Tag Archives: Read the Bible in a year

October 8, 2021 Bible Study — Did That Offend You?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 15-17.

As is often the case, there is a lot of things in this passage of note and I was planning on touching on many of them.  So, I went back to the first story in this passage to begin.  And I was struck by the question Jesus’ disciples asked Him, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”  Jesus was not even a little bit apologetic about offending the Pharisees.  His response to His disciples made it clear that He was not concerned about offending them.  I want to note that this was not the first time where Pharisees had confronted Jesus over details in a way that suggests they were looking for something “wrong” rather than listening to see if He was correct.  In His response to His disciples Jesus makes it clear that He is not going to spend any time worrying about offending people who are busy looking for reasons to be offended.  The Pharisees were not worried about offending Jesus, or His disciples, but Jesus was supposed to worry about offending them?  But Jesus’ reason for not worrying about offending them was even more basic: in their hunt for reasons to find fault they had lost track of the basics.

Jesus’ response to the Pharisees here goes back to what He said in the beginning of Chapter 7 of this Gospel when He told us, “Do not judge,…”  There He went on to talk about addressing the major issues in our own lives before we confront others over minor issues in their lives.  Here He points out that the Pharisees are focusing on a minor issue in other people’s behavior while overlooking a major issue in their own lives.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 7, 2021 Bible Study — Seek The Transformation Of The Wicked Rather Than Their Destruction

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 13-14.

I am going to skip over the Parable of the Sower today because I don’t feel like I have anything new to say about it (which will not always stop me, but for today) and start with the Parable of the Weeds.  There is a phrase used by soldiers and others who favor using violence against evil, “Kill them all and let God sort them out.”  That phrase is diametrically opposite to the point which Jesus made with the Parable of the Weeds.  Jesus made the point that when we cannot distinguish the good from the evil it is better to leave the evil alone than to harm the good.  In fact, a principle generally observed in U.S. law, and that of many other nations, that it is better for 10 guilty people to go free than for one innocent person to suffer judgement derives from this.                                                                                          Jesus made a secondary point in that parable, one which was important enough that He told a second parable which focused on that secondary point.  In the Parable of the Weeds Jesus tells us that after the harvest, the weeds will be burned while the wheat will be gathered into the barn.  Then in the Parable of the Net, Jesus speaks of a net which gathers all kinds of fish.  The good fish would be collected and the bad fish thrown away.  He explicitly tells us that the good fish represent those who are righteous and the bad fish those who are wicked.

Jesus tells two other parables here which I want to comment on because I think their message is no longer thought about enough.  In one He talks about a mustard seed and in the other He talks about yeast.  Both parables tell us not to be disheartened because we think we are insignificant.  A mustard seed is tiny, but it grows into a large plant which dominates its surroundings.  When you make bread, the yeast is completely overwhelmed by the volume of the other ingredients used, but the yeast completely transforms the dough.  So, each of these parables makes the point that we should not think that our actions are of no significance because both the mustard seed and the yeast appear insignificant to those who know not what they are, but both have a big impact.  However, each parable has a secondary point.  Some of us are called to be like the mustard seed, which changes its environment through determination and consistent effort.  And some of us are called to be like the yeast which changes its environment by transforming what is around it (or, in our case, transforming those who are around us).  And perhaps some of us are called to do both.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 6, 2021 Bible Study — Be As Shrewd As Snakes, But As Innocent as Doves

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 10-12.

Matthew recounts some very important, and basic, points of what Jesus taught in today’s passage.  I believe that many of them are linked together, but am not sure I will be able to express that link.  I am going to go through these various points and pray that the Holy Spirit guides my words to make it all come together.

When Jesus sent the Twelve Apostles to preach His message, He gave them the power to cast out impure spirits and cure disease and sickness.  Then He told them to be shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.  My father always said that meant that we should not be naïve, we should be fully aware of the ways in which people will try to trick, mislead, and cheat us, but we should act as if we did not.  That does not mean that we let them take advantage of us, but we should do what we can to help them.  Jesus goes on to tell the Apostles (and I believe us) that they will be arrested and hauled into court, but that they should not worry about what to say, or how to say it, that the Holy Spirit will speak through them (and us) in those situations.  I believe that applies to more than just situations when we are in front of the authorities.  In fact, I am convinced that there are days in which the Holy Spirit manages what I write here more than I do (I pray that the Holy Spirit do so every day, but I know that there are days my pride takes over).

Actually, Jesus tells us not to worry at all, a message which permeates much of the Gospels.  He tells us that God cares even for sparrows, which are of limited value.  We need not fear because God values us more than He values sparrows.  Jesus goes on to warn us that if we chose to follow Him, the world will treat us no better than they treated Him, and they accused Him of being a servant of Beelzebul.  If we acknowledge His lordship over us, people will think the same of us, but if we do not acknowledge His lordship, He will not acknowledge us.  Which brings me to the last point I wanted to touch on today.  When John the Baptist’s disciples asked Jesus if He was the One for which they were waiting, Jesus replied, “The blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.”  Let us strive to live so that a similar defense can be made of us.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 5, 2021 Bible Study — The Harvest Is Plentiful, But The Workers Are Few

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 7-9.

One of the most misused, and misunderstood, passages of the Bible starts off today’s passage when Jesus says, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”  That seems pretty straightforward.  Except a few verses further on, Jesus tells us, “Watch out for false prophets. … By their fruit you will recognize them.”  That latter instruction is much like what people often mean for us not to do when they tell us not to judge.  That being said, let’s go back to the verses immediately following the one in which Jesus said, “Do not judge…”  I am not going to quote it, you can read it for yourself.  But, Jesus is clearly telling us that we should be more concerned with correcting our own actions than with correcting the actions of others.  In fact, most of this passage is about evaluating our own actions and faithfully doing the Lord’s will.

Which brings me to where I want to focus my attention, although I am not quite sure how to tie this together.  Jesus gives us very strong warnings against following the crowds, against doing things because everybody else is doing it.  I believe that Jesus’ teachings on having strong faith here are part of the same teaching.  We often overlook what happened when Jesus called Matthew as to how it connects to the other teachings on faith in this passage.  When Jesus called him, Matthew immediately got up and followed Him.  Matthew did not spend any time settling his affairs and making arrangements.  He just began following Jesus.  All of the faith stories in this passage have a similar theme, those who received that for which they asked, asked even though they knew their request was ridiculous.  They all put themselves out there to look foolish (except possibly His disciples on the boat in the storm).

I am going to take one more stab at trying to get this to all come together in the way it felt in my head when I started writing.  Early in this passage Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  Another passage which we often misunderstand and misuse.  Jesus expands on what He means when He says that and wraps it by giving us the Golden Rule, but we so often miss the connection the “Ask, Seek, Knock” quote and the Golden Rule.  We should treat others the way we would like them to treat us because God will give us good things when we ask Him. It is not enough to call Jesus Lord, we have to mean it and act accordingly.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 4, 2021 Bible Study

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 5-6.

In the Sermon on the Mount recounted here, Jesus touches on the theme I mentioned yesterday: those who seek to use the appearance of righteousness to further their agenda are hypocrites.  He sets that comment up by comparing His followers to salt and doing God’s will to being a lamp.  A little bit of salt changes the taste of a meal, a little bit of light allows people to see in an otherwise dark room.  In the same way, we should live our lives so as to change society around us.  I can illustrate this by something my parents both spoke of (and which I observed for myself).  Both of my parents worked in environments where their co-workers used foul language somewhat routinely.  Yet, when their co-workers were aware that they were present, they did not use such language, or did so only sparingly.  As I said, I observed this for myself, people who otherwise routinely used foul language did so less when they knew one of my parents was present.  This did not result from either of my parents expressing judgement of those who used such language (although in the appropriate circumstances they would ask people to refrain from doing so).

However, the above is qualified by something else Jesus says here: we should never do acts of righteousness in front of others.  When we give to charity, we should do so in a manner which makes it unlikely anyone else will notice.  When we pray or fast, the same should be the case.  In no case should we do things in order for others to notice that we have done good.  So, how do we reconcile these two things: living so righteously that it changes the behaviors of those around us and hiding our acts of righteousness from others?  I think what Jesus says in between those two things gives us the answer.  It is not enough not to murder anyone.  We should not even want to murder someone.  It is not enough to not commit sexual sins.  We need to not even think about doing so.  It is not enough not to break our oaths.  We should be so honest that we do not need to take an oath.  It is not enough to love our friends, we need to love those who hate us and wish us harm.  I want to be clear that I fail to meet this criteria, but I will continue to ask God’s Spirit to transform me into someone who does.

I think the final portion of this passage tells us the path which reconciles all of the above.  We should not worry: about meeting our material needs, or about what others will think of us, or about what others will do to us.  Instead, we should do God’s will and to do that which will further His kingdom.  He will take care of the rest.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 3, 2021 Bible Study — Produce Good Fruit Or Be Cut Down

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 1-4.

So, we finally get to the New Testament on the 3rd day of the 10th month.  Make of that what you will.  Everything I have read about the Gospel of Matthew says that he appears to have been writing in order to keep Christianity grounded in Jewish tradition.  This suggests to me that even though I would not read the Old Testament prophecies they way he did that much of the Jewish community of the First Century did (even if they did not apply the prophecies to Jesus, they saw them as applying to the Messiah).

As I read this I was thinking about how I was going to write something tying together all of the important things in this passage.  Then I got to Matthew’s introduction of John The Baptist and decided that I was going to focus on that.  Many people came out to hear John’s preaching.  They heard his message and it struck them to the heart.  So, they confessed their sins and were baptized.  When the political leaders realized what was going on, they too went out to hear John.  Except they were not there to hear the word of God.  They were there to harness the popularity of John The Baptist for their own political ends.  John The Baptist was having none of it and he called them out for their hypocrisy.  He told them, and the rest of the people listening, that it was not enough to put on the appearance of righteousness.  We need to hear that message today.  We need to both make sure that we do not fall into the trap of trying to use the show of righteousness for our own ends and call out those who are doing so.  As Jesus is quoted later, we will be judged by the fruit which we produce.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 2, 2021 Bible Study — Being Faithful To God In The Small Things And The Big Things

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Malachi 1-4.

I see two ways we may dismiss today’s passage.  First, we may say that the particular offenses which Malachi lists do not apply to us. For example, we do not offer sacrifices of animals, so we do not need to worry about offering defective animals.  But this is about the attitude, not the specific behavior.  Second, we may think that we aren’t so bad because we are only guilty of one of these, not all of them.  But I read this as responding to those who smugly think that it does not apply to them by listing another thing of which they are guilty.

Malachi (I use this as a proper name here, but it may be intended to be read as “My messenger”)  lists these various sins all the same.  Offering substandard animals is no worse, and no better, than breaking your marriage vows by getting a divorce.  Dismissing evil behavior as acceptable to God is no worse, and no better, than failing to give back to God some of the material goods with which He has blessed you.  The failure of religious leaders to faithfully teach God’s word is no worse, and no better, than those “in the pews” who say, “What’s the point of doing God’s will? The rich and powerful get away with their misbehavior.”

There is more to the above than I have been able to put into words.  Hopefully, you have read the passage and see that part as well.  However, there is one last piece to this passage.  Malachi refers to a number who heard his prophecy and feared the Lord.  They spoke to each other about how they had fallen short and how they could do better (I know, I am reading a lot between the lines here).  They committed themselves to being held accountable by each other to do according to God’s will.  And Malachi prophesied that God noticed their desire to be faithful and would bless them for it.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 1, 2021 Bible Study — When We Reject God’s Favor Disunity Follows

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Zechariah 11-14.

The first thing which struck me concerned the prophecy about breaking the staff called “Union”, which symbolized the breaking of the family bond between Judah and Israel.  Zechariah prophesied after the Return from Exile, so theoretically after the split between Israel and Judah had become moot.  However, this come just before God told Zechariah that He was going to raise up a worthless shepherd over the land, a shepherd who would not care for the lost, nor seek  the young, nor heal the injured.  This shepherd would divide the members of the flock against one another (this is me interpreting what I am reading here).  This prophecy of abandonment comes after Zechariah had prophesied that the oppressed of the flock had rejected God as their shepherd.   This gave this whole passage a meaning I had never seen before.  God has promised to protect the weak, the powerless, and the oppressed, but when those who fall into those categories reject His protection He will allow “leaders” to arise who will show them their folly.  When those whom God has vowed to protect reject His protection He will allow leaders to arise who divide them against one another and take advantage of them for the benefit of the leader.  Look around and I think you will see how that is happening today.

All of the above being said, Zechariah follows that with a prophecy of promise.  God promises that the day will come when He will pour out His Spirit on people and they will mourn for what they have done.  Then He will purify them as silver is purified by fire and they will burn like a fire in straw, purifying the world around them.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 30, 2021 Bible Study — Our Worship Rituals Should Remind Us To Show Compassion To Each Other

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Zechariah 7-10.

When some of the Returned Exiles came and asked if they should continue to fast and mourn the destruction of the Temple now that the Temple was being rebuilt (that last part is my understanding of the unstated context of the question), Zechariah asked them if that fasting and mourning was really for God?  Or was it more for themselves?  Zechariah’s answer from God tells us that God did not establish the feasts and fasts for the sake of those events.  Those events were established to remind us to show mercy and compassion to each other and to administer justice.  All of our worship rituals should serve that purpose.  If we start to view them as ends in themselves, they have become idols and we have become idolaters.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 29, 2021 Bible Study — Cleansed, Not By Might, Nor By Power, But By The Spirit Of The Lord

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Zechariah 1-6.

Zechariah begins by reminding the people of how their ancestors sin had led to the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of its people.  He then tells them that restoration took place when those same ancestors repented of their sins and accepted the punishment which God had meted out to them.  God had scattered the people if Israel to all parts of the earth.  Now He was calling them back to gather in Jerusalem once more.  But as part of this, God will be calling people of many nations to become part of His people.

Zechariah proceeds to give a message for both the High Priest and the Governor over the Returned Exiles in Jerusalem, a separate message for each, both of these message have relevance for us today.  Zechariah’s message to Joshua, the High Priest, was that Satan would accuse him before God of sin.  The accusation would have merit, but God would strip him (Joshua) of his sin and dress him in righteousness. It is only after cleansing him of his sin and dressing him in robes of righteousness that God asks Joshua to walk according to His requirements.  Something similar happens to us.  Satan, the adversary, brings us before God and accuses us of the sins which we have committed.  Often times, he is that little voice in our head which tells us that we are no good and worthless.  God neither dismisses our sins as meaningless, nor does He pretend they do not exist.  Instead, He removes them from us and washes away the filth they have placed upon our bodies and souls.  Then He dresses us in the finest clothes of righteous behavior and tells us, “Look, this is what you were made to be.”

Which brings us to Zechariah’s message to Zerubbabel, the governor.  God has given Zerubbabel a difficult task, to rebuild His Temple.  Zechariah tells Zerubbabel that he will not accomplish this task by might, nor by power.  No, he will only accomplish the tasks he has been set by the Spirit of the Living God.  In the same way, we will only live up to the beauty and righteousness of which God has shown us to be capable by His Spirit.  We will not do so by our strength, nor by our will, but only by the Spirit of the Lord.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.