Tag Archives: Read the Bible in a year

March 18, 2019 Bible Study — An Example Of Conflict Resolution

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 21-22.

Once all of the tribes except for the Levites had their allotment of land, the Levites came to Joshua, Eleazar, and the other leaders to request their towns.  According to the plan laid out by Moses they were to have towns and cities among the lands of the other tribes.  The Levites ended up distributed among the rest of the tribes.  At no point does it spell this out, but it seems to me that the Levites were to focus on passing down the stories which the Israelites had received from their ancestors and teach them, and God’s commands, to the rest of the Israelites.  They were to work with the priests as a kind of junior clergy.

Now that all of the tribes were settled (more or less, as we learn later), the warriors from the tribes east of the Jordan returned home. This is actually noteworthy as it had been at least five years since the tribes first crossed the Jordan. Before I get to my main point, it seems likely that the warriors from the tribes east of the Jordan only spent the fighting season west of the Jordan during this period, returning home for the off season. I am unsure which part pf the year they would have spent in battle. Various factors would have had an impact on that: weather, planting time, harvest time, etc.. My main point, however, is that when the eastern tribes returned home with no plans to return for battle the following year (or season), they built an altar on the western banks of the Jordan River. The rest of the tribes believed that they intended to make this a place of worship in conflict with the one at Shiloh. This was contrary to the clear instructions which Moses had given them regarding a central place of worship. So, they gathered to make war against the eastern tribes. But first they sent a delegation to the eastern tribes for an explanation of the altar. The leaders of the eastern tribes explained that it was intended as a monument, much like the one Joshua had built with river stones after the Israelites first crossed the Jordan. The important thing about this story is that the western tribes did not go to war based on their understanding of what the eastern tribes had done. They first sent a delegation for an explanation, and the eastern tribes did not take offense that the western tribes misunderstood their action. There is a lesson here for us, when we believe that others have done us wrong, we should first approach them and find out what they meant by their actions. And when others approach us because they misunderstood our motivation, we should not take offense. Rather we should explain our goals in doing what we did, acknowledging their right to be concerned if they thought we were doing wrong.

March 17, 2019 Bible Study — Settling Into The Promised Land

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 18-20.

It appears from today’s passage that over the course of Joshua’s life only the tribes east of the Jordan, Judah, Ephraim, and Manasseh actually began to settle down.  The other seven tribes apparently continued a nomadic lifestyle.  Here at the end of his life, Joshua instructed them to make a survey of the remaining land not already claimed by Judah or Ephraim and Manasseh.  I am not sure of its significance, but we are told that Benjamin was given the land between Judah and Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh), while Simeon was given land surrounded by lands settled by Judah.  We see here how the portion of Manasseh which settled west of the Jordan became absorbed into Ephraim and that Simeon would become absorbed into Judah.   We also see how Judah, Benjamin, and Simeon settled in the lands which had been part of the alliance of southern kings which Joshua conquered and the other tribes settled in the lands which had part of the alliance of northern kings.  This foreshadows the eventual divide into two kingdoms. 

There are two other, somewhat related things of importance in this passage.  First, it begins by telling us that the Israelites set up the Tabernacle at Shiloh as the central point for worship.  This was a more or less central location.  It also both reflects and contributed to the somewhat dominant role which the tribe of Ephraim played in the pre-kingdom era of Israel.  The other thing which was related here is that Joshua actually set up the cities of refuge as Moses had instructed the Israelites to do.  The importance of this is that it shows that at least some of the system of justice laid out in the Law of Moses was implemented.  The later portions ofthe Old Testament suggest that the system of justice (including Sabbath and Jubilee Years) laid out in the Law of Moses was never fully implemented, but this shows us that the early Israelites at least made a try at doing so.

March 16, 2019 Bible Study — God’s Instructions May Be Hard, But He Will Give Us the Strength To Complete Them

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 15-17.

The passage goes over the land given to the tribes of Judah, Ephraim, and Manasseh (the portion of Manasseh which did not settle east of the Jordan River).  It makes note of the fact that Judah was unable to drive the Jebusites out of Jerusalem.  Then goes into detail about the failure of the descendants of Joseph to defeat the Canaanites in the lowlands of their territory.  The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh asked for more land because of this.  Joshua gave them some additional land, but told them that they would overcome the Canaanites in the lowlands.  As I read this, Joshua’s comment seems to be both a command and an assurance.  There is a lesson here for us.  When God gives us directions which seem too hard for us, He will give us the strength to complete them.

March 15, 2019 Bible Study — Age Is a Number, When Some Need To Slow Down, Others Are Still Going Strong

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 12-14.

The passage begins by listing the conquests which Israel had made during Joshua’s lifetime.  I find it interesting that the passage gives the borders of the land which the Israelites took control of east of the Jordan River, but only lists the kings which they defeated west of the Jordan.  East of the Jordan the passage describes the borders of the land they controlled after defeating the kings whom they defeated, while west of the Jordan it describes the area in which the kings they defeated lived.  Then the passage describes the unconquered land which they were to include when dividing the land up among the tribes.  The passage tells us that this was the state of things when Joshua was forced to acknowledge that old age meant that he would no longer lead Israel to further conquest.

So, with this state of affairs, Joshua, Eleazar the priest, and leaders from the tribes divided the land among the tribes.  The division was done in such a way that all of the tribes were satisfied that it was appropriate and fair.  In the middle of this, Caleb, who was a contemporary of Joshua, comes forward and asks for his allotment.  Caleb declares that he is 85 years old, but still able to fight.  From this we see that we should not have the same expectations for everyone.  Joshua, about whom I will repeat that he was a contemporary of Caleb, needed to recognize that he could no longer lead the Israelites in war and would soon die.  Caleb, on the other hand, was still prepared to go out and serve God by conquering the land which would belong to his descendants.  Each of us needs to judge to what God is calling us based on our own situation, not by comparing ourselves to others.

March 14, 2019 Bible Study — The Land Is Naturally Divided

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 10-11.

The kings of the land had learned what the Israelites did to Jericho and Ai.  They wanted to keep the Israelites from doing the same thing to them, but the Israelites were still a nomadic people with no location they could be forced to defend.  However, once they had allied with the Gibeonites, the southern kings saw their chance.  Joshua demonstrated both his tactical leadership and the fighting prowess of the Israelites by marching overnight to relieve the siege of Gibeon.  Joshua caught the southern kings by surprise because they thought the Israelites were too far away to relieve the siege in a timely fashion.  Perhaps the most noteworthy thing about this account is that even though the king of Jerusalem organized the attack on Gibeon, Jerusalem is not one of the cities listed among those which Joshua conquered after this battle.

Some time after this, the northern kings joined forces to fight the Israelites.  There are a couple of interesting things about this account of the second group of kings.  First, the area controlled by the northern and southern kings corresponds loosely to the later division of Israel into two kingdoms.  Second, the way in which the northern kings gathered for war suggests that once the Israelites conquered the southern cities they began to settle down, giving the northern kings targets to strike if they were not met in battle. Finally, after Joshua had conquered and taken control of the towns which had entered into the northern alliance the Israelites, for the most part, ended their conquest of the area.  We know from later accounts that they had not completely taken control of the area, that some areas were still controlled by those who were here when they arrived, but nonetheless the Israelites had taken control of all of the land which they could settle at this time.

March 13, 2019 Bible Study — The Importance of Seeking God’s Guidance

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 8-9.

When the Gibeonites came to the Israelites seeking a treaty, the leaders did what they thought was due diligence.  They looked at the food the Gibeonites had brought with them and at their other supplies.  All showed significant age, suggesting that the Gibeonites had come from a great distance.  So, the Israelites made a treaty with them, despite God’s command not to make a treaty with anyone living in the land.   Reading this story I can think of several things which they could have done to avoid making this mistake.  But that misses the point. The Israelites trusted in their own judgement and failed to seek God’s guidance.  No matter how sure we are of our own judgement on an issue, we should seek God’s guidance through prayer.  How God will deliver that guidance will vary from situation to situation.  Perhaps He will give us an insight, perhaps He will have someone give us advice, or perhaps something else, but we should always seek His guidance. 

March 12, 2019 Bible Study — The Importance Of Being Accountable To Others

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 5-7.

I find it interesting that none of the children born while the Israelites were in the wilderness were circumcised.  No real explanation is given for why this was the case.  We are just told that all of the men were circumcised after they crossed the Jordan because they had not been while they were in the wilderness.  Perhaps it is unrelated, but Moses’ sons were also not circumcised until he was returning to Egypt.  I do not know why the Israelites did not practice circumcision while they wondered in the wilderness, nor why they resumed when they crossed the Jordan.  The only clue we have is that while the men were recovering from being circumcised they celebrated Passover and the Feast on Unleavened Bread in the Promised Land for the first time.  The last time it was mentioned that they celebrated the Passover was before the 12 spies went out.  Perhaps, they had not celebrated the Passover in the meantime?  That seems like a stretch, since the Passover mentioned here was significant because it was the first in the Promised Land.

The story of the Israelite loss at Ai and Achan’s sin always troubles me because the punishment seems so severe.  It was Achan’s sin, why were his family killed and all of his possessions destroyed as well?  There are two aspects to the answer.  First, his family was aware of his sin, and complicit in it because they did not report it.  When we read the way in which Achan concealed the loot he kept from Jericho in violation of God’s command, a little thought reveals that his family would have had to know about it.  He could not have dug the hole beneath his tent each time they moved camp without his immediate family knowing what he was doing and why.  As for destroying his possessions, by doing this no one can claim that anyone profited from his punishment.  We learn from the story of Ai and Achan’s sin that one person’s sin can undermine the efforts of an entire group.  Our sins may seem to be a private matter between ourselves and God and thus no one else’s business but our own.  However, they may impact the group of which we are part and undermine the efforts of others to do God’s will.  Therefore we must allow ourselves to be held accountable by those with whom we strive to serve God.



March 11, 2019 Bible Study — The Importance of Memorials

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Joshua 1-4.

When the spies Joshua sent out to spy out the land around Jericho needed a place to stay for the night, they went to the house of a prostitute because that was a place where strangers could go to spend the night with no questions asked about why they were there.  It did not work out that way because someone recognized them as Israelites when they went in to Rahab’s house and thus we learn a lesson about how God works.  No one had preached about God to Rahab.  In fact ,as best we understand the way the religion of that time and place worked, she was a priestess (of sorts) to the local diety.  Rahab had a choice to make and she chose the side of God.  She did not know much about God, or what it took to serve Him, but she had heard the stories about the Israelites and knew that she did not want to be God’s enemy.  We should live our lives so that when others preach to those who have heard about us those who hear go, “Yes, I want to be like them.”

When the Israelites crossed the Jordan, Joshua had them take 12 rocks from the center of the riverbed.  They set those twelve stones up as a memorial to their crossing of the Jordan.  I want to note that these rocks were not just any rocks, they were rocks which had been on a riverbed for an extended period of time.  As a result they would have had a different appearance from rocks that you would find lying on the ground or which you might dig out of a field when you plow it up.  Anyone who saw this memorial who knew anything about rocks would have known they came from a riverbed.  As we go through life, God provides us with such memorials, things which show that He is working in our lives.  Some of those things will be physical objects, such as this memorial the Israelites built.  Some of those things will be less tangible.  In either case, we must take note that God is showing His power so that we never forget when He has shown us His will.

March 10, 2019 Bible Study –Moses Predicts the People’s Rebellion

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 32-34.

Moses had just called for the people of Israel to accept God’s covenant, and they had done so, when he recited this song for them.  This song predicted that they would break the covenant they had just made with God and suffer the consequences of doing so.  Moses further predicted that God would call people to Himself who were not a people, from among the Gentiles He would call people to Himself to make the descendants of Israel jealous.  He would do this while allowing the enemies of Israel to triumph over them and to persecute them. 

I wasn’t sure where I was going with this when I started, but as I wrote the above I realized something.  When the people of Israel rebelled against God He called forth two groups from among the rest of humanity.  Those whom He called to be His own and make the descendants of Israel jealous, and those who hate and persecute them because they rebelled against Him.  The former are those who recognize that God, the Rock of Israel, is Supreme and strive to serve Him.  The latter are those who serve the gods and demons whom Israel turned to in their rebellion.  Those who hate and persecute Jews (who are the descendants of Israel) do not serve God, rather they are His enemies.  Those who seek to serve God by following Christ must recognize that their calling is to serve as a beacon to draw the descendants of Israel back to serving God.  Those who choose to be the enemies of the descendants of Israel make themselves the enemies of God and will suffer the just consequences for their sins.


March 9, 2019 Bible Study — Today We Have a Choice

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 29-31.

Moses makes several points in this passage which I want to bring up.  The first one that strikes me every time I read this passage is not the first one in the passage.  Today we are given a choice, a choice between life and death.  This choice is not a once and done choice.  Rather it is a choice we must make every day.  Will we choose life and do God’s will?  Or will we reject God’s will and choose death?  One day the choice we make will be final, but until then, if we made the wrong choice yesterday, we can always repent and make the right choice today.  Of course, whichever choice we make today will make it easier to make that choice again tomorrow and harder to make the other.  So, it is important to make the right choice each and every day.

I was going to work my way backwards from that to the other point, but as I began to write the next section I realized how what I wanted to write about the other points did not tie together that way.  When we have made the wrong choice time and again so that we are suffering the curses which come from rejecting God’s will, if we turn back to God and strive once more to do His will He will bring us back to Him.  He will change and cleanse our hearts.  It will not be hard to know His will, nor will it be hard to do His will.  If we truly desire to return to Him, He will write His commands on our hearts.  In fact, He has already done so.  When we make the wrong choice and reject God’s will we obscure part of what He has written on our hearts.  Each time we reject God’s will we make it even harder for us to read what He has written there.  However, each time we look at what can still be seen, and there will always be a little bit of what God has written visible to us if we look for it, and choose to follow His will God will wipe some of that obscuring muck away.  That is the beauty of what God offers us through Jesus.  When we fully accept Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, it is like God has turned a power washer on our hearts.  Of course, it hurts when He starts to wash away some of that ingrained sin and we sometimes try to shelter ourselves from the cleaning.  But we have to open ourselves up to that pain in order to experience the healing which can only happen once God has cleaned all of that gunk out of our lives.