Tag Archives: Read the Bible in a year

January 19, 2020 Bible Study — God Is, Whether We Accept Him Or Not

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 4-6.

I wrote yesterday about Moses’ reluctance to following God’s calling to go back to Egypt.  He continues with that in today’s passage, but I am not going to spend any more time on that. Except for this bit to encourage you to think about Moses’ interaction in today’s passage.

What I want to focus on is Pharaohs answer when Moses first demanded he let the Israelites to worship God and God’s answer to Moses when Moses complained that going to Pharaoh had just made things worse.  Pharaoh responded to Moses and Aaron by saying, “Who is he? and why should I listen to what he says?”  Some context, the Pharaohs considered themselves the son of one of their gods, usually the chief god.  They were the ultimate authority on what the gods wanted.  So, really what Pharaoh was saying was, “Who are you to speak on behalf of the gods?” 

Which brings us to God’s answer, the answer He gives to everyone who doubts His power and authority.  To understand that answer we need to consider the Hebrew derivation of God’s name, Yahweh or YHWH.  YHWH is closely related to the Hebrew word for “to be”.  When God told Moses, “I am YHWH,” He was telling him that He was that which is, that everything else existed only because He existed.  Pharaoh rejected God’s authority over him.  Moses went to God and said, in essence, “See, I told you so. I am not the right man to convince Pharaoh.”  God’s answer was that Pharaoh had no more ability to reject doing His will than he had of rejecting gravity. 

January 18, 2020 Bible Study — God Calls Moses

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 1-3.

Many modern biblical scholars doubt that there is any historical accuracy to the Book of Exodus, and many even question if it is historical at all.  I will state that I believe the Book of Exodus is both historical and accurate with the understanding that it was written to show God’s power.  In my opinion, Joseph would have lived around the time of the Egyptian Thirteenth Dynasty, which ended as a result of famine.  The information we have on that time leaves me unsure if he arrived during the reign of one of the last Pharaohs of the 13th Dynasty, or during the Hyksos period which followed.  Every time I read anything about Egyptian history around the time of the Hyksos I cannot help but see several events which parallel the Exodus account.  One thing which struck me several years ago and sticks with me still is the similarity between Moses and the names of several Pharaohs.  Since Hebrew does not have any vowels, Moses would have been written without the O or E.  Which means it would resemble the end of Ramses.  The construction of Ramses is the name of the god Ra followed by mses.  There are other names of Pharaohs with similar construction derived from other gods.  Since the name of God could not be written, Moses would be “blank”mses.

I have more thoughts about the ways in which the Exodus account lines up with history as we know it, but I would like to spend a little time on things the writer would have considered more important.  When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, Moses was reluctant to take up God’s call to him.  In fact, Moses’ response looks a lot like how most of us respond to God’s call, “No, no, I’m not the one you want for this task. I don’t have what it takes.”  God’s answer to us is the same as His answer to Moses, “I will be with you.”  And just as Moses did, we tend to argue with God, but He has an answer for every one of our objections.  Some of those answers are no more than “I AM who I AM.”

January 17, 2020 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 48-50.

The description of the death of Jacob shows that the Egyptians of Joseph’s day treated him as if he was royalty.  Perhaps some day a cave will be discovered in the land of Israel which contains the remains of several people, one of whom was embalmed in the Egyptian style.  I suspect that this will not happen, since it is likely that the site which has already been identified as this site is indeed the site where Jacob was buried.  We also see in this passage that Joseph’s forgiveness of his brothers was not just for the sake of his father.  This passage strikes home to me because I have siblings who will not speak with each other now that my mother has died.  There is blame to share around, but I wish my family could experience the forgiveness which Joseph and his brothers experienced.

January 16, 2020 Bible Study — Our Belief That God Works All Things For Our Good Should Inspire Us To Forgive Others

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 45-47.

Joseph believed that everything which had happened to him had happened as part of God’s plan.  He tested his brothers to see if they would now be willing to accept him.  He saw in Judah’s impassioned plea for Benjamin’s freedom evidence that his brothers truly regretted what they had done to him.  However, his willingness to forgive them was not based on their change in attitude.  Joseph was willing to forgive them because he truly believed that their actions which brought him hardship served God’s purposes.  We should similarly view those who do us wrong as tools which God is using to bring better things into our lives.  Joseph fully believed the same thing which Paul writes in the New Testament, “All things work together for good for those who love the Lord.”  This belief formed the foundation of his willingness, even eagerness, to forgive his brothers.  We should share that desire to forgive others.

January 15, 2020 Bible Study — Judah Stands Up For His Brother

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 42-44.

My first thought reading this passage today was, “What about this situation made Joseph’s brothers think about what they did to him those many years prior?”  Yes, Joseph had been probing them closely about Benjamin just before they made that connection, but I wonder about it being that simple.  In fact, when we read about the brothers’ exchange with their father before coming back to Egypt the second time we get the impression that Joseph asked many probing questions about their family.  Reading between the lines about the way Joseph sat the brothers and then what his servant said when confronting them about the silver cup, we see that Joseph had led his brothers to believe that he had supernatural sources of knowledge.  In fact throughout this passage we see Joseph use the knowledge he had which others thought he had no way to know to impress and intimidate others (a behavior to keep in mind later when we read about how Pharaoh’s advisers responded to the Plagues).

I also wanted to continue to highlight the differences between Reuben and Judah.  When the brothers blamed their current troubles on what they had done to Joseph, Reuben claimed to have told them not to harm Joseph, which he had not actually done.  Then, when they asked Jacob to send Benjamin with them, Reuben offered the lives of his own sons as surety for Benjamin’s safe return.  On the other hand, Judah offered himself as surety for Benjamin’s safe return.  Then, when Joseph threatened to enslave Benjamin for stealing his cup (which he knew full well that Benjamin had not done), Judah forcefully put himself forward to be enslaved in Benjamin’s place.  I do not want to condemn Reuben for what he did.  Rather, I want to hold up Judah as taking more personal responsibility.  There was nothing wrong with Reuben’s words or actions in this passage, but Judah’s were better.

January 14, 2020 Bible Study — Faithfulness In the Face of Adversity

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 39-41.

I think that the story of Joseph is a lesson about perseverance and not giving in to circumstances.  He was his father’s favorite son with all of the privileges which came with that.  Then his own brothers sold him into slavery.  But he did not let that get him down.  He still used his abilities as best he could.  Then, he was lied about and thrown into prison on the basis of a false accusation (and probably beaten up pretty good along the way).  There in prison he once again applied his skills to the best of his ability.  Then he helped out a fellow prisoner, who promptly forgot about him for two years.  In all that time, he never forgot God, nor did he attempt to take credit for the gifts which God had given him.  He could have easily given in to despair, but he did not.  He could have used what happened as an excuse to quit.  He did not.  He continued to do his best to do God’s will.

January 13, 2020 Bible Study — Solving the Problem of Joseph

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 36-38.

As I read today’s passage I cannot help but think about a curiosity.  Abraham’s father, Terah, left his family and set off on his own.  Abraham did the same.  Yes, Abraham brought his orphaned nephew Lot with him, but once Lot reached full maturity he went his own way.  Abraham sent his sons by his concubines away, leaving Isaac as the sole member of his family to take over.  Isaac’s sons, Esau and Jacob, each went their own way.  But Jacob’s sons stayed together and became a nation (as did Esau’s sons).  I can’t help but wonder what changed with Jacob’s sons that led to them staying together.  Perhaps they stayed together out of fear of reprisals for what they did in Shechem to get revenge for the rape of their sister Dinah.

In the story about Joseph being sold into slavery we have examples of two different styles of taking charge.  The way Reuben did things and the way Judah did things.  Reuben recognized that what his brothers wanted to do to Joseph was wrong, but he was unwilling to challenge them on it.  So, he used his force of personality as the eldest to get them to do something reversible, planning to seek back later and do just that.  Judah, on the other hand, recognized his brothers’ discomfort with killing Joseph (which he probably shared) and convinced them to get rid of the “problem” another way.  And in a way, Joseph was a problem for the sons of Jacob.  He was Jacob’s favorite and spoiled.  Joseph was too young to rule over his brothers in the household.  Yet, Jacob would likely have tried to make that happen.  Since God had other plans, it all worked out.

January 12, 2020 Bible Study — Two Brothers Reconcile

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 33-35.

I love the story of Esau and Jacob reuniting.  If ever there was a person with reason to hate his sibling and never want anything to do with them again, it was Esau.  However, when Esau saw his brother again after many years apart he ran to hug him.  Jacob for his part acknowledged by his actions that his brother had a legitimate grievance against him.  I want to point out that Esau did not forgive Jacob because of Jacob’s gifts.  A  careful reading of the Bible shows that Esau had set out with a small army while Jacob was meeting with Laban.  Yet Esau’s actions indicate he had not set out with the intention of bringing harm to Jacob.  Both brothers took action to reconcile their relationship.  Jacob gave Esau gifts as an acknowledgement that he owed Esau for what he had done to him.  Further, I think the rest of the story shows them negotiating their future relationship.  Esau offered for Jacob to come back and join his household but Jacob declined that invitation without rejecting his brother.  

January 11, 2020 Bible Study — God Warns Laban

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 31-32.

Laban’s response to Jacob leaving suggests that Jacob was correct to sneak away.  Laban gathered a small army and set off in pursuit of Jacob.  Jacob had a three day head start on Laban and it took Laban another seven days to catch up with him.  As we read on further, it seems that Esau had received word that Laban was chasing Jacob with hostile intent (why else did Esau set out with 400 men, since he did not intend to harm his brother).  It seems likely to me that by the time Laban overtook Jacob some of his allies had begun to wonder why they should fight Jacob over him leaving Laban.  In addition, Laban would likely have received word that Esau was marching with his men.  All of these factors played into Laban understanding, and heeding, God’s message to not harm Jacob.  We should recognize that God will use events we see happening in the world around us to reveal His will to us, but that He may also communicate with us directly.

January 10, 2020 Bible Study — Deceit And Cunning Are Not the Same Thing

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 29-30.

Laban did his daughter Leah no favors by tricking Jacob into marrying her.  Perhaps things would have gone better if he had negotiated with Jacob from the beginning for Jacob to marry both of his daughters, but I get the impression that Laban was one of those people who always try to get one over on others.  We see the same sort of behavior on Laban’s part when he negotiated for Jacob to get the speckled, spotted sheep and goats, and black goats as his own.  As soon as they had struck this deal, Laban had all of the sheep that met the criteria removed from the flocks managed by Jacob.  However, Jacob knew a trick to increase the likelihood of sheep and goats being born which met the criteria to be his.  We know that the trick described would not have the results described, at least not for the original herd which had no speckled or spotted sheep.  But the people who passed this story down were shepherds, so they would have know that as well.  Perhaps there was a little more to Jacob’s trick then described here.  Or perhaps, in the course of time as the normal distribution resulted in a limited number of speckled and spotted animals it increased the likelihood of other animals breeding with them.  In any case, Laban cheated Jacob in both of the deals they made.  I like to think that Jacob’s experience with Laban  caused him to be less of a cheater going forward.  Jacob’s trick with the animals, assuming it was not just the hand of God which enlarged his flock, was underhanded, but did not go against that to which he had agreed.  In both the case of giving Leah to Jacob to be his wife and in removing certain animals from the flocks Jacob tended, Laban broke the agreement he had made.