Tag Archives: Religion

July 15, 2014 Bible Study — It Is Not Enough to Know God’s Word

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:10-12

    Controlling one’s temper is a sign of wisdom. Those who are sensible do not let anger control their actions. We should have respect for those who are willing to overlook slights and wrongs.


Psalm 11:1-7

    The wicked may be attacking those who seek to do right and the basis of law and order may have been undermined, but God is still in control. He will protect those who turn to Him. He will punish the wicked. God loves justice and will see that both the righteous and the wicked receive it.


Romans 2:25-3:8

    It doesn’t matter if you were born and raised in a good, Christian family. Or if you go to Church every Sunday. If you do not do God’s will, you will be condemned alongside those who have never heard His word. It is not enough to know God’s word, we need to be transformed by His Spirit. We need to seek God’s praise, not that of our fellow man.
    The fact that some who claim to be followers of Christ do wrong does not diminish the righteousness of God. Rather it highlights God’s righteousness and shows it in stark contrast to human sinfulness. However, that does not justify our sinfulness. The fact that God will receive glory for His willingness to forgive our sins does not give us an excuse to sin even more.


1 Chronicles 19-21:30

    Hanun, the king of the Ammonites, treated David’s messengers as spies and enemies, instead of as the gesture of good will which they were intended to be. As a result, he started a war with David which he could not, and did not, win. He compounded his mistake by seeking allies to fight against David’s forces, rather than begging forgiveness. The end result of this was the complete destruction of his kingdom and nation. It is all too easy to misconstrue a well-meant act as an insult, or part of a plot against us and offend those who wished to be our friends. When we realize we have done so, let us beg the offended party for forgiveness, rather than prepare to attack them.
    When David had completed two successful wars, one against the Ammonites a second against the Philistines, he decided to take a census of how many fighting men there were in Israel. It is not clear why taking the census was a sin. I have always felt that the sin was because David was attempting to determine how large an army he could field, rather than trusting God to supply him with sufficient men to accomplish whatever task God set for him. There is certainly some truth to that idea. This morning I came across a reference which pointed out that when God told Moses to take a census He, also told him that each person was to pay a ransom to God at the same time (something which David did not do). In a way, Moses census was taken by collecting that “ransom”.

July 14, 2014 Bible Study — Do Unbelievers Blaspheme God Because of Me?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:8-9

    Acquiring wisdom is something that is your own interest to do. Acting wisely benefits the one who does so. If we cherish and seek understanding we will prosper in what we do.


Psalm 10:16-18

    God is sovereign over all of the earth and for all of time. Any nation or people that refuses to acknowledge God’s sovereignty will vanish off of the face of the earth. God listens to the cries of the helpless and oppressed. He will deliver justice to the fatherless and the powerless. When they understand what God is doing for them, they will no longer fear what their fellow men may do to them.


Romans 2:1-24

    In yesterday’s passage Paul described the sinfulness of those who deny God’s existence, despite the ample evidence which God has provided. However, in today’s passage he warns us against condemning those people because we cannot truly claim to be any better. We know what God desires us to do. Yet, all too often, we fail to do it. It is not enough to know God’s will, we must act on it. When we work at teaching others to do what is right, do we do what is right ourselves? Are we able to say that we never do any of the things which Jesus warns about in the Sermon on the Mount? Let us examine ourselves and see whether or not any of our actions will give unbelievers cause to blaspheme against God. Let us find those actions and pray to God that His Holy Spirit remove those blemishes from our lives.
    In this discussion Paul points out yet more evidence for God. He points out that when unbelievers instinctively do what is right, they are showing that God has imprinted His law on human hearts, even those who have never heard His word. If those who have never heard God’s word know what is right, how can those of us taught it from childhood have any excuse?


1 Chronicles 16:37-18:17

    When God sent Nathan back to David with His response to David’s desire to build a Temple for God, it contained what I believe to be one of the Bible’s two-fold prophecies. These are prophecies which had a meaning and an application for the people to whom they were first spoken and a meaning and application that went far beyond that. In this case Nathan told David that God would raise up one of his descendants to build a Temple for God. That descendant would have God’s favor. God would secure his throne. To David and those around him, this prophecy would have been seen as applying to Solomon (although they probably did not realize it was Solomon until a few years later).
    However, this prophecy also applies to Jesus. It is through Jesus that God’s House has been built for all eternity. For Jesus built a House for God to dwell in in the hearts of those who believe His message and follow Him. There is no God like our God. He has adopted us into His people and family. Oh Lord, do not allow me to act in a way which causes others to blaspheme your name.

July 13, 2014 Bible Study — The Universe Testifies About God

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:6-7

    It is a natural human tendency to be friends with the rich and powerful, but to avoid those in need, the poor and powerless. We should not decry people because they are that way, but we should strive to be friends and spend time with those who are otherwise ignored or outcast.


Psalm 10:1-15

    The wicked arrogantly ignore God, they believe that they have no need of Him, They imagine that God is just make-believe. They lie and curse and cheat, thinking that the good times will last forever. They are confident that nothing and no one will ever hold them to account for their actions.
    But they are wrong. God takes note of their actions. The helpless may safely trust in Him. He will defend the orphan and the powerless. God will call everyone to account for their actions, both the righteous and the wicked.


Romans 1:18-32

    I often here people say that times were different when Paul wrote his letters and that as a result this or that which he writes is no longer applicable. Yet every time I read this passage I think of the arguments made by people in our society today (and of the actions which they justify by those arguments). Paul describes those very arguments and actions in this passage. As part of that process he rebuts those very arguments.
    Proof that God exists is there for anyone who wishes to look for it. It is there in the world around us. God created the universe and its very existence testifies about Him. No one has any excuse for not knowing about God. However, many people, full-well knowing what God was truly like, made up foolish ideas about Him that are not supported by the evidence. They then rejected God on the basis of the foolish ideas they made up about Him. They foolishly reject God and call it wisdom.
    The people Paul is referring to rejected the truth about God and in its place accepted a lie. The result of believing that it is foolish to acknowledge that God exists is to lose the ability to distinguish foolish ideas from wise. They turned from normal sexual relations to sexual perversions, including same-sex relationships. They did this despite the fact that sexual relations between men result in significant health problems (something recognized in Paul’s day and known by modern medical science). As we look around at those who have rejected God we can see that they, sooner or later, justify all sorts of sins in their lives. Some sin because they see no reason to not do so. Others justify their sins in order to accomplish some goal which they proclaim as noble. Both groups not only commit theses sins, but they encourage others to do the same.
     Two thousand years later and the words Paul wrote here read as if he is writing them about what is happening today.


1 Chronicles 15-16:36

    In yesterday’s passage David became angry with God because of the death of one of those who were transporting the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. David believed that he was doing God’s will by moving the Ark. Yet, something terrible happened. David got angry and blamed God. This was a natural reaction. However, today’s passage shows us why David, despite his sins, can be an example to us. As David thought about what had happened, he realized that the mistake was his (and his advisers). They had failed to consult with God about how to transport the Ark and had just done it in the way that seemed best to them.
    We can learn from David that it is not enough that we are striving for the goal which God desires. We must also work towards that goal in the manner which God desires. We can only accomplish God’s goals by using God’s methods.

July 12, 2014 Bible Study — Believe and Obey

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:4-5

    Those who lie and bear false witness against others will suffer for their actions. They may seem to get away with it for a time, but they will not be able to avoid the consequences forever.


Psalm 9:13-20

    The wicked may plan and plot to trap others into doing their will, but they will fall into traps of their own making. We can be confident of God’s justice. He will ensure that the wicked suffer the fate which they deserve. Let us beg God to have mercy on us, otherwise we will suffer the fates which our sins deserve. When God shows us His mercy, let us shout His praises for all to hear.


Romans 1:1-17

    Paul wrote the letter to the believers in Rome to introduce himself and what he taught about Jesus to them. He starts out by describing the goal of his teaching. His goal was that those who heard him would believe and obey God. He taught that once one believed the message he taught one would act upon it in order to bring glory to God’s name. As he does elsewhere, Paul begins this letter by telling us that while our actions do not bring us righteousness, the righteousness we receive through our faith will determine our actions. What we believe determines what we do. If we truly believe the Gospel message we will act accordingly.
    There is another thing which strikes me every time I read this passage. It is something which every one who attempts to teach others about Christ should bear in mind. Paul says that he desires to visit the believers in Rome to teach them and encourage their faith. But he also wanted to be taught by them. He did not intend to go to Rome solely so that he could impart to them his own wisdom, he recognized that the believers in Rome had things to teach him as well. If and when we find ourselves called to be teachers we need to humbly recognize that those we are teaching know something that we need to learn as well.


1 Chronicles 12:19-14:17

    This passage tells us something about how David became such a successful leader and king of Israel. First, he did not impose himself upon the people of Israel as their leader. Rather the people of Israel acclaimed David as their king. The warriors and leaders of warriors came to David and offered him their support. But it was not just the military men who supported David. People in other walks of life brought food and supplies to David and his men to acknowledge and celebrate his leadership of the nation. David was acclaimed the leader of the people of Israel by people from all walks of life.
    The second thing this passage tells us is that David used his position of leadership to call the people to faithfulness to God. When the people had made him king, one of his first acts was to bring the Ark of the Covenant to his capital in order to make the worship of God a central part of the nation. The people followed David in his worship of God. A good leader needs the people to choose to follow him. Then he needs to lead them to follow God.
    The final thing this passage tells us about David’s leadership was that he planned his actions based on guidance from God. He did not insist on repeating the strategies that had worked for him in the past. Rather he listened to God’s guidance and modified his strategies based on circumstances and the direction which God gave him. Let us not get stuck in the rut of doing only that which worked for us in the past. When God calls us to try new things, let us be ready to do so.

July 11, 2014 Bible Study — Don’t Blame God For the Consequences of Your Actions

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:1-3

    I love all three of today’s proverbs. The first tells us that it is better to be poor and honest than it is to be a dishonest fool (the implication being that it is foolish to be dishonest). The second tells us that enthusiasm is no substitute for knowing what you are doing. Those who rush into a task before taking the time to understand what they need to do will make mistakes that will cost more than any delay would have. The final proverb warns about people who ruin their own lives by acting foolishly and then angrily blame God for what went wrong.


Psalm 9:1-12

    Let us follow the psalmist’s example and praise the Lord for the marvelous things He has done. He judges with fairness and will destroy the wicked, indeed, He has done so throughout history. The wicked rise and God brings them down into the dust. He avenges murder and cares for the helpless. He responds to the cries of those who suffer. It is because of God that I am filled with joy.


Acts 28:1-31

    When Paul arrived in Rome, the first thing he did was invite the leaders of the Jewish community to come and discuss the charges against him. They came and talked with him, telling him that they had received no information regarding anything he might have done. They had heard denunciations against Christians but did not know anything about its teachings. Paul attempted to persuade them that the Jewish Scripture foretold Jesus’ coming and His actions (including His death and resurrection). Some were convinced, but others rejected Paul’s teaching. The Jewish leaders argued among themselves over what Paul had told them as they were leaving.
    What Paul told these Jewish leaders is true of many people today (and in every time). They hear what is said about God but refuse to actually listen. They see what God has done but refuse to comprehend its meaning. Many people insist that the problems caused by their own sin are God’s fault rather than repenting of their sins and turning to God.


1 Chronicles 11-12:18

    The passage tells us of the mighty warriors who followed David from the time he was on the run from Saul. It describes these men who were his closest companions while he was honing the skills which would later make him king. Among the men listed as part of David’s elite companions is Uriah the Hittite. This is the same Uriah who was married to Bathsheba and whom David had sent to his death in battle. We often overlook how great was the magnitude of David’s sin with Bathsheba. He allowed his sexual desires to cause him to betray one of his closest companions.

July 10, 2014 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 18:23-24

    Most “friends” are unreliable and anyone who has too many of them will come to ruin. However, there are people who will be a friend who is closer than family. When you find the latter, treasure them.


Psalm 8:1-9

    Whenever I read this psalm I am reminded of how majestic the night sky is…and whenever I look at the night sky I am reminded of this psalm. When I see the night sky I think of God’s glory and majesty. In the wonderful universe which God created, mankind is insignificant and small. Yet God gave them charge over His creation. God’s majesty fills the earth and we can witness it wherever we look.


Acts 27:21-44

    The ship transporting Paul was driven before the storm for two weeks to the point where those on the ship had given up hope of surviving. Paul addressed to crew and passengers telling them that he had warned them against setting sail. Then he told them that they would all survive, although the ship would be wrecked. A short time later, Paul warned the soldiers not to let the sailors abandon ship. As we read this passage, we see the hand of God in preserving the life of those on the ship. Let us remember that when things seem hopeless, God is still there for us. He will bring us through as long as we trust in Him.


1 Chronicles 9-10:14

    Today’s passage finishes up the genealogies by recounting some of the people who returned to the land of Israel after the Babylonian Exile. It then begins telling the story of the kingdom of Israel with the account of Saul’s death. We are reminded that for all of the great things he accomplished Saul died because he was unfaithful to God. The passage takes special note of the fact that he consulted a medium rather than seeking God’s guidance. This is a reminder that we should seek God’s guidance for the important decisions in our lives and be careful not to base those decisions on the advice of those who do not honour Him.

July 9, 2014 Bible Study — Be Wary of the Judgement of Experts

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 18:22

    This proverb is indeed true. God showed His favor on me when He brought my (now) wife into my life. She is truly a great treasure.


Psalm 7:1-17

    I will not claim the innocence which the psalmist here proclaims for himself, but I will repent of the wickedness I have done. God will end the evil of those who are wicked and He will defend the righteous. The wicked plan to do evil to others, but that evil will rebound and catch them. God is just and will bring about the downfall of those who do not repent of their evil ways.


Acts 27:1-20

    Paul warned those in charge of transporting him to Rome that if they continued there would be trouble. However, since the port they were in at the time was a poor place for a ship to spend the winter, the captain and the owner of the ship wanted to travel onward to a better harbor a short distance away. The Roman officer in charge of transporting Paul chose to listen to these experts instead of Paul. This lead to avoidable perils for those traveling with Paul.
    I am generally in favor of listening to the opinions of experts over those with limited experience in a particular field. However, it is a mistake to only listen to those same experts. The experts may have goals and agendas which warp their judgement. In this case Paul’s judgement, that of someone whose only experience was sailing on his previous journeys, proved better than that of those who made their living by sailing. Yet despite this, God used the mistake to further His plans.


1 Chronicles 7-8:40

    Today’s passage continues with the genealogy. I am sure there are spiritual lessons in this passage, but none which the Spirit is showing me today.

July 8, 2014 Bible Study — May All Who Listen To Me Become As I Am

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 18:20-21

    I definitely prefer the NIV to the New Living Translation for today’s proverb. The results of what we say effects what we eat and whether or not that food is satisfying. The things we choose to say can result in either positive or negative outcomes. The more we talk the more important it is to choose our words with care.


Psalm 6:1-10

    Are we worn out with praying to God for His mercy? Let us I will call out to God for forgiveness and ask that He rescue me from my sins. I am weak and it is only by the action of God’s Spirit that I will be able to escape from sin. I wish to do God’s will and serve Him, but I do not have the strength. However, the Lord will answer my prayer. His Spirit will move within me and give me the strength to His will.


Acts 26:1-32

    I was struck by Paul’s description of the commission which he received from Jesus on the road to Damascus. He was being sent to the Gentiles to turn them from the power of Satan to God. That commission is ours as well. We are sent into the world to open the eyes of those who do not know God. We are to show them the light of God so that they may turn from darkness to that light. Those who see the light which we reveal and turn to it will receive forgiveness and become sanctified as one of God’s people. No matter how sinful someone has been, they may turn to God and become a saint.
    The other part of this which always moves me is Paul’s response to King Agrippa. King Agrippa asked Paul if he thought he could convince Agrippa to become a Christian in such a short amount of time. Paul’s answer is what should be our prayer, goal, desire in our interactions with all who do not know the Lord. Whether quickly or slowly it is my desire that all who I speak with come to know and follow Jesus as their Lord.


1 Chronicles 5:18-6:81

    When the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh first settled in the land they trusted in God and He answered their prayers. As a result they were able to spread through the land they settled and became numerous. Unfortunately, once they had settled in the land they became unfaithful to God and began worshiping the gods of the people God had driven from the land before them. If we trust in God, He will answer our prayers. Yet, if when we are successful we turn our eyes from Him, we will suffer just as the people of these tribes did.

July 7, 2014 Bible Study — Are We Honorable?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I find it interesting that today if we add together the numerical value of the day and the month it equals the last two digits of the year. I have no idea why I find that interesting, but I do.

Day lily (22)

Proverbs 18:19

    We need to be more careful not to offend our friends than strangers because, while it may be harder to offend a friend than a stranger, it is immensely harder to win back a friend once they have been offended. If someone I do not know does something that makes me suspicious of their motives it is easier for them to overcome that suspicion than it is for someone I trusted who does the same thing.

Day lily (46)

Psalm 5:1-12

    There is so much in this psalm. I will highlight today a couple of lines which I wish to model in my life:

Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.

I will start my days by coming to God in prayer.
Make your way plain for me to follow.

As God makes clear to me the way He wants me to go, I will follow that path.
all who love your name may be filled with joy.

I know that doing as God desires will lead me to experience greater joy than any other course I may choose.

Day lily (47)

Acts 25:1-27

    When Governor Festus took over from Felix, the Jewish Council attempted to resurrect their plan to ambush and kill Paul as he was transferred from Caesarea to Jerusalem. Festus instead asked the leaders of the Council to come to Caesarea to make their case. The Council did as Festus asked. When the Council made their accusations before Festus, they offered no proof. Festus, rather than dismissing the case for lack of evidence, suggested that Paul be transferred to Jerusalem for trial. Paul, recognizing that Festus was not going to release him, used his rights as a Roman citizen to appeal to Caesar. Later, Festus claimed that the only reason he did not release Paul was because Paul had appealed to Caesar and thus Festus was no longer free to release him. How often do we attempt to blame our actions on others?

Day lily (48)

1 Chronicles 4:5-5:17

    The passage continues to list genealogies. However, it includes a short two verse reference to a man named Jabez. There was a book written about this man and the prayer he prayed which was a big deal among certain circles for a period of time. I will say that I think studying what Jabez prayed is less important than why God granted his request. The passage tells us that Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. Are we more honorable than our “brothers”, those who live around us?

July 6, 2014 Bible Study — Listen To Both Sides of the Story Before Passing Judgement

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.

Day lily (42)

Proverbs 18:16-18

    Those who are generous will find that sometimes that generosity opens doors to opportunities that would otherwise be closed. A freely given gift may allow someone to gain access to the movers and shakers.
    The second proverb reminds us of the importance of waiting until we hear both sides of the story before reaching a conclusion. The first person who tells us their side of the story will almost always sound right, but we often will discover that the answer is not so clear-cut when we hear how those on the other side of the dispute describe things. It is important to remember that it is possible that both sides of a dispute may have genuinely acted with the best intentions…based on information of which the other side was unaware (or because they were unaware of information available to the other side).

Day lily (43)

Psalm 4:1-8

    Let us call upon God to answer the charges against us when we are falsely accused of wrongdoing. God will vindicate us when people make up baseless slanders against us because we serve Him. He will expose their lies for the entire world to see. In the meantime we need to control our anger rather than allowing it to control us. When we become angry we should remain silent and sleep on what caused our anger before we speak or act.
    Let us trust in God and offer sacrifices to Him in the right spirit. Always remember that doing God’s will brings greater joy than anything which can be purchased with wealth.

Day lily (44)

Acts 24:1-27

    When Paul was on trial before Felix, the Jewish Council made a case against him that seemed fairly damning. However, Paul was able to show that the accusations they made against him were based on hearsay and innuendo and that the only people who might be able to actually make the case were not present. This case is a perfect illustration of our proverb from today.
    Later, when Paul talked with Felix and his wife in private he discussed the connection between righteousness, self-control, and the coming day of judgement. Paul was apparently more convincing than Felix expected because he cut the discussion short. Luke’s description of what Paul said to Felix and his wife in private presents us with a different take on the Gospel message than we normally think of. The Gospel message, according to this passage, is about how righteousness and self-control are related to being prepared for God’s coming day of judgement. Are we prepared to talk to the unbelievers we know about the relationship between these three things?

Day lily (45)

1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4

    This passage is one of the reasons I am doing this blog. This genealogy list is extremely dry reading and I have trouble reading through it. Today I will be perfectly honest that I was unable to discern any meanings from it that apply to my life. However, I did find it interesting that the account contained a list of descendants of the king of Judah taken into Babylonian exile.