Tag Archives: Religion

September 23, 2024 Bible Study — Delay the Coming of God’s Day of Judgement by Calling People to Serve God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Amos 1-5.

But first, I want to wish happy anniversary to the love of my life, my beautiful wife.

Amos begins his prophecy by declaring God’s judgement on the nations surrounding Israel and Judah, before he gets to his prophecy against God’s people.  Most of those nations are condemned for selling people into slavery.  I get the impression that Amos is talking about more than just literal slavery, although that is part of it.  I think he refers to lands and peoples who profit from the sufferings of others.  Then as Amos gets into his prophecies against the peoples of Israel and Judah, his prophecies concerning God’s people, he tells us that God always reveals His plans through His prophets before He acts.  And just as in the time of Amos, God is speaking His word to us once more.  He calls us to seek Him and live.  He calls us to warn those who turn aside justice and who detest truth tellers.  God tells us to seek good and hate evil.  We may look at the evil around us and long for the day of the Lord, but Amos tells us that we should instead long for people to turn to the Lord.  The day shall come when God will judge the nations, but that will be a dark day, a day of suffering.  Instead of longing for that day, we should seek to delay its coming by calling people to serve God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 22, 2024 Bible Study — Everyone Who Calls Upon the Name of the Lord Will Be Saved

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Joel 1-3.

Joel writes about a time when disaster overtook the land of Israel.  Locusts swept over the land, destroying all of the crops.  People who had been prospering were now suffering privation.  As I read it today, it reminded me of the economic situation we are experiencing now.  Which brings me to the message which God gave Joel for the people of Israel:
“Even now,” declares the Lord,
    “return to me with all your heart,
    with fasting and weeping and mourning.”
 Rend your heart

    and not your garments.
Return to the Lord your God,

    for he is gracious and compassionate,…
God does not ask us to pick the right politician, or to change our nations laws.  He asks us to return to Him, with fasting, weeping, and mourning.  Joel goes on from there and tells us to gather, to fast and mourn with our fellows.  Then, perhaps, God may be merciful and restore our fortunes, the fortunes of our land.  Further, God makes a promise that if we do return to Him, He will pour out His Spirit upon us, and everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 21, 2024 Bible Study — It Is Time to Seek the Lord

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Hosea 8-14.

I struggle with reading Hosea.  The combination of the poetic form he uses and the metaphors he uses for his message challenge my ability to follow what he is saying.  Yet, for all of that, he uses some phrases which really strike me.  He writes about those who sow the wind and thus reap the whirlwind.  I think we often fail to truly comprehend that message because we do not think like a farmer.  When you sow seeds, say grains of wheat, or of corn, each seed you plant yields ten or a hundred times as much when the plant matures.  In the same way, when you sow sin, trouble, and wickedness, every little bit that you sow yields ten or a hundred times as much trouble and turmoil.  Instead of sowing the wind, Hosea tells us to sow righteousness, so that we might reap unfailing love.  If we break up our hardened hearts and seek the Lord, He will come and shower His righteousness onto us.  Hosea tells us that now is the time to seek the Lord, but instead of doing so, we have planted wickedness.  As a result we are reaping evil and eating the fruit of deception.

If we depend on our own strength, the roar of battle with rise against us and our strongholds will be devastated.  However, if instead we return to God, wait for Him, and maintain love and justice, He will deliver us from the power of death.  Jesus has redeemed us from death so that it no longer threatens us.  Let us follow God’s ways, because they are right.  If we walk in His ways our path will be smooth, but if we rebel against Him, we will stumble and fall, facing constant struggles.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 20, 2024 Bible Study — Love the Unloved, and Make the Outcast Our People

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Hosea 1-7.

I always feel bad for Hosea’s first daughter and his second son.  Can you imagine growing up with the name “Not Loved” or “Not My People”?  The other thing that I wonder about when I read this passage is did Hosea KNOW that Gomer was a promiscuous woman when he married her?  Or, did he feel called by God to marry her and then discover her to be a promiscuous woman?  I do believe that God told Hosea to marry Gomer, but I wonder if, perhaps, Hosea did not know she would cheat on him until after they were married.  In any case, God used Gomer’s behavior to illustrate the problems which the people of Israel, both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, had with remaining faithful to God.  Then God used Hosea taking Gomer back after she had left him to illustrate the way He would take His people back after they had left Him.  There is one last thing I want to write about today.  In verse one of chapter two, Hosea writes, “Say of your brothers, ‘My people,’ and of your sisters, ‘My loved one.’”  I am not quite sure to whom Hosea is addressing that, but I am quite sure it references the name he gave his second son and first daughter, the ones he named, “Not My People” and “Not Loved.”  I believe that God is calling us to call people who are otherwise unloved “my loved one”, and to say to those who are outcast, “you are my people.”

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 19, 2024 Bible Study — God Has a Plan

Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 11-12.

This is a difficult passage to read and understand.  It begins by describing the rise of Alexander the Great and the division of the empire he built into four parts.  Part of what makes it hard to follow is that it glosses over historical events in ways which make it hard to know where in the historical timeline the parts of this vision are.  For example: at the beginning it talks about a king arising in Persia who will “stir up everyone against the kingdom of Greece.”  Now there are two issues here.  The Persian king who first invaded Greece was Darius, but the passage appears to be referencing his son Xerxes.  The second issue is that Greece was not a single kingdom at that time, but rather an amalgam of city-states.  I will discuss why that is not the problem some would make it out to be in a moment.  It follows talking about the Persian king who stirred people up against Greece by mentioning a king who will arise and do as he pleases.  The fact that it then tells us that after the death of this king his kingdom would be split among four kings suggests that it is referring to Alexander the Great.  Now if you read this passage and did not know history, you might think that king was instead a Persian king.  I use the above as an example of how the writer glosses over details of history in a way which those who know the history in detail will find problematic, but which convey the flow of that history.  As we read this passage we get a feel for the way in which the land of Israel, and the people who lived there, got caught in the battles between the Seleucid Dynasty in Persia and the Ptolemaic Dynasty in Egypt.  This vision was not intended to give a detailed account of the future.  It was intended to remind those who lived through those troubling times that God had a plan for that future and that events would turn out according to what He had ordained.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 18, 2024 Bible Study — We Do Not Pray Because We Are Righteous, We Pray Because God Is Merciful

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 9-10.

When Daniel realized that Jeremiah had prophesied that the Exile would last seventy years, and that seventy years had almost passed, he began to pray.  I was struck today by the part of Daniel’s prayer where he said, “We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. ”  We do not pray and expect God to answer our prayers because of our righteousness.  In fact, as Daniel’s prayer makes clear, we are sinful and deserving of God’s judgement.  We expect God to answer because He has said that He will and because we know that He is merciful.  And even though Daniel expected God to answer his prayer, before he made his request of God he acknowledged that he and the Israelites had sinned and deserved God’s judgement.  We need to follow Daniel’s example and both confess and repent of our sins before we put our petitions before God.  I realized something else as I wrote this.  The phrasing I used about us expecting God to answer us suggests that I think we have the right to expect an answer.  That is not the case.  God is under no obligation to answer our prayers.  God answers our prayers out of His great mercy, not because we deserve those answers.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 17, 2024 Bible Study — Trying to Find Meaning in the Four Beasts

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 7-8.

When I was younger these two visions were among my favorite passages in the Bible.  I felt that as the events described came to pass we would see how they predicted the future.  I still believe that they describe a time in Daniel’s future, but now I think their meaning for us is more complicated than demonstrating God’s ability to reveal the future.  Which means I find them challenging to write about.  Today I want to write about the first vision.  There are four beasts mentioned and their descriptions seem bizarre.  The first one is described as a winged lion, which has its wings torn off, is stood up like a human and given a human mind.  The second looks like a bear, but is raised up on one side.  Then we are told it has three ribs between its teeth.  I have always assumed that to mean that it has the ribs of some animal in its mouth that it is chewing on, but it struck me today that perhaps they were supposed to be thought of like baleen in the mouth of a baleen whale (if you don’t know what I mean, go look up baleen whales).  Even without the ribs part I have trouble forming a picture of this beast in my mind (what does it mean by “raised up on one of its sides”).  The third beast looks like a leopard with four bird wings and four heads.  That is a strange look, but at least one that I can fully imagine in my head.  The final beast I always imagine as looking something like a tunnel boring machine.  Although, I struggle with the ten horns.  I wonder if we were intended to be able to visualize these beasts, or if it was more to just metaphorically compare them? (kind of a lion, kind of a bear, kind of a leopard, and some kind of monstrous mechanical beast).

Now, I have typically seen these four beasts compared to empires which existed sequentially.  The winged lion was seen as the Babylonian empire, the bear as the Persian empire, the leopard as the Hellenistic empires (Alexander the Great and the four empires built by his successors), the fourth beast as the Roman empire.  The problem is that when the fourth beast is destroyed the other three are allowed to live for a time after that, although stripped of their power.  The only part of the understanding of this vision which I grew up with which fits my understanding today is that Jesus’ kingdom represents the end of the rule of these four beasts.  I was hoping that as I wrote the above I would develop some further insight into the meanings of these four beasts, but that did not happen.  The only thing which I have to add at this point is that each of these beasts are supposed to give us insight into living in this world and our tendency to focus solely on the fourth beast interferes with us fully comprehending the meaning of this vision.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 16, 2024 Bible Study — When Belshazzar Saw the Writing, He Knew Even Before He Understood the Words

Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 5-6.

Reading the account about the writing on the wall, I was again struck by something which I had never thought about before.  It’s not that I never noticed, just that I never thought it noteworthy.  When the fingers appeared and began writing on the wall, the ruler of Babylon, Belshazzar, was terrified.  I had never really thought about it because fingers appearing and starting to write would be somewhat frightening in any case.  Today, it struck me, the writer thought it necessary to point out that Belshazzar was terrified.  That suggests that there was more going on than just the fingers appearing.  Which led me to think about the fact that the writers tell us that he was deliberately committing sacrilege against the God of the Israelites by using goblets taken from the temple in Jerusalem to drink from while praising other gods.  To me this suggests that Belshazzar understood that the writing represented judgement against him, despite the fact that he could not read it.  This is confirmed for me when he became even more frightened when his “wise men” could not read the writing.  Those “wise men” would have been well trained in the lore surrounding the gods whom Belshazzar acknowledged so that, if the writing was from one of those gods, they should have been able to read it.  So, Belshazzar knew the message even though he was unable to read what was written.  The message of Belshazzar’s fear is the same as what Paul writes in the first chapter of Romans, God’s qualities have been known such that people are without excuse.  Later in the passage, Daniel even tells Belshazzar that he knew about God, and still refused to be humble before Him.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 15, 2024 Bible Study — We Need Not Defend Our Refusal to Worship According the the Dictates of Society

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 3-4.

I love the story of the fiery furnace.  It holds such important lessons for us.  This morning I was struck by a phrase which I never thought about much in the past.  When Nebuchadnezzar confronted the three friends over their failure to worship the golden image he had erected they responded by saying, “we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. ”  Notice that they did not say that they did not need to defend themselves at all before him, just that they did not need to do so “in this matter”.  “This matter” was their refusal to bow down and worship the image of gold which he had set up.  They rejected his authority over them in the matter of who or what they worship.  They then asserted that their God could, and would deliver them from his attempt to punish them for refusing to accept his authority in this matter.   Finally, they stated that even if their God did not deliver them from his punishment, they would not follow Nebuchadnezzar’s dictates as to how, who, or what they should worship.  We should follow their example.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 14, 2024 Bible Study — Trust and Obey God, and He Will Bring Glory to His Name

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 1-2.

Just before I started writing this I watched a scene from “Good Will Hunting” where Matt Damon’s character interrupted an Ivy League student trying to sound intelligent and thoughtful by plagiarizing various authors from the syllabus if his economic courses.  And in some ways, the other young men among whom Daniel and his friends were trained in Babylon were like that Ivy League student, as were the men whom Nebuchadnezzar initially consulted to interpret his dreams.  They thought they were the best and the brightest, but none of them had ever taken the risk of having an original thought.  I really want to continue the link between these two stories.  Usually when we examine the first two chapters of the Book of Daniel we separate them and talk about the lessons they have independent of each other.  But there really is a common thread between them.  In the first story, Daniel and his friends did not ask for a kosher diet because they thought it would make them healthier than the diet the other young men were consuming.  They requested a kosher diet because they desired to be faithful to God and were confident that God would not have commanded them to eat an unhealthy diet.  In the second story, Daniel did not believe that he had abilities beyond that of the wise men who had failed Nebuchadnezzar’s request.  He had faith that if God wanted him and his friends to survive, He would reveal the answer for which Nebuchadnezzar was asking.  From both of these stories we learn that if we put our trust in God, and are obedient to Him, He will bring us results which bring glory to His name.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.