Tag Archives: Read the Bible in a year

December 19, 2018 Bible Study — Living By Faith

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 10-11.

The writer here dismisses the idea that the concept of being saved by grace means that I can go on sinning without consequence.   While I cannot earn my salvation, faith in God means that I seek to overcome my sinful nature and act according to His will.  The writer than goes on to give us examples of people who have lived by faith.  All of these people acted on faith that God would grant them a better life after resurrection.  The writer points out one basic thing, in order to come to God we must have faith that God does indeed exist.  This is important.  While I can make a logical case for God’s existence, I cannot prove that He exists.  Sooner or later, each of us will need to make that leap of faith and put our faith in God’s existence.  The writer makes a second important point in this passage.  If you truly have faith in God, then you will embrace any suffering which comes as a result of living according to that faith in the knowledge that doing so will result in God’s will and a better life after the resurrection. 

December 18, 2018 Bible Study — Jesus, High priest after the order of Melchizedek

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 6-9.

The writer tells us that Jesus is the High Priest of God’s new covenant with mankind, a covenant which replaces the one He made with the people of Israel.   Under this new covenant, Jesus is a priest in the order of Melchizedek, not the order of Aaron.  The writer makes the point that Jesus made His sacrifice once for all time and does not need to make additional sacrifices.  Under the old covenant, only the high priest could enter into the presence of God, and that only once a year after offering up the yearly sacrifice.  Jesus sacrificed Himself so that we can enter into God’s presence at all times.    As a result of this change, God enters into our hearts and minds and writes His laws there.  Under the old covenant, the high priest made sacrifices in the earthly copy of the Tabernacle.  Under the new covenant, Jesus, the new High Priest, made His sacrifice in the Heavenly original Tabernacle.

December 17, 2018 Bible Study — The Theology of Who Jesus Is

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 1-5.

The Book of Hebrews seems to me to be more about theology, the study of God, than any other part of the Bible. Here the writer tells us that Jesus was not an angel. He is far greater than any angel. This runs directly counter to the Mormon teaching that the angels are Jesus’ brothers. Angels are servant spirits sent to care for those who will accept God’s salvation. Further the writer tells us that Jesus became human, which is a little lower than the angels. Yet this status of being a little lower than the angels is only temporary. Upon His death and resurrection, Jesus was raised up above the angels. We too, who put our faith in Him, will be raised up above the angels, because God will adopt us into His family as brothers and sisters to Christ. The next element of the theology which this writer presents us with is that Jesus was categorically different, and greater, than any prophet, even Moses, the greatest of the prophets. Prophets are servants in the House of God, but Jesus is the Architect and the Builder of that House. Each and every believer is the House of God, both as individuals and as a group.

December 16, 2018 Bible Study — What You say about others says more about you than it says about them

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Titus and Philemon.

One of the first thing Paul touches upon in his letter to Titus are the qualifications necessary for an Elder in the Church.  I am only going to touch on one part of it, because I think it is a part to which we pay too little attention when we debate this.   Actually, it applies to all Church leaders.  They must be people who like other people, who like to socialize.  Church leaders should be people who enjoy hosting get-togethers in their own homes and elsewhere.<br>

Paul segues from discussing the qualifications of Church leaders to another teaching to which we tend to pay too little attention.   Paul writes, “Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted.”  Another way of expressing this is something my Dad told me.  He told me to be cautious of people who constantly thought that others were cheating them.  Such people thought they were being cheated because they were always looking for ways to cheat other people.   On the other hand, people who are honest and trustworthy generally trust others.  When Paul tells us that everything is pure to those who are pure, he is both telling us to modify our behavior and giving us advice on judging the merits of those who speak about others.   Trust and rely on those for whom it is a struggle to say anything negative about others.  Watch closely, and do not put much credence in the accusations they make, those who can give you a catalog of the flaws of others.  Of course, that also means that we should strive to be the former and not the latter.<br>

By reading between the lines of this passage we can learn a few things.  Onesimus was the slave of Philemon.  Philemon was a leader of a congregation which met in his home.  In addition, Philemon became a Christian as a direct result of Paul’s ministry.   Onesimus ran away from his slavery to Philemon and ended up in Rome, where Paul was a prisoner.   Onesimus heard the Gospel from Paul and also became a believer.  For awhile he aided Paul.  Eventually, Onesimus became convicted that he should return to Philemon to make good on his obligations to him, but he was afraid of how Philemon would treat him.  Under Roman law, Philemon was entitled to punish Onesimus severely.    I will mention that slavery as practiced in Rome was different than slavery as practiced in the pre-Civil War American South.  <br>

Having written all of the above, I realized that the main point I want to make about Paul’s letter to Philemon has little to do with any of that.  Paul writes to Philemon that Onesimus had indeed wronged him, but that was before Onesimus came to know the Lord.  Now that Onesimus has come to know the Lord, he has been transformed.  Philemon should forgive Onesimus the wrong he had done him, and Paul would reimburse Philemon for any cost Philemon had incurred because of Onesimus’ actions (with the suggestion that perhaps Philemon should just write them off).  Here is the lesson for us: we should not judge believers by the actions they took before they were saved.

December 15, 2018 Bible Study — Do not seek persecution, but rejoice when you receive it

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Timothy 1-4.

In this passage Paul talks about the fact that the norm for faithful followers of Christ is to experience persecution. We should not be ashamed when people make fun of us or persecute us for our beliefs. Rather we should be proud. Further, when we are made fun of or persecuted we do not need to ask what we are doing wrong. Instead, we need to ask that when we are not being persecuted or made fun of. That does not mean that we will always be persecuted or made fun of. Just that we should expect to be. It also does not mean that not being persecuted or made fun of indicates that we are doing something wrong. Just that we might be.
When Paul tells us that we should be happy to experience persecution he is not telling us to seek persecution, or to act in ways designed to elicit persecution. Rather, he is telling us that persecution is a sign that we are faithfully following Christ’s example. Let us not choose our actions so as to provoke persecution, but let us choose to follow Christ in such a way that those who persecuted Him will persecute us.

December 14, 2018 Bible Study — being godly is its own reward

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Timothy 5-6.

Today’s passage contains many short instructions for Timothy, and the Church in general, which do not have a common theme other than that we should act in love and faith. One of the points Paul makes is that we should never listen to an accusation against a Church leader unless it is confirmed by two or three witnesses. This is a rule which we should keep in mind regarding any person, especially those of prominence.

The other instruction which Paul makes here which I want to touch on are his teachings on the connection between godliness and wealth, specifically, that godliness is NOT a method of acquiring wealth. Paul condemns as false teachers those who teach that godliness is the way to acquire wealth. Ultimately, those who are godly for the sake of becoming wealthy are not truly being godly. They are merely putting on the appearance of being godly. The only way to be truly godly is to recognize that godly is a goal in and of itself

December 12, 2018 Bible Study — Those Unwilling to work will not eat

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Thessalonians 1-3.

At the beginning and again near the end of this letter Paul speaks of prayer. He writes as part of his opening beginning that he will continue to pray for those to whom he is writing. Then, as he begins to conclude his letter he asks them to pray for him. This gives us an idea of Paul’s thoughts on the importance of prayer. I know that I do not pray as much, or as deeply, as I should.

Paul writes that the day of Jesus’ return will not come until after the “man of lawlessness” has been revealed. It is not clear to me if Paul is referring to a singular individual, or to a social phenomena. I am not eve< convinced that Paul was clear in his own mind on that. Paul transitions from discussing the “man of lawlessness” and Christ’s return to warning us that not only should we not be idle, but we should stay away from believers who live that way. I think that Paul was referring to two groups of people when he referred to those who lived idle lives; those who stopped working and sold all of their possessions because they were convinced that Jesus would return before all of their money was spent, and those who took advantage of the charity of others to avoid working themselves. Paul’s instruction to us is clear, and consistent with the teachings of the rest of the Bible, we should work hard in order to both care for ourselves and have enough left over to care for those who cannot care for themselves./p>

December 11, 2018 Bible Study — Loving Our fellow believers while facing persecution

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Thessalonians 1-5.

Paul commends the believers in Thessalonica for continuing in their faith in the face of persecution. He commends them for showing their love and concern for their fellow believers living elsewhere and for following the teachings of the Gospel. He reminds them that he had warned them about the coming persecution when he first preached the Gospel to them. In a way, this letter is passing the same warning on to us. If we are faithful to the Gospel, those who do not believe will seek to persecute us.

Paul instructs the believers of Thessalonica to live in a way which pleases God by staying away from sexual sins. Immediately after telling them to stay away from sexual sins he writes, “But we don’t need to write to you about the importance of loving each other,…” Which clearly shows that if we truly love those around us, we will not commit sexual sins. Sexual sins bring harm both to ourselves and to those around us.

December 9, 2018 Bible Study — those who do the right thing for the wrong reason are still doing the right thing

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Philippians 1-4.

Paul writes how some people are preaching the Gospel because they are jealous of the honor Paul is receiving and wish to gain the same for themselves, or to gain wealth for themselves.  Paul’s response is that he does not care why people preach the Gospel, as long as the Gospel is being preached.   I remember years ago my denomination had an auto insurance program whereby those who were part of the Church could get a steep discount on auto insurance, but you had to attend Church regularly.  Someone I know made the comment that it was worth going to Church every Sunday for that discount.  Their mother-in-law told them that was the wrong reason to go to Church.  That is absolutely true, but someone else expressed what I believe Paul is saying here.  “I don’t care why he goes to Church.  I have faith that the Word of God can transform him.  Hearing the Word of God regularly will change his life.”  The man never did start going to Church and his life was not transformed, but I do not think his mother-in-law’s comments had anything to do with that.  I will echo what my friend said:

I do not care about the motives that lead someone to preach the Gospel and I do not care what motives lead someone to listen, I just want everyone to hear the message because I believe it has the power to transform, even those who do not wish to be transformed.

Paul goes on to express his attitude towards death, an attitude which we will share if we fully share his faith.  Paul writes that he is torn because it would be better for him if he died and went on to experience his resurrected body, but then he would no longer be able to serve Christ by serving others.  He was not just not afraid of dying but was looking forward to it.  However, he was unwilling to hasten its arrival because serving the Lord gave him joy.  As long as we live we should seek how we can serve and glorify God, but we should eagerly anticipate when he brings us home to be with Him.

Paul goes on to write that he seeks to know and emulate Christ. to become perfected as Christ was perfect.  However, he also makes it clear that he is not yet perfect and does not expect to be perfect until God rewards him with the heavenly prize.   It is easy to miss Paul’s point here.  Which is that, while embracing sinful behavior is evidence that someone is not saved,  striving   to do what is right does not make us better than those people.  All of this brings me to something I have come to realize about the heart of Paul’s message: when we sin we harm ourselves as much, or more, than we harm others.  If we love someone, we will point out when they are doing things which will harm them.

December 8, 2018 Bible Study — Honesty and Love Preclude immorality and Sin

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ephesians 4-6.

Paul tells us to stop living as sinners, who are hopelessly confused, or as the NIV translates it, stuck in futile thoughts.   They have hardened their hearts and closed their minds because they are unwilling to give up lustful pleasures and impure activities. I love the way Paul explains how we should live our lives in chapter 4 verses 31 and 32.

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Earlier in the chapter, Paul instructs us to stop telling lies and tell our neighbors the truth. I find it very telling that Paul links sexual immorality with being dishonest. Paul focuses on three categories of sin, sexual immorality, impurity, and greed. Paul warns us against those who try to excuse sins: no matter what excuse you come up with, sin will still damage your relationship with God. There is a reason so many sins are done in secret, because no matter how far they push the boundaries of what is socially acceptable, they still want to go beyond that.

Paul tells us to carefully determine what pleases God and take every opportunity to do those things. Not only should we avoid worthless, sinful deeds, but we should expose them for what they are. Here Paul is referencing back to when he told us to tell our neighbors the truth, that involves telling them that certain activities are sinful and therefore worthless. The best part about this is that we will rarely have to verbally express this if we live as God desires. If we live a life of love, following Christ’s example, God’s light will shine out from us, exposing the darkness and sin around us. Let us wisely live according to God’s desires for us. We can find a joy superior to that which others find in inebriation by being filled with the Holy Spirit and praising God.