Tag Archives: Read the Bible in a year

February 16, 2021 Bible Study The Same Rules Apply To Everyone

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 8-10.

In the dedication of the Levites described here I continue to see foreshadowing of Jesus.  God set Jesus apart as His similar to the way He had the Israelites set the Levites apart as His.  The Levites were presented to God as a wave offering, whereas Jesus was treated as an offering fully dedicated to God.  Yet, with the Resurrection God returned Jesus to us as if He had been a wave offering.

I have written on this in previous years, but I find the actions of those who realized that they could not celebrate the Passover along with the rest of Israel instructive.  They did not just say to themselves, “Oh well, we can’t celebrate Passover because we had to handle a dead body.”  No, they went to Moses and asked what they could do.  They desperately wished to take part in this celebration of God’s power and of unity with their fellows.  God replied through Moses that not celebrating the Passover was not an option.  Instead, those who, for one reason or another, were legitimately unable to celebrate the Passover at the appointed time were to do so one month later.  In addition, God used this opportunity to remind the people of Israel, and us, that the same rules and regulations should apply to everyone.  The only exception we find to this is one that runs counter to what we as humans so often do: the rulers and leaders sometimes have stricter, more exacting, rules to follow than the common man, not special exemptions to the rules which apply to everyone else.

February 15, 2021 Bible Study Levi Plus Twelve Foreshadows Jesus Plus Twelve

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 7.

I am not sure if I am correct, but it seems to me that in today’s passage we see Ephraim and Manasseh counted so as to make the number of tribes equal twelve without counting the tribe of Levi.  To me this is a foreshadowing of Jesus and His Twelve Apostles.  I find it interesting that we have this symbolism in the Torah 12 +1.  I did an Internet search (DuckDuckGo, not Google) for the Jewish understanding of the meaning and found a lot of articles which spoke of the fact that the number of Tribes was always 12, either Levi was counted and Ephraim and Manasseh were counted as part of the tribe of Joseph, or Ephraim and Manasseh were counted as two tribes and Levi was not counted.  However, as a Christian, I cannot help but see a parallel between the Tribe of Levi and the other 12 Tribes with Jesus and His Twelve Apostles.

February 14, 2021 Bible Study Taking A Vow To Serve God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 5-6.

Every time I read the regulations for the vow of the Nazirite I feel like there is something left out.  That something is why you would take the vow.  Having read the regulations every year for 8 years now, plus seeing how it was applied on occasion throughout the Old Testament, I have realized that someone would take this vow as a sign of dedication to God.  Usually, they would be dedicating some act, or period of time, in their life to God.  For example, the men the Apostle Paul accompanied to the Temple to fulfill their vow when he was arrested had almost certainly taken a vow of the Nazirite.  And the men who vowed to kill kill him had also probably taken the vow of the Nazirite.  I feel that we have lost something as a society that we no longer dedicate ourselves to God, either for certain periods of time or for an entire lifetime.  There are still those who do so, but they are less common, and even those, for the most part, seem to have less of an understanding of the solemnity of it than those of the past.  I am sure that there exist some who take such vows with the appropriate solemnity, but as a society we have lost the fear of God which normally brings it about.

February 13, 2021 Bible Study The Importance Of Mothers

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 3-4.

I will be perfectly honest, when I read today’s passage I had nothing to write.  So, I went back and read what I wrote last year.  Since I did not want to just reword what I wrote last year, that didn’t help much.  Fortunately, it got me started thinking.  As I mentioned last year, God claimed the Levites as His in place of the firstborn sons of the rest of the Israelites.  Now I find it interesting that the Levites served God in place of the “firstborn male offspring of every Israelite woman.”  Not the firstborn son of every Israelite man.  It did not matter who their father was, or how many other sons he had already had.  What mattered was that they were their mother’s first born son.  We can easily make too much of this, but it tells us something about the value mothers’ place on their children.

February 12, 2021 Bible Study The Difficulty With Translating Hebrew

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 1-2.

The number of people counted here is used as one of the arguments that the Exodus never happened: such a large group of people would have left archeological records.  If the number of Israelite men, as translated, is accurate, the total number of Israelites who left Egypt would have almost certainly have been over 2 million people, counting women and children.  That would have been about a third of the population of Egypt at the time.  More importantly, the number listed here is inconsistent with the number of first born sons counted a few chapters after this.  However, in the Hebrew the numbers are written out with words, words that have more than one meaning depending on context.  In particular, the word translated as “thousand” has multiple meanings and is translated differently elsewhere in the Bible.  In this case, “thousand” is the most logical translation of the Hebrew word in this context.  So, it may be that the numbers as translated are not the numbers meant by the person who originally wrote this.  As I thought about this, I realized that the Hebrew of the Old Testament was written down over a period of around 1,000 years.  Think about how much the English language has change over the last 1,000 years.  I want to finish with this thought: there is no theological significance to the absolute numbers listed here (although I suspect the relative numbers of each tribe has some theological significance, that is, I believe there is significance from how large each tribe was relative to the other tribes).

February 11, 2021 Bible Study It Is Never Too Late To Repent Of Our Sins

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 26-27.

We can learn a lot about what it means to be faithful to God’s commands by seeing how the blessings for being obedient correspond to the curses for disobedience.  If we faithfully obey God, the land will be productive and produce more than enough food to feed us.  If we break God’s commands, the land will become ever more unproductive and famine will come upon us.  If we faithfully obey God, we will live in peace, even the wildlife will leave us in peace.  If we refuse to be faithful, we will beset by wild beasts and then by foreign enemies.  As we are faithful to God, the environment around us will become more and more hospitable to us.  As we rebel against Him, the opposite will happen.  At any time, if we confess our sins, turn to God, and make amends for our wrongdoing, God will reverse the trend of destruction which He began visiting upon us for our sin.  It is never too late for people to turn to God.

February 10, 2021 Bible Study Lessons From The Year Of Jubilee

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 24-25.

The instructions for the Sabbath Year make good sense and are easily workable.  On the other hand, I am not sure how the Jubilee Year would work., even in the circumstance of the Children of Israel entering the Promised Land.  That being said, if they had practiced it from the beginning of their entry into the Promised Land, I can see how it might have worked (and because God had commanded it, I believe that it would have worked). Despite that, the idea of giving everyone a fresh start every 49 years has real merit.  Giving those whose parents, or grandparents, had made decisions which left them impoverished the chance to get out from under that crushing burden does wonders for a society.  In many ways, the Year of Jubilee was designed to institutionalize the idea that everyone should rise, or fall, based on their own ability, not have their lot in life be determined by who their parents were.  This idea serves society well, and abandoning it leads to the gradual, or not so gradual, decline of a society.

February 9, 2021 Bible Study The Importance Of Celebrating Our Common Belief In God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 22-23.

The passage begins with a continuation of the instructions regarding priests who become ceremonially  unclean.  For the most part this restates the laws regarding ceremonial uncleanness specifically applied to priests.  I take away from this that the same rules that apply to everyone else apply to the priests, the leaders of the people (there are other places where laws which apply to leaders who are not priests are laid out in a similar manner), plus a few more.   This is the exact opposite of how most of our rulers and religious leaders act today.

Then the passage goes on to lay out seven festivals throughout the year.  We should take special note that one of the high festivals laid out here is the weekly Sabbath.  The other festivals only occurred once a year.  I want to highlight the importance of the people gathering to celebrate these festivals.  The festivals establish common practices among the people and help unite them.  Each of the festivals established certain values which the people were to share.

February 8, 2021 Bible Study Being Holy Because We Are Made In The Image Of God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 19-21.

At the beginning of this list of laws which God gave the Children of Israel, He says, “Be holy because I am holy.”  This was not, “Be holy because that will make you better than other people.”  Nor was it, “Be holy because you are better than other people.”  No, this was a call to be like God, because God had made us in His image.  This was a call for everyone, because everyone has been made in God’s image.

Thinking about the call to be more like God because we are made in His image puts the command not to sacrifice children to Molech (or any other god) in a whole new light.  When we kill anyone, but especially a child, we are destroying the image of God.  To me, this understanding just cements my belief that abortion falls under this command.  This verse talks about how when a man sacrifices one of his children he profanes God’s name.   Further, it tells us that if the community looks the other way when someone sacrifices their child, God will intervene and cut that person off from their people.  It really puts the disconnectedness of our society in a new light.

February 7, 2021 Bible Study Entering Into God’s Presence

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 16-18.

A couple of days ago we read about how two of Aaron’s sons were struck down because they used the wrong sort of fire in their incense burners in the Tabernacle, or, at least that is how it is explained there.  Today we get a little more information about what happened.  We learn that the two had approached the Lord inappropriately.  In today’s passage it lays out what Aaron, his successors as High Priest, must do before they approach the Lord.  What I want to point out here is that only Aaron could approach the Lord, no one else (until his death when someone else took his place), but even Aaron had to go through a complex ritual of sacrifices before he entered God’s presence.  Jesus changed all that.  He became both our High Priest before God, and the sacrifice for entering into His presence.  However, we should remember the effort which Aaron had to go through to cleanse himself to enter into God’s presence and not casually approach God.  We have the right and ability to enter God’s presence, but we must do so reverentially.