Tag Archives: Read the Bible in a year

February 6, 2021 Bible Study Celebrating Recovery From Illness

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 14-15.

The idea that many of the sacrifices were consumed as celebratory feasts makes sense out of the offerings made for being declared clean after having a skin disease.  The offering was a celebration of healing.  Those who could afford it gave a lamb to the priests and celebrated with a second lamb.  Those who were two poor for that celebrated with a lamb which they split with the priest.  But in both cases they celebrated God’s goodness in providing them with healing.

I have seen Chapter 15 be misinterpreted in several ways.  It seems obvious that Chapter 15 reflects the risks of spreading infection that being exposed to someone else’s bodily fluids entails.  In recent times we have seen a few diseases which became serious threats to public health because of promiscuous sharing of bodily fluids between near strangers.

February 5, 2021 Bible Study Preventing the Spread of Infection

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 13.

I am really not sure what to write about today’s passage.  It discusses skin infections and mold on fabric and leather.  First, the things being addressed spread.  Initially, they spread on the person or item which they infect, but if not contained they can spread to other people or items.  These instructions give methods to possibly contain the spread and to isolate the infection from other people or things until it can be determined if the containment was successful.  When I started to write this I thought I could see an analogy to sin among Believers in this, but as I began to try making that analogy it seemed to fall apart.  I will say this, sin among Believers can be like the infections and mold referred to in this passage.  If Believers associate with those who claim to be fellow Believers who make no effort to cut sin out of their lives, that sin will spread.  We must use careful judgement when we witness sin among our fellow Believers (and the answer is not as simple as isolating those we observe sinning, although that may be called for in some circumstances).

February 4, 2021 Bible Study Sometimes It’s OK To Make Exceptions

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 10-12.

After the death of two of Aaron’s sons, Moses was angry with Aaron’s two remaining sons for not following eating the goat of the sin offering as the rules for the sin offering instructed them to do (Aaron was also guilty of this, but Moses appears to have confronted his sons, not Aaron).  Aaron responded that the loss of two of his sons justified he and his remaining sons not celebrating the sin offering by eating the portions intended for them.  Moses found this answer satisfactory.  This shows us that we need to make allowances for special circumstances.



February 3, 2021 Bible Study Old Testament Sacrifices

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 8-9.

Over the last few years I have had a growing awareness that the times of offering sacrifices was also a time of feasting.  With a few notable exceptions, each offering was divided into three portions.  One portion was burned on the altar, one portion went to the priests (this portion was where most of the food for the priests came from), and one portion was eaten by those who offered it (and their households).  In this passage today, the offering for their ordination was only to be eaten by the priests.  However, for the seven days of the ordination the priests being ordained were to remain at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, where the people could come and meet with them.  It seems to me that the intention was for the people to be able to interact with those who were about to become priests so that these newly ordained priests would understand the people to whom they would minister.  At the end of the seven days on the eighth day, the newly ordained priests would offer sacrifices for all of the people…sacrifices which would be the basis for a feast and celebration for the people.  So, the sacrifices formed a bond between the people who offered the sacrifice, the priests who performed the sacrifice, and God.

February 2, 2021 Bible Study It Is Not Enough To Want To Do Right, But That’s Where We Need To Start

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 5-7.

I am not sure where I am going to go with today’s blog.  I want to start with this: it is a sin to not come forward with what you know about a crime, whether your knowledge points to who committed the crime, or whether it indicates that a particular suspect is not guilty.   While this passage only addresses crimes which the authorities know about and are seeking those with knowledge about what happened, I am convinced it also applies to crimes of which the authorities are not yet aware.

Next I want to spend a little time looking at the idea of unintentional sin.  This passage makes it clear that sin is still sin even if you did not intend to do it.  So, while your intentions matter, what matters more is what you actually do, and its results.  Even if you did not intend to do harm, when you have done harm you must seek to make it right.  This is a complex issue.  Doing wrong is still wrong even if you did not know it was wrong when you did it.  However, the passage also makes clear that intentionally doing wrong is much worse than unintentionally doing wrong. Further, the passage tells us that the one who decides that they had sinned is the person who unintentionally committed the sin.  This highlights the fact that any system of laws only works when the overwhelming majority of those to whom the laws apply intend to do what is right.  No set of laws will work in a society where the only arbiter of right or wrong is whether or not you get caught.

February 1, 2021 Bible Study Why No Yeast?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 1-4.

I find it interesting that if the grain offering was baked before being offered it was to not include any yeast.  I thought I fully understood why the Passover bread was to be made without yeast: because the Israelites did not have time to allow it to rise on the first Passover.  However, the fact that these offerings were required to be made without yeast suggests that there was more to it than that.  Unfortunately, I do not know what that something more was.  I did an Internet search on the question, but I did not consider any of the results which I found satisfactory.  I have never before given this much thought, and now it has become something to which I would really like to know the answer.

January 31, 2021 Bible Study The Path To Righteousness Starts From Where We Are

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Exodus 39-40.

The other day I wrote that I was not sure when the Tabernacle replaced the tent that Moses had been using as the “Tent of Meeting”, well in today’s passage you can see that I have never before noticed the existence of a “Tent of Meeting” before the Tabernacle because it tells us that the Tabernacle became the Tent of Meeting when it was first set up.  Now I find the initial setting up of the Tabernacle interesting.  The passage tells us that Moses set up the Tabernacle, but we know that he had to have help to do so (there is no way that one person set up the Tabernacle by themselves as described).  What makes that interesting is that a little later we have detailed descriptions of how the people who set up the various parts of the Tabernacle each time it was moved needed to be consecrated.  Yet, at this point, no one had been consecrated, except Moses (who was a special case).  Of course, at this point, the Tabernacle and its furnishings had not yet been consecrated either.  The point being that everyone needs to start their journey to righteousness from where they are now, not from where someone thinks they ought to be.

I did not expect this to go in this direction when I began writing this today.  Sometimes I find it kind of interesting to see where I end up when I write these.

January 30, 2021 Bible Study The Israelites Had To Be Told To Stop Giving

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Exodus 36-38.

I have said this a few times over the last couple of days, but my eyes start to glaze over when I read these detailed descriptions of the design and building of the Tabernacle.  I want to take a moment to say that I know people who react differently to these passages, people who read this description and are awestruck by the splendor of what is being described.  I admire those who have that reaction.  Having said the above, there is something even I can get out of this passage.  The people of Israel gave so much towards the building of the Tabernacle that Moses had to order them to stop donating.  Think about that, a people who had only a short time before had left a land where their ancestors had lived for over 200 years while being chased by an army, donated so much that they had to be told to stop donating.  But, there’s more to it than that, those who were working on the Tabernacle could have kept taking what they gave and used it for their own uses.  They could have even justified it as recompense for the work they were doing on behalf of the rest of the people.  They didn’t.  They went to Moses and asked him to tell people to stop giving.

January 29, 2021 Bible Study What Is The Meaning Of The Veil Which Moses Wore?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Exodus 33-35.

We generally use the terms “Tent of Meeting” and “Tabernacle” interchangeably.  Yet, in this passage, the Tent of Meeting is described as existing before the Tabernacle was built.  However, we also know that later the Tabernacle was often referred to as the Tent of Meeting.  To the best of my knowledge it is never made clear when the Tabernacle replaced the tent which Moses initially used as the Tent of Meeting.  The change may have taken place as soon as the Tabernacle was consecrated, but I suspect that it happened after Moses began delegating the bulk of the task of judging disputes to others.

Whenever Moses spoke with God it caused his face to become radiant for some time period afterwards.  In fact, the radiance caused the people to be afraid to come near him.  As a result, Moses wore a veil over his face except when he went in to speak with God and while he was telling the people what God had told him.  I see a lesson here which I am striving to figure out how to express.  When we discuss what we perceive to be God’s message to people, we should do so face to face, with no disguises and nothing hidden.  However, when we find ourselves among those whose lifestyles we disapprove, we should not be constantly expressing our disapproval.  I really wish I could express that better.

January 28, 2021 Bible Study The People Worship The Golden Calf

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Exodus 30-32.

There are some interesting points about the account of the golden calf and its aftermath.  First, Aaron and the people referred to it in the plural, even though there was only one calf.  Some scholars have suggested that the reference to the calf in the plural was a later addition to make sure people connected this incident with the calves which Jeroboam had made when he rebelled against King Rehoboam.  Personally I believe that they referred to it in the plural because they wanted to have a pantheon like the nations around them rather than just one God.

Second, the account tells us that Moses ground up the statue, mixed it with water, and made the people drink it before he calls the Levites to kill those who were committing idolatry.  There are several other aspects of the story which do not quite fit together.  To me it reads like the account was compiled from what several different people remembered.  The different people did not know where what they remembered fit in with what the others remembered.  So, the author of this stitched their stories together as best he could.  The camp would have been very large, so it would make sense that people only remembered portions of  what happened and did not know how they tied together with things which happened in other parts of the camp.  Another explanation for the way the account is constructed is possible. This also works logically because the camp was very large and people in one part would not have been fully aware of what was going on elsewhere.  This explanation goes like this: Moses ground up the calf and made those who had been celebrating and worshiping it near it drink it.  However, elsewhere in the camp were those celebrating and worshiping the calf who were unaware of what was going on there.  Moses sent the Levites to settle things down and they killed those who refused to give up their new “gods”.