Tag Archives: Read the Bible in a year

January 7, 2021 Bible Study Foreshadowing The Coming Of Christ

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 21-23.

Every year when I come to the story of Hagar and Ishmael being sent away by Abraham, I have to remind myself that by this point Ishmael was a young man.  I have an image of Ishmael as a toddler being carried into the wilderness by his mother.  However, we know he was older than that.  Ishmael was fourteen when Isaac was born and this is at least a year after that and probably more.  When Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael away, Ishmael was old enough to try to take care of himself rather than just crying about the unfairness of life.

I do not want to make much of it, but I see a contrast with how Isaac acted when Abraham took him to offer him as a sacrifice.   While Ishmael had been a passive participant in his exile, Isaac noticed that they did not have a sacrifice and asked his father about it.  However, what I find more interesting is when the angel tells Abraham not to sacrifice the boy.  The angel refers to Isaac as Abraham’s only son in a way which foreshadows Jesus as God’s only son.  Abraham heading into the wilderness to sacrifice Isaac was recognition that something more was needed, but God stopped Abraham because Isaac was not that something more, that needed to wait for Jesus to be that sacrifice.  While I believe the focus of this story is to let us know that God does not want us to sacrifice our children to Him, it also foreshadows His sacrifice of His Son for our salvation.

January 6, 2021 Bible Study Society Is Doomed When Someone Is Attacked For Standing Up For The Innocent

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 19-20. I have decided to switch from suing the New Living Translation to using the New International Version because, all in all, I prefer the NIV.

I struggled with what to write about this passage until I was skimming it for the umpteenth time and I read this in isolation, “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge!”  I knew right where that was in the story, so I understood the context.  Lot was trying to convince the men of Sodom not to rape his visitors and their response was essentially, “Who are you to judge us?”  He was an outsider among them, even though it was because of Lot that they, or their parents, had not been enslaved when Sodom had been plundered some years back (Abram had gone after those who had plundered Sodom and taken many of its people as slaves because Lot was one of them).  In many ways, this was THE sin of Sodom.  Sodom was not destroyed because of what these men wanted to do to strangers.  It was destroyed because the men of Sodom were going to turn on their neighbor for standing up for those strangers.

January 5, 2021 Bible Study Praying That God Withhold His Judgement

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 16-18. I have decided to switch from suing the New Living Translation to using the New International Version because, all in all, I prefer the NIV.

Abram was 99 years old when God changed his name to Abraham, and he became circumcised.  I am not entirely sure of the significance of that, but it really struck me this morning as I read this passage.  The passage also tells us that Ishmael was 13 years old at the time.  This means that Abraham was circumcised not less than 14 years after it was said about him that he believed God and God credited it to him as righteousness, a point which Paul makes in his letters. Abraham was not righteous because of his actions (being circumcised), he was circumcised because he was righteous.  And, no, that does not mean that we should be circumcised today.

I was struck by a thought about Abraham’s intercession with God for Sodom and Gomorrah.  I have always assumed that Abraham did so because his nephew Lot lived there.  Yet, I realized today that the passage does not mention that Abraham thought about his nephew.  No, God told Abraham that He was going to bring judgement upon those cities and Abraham immediately begged God not to do so if there were as few as fifty righteous people there.  Abraham continued to intercede with God on behalf of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah until God agreed that He would not destroy those cities if He found as few as 10 righteous people there.  I do not believe that Abraham interceded with God for Sodom and Gomorrah because Lot lived there.  I believe that he interceded (prayed) for Sodom and Gomorrah because he cared about the suffering they would experience when God brought His judgement against them.  I believe that this passage provides two lessons for us to follow. First, we should pray for those upon whom we see God’s judgement is about to fall.  Second, we should strive to live as one of “the ten” whose righteousness will cause God to withhold His judgement upon those among whom we live.

January 4, 2021 Bible Study The Importance of Detail

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 12-15. I have decided to switch from suing the New Living Translation to using the New International Version because, all in all, I prefer the NIV.

As I was reading today’s passage I started to wonder why the detailed description of the kings allied on either side of the battle which led to the capture of Lot and of the geopolitics which led to that battle.  Those listening to the story around the time it was first written down would not have known who any of these kings were, and would have barely known anything about the cities involved.  Then it struck me, this detail is evidence that the account is about an actual historical event.  Yes, by the time this story was written down many of those who were mentioned had been lost in the mists of time, and it is possible that at some point one or two of those mentioned had been substituted for those who were actually there due to someone’s flawed memory, but those telling it were not just telling a story, they were recounting an event which had actually happened.  As I think about this further, the account about Melchizedek’s encounter with Abraham suggests to me that Abraham had an ongoing relationship with Melchizedek.  Nothing particularly noteworthy, merely that they had friendly encounters from time to time, which were never important enough to mention in the stories about Abraham.

January 3, 2021 Bible Study God’s Reaction To Noah’s Offering

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 8-11. I have decided to switch from suing the New Living Translation to using the New International Version because, all in all, I prefer the NIV.

When I commented yesterday on the passage which says that Noah walked faithfully with God, I really thought I was going to spend more time on Noah’s drunken incident today.  I will merely make note of the fact that the Bible tells us both that Noah walked faithfully with God, and that, on at least one occasion, he got so drunk he was unaware of his surroundings.  However, today I want to look at God’s reaction when Noah made an offering to Him after leaving the Ark.  God’s reaction was that never again would He destroy all living creatures, that as long as the earth shall endure seed-time and harvest will never cease.  This passage is why I have never gotten terribly frightened by the various environmental scares which have come along.  This does not mean that I do not believe that we should be environmentally responsible, just that I do not believe we need to fear that the irresponsibility of others will destroy the earth.  God has not given mankind the ability to destroy the earth.  Seed-time and harvest will continue until God replaces this earth with a new earth (as we read He will do in the passages a few days ago).  There may be years like “The Year Without a Summer” but they will pass and seed-time and harvest will resume.

January 2, 2021 Bible Study From Adam To The Flood

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 4-7. I have decided to switch from suing the New Living Translation to using the New International Version because, all in all, I prefer the NIV.

Once again I am unsure where I am going with today’s blog.  However, today I see several things I want to touch on which I do not see any connection between.  The first was something which I first thought of yesterday.  In yesterday’s passage it mentioned that God had given every seed bearing plant as food for mankind.  Then in today’s passage, Abel is a shepherd who brought an offering of the fat portions of some of the firstborn of his flock.  God found this a more acceptable offering than Cain’s offering from among his crops.  I am unsure of what significance this has, but it feels rather significant.

A little later the passage tells us that the “sons of God” married the daughters of humans who they found attractive and had children by them.  This provides the context in which the writer tells us that human wickedness had become so great that God decided to unleash the Flood.  We have no other references which give us any insight into who these “sons of God” were, nor what connection there was between them taking human women as wives and the wickedness of humanity.  One thing I find interesting is that the passage tells us that the “Nephilim” were the offspring of these matings between the “sons of God” and human women, which happened before the Flood.  Later, the Israelites encountered descendants of the Nephilim when they entered Canaan to conquer it.  Did the Nephilim survive the Flood? Or, did more “sons of God” mate with human women after the Flood?
The final thing I want to touch upon is that the passage tells us that Noah walked faithfully with God, which appears to be unique among the people of his time.  Although, we should note that Noah’s great grandfather was Enoch, who walked faithfully with God, then was no more because God took him away.  Also, Noah’s father and grandfather died just before the Flood, so we should suspect that they were similarly faithful to God as Enoch and Noah.

January 1, 2021 Bible Study The Original Sin: Not Being Satisfied With The Way In Which God Made Us

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 1-3. When I started this blog I initially decided to use the New Living Translation(NLT) for various reasons.  The reason which continued to apply was that, because it was a translation I had not used in any other setting, it provided me with a fresh look at the passages.  I realized during the last year that I have been using the NLT for this blog for so long that it no longer lets me see the passages from a fresh perspective.  SO, I decided that come the new year, which has now come, I would switch to using the NIV, which overall I prefer to other translations.

I am not quite sure where I am going with this, but I think I see a message for us from bits from each of the two creation stories and the story of the Fall.  In the first of the two creation stories (which I believe to be two different perspectives on Creation, not competing and contradictory stories), we learn that God created mankind in His image, and as male and female.  I think it is telling that the composer of this story included the idea that God made mankind male and female in the part where we are told that God created mankind in His image.  Then, in the second creation story, after Adam has reviewed all of the animals and found none of them a suitable partner, God makes a woman from one of Adam’s ribs.  The primary point of this part of this story being that Adam and Eve were one.  The writer editorializes that this is why a man leaves his mother and father and is joined with his wife.  This passage is the foundation of marriage.

Finally we come to the story of the Fall.  Adam and Eve sinned because they were not content to be as God had created them.  The serpent convinced them that if they ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they would be better than they were as God had created them.  This was their sin, they thought that God had not gotten it right and that they could do it better,  I think if you look around you can see how people today still think that God did not get it right and that they can improve on how He has made them.

December 31, 2020 Bible Study It Is Finished

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Revelation 20-22.

The first thing which struck me was what the One sitting on the throne said to John after the new Jerusalem came down upon the new earth.  It was the phrase, “It is finished”.  This is the same thing which Jesus said upon the cross just before He died.  Perhaps I am mistaken, but I believe that John intended for us to make the connection of Jesus’ death bringing about the new heaven and the new earth.  I find it hard to fully express the comforting thought which this gives me.  It is finished.  Satan fights on, but he has already been defeated, and he knows it.  In the face of the trials and tribulations which we face let us remain faithful and never forget that it is finished.  For those who faithfully serve God there will be no more death, or suffering, or sorrow, or pain. It is finished and the promise is fulfilled, even if we do not yet experience the fulness of that promise.

December 30, 2020 Bible Study The Rulers Of This World Hate That Over Which They Rule

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Revelation 17-19.

I find this portion of John’s vision this morning interesting.  So, as I understand the explanation, the woman who sat on the great beast with seven heads and ten horns is the country or city which rules over the world.  Additionally, the seven heads and ten horns of the beast represent kings who ruled her.  Nevertheless, those kings hated the woman and worked together to destroy her.  Let that sink in.  Those who rule over the most mighty nation of the world when John’s vision takes place hate that nation and work to take all of its wealth, destroying that nation.  Then a little further on we discover that those rulers, and their followers, stand against the One who is Faithful and True: they stand against all that is faithful and true.

December 29, 2020 Bible Study Do We Need a Permit From the Beast To Buy and Sell

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Revelation 13-16.

As with much of yesterday’s passage I am unsure of the meaning of today’s passage, but there are some things which are clear to me.   One thing I think will be useful is to follow some of the threads which weave through this account.  Yesterday’s passage ended with the dragon pursuing the woman and her children.  The dragon is Satan, the one who promotes evil in the world.  Today’s passage begins with a beast which rises out of the sea.  This beast had been fatally wounded, yet lived.   I am not quite sure of the complete meaning of that fact, but the way in which it keeps getting mentioned makes me sure John wanted us to see it as an imposter to Jesus, Who had died and then rose from the dead.  The dragon gave its power to this first beast.

Then a second beast rose out of the earth and exercised the power of the first beast.  This second beast used the power it received from the first beast (which had received its power from the dragon) in order to make everyone worship the first beast.  This second beast caused a statue to be made of the first beast and then gave the stature the power to speak.  In describing the statue of the first beast, John felt it important to reiterate that the first beast had been fatally wounded, yet lived.  Once the statue was given speech it demanded that anyone who did not worship it be killed.  Further, it (or perhaps the second beast, the wording always leaves me unsure of this) required that everyone have a mark in order to buy or sell anything.  In light of the way things work today I find it somewhat disconcerting to realize that John is telling us that in the last days people will require a permit from the government of the beasts in order to buy or sell anything.