secondary?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 14:32-33

    When disaster comes, the wicked are crushed because they place their trust and faith in material things. When disaster strikes and destroys their material possessions, they do not have anywhere left to turn. The righteous, on the other hand, place their trust in God so that not even death is able to threaten their peace.


Psalm 106:13-31

    Despite the good things which God had done for the people of Israel they refused to follow His guidance. They quickly forgot His displays of power and sought after other solutions to their problems. Are we the same? Do we forget what God has done for us? Or are we like Moses and Phinehas? Do we intervene with God asking Him to forgive those who have sinned against Him? Oh Lord, let me not forget what You have done for me. Move in me to stand in prayer, calling people back to following You and begging You not to strike them in Your just anger against them.


John 6:1-21

    John recounts how Jesus fed the five thousand (actually much more as the count of five thousand only includes the men, not women and children). Philip could not conceive of raising enough money to feed so many, and Andrew pointed out that their available resources were too few for the task (five loaves of bread and two fish). Jesus demonstrated that when we set out to do God’s will, He will provide what we need to accomplish the task.


1 Samuel 5-7:17

    The Philistines had captured the Ark of the Covenant. They thought this was because of their own prowess and the power of their gods. They placed the Ark in a position of subservience to their idol of Dagon (their chief god). However, when they returned in the morning they found their idol fallen down in a position of obeisance before the Ark. When they set the idol back up, it fell over again, this time it broke when it fell. In addition, as they continued to consider Dagon as greater than God, He struck them with a plague. God often works that way in our lives. When we set up idols to which we make God secondary, He will give us signs that they are to be subordinate to Him. If we insist on returning them to the primary position on our lives, He will break them. If we continue to refuse to recognize His sovereignty He will strike us with the consequences of our actions.

May 8, 2014 Bible Study — Speak Lord, Your Servant Is Listening

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 14:30-31

    The key to a healthy life is having a peaceful attitude. Envy and jealousy not only make you mentally miserable, they destroy your health as well. If you love and honour God, you will do what you can to help the poor. Those who mistreat and oppress the poor, whether actively or passively, show that they hold God in contempt.


Psalm 106:1-12

    I will praise the Lord because He has been good to me despite my sins. There truly is joy for those always do right. My prayer today is that the Holy Spirit shape my life so that I do what is right in all of my actions. I thank God for the forgiveness and love which He has shown to me. He has blessed me despite my many shortcomings and sins.


John 5:24-47

    All will face judgement. Those who believe God and follow Jesus will experience eternal life. Those who refuse to listen to His message and continue in evil will experience judgement. There is a warning for those of us who wish to follow Jesus. The religious people of His day studied Scripture and failed to see that it pointed to Him. If we search the Scripture with an open mind, it will point us to follow Jesus. But, if we come to Scripture with preconceived notions and refuse to let the Holy Spirit show us what it says, such search of Scriptures will do us no good. Let us not allow our desire for the approval of others stop us from doing what the Lord instructs.


1 Samuel 2:22-4:22

    Today what struck me about this passage is what Eli told Samuel to say to the voice calling to him in the night. Samuel subsequently did as Eli instructed. Eli instructed Samuel to respond, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” When God calls to us, do we do the same. As important, do we then actually listen. When God called to Samuel, Samuel said this. However, he did more than that, he then actually listened. If we tell God we are listening and then continue to babble on, we should not be surprised when God does not speak to us. I will strive today to listen to what God has to say to me.

May 7, 2014 Bible Study — Do You Want To Get Well?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 14:28-29

    If you want to gain understanding and wisdom, exercise patience. Those who exercise patience indicate that they have already obtained understanding and wisdom. Those who easily fly off the handle are demonstrating their own foolishness. Being quick to anger indicates a willingness to pass judgement before all of the facts are known.


Psalm 105:37-45

    The psalm reminds us that God does wonderful things for us in order to teach us to follow His instructions. There is a positive feedback loop in doing what God instructs us to do. When we follow the Lord’s instructions, we are blessed. As we are blessed, we are encouraged to follow the Lord’s instructions, which leads to more blessings. The only problem is that sometimes we become content with the blessings we have already received and begin to believe that they are the result of our actions rather than a reward from God.


John 5:1-23

    In this passage about Jesus healing the lame man by the Pool of Bethesda, Jesus did not just approach the man and tell him to get up and walk. Jesus first asked the man if he wanted to get well. The man replied that he kept trying, but when the opportunity came someone always got there first. There is a lesson here for us about when we need help and when we give help. When Jesus approached the man, He did not just come up and heal him. First, He asked the man if he wanted to get well. Jesus did not just give the man what He thought the man needed. He made sure that the man was willing to be helped. When Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be well part of the man’s answer was, “I have no one to help me.” This indicated that the man was willing to accept help. We need to recognize that we can only help those who are willing to be helped.
    The man did not complain about the unfairness of the situation and he did not give up. Despite having been lame for many years, he still came to the pool, hoping that perhaps this time when the opportunity came he would get into the pool in time. We need to be the same way. If we want God to heal us, we need to be ready to accept it when He has decided that it is time. The question I need to ask myself when I consider areas where I need God’s healing (whether physical or otherwise) is, “Do I want to get well?”


1 Samuel 1-2:21

    Elkanah had two wives, which led to problems. Yet God used that circumstance. Peninnah, who had children, taunted Hannah, who had none, over Hannah’s lack. This led Hannah to desperately seek God’s assistance. Hannah was a woman of faith. She made a vow to God which she kept. When God granted her prayer for a son, she gave that son into God’s service. Hannah desired a son for her own reasons, but she dedicated that son to serving God. In the same way, when God grants us our desires, we need to dedicate what we have received to God’s service.