Tag Archives: Read the Bible in a year

December 24, 2019 Bible Study — You Cannot Hate Someone and Love God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. This picture is from a year ago today when those of my siblings who were in the area got together with my Mom in the skilled care unit she had moved into a few months previous.  It was a sad time because we all new she would not be with us much longer, but it was also a time where God showed me that we can serve Him until the very end.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 John 1-5

The writer makes two points which can be considered contradictory, but can be reconciled with a little thought.  Those who have fellowship with God do not continue in sin, but anyone who says that they have not and do not sin is a liar.  The clarifying comment comes when the writer tells us that he wrote this letter so that we would not sin, but if we do sin Jesus Christ will plead our case before God.  In writing this the writer reiterates a theme which comes up again and again in the New Testament.  We should seek the Holy Spirit’s transformation of our lives so that we do not sin again, not count on God’s forgiveness as we commit sin after sin.  If our faith does not give us a desire to no longer sin, it is not really faith. 

Closely tied into that is the fact that our faith will lead us to love others the same way that God does.  If we love God we will love those whom He loves.  We cannot hate someone if we love God. So, if we love God we will not hate anyone.  I think looking at this gives us a clearer understanding about what the writer wrote about sin.  I do not know anyone who hates someone for absolutely no reason. It may not be a good reason, but it is a reason nonetheless.  So, from time to time we will find ourselves developing a hate for someone, perhaps for something that most people would say justifies our hate.  When we realize that we have come to hate someone we have a choice.  We can continue to hate them, continue to sin.  Or we can seek the Holy Spirit’s transformative power and begin to love them instead.  If we do the former, we are choosing to separate ourselves from God.  If we do the latter we are embracing God’s love and following in Christ’s example.

December 23, 2019 Bible Study — God Has Given Us Everything We Need to Live a Godly Life

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Peter 1-3

Peter writes here that God has given us everything we need to live a holy life.  He then goes on to instruct us in how to go about doing so.  I really like the way he gives us a step by step basis for living such a holy life.  Each step is necessary for the next one to build upon, but is incomplete without those which follow.  We cannot have real moral excellence without faith, and faith without moral excellence has no value.  The same thing goes all of the way up the chain.  You will not truly love others if you do not feel brotherly affection for them, and none of these things have any real value if you do not love others.  As Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13, love is the capstone of all other gifts we receive from God, the gifts which Peter tells us that God has given us so that we can live a holy life.  And while love is the necessary capstone to make them all function, we also need knowledge and self control and endurance.


Peter goes on from writing about how God has given us what we need to be holy to contrasting the Gospel story with the stories told by false teachers.  The account of Jesus’ life upon which all of Peter’s teaching, and the teaching recorded in the New Testament, is based actually happened.  It was not a story cleverly composed to support the things they wished to teach.  On the other hand,, false teachers make up stories and cleverly retell stories to support whatever will allow them to exploit their listeners.  Peter even gives us guidance which helps us recognize these false stories.  These false teachers will will seek to become wealthy from their teachings and/or will lead sexually immoral lives.  Frequently, sexual immorality will be a key part of their teaching.  They will either use their supposed position of authority to gain sexual favors, or will use sexually immoral teachings to attract people to their system.

December 22, 2019 Bible Study — Remaining Faithful In the Face of Suffering

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Peter 1-5

In this letter Peter has several themes he returns to again and again.  I believe he he does this because these ideas are intertwined with each other.  He primarily focuses on doing good and publicly acknowledging Christ even when it means suffering.  In fact, he writes that doing good and publicly acknowledging Christ will lead to suffering, at the very least in the form of ridicule.  In addition Peter emphasizes the importance of loving one another and having humility.  These latter are the primary expression of what Peter means by “doing good”.  It would be easy when reading this letter to think doing good for our fellow believers would satisfy what Peter means when he writes that we should “lone one another”.  However, we should remember that Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan in response to the question, “Who is my neighbor?”

December 21, 2019 Bible Study — Control Your Anger to Control Your Tongue, and Vice Versa

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.  

Today, I am reading and commenting on James 1-5

Every time I read the Book of James some part of it speaks to me.  Everyone knows that James puts an emphasis on the fact that faith will result in action.  You will act according to what you truly believe.  However, we spend less time seeing the connection James makes between what we say and what we do.  James tells us that we should control what we say.  He links speech we should avoid with anger when he tells us to be quick to listen but slow to speak and to anger.  He does not limit controlling our tongue to when we are angry, but he makes it clear that that is when we are most likely to say things which we should not say.  As important, we often justify saying things we should not say by claiming that we are saying it but would not do it.  However, the more we express angry thoughts, or other thoughts of negative things, the more likely we are to act on those thoughts.

December 20, 2019 Bible Study — Don’t Let Anything Impede Doing Good

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 12-13

In chapter 11, which we read yesterday, the writer referred to the many people who did great things, and/or experienced great suffering and persecution because of their faith.  We should be inspired by those people to remove from our lives any thing, thought, or activity which interferes with living a life which pleases God.  Look at your life and get rid of anything which takes away from doing God’s will.  Each and every one of us only has so much time or energy.  Spend that time and energy doing things which show God’s love to others.  If you find yourself sinning, fill up more of your time with doing good and soon you will not have time to sin.  And never allow yourself to feel bitter about anything.  Instead view those negative things which tempt you to be bitter as God’s loving discipline designed to goad you to do better.

Later, as part of his wrap up of the letter, the writer tells us to show hospitality to strangers because sometimes those strangers are God’s messengers.  Paul wrote that we should love one another.  The writer here is reminding us that we do not necessarily know who is, and is not, a member of that “one another”.  Further, the blessings we receive from showing love to those who may never return that love greatly exceeds the cost to us of doing so.  

December 19, 2019 Bible Study — Encourage One Another To Perform Acts of Love

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 10-11

Under the Law of Moses only the High Priest could enter the Most Holy Place, could enter into the presence of God.  However, the writer of the Book of Hebrews tells us that under the new covenant entered into by Jesus’ sacrifice we can freely enter into God’s presence.  Under the old covenant regular and frequent sacrifices were required.  Under the new covenant, Jesus sacrificed Himself once for all time.  This should inspire us to strive to keep from sinning.  Under the old covenant, if you sinned again, you just offered another sacrifice.  Under the new covenant, the sacrifice has been offered.  When we sin again, it is as if we are asking Christ to once more go to the Cross.  We should associate with other believers so that we can encourage them, and be encouraged by them, to do acts of love and good works.  

December 18, 2019 Bible Study — Those Who Knew Christ and Rejected Him Will Never Turn to Him Once More

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 6-9

The writer says something here that I struggle with explaining.  Those who have known and accepted Christ and then rejected Him will never turn to Him once more.  The reason I struggle with this is that I have known some who turned away from God and then returned to be faithful servants to Him.  Yet, I also know several people who fit into exactly what the writer is describing.  They once fervently served Christ, but something happened and they chose to turn away from what they knew to be God’s will.  I still pray that I am mistaken and that the Holy Spirit will reach out and transform them, but looking at the decisions they have made I cannot see any way that they would ever return to God.  They knew the glory of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, but have chosen to reject both.  I hope with all that I am that I am wrong.

December 17, 2019 Bible Study — The Purpose of Studying Theology Is to Spread God’s Love

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 1-5

As I started to read this I felt that Hebrews follows the letters of Paul in much the same way that the Gospel of John follows the other three Gospels.  The writer of Hebrews is concerned with the nature of Jesus and His relationship with God in much the same way that John is in his Gospel.  In fact, at some point I want to read the Book of Hebrews immediately after reading the Gospel of John.  I really think that the writer of Hebrews is saying the same thing about Jesus as the Gospel of John, just worded differently.  Both writers tell us that Jesus is God, but also a human being.  Together these two letters form the basis for the doctrine of the Trinity.

However, the writer of this letter wrote this to be about what that means for us, not to talk theology.  If Jesus is God, then we must pay even closer attention to what He taught than was called for by the teachings of the Law of Moses, which was communicated by angels (slight over simplification of his argument).  Those who spoke to Abraham, Moses, and the other prophets were God’s celestial messengers.  Jesus was God Himself.  So, on the one hand, Jesus’ teachings must be listened to because they are teachings directly from God.  But, Jesus was also a human being, so He understands how difficult following those teachings can be. 

I was hoping this would just follow on from the other things I wanted to write about this passage, but it did not.  Perhaps the most important part about the writer’s intent is what he writes at the end of this passage.  We need to stop relying on others to teach us again and again the basics of the Gospel.  We need to act on what we have learned and start teaching it to others.  Acting on what we have already learned about the Gospel is the only way to become able to understand and learn more.  The theology of the Trinity is only useful as it leads us to act, to do God’s will and show His love to those around us.

December 16, 2019 Bible Study –Everything Is Pure To Those Who Are Pure

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Titus and Philemon

In his letter to Titus, Paul reiterates the instructions concerning the qualifications for Church leadership which he wrote to Timothy.  We spend a lot of time discussing what these instructions mean for who we should select as pastors and leaders.  However, I do not think we spend enough time talking about Paul writing that a candidate for Church leadership should enjoy having guests in his home.  I don’t want to spend any time talking about what that means, I think that is obvious.  I just want us to bring focus to that requirement from Paul’s list.  I especially want us to think about it in light of the fact that I have always felt that all believers should strive to meet the qualifications needed to be selected for Church leadership, not that they should strive to be Church leaders necessarily, just to qualify to be Church leaders.

I am not going to write anything explicitly about Philemon today, but I think that Paul’s letter to Philemon contains reference to the theme he mentions at the end of his letter to Titus.  Paul wrote to Titus that to the pure, everything is pure, but to the corrupt nothing is pure.  I do not remember the exact situation, but I remember an instance where my Dad made me aware that a person I trusted was dishonest and not worthy of trust.  My Dad pointed out how the person always saw the worst in others, was always sure that others were lying to them and trying to cheat them.  As best I remember, my Dad had done business with this person and I asked him why he would have done that if he did not trust him.  He told me that we should always give people the benefit of the doubt.  This passage from Titus was one of two he referenced when discussing such things.  The other was Matthew 10:16, where Jesus told his disciples to be as shrewd as snakes, but as innocent as doves.

December 15, 2019 Bible Study — I Know That the One in Whom I Trust Is Able

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Timothy 1-4

There is a hymn based on what Paul says in verse 12 of the first chapter: “I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until the day of his return.” The song, “I Know Whom I Have Believed”, is one of my favorite hymns.  There are five verse, each of which begins, “I know not…” with the verse then saying, “But I know whom I have believed…”  The point being, and Paul’s point here, that we don’t have to have all of the answers, or understand how God’s grace works to trust that doing as God directs will work out for the best.  To those who know me, it may seem strange that this statement of faith is so important to me, because I try very hard to know the answer to any question which comes up and to understand why things happen.  Yes, I try to have all of the answers, but I don’t (and I know I never will. At least, not in this life.) And I try to understand why things happen, but I often don’t.  God has gifted me with great knowledge, and I believe with above average understanding (although, others will have to say whether that last is true), but I still often find myself saying, “I don’t know, but I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able…”

Later in the letter Paul writes about the troubles of the last days.  He warns that in those days people will love only themselves and their money.  Paul commands Timothy, and us, to preach the word of God, whether the time is favorable or not, because there will be times when people refuse to listen to sound and wholesome teachings.  Instead they will seek those who will tell them what they want to hear.  Reading what Paul tells about people in the last days sounds a lot like many people today.  Of course, that makes sense since Paul considered himself to be in the last days.  I am convinced that part of the reason that Paul tells us to preach God’s word even when the time seems to be unfavorable is that we cannot know when a person will be open to the Holy Spirit changing their lives.  There will be times when we are convinced that now is not the time to speak to someone about the Gospel that will be the exact moment when God can reach through and transform them.