Tag Archives: read the Bible in a year Bible study

September 5, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Magrat plays with Gandalf

Ecclesiastes 10-12:14

     The writer continues with a series of proverbs. Here he points out that many worthwhile tasks have dangers involved in them. Additionally, he advises to properly prepare the tool for the task at hand before beginning. He goes on to advise us to diversify our investments because we do not know what risks might destroy some of them. Seek to follow the Lord while you are young, so that you will not have regrets when you get old. Finally the writer concludes that we should fear God and obey His commands. God will judge all of our actions, both good and bad, both public and secret.

Tabitha plays with Gandalf and Magrat

2 Corinthians 8:1-15

     Paul writes to the Corinthians that the Churches in Macedonia were giving eagerly to provide help to the Christians in Jerusalem who were suffering. He tells us that they did even more than he had hoped, giving more than they could truly afford. The Churches in Macedonia begged to be allowed to share with the believers in Jerusalem, without in any way shorting the local needs. Paul is writing this reminder to the Church in Corinth to encourage them, but also to keep them from looking foolish. The idea of raising money to aid the believers in Jerusalem was first suggested by the Corinthians. He tells them to give in proportion to what they have. Give what you can and do so eagerly. Do not short your self so that others can live a life of ease. Give from your plenty to those in need and when you are in need those who then have plenty will share with you. I had never noticed this before, but there is an element in what Paul writes here that is counter to “prosperity gospel”. Prosperity theology sometimes claims that you should give according to what you want to have. If you want to earn $100,000 a year than you should be donating to charity (usually the one run by the person preaching this message) $10,000 a year. According to them, if you do that you will receive that $100,000 a year you want. However, in this passage Paul says, “And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have.” That seems to me to run exactly counter to what those prosperity gospel preachers are preaching.

Magrat plays with Gandalf

Psalm 49:1-20

     This is an interesting psalm to be reading at the same time as Ecclesiastes, because it shares a similar message. The psalmist says that he will not fear when trouble comes and enemies surround him. He does not fear because his enemies put their trust in wealth and great riches. Yet they cannot pay enough to avoid death. Death comes eventually to everyone. No one can ransom themselves from the grave. The wise and the foolish will each die in their time. In all of this he seems very pessimistic. Then he tells us the gospel. God will redeem from the grave those who rely on Him. People who boast of their wealth as if that makes them better than others will die just as animals do. Wealth does not follow us into the grave.

Tabitha plays with Gandalf

Proverbs 22:20-21

     The writer of proverbs has written many sayings that are filled with advice and knowledge. We should study them so that we can give good answers to those who question us about how to live. This verse reminds me of something I was moved to work on shortly after I started composing this blog. That is, memorizing Scripture. I made a good start. I immediately found a website that suggested what appeared to me to be a good selection of verses to memorize after rejecting several other websites with similar lists (I rejected the others because I did not think they suited my needs, not because they were flawed in any way). I even wrote the first verse in a book I carry and began working on it. I quickly memorized it, but that was as far as it went until recently, when I entered the second passage into the book and memorized it. Over the months since I began memorizing, I should have more than two passages memorized. This passage convicts me to work harder at my project of Scripture memorization.

September 4, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Gandalf and Tabitha play

Ecclesiastes 7-9:18

     This passage starts off with a series of proverbs that are good guides for life. “A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume.” “Better to be criticized by a wise person than to be praised by a fool.” “Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool.” He goes on to tell us to avoid extremes and that no one is always good and without sin. He tells us that no one can discover everything. There will always be some things that even the wisest person does not understand. The fastest and strongest do not always win. The wise and the skillful are not always wealthy. Whatever you do, do it well. And in the end, we will all die.

Gandalf stalks his prey

2 Corinthians 7:8-16

     Paul writes that he is not sorry that he wrote a previous severe letter to them. He says that he was sorry at first, because he knew it would cause them pain. However, now he is glad that he sent it because it caused them to repent and change their ways. He tells them that Godly sorrow causes us to repent and change our ways. Being sorry for something that we are going to do again is worse than of no value, it results in spiritual death. Many scholars believe that the “severe letter” Paul refers to is one that has been lost. I see no reason to think this is the case. The letter we know of as 1 Corinthians is severe enough to have engendered the feelings that Paul describes.
     Paul tells us that Godly sorrow leads to zeal and earnestness. When we feel Godly sorrow, we strive to do everything necessary to make things right. Paul had not written his letter to point out who was in the wrong and who was wronged. He seems to be saying two things here. First, there were some people who were in the wrong in the conflict in the Church. Second, now that the issue has been resolved and people have repented and changed their ways it does not matter who was wrong and who was wronged. Paul goes on to write how greatly encouraged he was by their reaction to his letter. Further Paul tells them he is delighted by the way they welcomed Titus and treated him with respect. The news that Titus brought Paul from Corinth has led Paul to have complete confidence in their faith and witness.


Psalm 48:1-14

     The psalmist is talking about the earthly city of Jerusalem, but I believe that God is speaking through the psalmist of the Heavenly Jerusalem. Either way there is much to uplift us from this psalm. The Lord is deserving of our praise. Those who gather their forces to attack that which God defends will be utterly destroyed. We should meditate on God’s unfailing love. And finally, He is our God forever and He will guide us until we die.


Proverbs 22:17-19

     Today’s proverb covers three verses. The first two tell us that we should listen to the instructions of the wise and keep wise sayings on our lips. These are things that are good to do. The third verse gives the reason to teach others. If we have been granted wisdom from God, we should teach others so that they may trust in the Lord. Of course that also tells us which teachers we should listen to; those who are teaching us to trust in the Lord.

September 3, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Tabitha and Gandalf

Ecclesiastes 4-6:12

     I struggle with Ecclesiastes. As I read it, I think I see something, then the writer goes off in another direction and I am not sure if he meant to say what I thought I saw, or something else. Nevertheless, there are a few things I see in this passage. It is better to work with someone who you can trust and rely on. Two people can fill in for each other’s weaknesses and help each other up when they inevitably stumble and fall. When you come before God, listen before you speak. Don’t spend a lot of time talking about what you are going to do, just do it. It is good and proper to take satisfaction in the food and drink one receives and to be satisfied with the work one does because these things are gifts from God.

Tabitha watches the world go by while Gandalf checks out the food

2 Corinthians 6:14-7:7

     Today’s passage starts of with Paul telling the Corinthians not to team up with unbelievers. The King James version says that we should not be unequally yoked with them. When I was growing up, and often since, this passage was referenced as an instruction against interfaith marriage. That is certainly consistent with what Paul is saying here, but it isn’t what he is saying. This is much broader than that. I believe that Paul is saying here that Christians should not go into business with non-Christians. That when Christians form groups to do good deeds, they should not form working partnerships with non-Christian organizations. Or at least be careful to ensure that if they do, the Christians are not the junior partners with little ability to influence actual policy in the project they are working on.
     In 1 Corinthians, Paul addresses division and conflict within the Church in Corinth. Now Paul writes that when he went to Macedonia, he ran into more conflict and division and he was starting to become discouraged. Then Titus arrived with word from the Church in Corinth. He told Paul how the Corinthians had taken his words to heart and resolved their conflicts in the manner which Paul had advised. Paul tells us that this encouraged him and washed away the discouragement that he was feeling. We should remember that God will provide us with the needed encouragement when we are becoming discouraged.

Magrat plays with Gandalf

Psalm 47:1-9

     This psalm rebuts those who think that Christians should always worship with quiet decorum. Our worship should be loud and boisterous so that people can tell that we are having a good time. This does not contradict Paul telling the Corinthians that the worship service should be orderly. The worship service should be orderly, but people should also be able to tell that we are enjoying ourselves.

Gandalf chases Tabitha

Proverbs 22:16

     Those who use their position to gain wealth by oppressing the poor will end in poverty, as will those who seek to show their stature by giving gifts to those richer than themselves.

September 2, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Tabitha and Gandalf

Ecclesiastes 1-3:22

     Today I begin Ecclesiastes, which are the words of “the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem.” The Teacher concludes that everything is meaningless. He tried pursuing pleasure and found it meaningless. He describes the various ways that he tried to pursue pleasure. He got drunk repeatedly and embraced the lifestyle of a Sybarite. He gathered everything a man could desire. He tried hard work and the pleasure that came from that. He found it all to be meaningless. He declares that there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and find satisfaction in hard work. These pleasures come from God. He asks, “Can we truly have pleasure apart from God?” I think that the answer to that is, “No.”
     I am going to take a slight detour here because what comes next is a passage that has special meaning to me:

For everything there is a season,
a time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
A time to search and a time to quit searching.
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear and a time to mend.
A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace.

I have always liked this passage as long as I can remember. However, my wife and I put this on bookmarks that we gave out as wedding favors. The reason we did that was because the year we got married had been a tough one for her family. It started that spring. Her father was diagnosed with cancer right about the same time that I had decided that she was the one God wished me to marry (she had made up her mind about me several years earlier, but I always have been a little slow on the uptake). The prognosis did not look good. I asked her to marry me on Mothers’ Day because I wanted to make sure that he knew I would be there for his daughter and her mother. Shortly after that, he entered hospice and he died that summer. Later that same year, my wife’s maternal grandmother died. These two occasions brought her family together. We wondered if it was appropriate to go forward with our wedding in the fall. Everyone assured us that not only was it appropriate, but the family would appreciate an opportunity to gather for a joyous occasion after so much grief. We both felt that this made the lines “A time to cry and a time to laugh, A time to grieve and a time to dance,” the perfect summation about the feelings at our wedding.
     I always struggle with Ecclesiastes. So much of it is spent on discussing the futility of life. Yet, I notice there is one thing that the author of this passage did not pursue in his search for meaning (or, at least, that he does not speak of in this section). He does not speak of seeking to find meaning through serving God and helping his fellow-man. The futility that he speaks of here is why I am not an atheist. The thought that this finite world that will come to an end some day is all that there is was more than I could bear.

Magrat on a mission

2 Corinthians 6:1-13

     Paul expresses his desire that we not only accept God’s grace, but allow it to change us. Paul speaks of how God said that at the right time He would extend His salvation to us. That time is now. I beg of you, if you are reading this and have not accepted God’s love for you through Jesus Christ, do so now. And if at some point in the past, you have done so, but have not felt the transformational power of the Holy Spirit, today is the day to seek it out. Further, I ask those of you who may be reading this who, like me, have felt the transformation of the Holy Spirit to once more seek out those aspects of your life that need to be further transformed into the likeness if Christ and ask the Spirit for that transformation. I have many such areas and I ask God to send His Spirit with power to transform them. So that I may say with Paul that I live in such a way that no one will stumble because of me. I know that I have not always lived in such a manner and I ask God’s forgiveness for those whom I have proved a stumbling block in the past.

Magrat poses

Psalm 46:1-11

     This psalm is such a powerful song. There have been many songs written based on it and several of them are quite powerful. One of those songs was set to the same music that “America the Beautiful” was later set to. One of my favorites has the following lyrics:

Be still and know that I am God,
be still and know that I am God,
be still and know that I am God.

I am the Lord that healeth thee,
I am the Lord that healeth thee,
I am the Lord that healeth thee.

In thee, O Lord, I put my trust,
In thee, O Lord, I put my trust,
In thee, O Lord, I put my trust.

I have found the advice of this psalm to be of great value. When all around me seems to be coming apart, it really helps me to just be still and remember that He is God. He is always ready to help in times of trouble, even when it seems that the mountains are crumbling into the sea around me.
Let the oceans roar and foam.
Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!

“Be still, and know that I am God!
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world.”

I will not fear when disaster strikes because God is my refuge. Many times my calmness in the face of troubles is taken as confidence in my ability to solve the problems, but such is not the case. My calmness in the face of troubles is because I know that God is in control and things will work out according to His plans.


Proverbs 22:15

     This proverb reminds us that children have a tendency to do foolish things. Sometimes the only way to teach them to not do foolish and dangerous things is by imposing physical discipline.

September 1, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Job 40-42:17

     God asks Job if he can answer His questions and Job replies that he has no answers, that he has said too much already. God further asks Job if he is willing to discredit God’s justice merely to justify himself. God then describes two creatures that are too powerful for humans to hunt. There is debate as to whether these were real creatures or mythological ones. On the one hand, the writer certainly seems to be describing creatures that he thought were real beasts. It makes no sense in this context to use creatures that are made up. On the other hand, the descriptions match up with no creatures that we are aware of living in that area in that era. I am of the mind that Behemoth and Leviathan describe real creatures that modern science believes were extinct by this time, although I do not know specifically what.
     Job responds that he was wrong to challenge God. Job takes back everything he said and repents. God then turns His attention to Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar. God tells them that they had not spoken accurately about Him as Job had done. Interestingly, Elihu is not among those at whom God expresses anger. I am glad that I am done the Book of Job for now because it is a difficult book to study in the manner I am doing this. On the other hand, I can see how it is a book that calls for regular reading in order to put everything in perspective and I am looking forward to when I get to it again next year.

2 Corinthians 5:11-21

     If we know what it is to fear God, we should work to persuade others. It is better to focus on what is in the heart than what is seen, but sometimes we need to point out accomplishments for the edification of those who only respect that. Since Christ died for everyone, those of us who still live should live, not for ourselves, but for Him. If we are in Christ, we have been recreated into a new being.
     God reconciled us to Himself through Christ. The other day I read a blog that talked about the atonement of Christ. It mentioned that a standard theory as to the nature of that atonement was that Christ received the punishment that was due to us. That is not wrong. But there is another important way to look at it. Our broken relationship with God is a result of our sin, but it is we who turn from God, not God who turns from us. God does not reject a relationship with us because of our sin. We reject a relationship with God because of our sin. Part of the reason that Christ died for us was to convince us that God still loves us despite our sin. There is much more to this than that and perhaps I will do a blog on it if the Spirit continues to move me on this subject.
     We are God’s messengers to deliver this message to people. God wishes to be reconciled with us to the point that He was willing to suffer and die, even though we were the ones who did the wrong that broke the relationship. We should be reconciled to God and spread the word to other sinners that God wants to repair the relationship with them as well.
      As I was reading this passage and looking at what it says to me, it was all over the place, jumping from one idea to another. Yet it flows smoothly and all of these ideas fit together nicely in this passage, even though as I tried to highlight them I felt like I was jumping around.

Magrat stalks

Psalm 45:1-17

     Today’s psalm reads like a royal wedding song to me. First it praises the king for his might and for his faithfulness is defending truth, humility and justice. Then it encourages the queen to put aside her homesickness for her family and friends who are now far away and take comfort in the love of her husband, the king. The lands of rulers who love justice and hate evil will thrive.

Gandalf explores

Proverbs 22:14

     Today’s proverb has an interesting construction. It tells us that the mouth of an immoral woman is a dangerous trap that those who anger the Lord will fall into. It does not say that those who fall into the trap of an immoral woman’s words (or mouth) will anger the Lord. It says that those who anger the Lord will fall into the trap. Angering God makes one susceptible to the trap of immorality.

August 31, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Gandalf and Tabitha

Job 37-39:30

     Elihu concludes by telling Job that God is more powerful than we can even imagine. He controls the thunder and the snow and the rain. God causes large bodies of water to freeze over. Elihu than challenges Job, asking him if he understands how God controls the weather. If Job can do that, then, and only then, is he competent to question God’s judgement. Elihu tells us that we cannot look at the brightness of the sun in the sky let alone the brightness of God’s glory.
     After Elihu concludes, God answers Job. God asks Job if he was there when the Earth was created. God asks Job if he can cause morning to happen? Has he explored the depths of the sea? God goes on to ask Job a long series of rhetorical questions about his knowledge and his power. I read this list of questions that God asks of Job and realize that mankind has answered some of them, but not all. And even most of those we have answered our answers are incomplete. Mankind has spent centuries studying how different aspects of the weather work and our understanding is still incomplete. And what understanding we have comes from many people combining their knowledge over all that time. Ultimately, we were not there when the Earth was created, we can only guess at what happened by extrapolating from things that we see happening today. How often do scientists go back and re-examine their assumptions about how the Earth was formed on the basis of new discoveries?

2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10

     Paul starts off with saying that he speaks because he believes. Do we speak what we believe? If we are afraid to speak out what we believe about Jesus and the resurrection of the dead, does that suggest that perhaps we do not really believe it? I think that Paul is indeed suggesting that if we believe we will speak, those around us will know our beliefs. Paul goes on to say that he is not discouraged by the infirmities of his earthly body. He tells us that the pains and dysfunctions that he suffers and which are steadily getting worse, either as a result of aging or of the hardships he endured, are of no consequence next to the spiritual renewal he is receiving. He does not focus on what can be seen and experienced but instead focuses on the unseen which is yet to come.
      Paul tells us that our earthly bodies are a tent which will be replaced by an eternal house, our heavenly bodies. Paul makes an important point here. One which we often overlook when we speak of heaven. He tells us that we will indeed have bodies in eternity. We will not just be disembodied spirits. There is some kind of physical reality to heaven, although it is one that is beyond our ability to comprehend. Paul expresses his desire to to enter heaven not as a desire to leave his body, but as a desire to enter his heavenly body. I had never noticed that this passage is a partial defense against gnosticism, which tends to view our physical bodies as evil to be suppressed. But he, also, defends against those who fear death, pointing out that as long as we remain in our earthly bodies we are physically apart from God. When we leave these earthly bodies we will enter into heavenly bodies in the presence of God. He concludes this section by proclaiming that whether he remains in this body or enters into his heavenly body his goal is to serve God.

Does anybody know the name of this plant?

Psalm 44:9-26

     In yesterday’s psalm, the psalmist told us how God won victories for those who were faithful. He gave full credit to God for his successes. Today, he speaks of the trials he now faces. This psalm tells us that sometimes those who trust and follow God will experience hardships and trials they do not understand. Yet even in those times we must call on the Lord. God’s love is unfailing and He will not try us beyond our ability to endure.

Butterfly Bush

Proverbs 22:13

     This proverb is fairly simple. The lazy person can always find an excuse to avoid hard work. We need to examine, I need to examine whether my reasons for not doing something are legitimate. or just an excuse not to work. I know that I excel at coming up with excuses not to do things, or to put things off. I must strive to be more faithful in carrying through on those things I choose to do.

August 30, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Tabby and Gandalf

Job 34-36:33

     Elihu accuses Job of arrogance. He explains that God made everyone and they all are equally important to him. We have no ability to decide when God will bring judgement against us. God will bring us before judgement when He chooses. Elihu asks who has the knowledge or power to justly criticize God’s judgement? Elihu suggests that people need to come before God with one of two declarations, “I have sinned, but I will sin no more.” Or, “I don’t know what evil I have done—tell me. If I have done wrong, I will stop at once.”
     Elihu goes on to point out that when we sin it brings no harm to God and when we do good it brings no benefit to God. Our sins and our righteousness effect only ourselves and other people. We may not see God, but He hears the cries of those in distress and brings judgement in His time. Elihu points out that God is both mighty and wise, yet He holds no one in contempt. Elihu warns us to be careful to not let wealth seduce us into sin. God is all-powerful and wise, no one is has the power, wisdom or knowledge to condemn His actions as wrong. Instead we should praise Him for His wondrous acts.

Magrat comes running

2 Corinthians 4:1-12

     Paul declares that his ministry is from God. Because of that he refuses to use deceptive or underhanded tactics to attempt to spread the Word. He will not distort God’s Word to make it more palatable to those he preaches to. I think this is an important point. We should not attempt to disguise the fact that we are preaching the Gospel. That does not mean that it is wrong to try to make our presentations entertaining, but we should not attempt to hide the fact that we are presenting the Gospel. When the Gospel is veiled and hidden from sight it is because Satan has blinded people so that they will not see the truth.
     Paul tells us that we must always make clear that we are frail servants of God’s perfection. Jesus was the only perfect man. We are imperfect sinners whose only goodness is from the Spirit working within us. The God who said, “Let there be light” is shining His light through us. We must continually give over our sinful bodies to death so that Jesus’ resurrection can be revealed through us.

Rose Bush

Psalm 44:1-8

     It is not through our strength and power that we enjoy success, but through the grace of God. The good life I lead is not because I am such a wonderful person, or because I have skills that make me better than others. It is because God has chosen to grant me these blessings. I will continue to rely on God, trusting that He will provide for me.

Potted Rose of Sharon

Proverbs 22:10-12

     There is a certain type of person who mocks those with whom they disagree. Even when they are right in the positions they take, their approach to disagreement leads to quarrels and conflict. It is better to speak graciously to those with whom you disagree. In that manner you are more likely to convince a third-party of your position. If your plans rely on treachery they are likely to be disrupted.

August 29, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Gandalf looks around

Job 31-33:33

     Job concludes by once again declaring his innocence. His list of sins that he has not committed include sins of omission as well as sins of commission. He declares that he has not lusted after women, nor has he refused to help the poor. He has not used his power against the weak, nor worshiped false gods. He did not gloat about his wealth, nor rejoice in the misfortune of others. Job then asks for someone to point out what sin he has committed. He says that if they do, he will happily confess the sin.
     At this point Job’s fourth friend, Elihu, speaks out. He was angry with Job because he refused to admit that his suffering was a result of his sin and he was angry with Job’s other friends because they had failed to refute Job’s arguments. He had waited for the others to answer Job because he was younger, but when he saw that they had no more to say, he spoke out. Elihu tells Job that he is wrong to declare that he is without sin and that God is punishing him without cause. He continues to say that Job is wrong to accuse God of not responding to people’s complaints. God does indeed speak, but people do not recognize His words. God gives people warnings in many various ways, including dreams and nightmares. He disciplines them with sickness and other misfortune. Elihu then offers Job the opportunity to say more before he goes on.

Tabby watches the world go by

2 Corinthians 3:1-18

     Paul asks if he needs a letter of recommendation to the Corinthians or from the Corinthians. He answers this question by declaring that the Corinthian believers are his letter of recommendation. Written not with ink, but by the Spirit of God. This letter is not written on stone tablets but on human hearts. And thus Paul begins to segue into his next point. Before he does that he declares that his confidence is in God through Christ, just as ours should be. Not that he is capable of doing anything on his own, what competence he has to carry out his ministry comes entirely from God. His ministry is to declare God’s new covenant that is not of written laws but of the Spirit.
     The old covenant of written laws, which came written on stone tablets, began with such glory that the people of Israel could not bear to look on Moses’ face. Moses’ put a veil over his face to prevent the people of Israel from seeing the glory of God that they could not bear to face under the old covenant. Paul tells us that even today those who seek justification through Moses’ law have a veil over their hearts when they read it such that they do not fully understand the words. That veil can only be removed through belief in Christ. When we turn to the Lord, the veil is taken away so that we can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. Then God makes us more and more like Him by gradually changing us into His image. We were created in the image of God, but sin damaged that image. Now God offers us the opportunity to have that image repaired, bit by bit, as we strive to follow Christ and acknowledge that, just as God created us to begin with, we must allow Him to recreate us in His image.

Rose of Sharon in bloom

Psalm 43:1-5

     The psalmist declares that the cure for depression is to look for God’s light and His truth and to follow them. If you are depressed, put your hope in God and praise His name. I will look to God’s light for guidance and follow it to where He wants me to go. My prayer to God today is that He shine His light on the path He wishes me to follow and place His Spirit in my heart to direct me on to that path.

Rose bush in bloom

Proverbs 22:8-9

     The first of today’s proverbs tells us that those who “plant” injustice will harvest disaster. Sometimes people justify committing injustices against others by claiming that others have committed injustices against them. This proverb tells us that doing that is like putting poison in the food I eat today because someone put poison in my food yesterday.
     The second proverb tells us that those who share their wealth with the poor will be blessed. In part that blessing is the knowledge that one has fed the poor. This proverb convicts me once again that I must reduce my debt so that I will have more to give to those in need. I must strive to work harder so that I have more resources to help those less fortunate than myself.

August 28, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Gandalf examines some wood

Job 28-30:31

     Job continues speaking in today’s passage. He discusses how man digs deep into the earth to recover precious resources. He tells us that despite mankind knowing where to find gold, silver, copper, iron, precious stones and other valuable resources, we do not know where to find wisdom. Wisdom is more valuable than all of those resources and yet no amount of them can purchase it. Only from God can we obtain wisdom. He is the only source of that precious commodity.

“The fear of the Lord is true wisdom;
to forsake evil is real understanding.”

     Job then tells us that before his trials began he was a pillar of the community. Everyone respected him and listened to his advice. He used his resources and power to help those in need, opposing those who oppressed the weak. But now, even those who everyone knows are no good dare mock him. People laugh when the “no-goods” harass him. His suffering is great and no one is helping him.

2 Corinthians 2:12-17

     Paul uses an interesting metaphor here. He says that believers are the fragrance of the knowledge of God to both the saved and the unsaved. This is a great metaphor because scents can be perceived very differently by different people. To some people a scent may be very pleasant, while other people perceive the very same scent as vile. So it is with us if we are faithful. Those who are saved perceive us as a pleasant fragrance, while those who are perishing perceive us as the smell of death. I think this is an important thing to understand. All too often, we as Christians become upset about the negative view that the world holds of Christians, but that negative view is inevitable because no one likes the smell of death. The unsaved will always have a negative view of Christians.
     Paul concludes this section by telling us that he preaches the word of God with sincerity. In this he is unlike so many who corrupt the word of God for personal profit. I think there are two warnings for us in what he says here. The first warning is to pay attention to the motives of those who preach the gospel and to be suspicious of the teachings of those who are profiting from doing so because they will often distort the gospel in order to increase their own profits. The second warning is to warn us against doing the same thing. Paul tells us that he preached the true gospel without distortion because he knew that God was watching him. This is a warning to us that we also should preach the true gospel without distortion because God is watching us. We should preach the gospel with sincerity and not for self-aggrandizement.

Cucumber flower

Psalm 42:1-11

     The psalmist says that he thirsts for God in the same way that a deer thirsts for water. As I read this today, I realized that the psalmist was suffering from depression when he wrote this. The psalmist tells us that he remembered when his life was joyful. He associated with others who were worshiping God. He sang for joy and gave thanks. Now, he is discouraged and sad. However, the psalmist also recognized the cure for his depression. The cure was to put his hope in God and to praise Him once again. This is easier said than done when we are facing the demons of depression, but if we discipline ourselves to do so, it does work. We must remember to praise God when times are good and when times are bad. If we remember to praise God when times are good, it is easier to praise God when times are bad.

Black-eyed Susans

Proverbs 22:7

     Another proverb that tells us that we should stay out of debt. I am convicted of this and will strive to get out of debt as fast as my finances will allow. There is more to this than that though. These passages are an indicted of my financial habits, but they are also an indictment of many Christians in this country. All too many of us are too willing to take on debt.

August 27, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Gandalf & Tabby

Job 23-27:23

     Job declares that he would like to go before God’s court and make his case, but he does not know where to find it. Job expresses the common human desire for God to explain why things are the way they are. Nevertheless, Job is confident that God knows where to find him and that when God tests him he will come out pure. He tells us that God will do whatever He has planned and controls our destiny. Job then asks why the wicked are not brought to judgement. Job in this speech asks why the good suffer and the wicked prosper, a question that people ask time and again.
     Bildad again responds to Job and tells him that he must be guilty of some great sin, because no one is innocent before God. Job replies very sarcastically, thanking Bildad for his great wisdom, essentially telling him that what he said was useless even if true. Job then discusses how powerful God is. He explains that what we can see of God’s power is just a small part of it, that God’s power is so great and wonderful that we cannot even begin to comprehend it. Job proclaims once more that he will not tell lies. After having in previous speeches said that the wicked prosper and are not punished, here Job says that God will indeed punish the wicked, that their prosperity is fleeting and disaster will come upon them.

2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11

     Paul starts off this section with two things that call for our attention. The first thing is something that we should try to imitate. Paul tells them that he has conducted himself with holiness and sincerity that are from God. That his actions do not derive from human wisdom, but from God’s grace. This reminds me of a discussion I had about my congregation’s worship team the other week. I expressed my dissatisfaction with an aspect of it and the person I was talking to responded with, “I feel the same way, but studies show…” and in their mind that was the end of the discussion. I think this points up a flaw in much of the thinking we use to conduct Church today, an over reliance on human wisdom. The first question about a program in the Church should not be, “What is the most effective way to do this?” The first question should be, “What is God’s way to do this?” I am not claiming that the way I would like to my congregation to conduct worship services is God’s way to do it. I do not know, but I think we should pray about it and try to design our worship services around God’s will, not just around “what works” according to man’s definition of working. When we plan our programs in the Church we should seek God’s plan for those programs and the words “studies show…” should not be the end of the discussion (although they do have a place in the discussion).
     The second thing that calls for our attention is that Paul tells us that he does not write anything that we cannot understand. Paul expresses the feeling that the Corinthians only partially understood his earlier writings. But he also expresses the hope and expectation that they will come to fully understand what he wrote. I think this is an important message for us and I think it applies not just to Paul’s writing but to all of Scripture. There is nothing in Scripture that we cannot understand. There may be passages that we do not understand, but if we turn to God and ask for His Spirit’s guidance we can come to understand them. This is why I am doing this Bible Study blog to read through the Bible in a year. There are passages I do not understand. I fully believe that part of understanding them is seeing how they fit in with other Scripture. Which means that I must become more familiar with all of Scripture and that means reading through the Bible on a regular basis.
     Ordinarily, after what I have already written about this passage I would move on to the psalm, but there is another segment of this passage that I think needs to be highlighted. In 1 Corinthians Paul wrote about a man who needed to be disciplined by the Church. Here Paul tells them that the man has expressed his remorse and changed his ways. Now it is time for the Church to welcome him back and forgive him. This passage is the other side of Church discipline that too often those Christians who do practice Church discipline do not follow through on. Once the Church has disciplined a believer and the believer acknowledges their sin and turns from it, the Church must welcome them back and offer them forgiveness. They must be brought back in and shown the love of the brotherhood once again. Church discipline is not about punishment. It is about restoring people to a right relationship with God.

2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11

     The psalmist says that those who are kind to the poor will be blessed. Other translations say that those who have regard for the weak will be blessed. In both cases it carries a sense of providing aid for those who cannot for one reason or another fully care for themselves and do not have the ability to repay us for what we do for them. But then the psalmist says something interesting, “Heal me, for I have sinned against You.” That phrasing seems awkward, asking God for healing because we have sinned. What is the psalmist getting at here? Some other translations read, “Heal my soul,…”. Certainly it is easier to understand if we take it as a request for soul healing because our souls need healing as a result of our sins. I think that gives me the insight to see what the psalmist is saying (or at least what the Spirit is saying to me today through this passage). When we sin it results in us needing healing. Sometimes that healing is of no more than our soul, but often times our sin leads to our physical bodies being damaged as well. When we have sinned we need God’s healing of our souls, our minds and our bodies.

Gandalf uses Tabby as a pillow

Proverbs 22:5-6

     The first of today’s proverbs tells us that the path followed by the wicked has many dangers and those who value life will avoid such a path. The second proverb tells us that if parents direct their children on to the right path the children will not depart from it. Does this mean that every time people turn out badly it is a result of the failure of the parents? I don’t know. I do know that all of the circumstances where I witnessed the parenting as an adult where the child turned out badly the parents were guilty of bad parenting. On the other hand, I know several people who turned out badly, yet all of their siblings have followed their parents in following the Lord. So, I just don’t know. I do know that those people who I have witnessed raise their children well, the children have turned out well and those people I have witnessed modeling bad behavior for their children have had children who follow that model. I do however know parents whose children turned out badly that I cannot imagine not modeling good behavior for their children, but I did not know them while they were raising their children.