Tag Archives: Read the Bible in a year

September 9, 2019 Bible Study — The Valley of Dry Bones

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.  

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 37-38.

Ezekiel describes his vision of the Valley of Dry Bones.  In my opinion, we should pay a lot of attention to this passage.  There are two closely related messages here.  No matter how dead and dysfunctional a group or organization may seem, if and when God chooses to bring them back to life they will become an army to serve His purposes.  Further, when God calls you to speak His word to a group or organization trust that it will be effective, even if no one seems to be paying attention.  Actually that lesson goes beyond that: when God calls you to a mission, that mission will accomplish God’s purpose, even if it seems a failure.  Do that to which God has called you, no matter how pointless it may seem. 

I go back and forth between thinking that Ezekiel’s message to God represents a specific future event (future to Ezekiel, but not necessarily to us) and that it is a figurative prophecy.  If it represents a specific event, the lands mentioned (Magog, Meschech, and Tubal) would today be parts of Turkey, Georgia (the nation, not the U.S. state), and southern Russia.  The current leader of Turkey has shown that he has the ambition to be able to do what is described here and has said things which suggest he even has the ambition to launch the invasion described.  The passage even contains a suggestion that the ruler who launches the invasion believes that he is called by God to do so.  The current ruler of Turkey would make such a claim if he launched an attack.  Such an alliance would be diplomatically opposed by Sheba, Dedan, and Tarshish.    Sheba and Dedan were located on the Arabian peninsula and the countries located there today would be among those whose aid Turkey would seek should it choose to attack Israel.  Many of those countries, especially Saudi Arabia, would currently question the wisdom of attacking Israel and oppose doing so.  In any case, such an attack will result in utter defeat for the attackers so as to bring glory to God’s name.  Their destruction will come about as the attacking allies turn on each other.

September 8, 2019 Bible Study — The Failure of Leadership

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 34-36.

Today’s passage begins with a condemnation of the shepherds of God’s people.  I believe it was intended for both the secular and religious leaders of Israel, but I think it applies very well to the religious leaders of today (there are exceptions, just as there were probably exceptions in Ezekiel’s day).   Ezekiel describes leaders who are perfectly happy to profit off of their position as leaders, but unwilling to do anything to help those whom they lead.   Ezekiel addresses the failure of leadership to care for the weak, tend the sick, and bind up the injured.  Perhaps his greatest condemnation is that they have failed to go looking for those who have wandered away and become lost.  All too many of those whom God has called to be leaders of His people put more emphasis on taking care of themselves rather than on taking care of the people who have been placed in their care.  When this happens God takes away His people away from these leaders and provides for them Himself.  We can see this happen again and again throughout history.  The failure of the leadership of the Catholic Church to care more about their own comfort than about caring for the common people led to the Reformation.  We see it today in the decline of many denominations in the United States where the leadership is more concerned with their political agenda than with the needs of the common person.  You also see it today in the rise of psuedo-religions which prey on those whom Church leaders have failed to reach out to and guide back to God’s love.

September 7, 2019 Bible Study — God Is Calling Watchmen (and Women)

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 32-33.

Ezekiel wrote here about how God called him to be a watchman for the people of Israel.  A watchman is obligated to warn people when danger approaches.  If the watchman fails to warn people and harm comes to them, the watchman is liable for that harm.  On the other hand, if the watchman warns people and they fail to take action, the watchman is held blameless.  The same is true for some of us today.  God has called some of us to be watchmen (and women).  He calls us to warn people of the suffering which awaits them if they do not turn from their sin(s).  Actually, there are two messages we may receive to pass on.  We may receive a message to warn people to turn from sin and begin to act righteously.  We may also receive a message to warn people not to turn to sin from righteousness.  If those who have lived righteous lives so far turn from their righteousness and begin to commit evil acts, God will destroy them.  None of their previous righteous acts will save them.  However, if those who have lived sinful lives turn from their sins and begin to do what is just and right, God will forgive their sins and give them joy.  

Not all of us are called to be watchmen the way that Ezekiel was.  He was called to deliver God’s message to all of the people of Israel, to be their watchman.  However, I believe that most, if not all of us, have been called to deliver God’s message to a few people.  Perhaps you have been called to warn one, or a few, of your righteous friends not to turn from their godly behavior.  Do not shirk your calling.  Or perhaps you have been called to warn someone, or even just a few people, that they will destroy themselves with their sinful acts.  Again, do not shirk your calling.  You may be afraid of saying anything because you fear you will lose a friend.  If you speak up, you MAY lose a friend, but if you do not, you WILL lose a friend.

September 6, 2019 Bible Study — When You Rely On People Instead of God, Those People Will Fail You

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 29-31.

The first thing I want to note about this passage is that it tells us it is written AFTER the Babylonian siege of Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar.  This leads me to think that the writer considered his prophecy against Tyre to have been fulfilled, despite the fact that the island portion of Tyre never fell to Nebuchadnezzar.  That would also lead me to believe that the prophet would have considered his prophecy against Egypt to be fulfilled even though Babylon never fully controlled Egypt.  I want to note that the prophecies against Tyre and Egypt were not directed to the people of those nations.  They were directed to the people of Israel.   The leaders of Judah and Jerusalem had allowed the leaders of Tyre and of Egypt to convince them to rebel against Babylon despite the prophets of God warning them not to do so.  The leaders of Judah and Jerusalem turned to the might of Tyre and of Egypt rather than turning to God.  In yesterday’s passage, Ezekiel reminded everyone that Tyre, for all of its wealth, could not defend its mainland city from Babylon, let alone come to the aid of Jerusalem.  In today’s passage he shows how Egypt was unable to stand against Babylon despite its natural defenses.  When we rely on humans rather than on God, they will fail us.

September 5, 2019 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 27-28.

Ezekiel prophesied that Tyre would fall despite its great wealth.  The king of Tyre viewed himself as a god and thus felt that he needed answer to no one.  But I get the impression that the pride Ezekiel talks about was not just that of the king of Tyre, that the people of Tyre thought that they too needed answer to no one.  Their trade and wealth made them think that they were secure.  The people of Tyre were convinced that no one would attack them because everyone would lose more by Tyre’s destruction than they would possibly gain.  They thought that they were wiser and more knowledgeable than everyone else.  Unfortunately for the people of Tyre, God brought against them someone who did not calculate value the way that they did.  An important lesson here is that not everyone is motivated by wealth and the things which wealth can buy.

September 4, 2019 Bible Study — Wealth Will Not Spare You From God’s Judgement

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 24-26.

Elsewhere, some of the false prophets were quoted as saying that people would be safe in Jerusalem because it was like an iron cooking pot.  Here Ezekiel illustrates why that was a faulty metaphor for safety.  He makes the point with this illustration that the wealthy and the powerful, those who think of themselves as the “choice cuts”, will be no different from the poor and needy.  When you cook meat in a pot like this, it all becomes pretty much interchangeable.  Further, as I read the passage, he cooks the meat until it becomes burned to the sides and bottom of the pot, charred and inedible.  As a result the pot cannot be cleaned and becomes unusable.  Ezekiel takes the metaphor which false prophets had used to reassure people and makes it a metaphor for the results of the people’s unwillingness to turn from their sins.  This is a perfect metaphor because earlier Ezekiel had used the metaphor of using fire to purify silver.  God brings trouble into our lives to purify us.  We can either let it melt us down to remove the impurities, or we can resist and be discarded as useless.

I am going to skip over the very sad portion where Ezekiel was forbidden by God to mourn for the death of his wife.  I find a very real lesson for practical politics in Ezekiel’s prophecies against the nations which surrounded Judah.  Those nations fell into two classes: those which encouraged the kings of Judah to ally against Babylon, and those which sought to gain by encouraging Babylon to destroy the Jewish people.  There may have been significant overlap between these two groups., as some may have sent envoys to convince the kings of Judah to rebel against Babylon while sending envoys to Babylon to swear fealty to Babylon.  In either case, the destruction which came upon Judah brought devastation on those nations as well.  War does not stay within borders.

September 3, 2019 Bible Study — Idolatry Leads To an Unjust Society

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 22-23.

Ezekiel condemns Jerusalem as a city of murderers.  He goes on to tell them that their idolatry is inherently linked with their willingness to murder.  What truly struck me was the list of sins for which he condemned the leaders of Jerusalem.  From that list, I can cite example after example of all of them being practiced today, except for foreigners being forced to pay for protection.  Even there, I read tales of companies abusing employees who are H1-B visa holders by using their immigration status against them (note: while the stories are plausible I do not know if they are true).  Ezekiel goes on to tell us that this problem extends beyond the leaders to the common people.  Even the common people oppress the poor and rob the needy. 

Ezekiel talks about how both the secular and religious leaders look out only for their own interest.  The secular leaders conspire to take wealth from others.  The religious leaders blur the lines between good and evil, as Isaiah said, they call evil good, and good evil.  Finally, those called to “speak truth to power”, the prophets, make up lies to tell people in order to cover up the sins of their favored leaders (sound familiar?).  The common people seek leaders who will use power to grant them their desires rather than leaders who will justly enforce the laws. 

A study of history shows that when a society fully descends into the state which Ezekiel describes it will become an economic shamble.  Wealth becomes less and less as everyone strives to gain wealth by taking it from others rather than creating it themselves.  Those who spend their time attempting to create wealth quickly lose it to those who merely take it until everyone learns that there is nothing to be gained by being productive.  Throughout history people observe how these behaviors lead to the fall of civilizations and attempt to put in place rules which stop them.  Ezekiel, and most of the Old Testament prophets, tells us that such sins inevitably follow idolatry.  Whatever rules you put in place, those who reject God and His commands will find ways to use to take advantage of others.

September 2, 2019 Bible Study — We No Longer Even Try To Hide Our Sins

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 20-21.

As I read today’s passage I struggled with what to make of Ezekiel’s prophecy concerning the repeated sinning by the people of Israel.  He wrote about how generation after generation God became angry with the people of Israel and considered bringing judgement against them, but withheld that judgement for the sake of His name.  Then I came to the part where Ezekiel declared that the people of Israel no longer even tried to hide their sins and I started to see the message for us today.

I was initially struck by the way in which our society today no longer attempts to hide its idolatry and other sins.  In fact people proudly proclaim their worship of idols and of the sins which they commit.  As I thought about how this works in our society I was reminded of how those who celebrate such things condemn this country (and on a larger scale, Western Civilization) for its past sins.  I often find myself attempting to defend this nation, and Western Civilization against these charges.  I should not because this country and all of Western Civilization is guilty of great sins.  However, the sins of the past do not justify the sins of today.  Instead of defending the sins of the past, we need to point out that those condemning today’s society because of those sins are the heirs of those who committed them.  They embrace the values of those who committed the sins while rejecting the values of the prophets, and there were such prophets, who called out the sins as they were being committed.

August 31, 2019 Bible Study — We Owe All That We Have and Are To God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 16.

There are a few prophetic visions in the Bible which I struggle with applying to my life, or to society around me.  This is one of them because it is so specifically to the people of Jerusalem and Judah just before the Exile.  Yet, there are aspects of it we can generalize to ourselves and the society around us.  The line which made it come home to me was the beginning of verse 15: “But you thought your fame and beauty were your own.”  This made me see how we as individuals and as a society often fail to credit God for what He has given us.  As individuals, we see our wealth, our possessions, our health, or even our bodies as things which we obtained on our own and as things with which we can do whatever we want.  We fail to recognize that they are gifts from God and that we should seek to discover what He wants us to do with them.

As a society we often view our blessings as things which came to be purely through the hard work of our predecessors who passed these good things on to us to use, or throw away, as we desire.  Again, we fail to recognize that these things were gifts from God, given for His purposes.  Some of the things we choose to throw away are values which led our predecessors to do the things which brought about the world in which we live.  Rather than look to see which of those values were gifts from God which brought about good and which were products of our predecessors sins, we choose those which appeal to us and throw away those which do not. 

It is not enough that our society takes the wealth and possessions which God gave us and uses them selfishly.  No, our society has chosen to take the children which God gives us and sacrifice them on the altar of convenience.  When I read passages such as today’s, my first thought is on the atrocity which is abortion in this country, but really our society’s sacrifice of children goes far beyond that.  We see it in the parents who use their children to satisfy their own ambitions, whether that is in sports, or show business, or the many other ways in which parents push their children that are not healthy for the children. 

August 30, 2019 Bible Study — God Condemns False Prophets And Those Who Set Up Their Own Idols

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 13-15.

Ezekiel once again condemns those who falsely prophesy that nothing is wrong.  And once again he addresses two different types of false prophets.  First he condemns those who speak in the name of God and say to the people that everything is OK, that there is no reason to turn from their sins.  As I mentioned the other day, we have such people today.  People who claim to speak on behalf of God who preach “tolerance”, but are really saying there is no reason to not sin.  Yes, as Christians we should be tolerant of others, and we should strive to show God’s love to them.  But it is not tolerant and loving to tell people it is OK to continue practicing self-destructive and/or hurtful practices.  People set up barriers to protect themselves against the self-destructive and hurtful things they, or others, do.  The prophets Ezekiel is talking about come along and apply a “whitewash” which covers up the inadequacy of these barriers.  They allow people to continue destroying themselves and others while thinking that everything is OK.  God will bring judgement against those who have helped them to think this way.

The second group of false prophets whom Ezekiel condemns are those who provide spiritual comfort aside from God.  Ezekiel aims this second condemnation at women, but I think that is merely a product of his time.  Men are equally capable of this sort of gimmicky false prophecy.  This second group of false prophets encourages people to put their trust in “magic” items, or rituals.  They convince people that they do not need to turn from sin because these “magic” items or actions will protect them from the consequences of their self-destructive or hurtful behavior.  It was prophets such as these who gave Harvey Weinstein and Roman Polansky a pass for many years because they supported the “right” causes.  But these “prophets” are not necessarily outside of the Church.  It was prophets such as these who gave organized crime bosses a pass for many years because they gave money to the Church.  I use an example from the Catholic Church because we all are familiar with it, but every other denomination has had similar things happen.  Sometimes these prophets only give an “exemption” to the rich and powerful, but other times they offer it to all anyone willing to check the right boxes.  God offers no such special exemptions and will bring His judgment against those who lead people astray in this manner.

Finally, Ezekiel condemns those who set up idols in their own hearts which lead them to sin and then turn to God for guidance.  This one scares me.  Am I guilty of doing this?  To what things have I committed myself that lead me to sin?  Are there things in my life which I put ahead of serving and worshiping God?  I know that I frequently turn to God for guidance, but I also know that I often sin.