Tag Archives: Read the Bible in a year

November 27, 2020 Bible Study Living In Harmony

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Romans 14-16

So, I did not touch on chapter 14 yesterday, but I really think what Paul said there is important to what he says in the passage for today.  Which means that I am including chapter 14 today.  In chapter 14 Paul refers to those who believe that one must not eat certain foods, and/or that one must hold special services on particular days.  He contrasts them to those who believe that it makes no difference what one eats, or when one holds services.  Paul tells us that either approach is acceptable to God.  Those who think it is a sin to eat certain foods should not do so, and those who think it is not should not press them to eat such foods.  Neither side should condemn the other.  Both sides should give thanks to God for what they eat and praise Him for providing them food to eat.  Instead of condemning others and trying to convince them to live as we interpret Scripture, we should live so as to help them do what is right.  Which is kind of a contradiction because helping them do what is right means convincing them to do that which is right. The key here has to do with condemnation.  If we believe that what someone is doing is a sin, rather than attempt to convince them of the sinfulness of doing it, we should attempt to convince them of the greater joy to be had by not doing it.  Our efforts should be to nurture people’s faith rather than make them feel inadequate.  Rather than argue over what is right and wrong, we should seek to live in harmony.  We will revisit this subject in a little bit as we read some of Paul’s other letters.

November 26, 2020 Bible Study Allowing God’s Spirit to Transform Us Into His Image

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Romans 11-14

The beginning of today’s passage contains a great explanation of why Christians who hate Jews are not true Believers.  Paul’s basic point is that the Jews are still God’s Chosen people.  God has used the rejection by many of the Jews to call Gentiles to Himself, but in due time He will reclaim the Jewish people as His own.  I think a careful examination of what Paul writes here reveals a lot about God’s plan for Jew and Gentile alike.  He cut those Jews who rejected His salvation through Christ off from Him in order to make room for Gentiles.  Yet, if they turn once more to Him, He will make room for them.  Ultimately, it seems to me that Paul is saying that we need to be careful not to make the same mistake towards the Jews which some of them made towards the Gentiles: the mistake of thinking that they (or we) were better than others on account of God’s mercy towards them (or us).  God wished to use the Jews to show His love to all people, but they (but not all of them) chose to attempt to hoard God’s love for themselves.  They chose to look at others as rejected by God.  Let us not make the same mistake.  The mistake of thinking that God does not still love His prodigal sons and daughters.

In order to avoid that mistake, we must allow God’s Spirit to transform us into a new person by changing the way we think.  We need to avoid letting ourselves copy the thoughts and behaviors of our society.  Part of that transformations is to not think of ourselves as more than we are.  I am no better than anyone else, and they are no better than I.  As Believers, each of us are part of the Body of Christ.  Each of us has been given different gifts by God in order to fulfill His purpose.  Whatever gift God has given us, let us use to the fullest of our ability.  One gift that we each have is the ability to love others.  So let us truly love others, even those who persecute us. Let us pray for them and ask God to bless them.  When people do wrong to us, we should not attempt to repay them in kind.  Instead, we should remember that Jesus’ rule was, “Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.”  Not, “Do unto others as they have done to you.”

There are two more things in this passage I would like to cover, but I think I am only going to get to one of them.  Paul tells us that we should submit to the governing authorities.  Those who have positions of authority have been placed there by God, even those who may have broken laws to get there.  So, we should accept their authority.  Of course, we must temper that submission to those authorities with what Peter and the other Apostles told the Sanhedrin, “We must obey God rather than any human authority.”  So, while we should obey the governing authorities, we must remember the limits to their authority.  And Paul gives us guidance in determining how to identify those limits.  Let us act with true love towards everyone, any command from the governing authorities which would lead us to act outside of love for others is outside of the bonds to which we are bound to submit.

November 25, 2020 Bible Study How Can I Know That God’s Promises Apply To Me?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Romans 8-10

I often quote from verse 31 in chapter 8 to give hope and confidence to my fellow believers: “If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” Recently, someone responded, “Yes, but that is a big if.”  So, in order to address that “If” I am going to start at the end of today’s passage and work back, because there are many promises in today’s passage which rely on us knowing that God is for us.

In chapter 10, Paul tells us, “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. ”  This really sums up the two things which we must do, we must accept that Jesus is our Lord and we must openly declare that this is the case.  Which answers the question raised by the “If”.  How can we know that God is on our side? By openly declaring that Jesus is Lord and believing in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead.  If we do that then we are on God’s side which means that God is for us.

From there we can go back to the beginning of this passage and see what more is needed with confidence that such is attainable.  Back at the beginning Paul told us that we must not allow our sinful natures to control our minds because doing so leads to death.  That is easier said than done, but Paul provides us with the answer to that as well.  We must instead allow the Spirit of God which lives within us to control our minds instead of our sinful nature.  In fact, if we have the Spirit of God living within us, we will be controlled by the Spirit.  And the Spirit of God lives within us if we do what I referenced in the previous paragraph.  Actually, Paul addresses one of the arguments made by our society to justify sin, “I have these inborn desires that I have to carry out.”  Paul tells us that, no, we do not have to carry out those sinful inborn desires.  We have no obligation  to carry out the urges which our sinful nature pushes us towards.  Paul further tells us that, while we can willingly walk away from the benefits of serving God, nothing can force us away from God’s love.  Even our walking away from God will not separate us from God’s love, even though He will not force us to experience the joy which serving Him will provide us.


So, we can have confidence that God stands with us.  Part of that confidence is the knowledge that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him.  This does not mean that we can choose how things will work out.  Perhaps we have been chosen by God to experience suffering similar to that which Christ experienced.  We will find that if we allow the Spirit to control our minds that the joy we experience will overcome, and outweigh, any suffering which might come our way from following God’s will.  More importantly, who are we to demand an explanation from God as to why He made us the way that we are.  This applies not just to the issue of suffering, but to many of the social issues which we see around us today.  My heart breaks for those who have become convinced that God got it wrong when He made them as they are; those who seek to change the way which God has made them.

November 24, 2020 Bible Study Abraham As An Example of Faith

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Romans 4-7

There is some really good, really deep stuff in what Paul writes about Abraham and how he received God’s promise before he was circumcised.  Perhaps I will go into that at some point.  I certainly encourage you to read what Paul writes here and think about what it means.  However, I want to look at Paul telling us that Abraham’s faith did not waver, because it should give us hope in our own faith.  Paul tells us that Abraham’s faith did not waver.  Yet, it was after God counted Abraham as righteous for his faith that Abraham took Hagar to bed and got her pregnant with Ishmael.  It was after that that he asked God to fulfill His promise through Ishmael.  So, we can see that our doubts, the times when our faith is less than sure, do not count as wavering before God.  That does not mean that we can surrender to our doubts, it just means that having doubts does not mean that we have lost our faith.  Let us believe God’s promises, even when we have doubts about the future, or don’t understand how the things which are happening fit into God’s plan.

Which brings us to the joy we experience from being made right with God by Jesus through the faith which we have in God’s promise.  Not only should we have joy because we have been made right with God, we should also rejoice when  we suffer because of that faith.  Paul tells us that the suffering which we experience produces perseverance (as the NIV translates it).  That perseverance builds character and character gives us hope.  I prefer the NIV use of perseverance to the NLT usage of endurance because perseverance is more active.  To a degree I think we need both endurance and perseverance.  We endure suffering when the suffering comes with no connection to anything we do.  We persevere through suffering when the suffering is directed at us because of the actions which we take.  If we remain faithful we are going to suffer for that faith, therefore let us continue to actively do as God directs us.

November 23, 2020 Bible Study There Is No Excuse For It, But All Have Sinned

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Romans 1-3

After his introduction, Paul lays out his basic understanding of the world.  Wicked people suppress the truth because God has made His nature obvious, through His creation, to anyone willing to know it.  Therefore, anyone who wishes to not believe in God must suppress the truth which they themselves know in order to justify such unbelief.  As a result of their denial of God, people do vile and degrading things with each other. A corollary to this is that the more people deny that which nature shows them about God, the more vile and degrading their actions will become. I could easily apply some of what Paul says about those vile and disgusting things to what we see in our society today, and how the fact that Paul was talking about those very same things 2,000 years ago shows us that mankind has not changed, but that is not where I want to go today.

Having established that those who reject God have no excuse for their unbelief, Paul turns to those who know God’s commands and warns them that they have no basis to judge.  Those of us who know God are no better than those who deny His existence.  We know, and acknowledge, what God commands, but we still violate His commands.  If we try to claim that we are better than those others, we will cause them to blaspheme the name of God.  There are those who do not acknowledge Christ who follow His teachings more closely than we sometimes do.  We need to recognize that we are not better than anyone else.  We too are sinners who have fallen short of what God commands.

There is nothing we, or anyone else, can do to make ourselves right with God.  We must accept that we can only be made right with God by the action of God.  No matter how hard we try, we will fail to live up to the standard to which God calls us.  We must rely on God to make us right with Him and not think that we can do so ourselves.  We cannot be good enough to get into Heaven because of our actions.  However, just because we must rely on God’s grace does not mean that we should not continue to strive to do as God commands.  In fact, we should strive to do as God commands because of His grace.

November 22, 2020 Bible Study Ensure That Those Around Us Know That We Desire Their Salvation

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 26-28

OK, I usually have a plan for what I am going to write when I start writing this blog.  Today, nothing “speaks” to me, but there are several elements which I feel worthy of some comment.  There are two tidbits from Paul’s audience/trial before Herod Agrippa.  When Paul began his “close” (a term from sales referring to when the salesperson makes the argument to which their listener will have no choice but to say “yes”), King Agrippa interrupts him to ask if Paul thinks he can persuade Agrippa so quickly.  Paul’s answer is one which we should strive for all of our non-Believer friends to be aware of, “Whether quickly or not, I pray to God that both you and everyone here in this audience might become the same as I am, except for these chains.”  We may not be in chains, but we should wish that those we interact with would share our faith in Christ.  Those we associate with should know that we desire for them to come to have the joy which our faith in Jesus gives us.

The other tidbit comes when the audience concludes.  King Agrippa says to Festus, the governor, that if Paul had not appealed to Caesar he could be set free.  We know that is not really true.  The reason that Paul appealed to Caesar was because he knew that Festus would bow to political pressure to transfer him to Jerusalem, where he would have been killed.  King Agrippa was certainly aware of the political situation and would have known that Governor Festus would not go so far as to stir up the political problems which would have arisen from releasing Paul.


November 21, 2020 Bible Study Do Not Speak Evil Of Our Rulers and Be Sure Of Our Facts

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 23-25

When Paul was brought before the Sanhedrin by the Roman commander, he called the high priest a hypocrite without realizing he was the high priest.  When someone pointed out to him that fact (that the man he called a hypocrite was the high priest), Paul apologized and quoted Exodus 22:28 in a way that we should all remember. Paul quoted that passage as saying that we should never speak evil of our rulers.  This is a challenging command to follow.  It is worth noting that Paul says similar things in his letters, which tells us that this does not just apply to the Jewish high priest. So, let us strive, especially in difficult times, to obey this command and refrain from speaking evil, or, as the passage in Exodus says, cursing our rulers.

Later in the passage, when Paul was before the Roman governor, I find a connection to current affairs in the charges which Tertullus made against Paul.  First, he accused Paul of stirring up riots among Jews all over the world.  In some ways this was true, but it was never Paul who encouraged people to riot.  It was always those who opposed what he had to say.  In the same way today we often see people being accused of stirring up violence because those who wish to silence them riot wherever they speak.  The more important accusation which Tertullus brought against Paul was that he was trying to desecrate the Temple when he was arrested.  I am sure that Tertullus, and those with him, believed this to be true.  It was what the Jews from Asia who stirred up the mod against Paul had alleged.  Again, based on what Luke writes, I am quite sure that they thought this to be the case when they stirred up the mob.  Again it reminds me of some violence which happened earlier this year, where the attackers believed that their victim had published writings on neo-Nazi blogs.  They were mistaken, just as these Jews from Asia were mistaken.  The lesson here for us is that we should be sure of the facts before we make accusations, and before we believe accusations made by others.

November 20, 2020 Bible Study Embracing Suffering For the Sake Of Jesus

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 21-22

Today’s passage continues with Luke recounting how the Holy Spirit inspired someone at almost every stop on Paul’s journey back to Jerusalem to prophecy that he would be arrested if he returned there.  Some years ago I became convinced that the Holy Spirit was warning Paul to not go to Jerusalem, that God gave Paul the choice to avoid the persecution he suffered after arriving there.  I, also, believe that Paul knew he had that choice.  Nevertheless, he chose to go to Jerusalem.  Paul did not go to Jerusalem, knowing he would face suffering if he did so, because God directed him to go there.  He went to Jerusalem because he embraced suffering for serving Jesus.  Paul could have remained faithful to Christ and avoided the suffering he experienced, but his faith was such that he embraced the suffering in service to Christ.  We may be given similar choices.  The greatest joy will come to those who, like Paul, embrace the suffering.



November 19, 2020 Bible Study Harmless Superstition Or Unintentional Sorcery?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 19-20

As I read this passage, and what was in yesterday’s passage about Ephesus, when Paul first visited Ephesus on his way back to Antioch of Syria he only spoke to some Jews there, but not enough to convince them to become Believers.  He did leave behind Priscilla and Aquila, and a few other Believers from Corinth.  However, the first Believers in Corinth appear to have been converted by Apollos (or perhaps another follower of John the Baptist).  From there we have an interesting progression.  When Paul returned he discovered these Believers who had not yet received the Holy Spirit, he laid his hands on them and they spoke in tongues.  From there people began to experience miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit such that people saw Paul as a magic worker.  They began to view Paul as a powerful sorcerer who channeled the power of Jesus, which they could integrate into their systems of magic.  When it backfired on some well-known practitioners they realized how wrong they were and turned from the practice of magic.  This turning away from the practice of magic impacted the worship of Artemis, in particular the sale of items related to her worship which were used in magic rituals.  Many of those who had been practicing sorcery would have denied that they were doing so until they heard what happened to the sons of Sceva  and realized that their dabbling was dangerous.  What forms of idolatry do we practice bits and pieces of, thinking it is just an innocent diversion?

November 18, 2020 Bible Study God Reveals Himself To Those Who Seek Him

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Acts 17-18

I noticed something interesting today.  Those who opposed Paul and Silas’ teachings formed a mob and started a riot.  Then they went before the city authorities to complain that Paul and Silas were disturbing the city.  We should be alert to people who stir up trouble and then blame it on those they oppose.

Every time I read this little snippet about Apollos I am intrigued.  What exactly did  Luke mean when he said that Apollos only knew John’s baptism?  My understanding of this passage is that Apollos was a disciple of John the Baptist (or of one of John’s disciples), who had heard about Jesus and come to the conclusion that Jesus was the Messiah without having ever heard a Believer preach.  If that is the case, it lends support to what Paul preached in Athens, and later wrote about in some of his letters, that God had revealed Himself through the world around us.  Apollos was able to come to Christ through His study of Jewish Scripture and the stories about Jesus’ teachings which had become common knowledge.