Tag Archives: Read the Bible in a year

September 26, 2021 Bible Study — Walk Humbly With God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Micah 3-7.

To a greater extent than other prophets, Micah holds the leaders to blame for the sins of Israel.  He condemns the leaders who use their position to benefit at the expense of those over whom they hold power.  He accuses them of hating good and loving evil.  Political leaders offer to rule in favor of those who bribe them, religious teachers only teach when paid, and those who offer people guidance for their lives only do so for money.  Because they do not embrace justice, God’s destruction is coming.  When it comes, they will cry out to God, but He will not answer.

Yet for all of the “doom and gloom” in Micah’s prophesies, this promise is contained within them as well:

“He will judge between many peoples
and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.

God has promised the above to us and Micah tells us what we must do to get to that promise.  We must act justly and love mercy, but most important, and most difficult, we must walk humbly with God.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 25, 2021 Bible Study — While Jonah Was Running From God, God Still Revealed Himself Through Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jonah 1-4 and Micah 1-2.

Usually when I read the book of Jonah I focus on Jonah and God’s message to us through Jonah, but today something else caught my eye.  Let’s look at this, God called Jonah to go to Nineveh and prophesy against it, sdo something and he didn’t want to do it. So, he went the opposite direction, because Jonah knew that if he went anywhere near Nineveh God would use him to accomplish His purposes.  There are some things in there that deserve a little attention, but I am not going to go there today.  What I want to focus on is what happened on the ship, and not the part we normally look at.  So, after the sailors threw Jonah overboard and the storm abated, they worshiped God and vowed to serve Him going forward.  Think about that, Jonah did not intentionally witness to those men.  He was not there because God sent him there.  Jonah was there running away from God, and God was STILL able to use him to reveal Himself to those who did not know Him.  Think about it: God can, and will, use us to make the world a better place, even when we are resisting Him.

In many ways the Book of Jonah is an excellent precursor to the opening of Micah.  When Jonah preached in Nineveh that God was about to bring judgement on that city, the people of that city repented of their sins in sackcloth.  They mourned their sinfulness and turned to God. When Micah prophesied about the judgement coming against Samaria and Jerusalem, the people of those cities told him not to say such things.  Then he says something I think we should take to heart: those who do what is right find his words comforting.  Think about that.  In the middle of his fire and brimstone message about the doom and disaster which are looming over the nation, Micah tells us that those who do right are comforted by his words, why?  Because his words mean that those who abuse others, who oppress the poor, who perform various wicked acts, will suffer for the suffering they have caused.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 24, 2021 Bible Study — We Pay A Price When We Profit From The Suffering Of Others

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Amos 6-9 and Obadiah.

Amos continues his prophecy against the Northern Kingdom of Israel in today’s passage.  I was going to start with the prophecy about the plumb line, but as I composed my thoughts I realized I was not sure what I understood it to say reflected what it was intended to say.  So, I decided to speak about Amos goes on to condemn those who joyously sing worship songs while eagerly awaiting the end of the service so that they can get back to cheating others.  Those who live such lives and do not turn to God will bring terrible destruction upon themselves. And yet, for all of the doom and gloom which Amos preached, he ended on a note of hope.  A time of destruction is coming to those who refuse to turn from their sins, but God will bring a time of plenty for those who turn to Him.

Now let us turn our attention to the short book of Obadiah.  I believe that Obadiah is the only Old Testament prophet who prophesied entirely against nations other than Israel or Judah.  He primarily prophesied against Edom, but there is a small bit against the Philistines.  Obadiah condemns the people for two things, pride and epicaricacy (or taking joy in the misfortune of others).  He tells them that they will suffer because they proudly thought that they could take advantage of the people of Israel (or Judah) when they were overrun.  They took joy when their neighbors suffered and they profited from that suffering in ways which increased the suffering.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 23, 2021 Bible Study — Seek The Lord And Live

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Amos 1-5.

Happy Anniversary to my lovely wife.  I have been married to a lovely woman for 21 years. I am so grateful that she has been with me all of this time.

Amos prophesied primarily against Israel, the Northern Kingdom, but before getting into the meat of the prophecy which God had given him, he also had warnings for the surrounding nations, including Judah, the Southern Kingdom.  He makes it clear that even though God has given him a message condemning the people of Israel that does not mean that they are worse than their neighbors.

Amos writes that God had sent them prophets to call them back to Him, and those who lived righteous lives to inspire them to return, but that they had told the prophets to be quiet and had compelled the righteous to violate their conscience.  God had caused disasters to happen as a warning to bring them back to Him, yet they refused to return to God.  Do we see the ways in which this applies to us, and to the people around us?  (and if you think it applies to you because you are one of the prophets or one of the righteous you have missed the message of the Bible)  The people of Israel loved to do things which made themselves look righteous without actually making the sacrifices to be righteous.  They turned justice into injustice and hated those who upheld justice in court.  They oppressed the innocent and taxed the poor so as to build mansions.   The prudent kept quiet to avoid becoming targets.  Amos told them that the day of the Lord was coming and it would be a day of darkness.  However, he also told them that if they sought the Lord, they would live.  God would be with those who sought and did good rather than evil.  Let us seek to maintain justice, not the appearance of justice.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 22, 2021 Bible Study — The Day Of The Lord Is Near

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Joel 1-3.

The prophet Joel describes a terrible plague of locusts which came upon the land of Israel.  He says that this disaster warns that the day of the Lord is near, a day of gloom and darkness.  However, Joel also says that God calls us to return to Him with all of our heart.  If we respond to the dark times by turning to God, by gathering together and confessing our sins, He will relent and lift the judgement He was preparing to pour out upon us.  Instead of pouring out death and destruction upon us, God will pour out His Spirit.  The day of the Lord will still come, we will see the death and destruction, but those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.

I am convinced that we live in a time when Joel’s message should ring fresh in our ears.  Look at what is happening around us.  Gather and pray, fast and mourn, the day of the Lord is near.  We can either call on His name and be saved, or suffer the dire things which He has in store for those who refuse to heed His warnings.  But God will pour out His Spirit upon those who turn to Him.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 21, 2021 Bible Study — Sow The Wind, Reap The Whirlwind

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Hosea 8-14.

I have an idea about what I see in this passage, but I am not sure that I can compose it coherently.  The passage addresses Israel, the Northern Kingdom, but I believe the message applies to many nations and societies throughout history.  God planted them and raised them, asking that they worship and serve Him.  The people promised to do so and carried out the rituals which they thought would show that they did.  But they also committed many sins which they thought they could hide away, or which they thought fell into loopholes in God’s commands.  Going to Church every Sunday and having a fish symbol on your car does not make you a Christian.  In fact those things are useless if you cheat to make more money, if you take advantage of those with less power than yourself.  Our society has become one which views the prophet as a fool and thinks that those who truly believe in God to be crazy.  The wealthy think that the rules do not apply to themselves.  Now is the time to sow righteousness so that we can reap the fruit of unfailing love; it is time to seek the Lord.  If we depend on our own strength, as individuals and as a nation, the roar of battle will rise over us and our fortresses will be devastated.   The ways of God are right.  We can choose to walk in them by faithfully listening to God, or we will stumble about like a drunkard.

I failed to find a way to express the idea which was in my head when I started, but I am satisfied with what I wrote.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 19, 2021 Bible Study — God Has A Plan

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 11-12.

The prophecy in chapter 11 looks much like what the people of Maccabean Judea may have understood of world events from the time of Daniel to themselves.  Or to put that another way, it looks somewhat like what happened with the conquest of the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great and the wars between the Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms which followed him, but not quite.  Or, in other words, it sounds like what someone knowledgeable about world affairs living in Judea at the time of the Maccabees might have thought had happened.  I want to state that, considering the degree to which the records left by the people of the time were self-serving (just as the records being left by people today) I am not convinced that it disagrees with actual history by as much as modern historians generally conclude.  This prophecy tells us that powerful rulers will make many plans, but they cannot foresee every eventuality and those unforeseen things will cause their plans to work out differently than they intend.  On the other hand, for God there are no unforeseen eventualities, so His plans always work out as He intended.

Then we have the finale of the Book of Daniel which discusses the main point of the latter half (approximately) of the book. Daniel did not understand (and neither do I) so he asked, “My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?” The answer he received was this: “Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.”  So, throughout history many things will happen, some good, many terrible, and those who seek God will be purified by these events, will be inspired to do ever more good.  While the wicked will continue to miss the point and not understand that doing God’s will would bring them greater joys than all of the selfish actions they choose instead.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 18, 2021 Bible Study — God Does Not Answer Our Prayers Because We Deserve It

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 9-10.

I want to start by focusing on Daniel’s prayer.  In particular, this line, “We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. ”  God does not answer our prayers because we deserve it, because we are such good people.  In fact, we deserve for God to reject our requests, even those we make for the benefit of others, because we are such sinful people.  Nevertheless, God is merciful and He will grant our requests (I am not going to discuss today those times when He seems to reject our requests).  I just said I was not going to discuss when God seems to reject our requests, however, Daniel gives us a hint as to what we should do before we make requests of God.  Daniel admits to his own sins, and to the sins of the people for whom he is about to make a request.  One final point about Daniel’s prayer: our sin brings shame on both ourselves and on God.

When I read chapter 10 here I am reminded of Ephesians 6:12. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Before I get to what I want to write about this I want to state that it is not clear to me if chapter 10 refers to a distinctly different occasion from chapter 9, or the same one.

The messenger who came to answer Daniel’s prayer tells him that he started on his way immediately when Daniel began praying, but the “prince of the Persian kingdom” resisted him for 21 days until Michael, “one of the chief princes”, came to help him.  When I compare this with what Paul said in Ephesians it strikes me as suggesting the the kingdom of Persia had a spiritual being which represented it in the spiritual realm, and that this being opposed God’s messengers.  This leads me to the understanding that all human organizations (nations, businesses, non-profits, etc) have spiritual beings associated with them.  Further, those spiritual beings will generally oppose God.  My conclusion from looking at organizations of which I have knowledge is that we need to work very hard to ensure that the spiritual being which represents organizations of which we are part do not oppose God.  It seems the longer an organization is around the more likely it begins to serve itself and not its members or whatever goal it was established to promote.  Some organizations take longer to reach such a state than others and that appears to me to be a result of key people actively and knowingly working to prevent that from happening.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 17, 2021 Bible Study — Part 2

OK, my wife asked me when I was going to do the bit about the goat and the ram from  Daniel 7-8. I was not planning to write about this after I reached the end of what I wrote previously for this passage about the first of Daniel’s two visions in this passage, but since my wife wanted me to write this, I will take the time to do so.

This vision was given in order to give hope to those who faithfully worshiped God in the 2nd Century B.C. (and a little before that).  Actually, it is more than that.  To understand what to make of it, we need to understand the context of the time (some of which continued into the time of Christ).  Those who succeeded Alexander the Great attempted to Greek culture and religion into the areas over which they had control.  Over all, they did so with great success.  Part of their success came from incorporating pieces of the cultures and religions of the people over which they ruled into their own religion and culture.  There was another side to this, they also encouraged those who continued to follow other belief systems to incorporate pieces of their belief system into that other belief system.  Eventually, however, they lost patience with those who failed to enter into their belief system and chose to fully impose it.  This prophecy is a warning to those who incorporated practices from the Greek culture and religion into their worship of God.  Compromising with non-believers on your principals, beliefs, and practices will never be enough.  Eventually, they will demand that you make a complete break from worshiping God.  Then you will have to choose one or the other.

September 17, 2021 Bible Study — When A Ruler Attempts To Usurp God’s Position, God Is About To Do A Great Work

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 7-8.

We usually interpret Daniel’s two visions in today’s passage together, and there is some merit to doing so.  However, they are separate visions, with separate interpretations provided in the passage, for a reason.  So, I am going to look at these two visions separately. In the interpretation of the vision we are told both that the four beasts are four kings and that the fourth beast is a fourth kingdom.  I am unsure if this represents two different things, or if the writer was just using “king” and “kingdom” interchangeably.  I will note that I have had dreams where things in the dream make that kind of transition: when they first appear they are one kind of thing, but later in the dream they are something else with no point in the dream where they change, I just knew they were one thing and now I know they are something else.  More importantly, we have the horn which overthrew the three other horns.  Both in the vision and in the interpretation we can see it as a ruler who claims power over God’s people while denying God’s power.  Yet, the rise of such a ruler presages God sitting in judgement over the world.  When a ruler or government ruler or government puts itself in the place of God, we should look for the great work which God is about to do.  I am not referring to where the government tries to co-opt the worship of God in support of its agenda and plans.  This refers to those times when the government seeks to replace worship of God with its own rites and rituals.  I intended to write something about the vision of the ram and the goat, but this has gone too long already.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.