Tag Archives: read the Bible in a year Bible study

November 25, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Deep Creek Lake in the Fall

Daniel 1-2:23

     Today I begin reading the book of Daniel. The book starts with the story of how Daniel and his three friends ended up in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar. As young men they were brought into exile in Babylon and chosen to serve in the court along with other young men in exile. From other sources, I have come to the belief that part of the reason that the young men in this program were chosen was because they were not Chaldeans (the name of the ethnic group that ruled Babylon) and thus were not threats to attempt to usurp the throne. The mental image I always have of these young men is of 18-20 year-olds. However, it is likely that they were actually probably just entering puberty and thus were about 10-12 years old.
     The king directed that they be fed the same type of food which he ate. This food was not kosher, but relative to the story, it was also probably very fatty. Daniel and his three friends (an interesting side note at this point. We know Daniel by his Hebrew name, Daniel, but his three friends by their Babylonian names, Shadrach, Meshach,and Abednego) did not want to eat this food because it was not kosher (and possibly because they did not like the way it looked/tasted. They were after all at an age when children are often particular about what they will eat). Nevertheless it is notable that Daniel was willing to stand up to those who had been put into authority over them and request different food. The chief of staff was hesitant to feed them differently because he believed that the food the king was providing was what would provide for the young men to grow and develop into strong and intelligent men. Daniel shows his wisdom. Rather than throw a tantrum and refuse to eat, he suggests a trial. The chief of staff will feed them only kosher food (and since there was no kosher meats available at that time and place, that meant all vegetables) for ten days. In addition, they would drink only water. Daniel suggested that at the end of ten days the chief of staff could compare what they looked like to the other boys and make his decision based on that. This suggests that Daniel had some understanding of good nutrition. At the end of the ten days, the four boys looked much healthier than their contemporaries. The story then tells us that these four young men demonstrated an unusual aptitude for learning. If we think about it, it makes perfect sense. Their contemporaries were feasting and drinking every day on the food and wine provided by the king, while Daniel and his three friends were eating healthily and drinking water. Even if the four of them did not study more than their contemporaries, they would have been mentally prepared to get more out of their studies because their minds would not have been fogged by alcohol. The difference was so profound that they clearly stood out when they were brought before the king.
     Shortly after the four had “graduated” and entered into service of the king, the king began suffering nightmares. He gathered his court soothsayers. I note two interesting points about this. The first is that the list of those the king called are variations of those who claim magical powers as the basis for their wisdom. The second is that Daniel and his friends were not among those called. The king asked the magicians (I will use this term to separate them from the group of wise men that included both them and those who did not claim magical powers) he had gathered to tell him what his dreams meant, without revealing what those dreams were. The magicians responded that such a thing was impossible, that there was no way for them to know what the king’s dreams were. That only a god would know that and none of them were gods. The king was furious that they could not tell him what his dreams were and ordered that all of his court wise men be executed. The king had correctly concluded that the magicians were primarily a bunch of con artists who used tricks and subterfuge to make it seem as if they had magical powers. The thing he overlooked was that he had at least four advisers who did not claim magical powers. When the commander of the kings guard came to arrest Daniel and his friends they were unaware of what had happened (not having responded to the first summons since they did not claim any magical powers). When they found out what this was all about Daniel went to the king and requested some time to interpret the dream. The king granted him his request. Daniel went home and held a prayer meeting with his three roommates (OK, I am guessing the part about them being roommates and the prayer meeting part is just my interpretation). That night Daniel received a vision answering the king’s question about his dreams. Daniel’s response was to praise God and give all credit for the answer to God. Refusing in any way to take credit for the answer himself, not even to the point of implying that getting the answer was a result of his special relationship with God. Daniel’s prayer of praise contains within it the idea that anyone who was willing to subject themselves to God could have asked and received the answer. Do we have the faith to ask God for these sorts of answers? And as importantly, do we have the humility to acknowledge that when we get these answers it is not because we are somehow special?

Tree Fallen Into the Lake

1 Peter 3:8-4:6

     Peter tells us to be of one mind with our fellow believers. We are to love each other with tender hearts and a humble attitude. We should not respond in like fashion to those who treat us badly and/or insult us. Instead we should bless those who mistreat us and talk about the good things we see in them. Peter points out that few will desire to harm us if we are always eager to do good. And even if we are persecuted for doing good, that is better than to be punished for doing wrong. God will reward us for doing good, even if those of the world mock and mistreat us for it. We need to be prepared to explain our faith when people question us as to how we can live our lives as we do (and hopefully we are living our lives in a way that glorifies God). But when we give that explanation, we are to be gentle and respectful (I believe that for many of us–definitely myself included–this is the hardest part). If we follow Peter’s instructions when people speak against us they will be shamed as others compare their slanders with our actual behavior (and perhaps those slandering us will be ashamed of saying such malicious things and come to know the Lord).
     Peter tells us that we should be prepared to suffer for our faith because Christ Himself suffered even though He was sinless. He tells us that when we experience physical suffering for our faith, it will make us even more determined to be faithful to God. As we choose to avoid drunkenness and wild parties, immorality and lust, and other self-destructive behavior, those around us who seek fulfillment in such things will be surprised and slander us. They will call us prudes and killjoys (and worse). Let us remember the joy that comes from serving the Lord.
Restored Deep Creek Riparian Zone[/caption]

Psalm 119:65-80

     The Lord has indeed done many good things for me. I believe that His commands (even though I often fail to keep them) are the path to happiness and fulfillment. I request that He give me good judgement and knowledge of what He desires me to do. I value God’s commands more than I value any amount of wealth. I was created by God, it makes sense that following His instructions is the path to the greatest happiness and health. I know that the difficult times (and truth be told, they have not really been that difficult) I have experienced are necessary discipline to teach me to follow God’s commands more closely. Let me form more close friendships with those who are striving to serve God, so that they may strengthen me and I them. Let me follow God’s commands in all that I do, so that I never need be ashamed.

Milkweed Pods

Proverbs 28:14

     Those who fear to do wrong will be blessed, but those who stubbornly refuse to accept admonishment will soon find more trouble than they bargained for.

November 24, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

God’s Paint-By-Numbers Green Lane Edition #288

Ezekiel 47-48:35

     Ezekiel next described a river that flowed out from the Temple that got deeper as if got further from the Temple. He said that life would flourish wherever this river flows. The river would flow into the Dead Sea making it fresh and full of fish. He tells us that the marshes and swamps around the Dead Sea will still be salty. Many trees will grow alongside this river and life will flourish wherever it flows. The trees that grow along the river will never lose their leaves and they will always be full of fruit.
     This passage is part of several in the Bible which talk about the River of Life that flows forth from God. I do not know if Ezekiel was talking about a metaphorical river here or if he was describing something that will actually happen where enough water is washing down into the Dead Sea for it to become a fresh water lake. Today however I will treat it as being metaphorical (because I think the metaphor has value). The Dead Sea supports no animal life of any kind (fish, reptile, amphibian or mammal). Yet Ezekiel tells us that when the River of God starts flowing into it from Jerusalem it will come to life and support an abundance of fish and other sources of food. This is a great metaphor for the impact of Jesus on people’s lives. Areas of their self that have been dead come to life. And as we drink from the River of Life it gets deeper because God comes to live within us and we become a source for that River as well. Let us drink deeply from the River of Life and invite God into our hearts so that His water can flow out from us to refresh those around us.

Deep Creek Lake

1 Peter 2:11-3:7

     Since we are temporary residents and foreigners in this world we should be careful not to give in to the desire to be part of this world. We should be careful to live properly and honorably among our unbelieving neighbors so that even when they accuse of us wrongdoing they will see our honorable behavior and give glory to God. Peter is not satisfied to tell us to live honorable lives. He follows it up by giving us instructions on how to do so. He tells us that we should respect all human authority. That while Christ has set us free we should not use that freedom as an excuse to do evil. He tells us that in our work we should accept the authority of those over us and treat them with respect, even if their behavior is not worthy of respect. We should do what we know is right and patiently endure unjust treatment. When we suffer for being good we should endure it patiently because this pleases God.
     He goes on to tell wives that they should accept their husband’s authority. He says that they should do this so that even if their husband refuses to accept the Gospel, he may be won over by their pure and reverent life. Further Peter tells women that they should not be concerned with external beauty–fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, and beautiful clothes. Instead they should focus on the beauty that comes from within, the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit that never fades. Then he says the part that so many overlook in their outrage over this. Husbands are to give honor to their wives in the same way that wives are to accept their husband’s authority. Peter tells husbands that their wife is their equal and that they should treat her as such. He tells us that not doing so will hinder our prayers. An important point in this is that the instruction to the husband is not conditional upon the wife accepting the husband’s authority just as the instruction to the wife is not conditional upon the husband giving honor to the wife. We are each accountable for fulfilling our side of the bargain, irrespective of whether our spouse is fulfilling their side.

Another View of Deep Creek Lake

Psalm 119:49-64

     God’s promise to me provides me with comfort whenever I face trials and troubles. I will follow the Lord’s instructions even in the face of mocking by those who do not believe. O Lord I strive to follow the psalmist’s example and spend my life following Your commands. Do not let evil people entice me into disobeying your commands. Teach me Your decrees Lord, so that I may gain wisdom.

Magrat Stalking a Leaf

Proverbs 28:12-13

     Everyone is happy to see the success of those who serve the Lord, but when the wicked rise to power people hide in fear. When we succumb to sin, we are better served to confess those sins and turn from them than to attempt to conceal them from others. All too often I have struggled with situations because I tried to cover up my failings and sins, when if I had openly confessed my failure I could have resolved the problem and put it behind me.

November 23, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Fall day at Green Lane Park

Ezekiel 45:13-46:24

     In today’s passage Ezekiel describes the sacrifices and rituals that are to be performed after the children of Israel are restored from exile. As I read this I can see the beauty and solemnity of the rituals. There is a certain quality to rituals that allows us to submerge our concerns for our daily troubles into worship of the Lord. It is a fine line because all too easily the ritual becomes the focus rather than something that places our focus on God. I struggle with the issue of rituals because, as a Mennonite, I come from a tradition that has focused more on the dangers of rituals than the benefits. I will strive to develop rituals that allow me to submerge my concerns for the issues of daily life and place my focus on God.

1 Peter 1:13-2:10

     Peter tells us to think clearly and exercise self-control. We must not slip into living to satisfy our own desires. We should strive to be holy, just as God is holy. God paid a price to rescue us from the empty meaningless life we led before His Spirit came upon us. God does not play favorites so we must live in reverent fear of Him, recognizing that we are foreigners in this world. We place our trust in God because He raised Jesus from the dead. In response to this wondrous gift let us show sincere love for one another.
     We need to avoid all sorts of dishonesty and deceit. It is not enough that what we say is technically true. We are to avoid telling people partial truths that we know will lead them to believe something that is not true. Further we need to avoid hypocrisy, jealousy and unkind speech. We need to avoid all that because we are being built into God’s Temple with Jesus as the cornerstone. We must avoid behaviors that might block others from coming to Christ and worshiping God. Instead we should offer spiritual sacrifices that are pleasing to God. I need to sacrifice my desires and the things that I desire in order to better serve the Lord. I will trust that the Temple that God is building with Christ as the cornerstone will be an architectural masterpiece despite the critiques of those who do not trust in Christ.

Another View Across the Lake

Psalm 119:33-48

     These two stanzas are indeed my prayer today. O Lord give me the wisdom to follow Your commands, Make me eager to do your will rather than eager to acquire wealth. Turn my eyes away from the worthless things of this world and instead focus my sight upon you. Help me to abandon my shameful, sinful ways so that I may live to bring glory to Your Name.
     I ask O Lord that you do not take your word of truth from me. I will study God’s words and hide them in my heart so that I may meditate on them all of my days. Let me not be ashamed to speak of God’s commands and what they mean to me, whether I am speaking to the rich and powerful or to the poor and lowly. I resolve to follow the Lord’s commands and delight in them in the face of any ridicule that comes my way.

God’s Paint-By-Numbers Green Lane Edition #289

Proverbs 28:11

     The rich often mistake their ability to gather wealth for wisdom, but the poor person with understanding is not fooled.

November 22, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Blue Bird Houses

Ezekiel 44-45:12

     Ezekiel continued to describe the vision he had of a new Temple and its rituals. He condemned the people of Israel for hiring foreigners to oversee the Temple in the time before the exile. He told them that in the new Temple no one who has not surrendered themselves completely to the Lord will be allowed into the sanctuary of the Temple. When I read this I think of the professional pastors I have met who are not sure that they believe in the Resurrection, yet are still employed as pastors in various churches, or the seminary professors who say that it would in no way damage their faith to learn that Jesus had never actually lived.
     Ezekiel described more of the rituals and rules concerning the rebuilt Temple and who could serve there. Then he gave rules for princes. He told them that they should not cheat people out of their homes. They should use honest weights and measures. The same standard of weights and measures should be used by everyone and used for every customer. I believe there are two, not exactly the same lessons here. First, units of measure should be standard so that people know what they are getting for their money. Second merchants should apply true measures of that standard. This is related to yesterday’s lesson on honesty and integrity. I would take it further to say that a merchant should have one price for everyone although that is going a bit beyond what this particular passage says. A price that is clearly stated for all to see. I am not saying that I have a problem with volume discounts. What I am talking about is a different price for Sally than for Joe when in all other ways the purchases are the same.

Deep Creek Lake

1 Peter 1:1-12

     Today I begin reading Peter’s first letter. We have an inheritance that is beyond price that we have received through God’s great mercy by way of Jesus death and resurrection. It is being kept for us in heaven beyond the reach of change and decay. Unlike Social Security, or our retirement funds, we know that it will be there in its full amount when we get there. Social Security and our retirement funds are guaranteed by mere humans and are no more reliable than any other human promise. Our heavenly inheritance is guaranteed by God and can be relied upon to be as He promises.
     So even though we have to face many trials in this life, we should be glad. Those trials merely test and purify our faith as fire tests and purifies gold. We love Christ even though we have never seen Him. We trust Him even though we cannot see Him. We will receive the salvation of our souls as a reward for our trust. Peter wrote of the joy we get from exercising this trust and I must say that it is true. I have experienced a great joy when in the face of difficult times I have been able to fully put my trust in God. We have received the Good News through the agency of those who have preached it in the power of the Holy Spirit. Do we allow the Spirit to move in us so as to preach the Good News to those around us? Do we allow the power of the Holy Spirit to move through us? Do we seek for the Holy Spirit to move through us to preach the Good News to those we meet?

God’s Paint-By-Numbers Earth, Sky and Water #278

Psalm 119:17-32

     The psalmist asks the Lord to be good to him so that he can obey the Lord’s commands. I strive to desire good so that I may serve the Lord. Help me Lord to overcome my tendency to use the good you give me for my own pleasures rather than in service to You. Please Lord let the desire to obey Your commands overwhelm me. Renew my determination to meditate on Your words. Remind me of the wisdom of following Your instruction.
     Like the psalmist I will strive to lay my plans out before the Lord and wait for Him to offer corrections to them. I do not wish to make plans that do not have God’s approval. I will test my plans by meditating on God’s words and actions. I will call on the Lord to keep me from lying to myself and show me how to keep His commands. I have chosen to be faithful, but I am human and fail. Help me Lord to cling to your laws and commands. As I pursue following the Lord’s commands, He grants me new understanding.

God’s Paint-By-Numbers Earth, Sky and Water #281

Proverbs 28:8-10

     Those who profit from mistreating the poor will find their fortunes in the hands of those more caring. Those who petition God in prayer must respect the laws and orderly behavior. Those who deceive good people into following evil plans will suffer from the results of those plans.

November 21, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Christmas Cactus Closeup

Ezekiel 42-43:27

     Ezekiel continues his description of the new Temple he sees in a vision. Ezekiel goes on to describe his vision of the presence of the Lord entering into the new Temple. In this God told Ezekiel why He had sent Israel into exile. He had done so because they worshiped idols alongside of worshiping Him. They placed the altars to the idols right next to where the Lord had made His residence. Considering that God has now made His residence within us, how much more does our idolatry today grate on His righteousness? Just as Ezekiel said that the Israelites in exile should have been ashamed of their idolatry, we should be ashamed of ours. Let us stop worshiping other gods and honoring relics so that God will live within us forever.

Practicing for Thanksgiving Service

James 5:1-20

     Today’s passage in James gives one of the strongest condemnations of the wealthy in the Bible, and one of the least conditional. It is a condemnation of those who live well by oppressing the poor, those who have gotten wealthy through cheating and mistreating the impoverished. Those of us who live in developed nations need to think about where we get our goods. Does the vendor who provides them to us get them at a discounted price because those who produce them are mistreated. Understand that my application of this to those living in developed nations does not mean that those who do not live in developed nations can ignore this, just that I do not have enough information to talk about how it applies there. I will not attempt to give guidelines on how to address this issue because all of the campaigns I have seen that speak of this issue have been co-opted to serve other agendas. But it is something for each of us who strives to serve the Lord to think about.
     James goes on from there to tell us to be patient as we wait for the Lord’s return. In the middle of talking about patience, he tells us not to grumble about each other, warning us that we will be judged by the same standard we use to judge others. He goes on to tell us not to take oaths. Our honesty should be such that no one needs us to take an oath to be sure that what we are saying is as true as we know how to make it. In a court of law witnesses are asked to take an oath that what they are about to say is “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” That should be how we communicate at all times.
     James concludes the book by discussing the power of prayer. We are to confess our sins to one another and pray for each other. Let us strive to be dedicated in prayer, remembering that prayer is not just about telling God what we want but listening to what He wants. I know that I need to pray more earnestly. James tells us to turn our efforts to bringing back to the Lord those who turn away and fall into sin. This instruction is an interesting counterbalance to his earlier commands not to judge others.

Discussing Microphone Placement

Psalm 119:1-16

     Today I begin Psalm 119 the longest chapter in the Bible. It is composed of a series of stanzas each of which starts with one of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Today I read the first two.
     The beginning of this follows on the section of James I just read very well. I just read in James that I should always speak the truth so that no one needs ask me to take an oath. This psalm starts off by telling me that people of integrity are joyful. A person of integrity follows God’s commands and does not compromise with evil. If my actions always reflected God’s decrees, I would never be ashamed (nor even have any reason to be). The way I can thank God for His goodness is by living as I should. The way to stay pure is to follow God’s commands. If I work hard at finding God, He will keep me from straying from His commands. It is when I allow other things to take my focus off of God that I stray into sin. I need to work at hiding more of His word in my heart by memorizing more scripture. Dear Lord, let me never forget your word.

Smoky Makes a New Friend

Proverbs 28:6-7

     How perfectly today’s passages fit together. Our proverb tells us that it is better to be poor and honest than dishonest and rich. James told us that the dishonest rich had much to fear and that those who strive to follow God should never need to take an oath because their honesty would be taken for granted. Let us strive to fall into the latter class and not the former.

November 20, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I am back to a routine. It is not the same as my old routine, but I think it will work out well. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Christmas Cactus

Ezekiel 40:28-41:26

     In today’s passage Ezekiel further describes the rebuilt Temple he sees in his vision. He gives detailed measurements and descriptions of the furnishings and decorations. I am sure there is deep spiritual significance to all of this for some, but none that the Spirit is revealing to me today.

Two Women Talking After Worship

James 4:1-17

     James diagnoses what causes quarrels and fights within the Church (and among humans in general). He tells us that it results from our evil desires. He does not stop there. He goes on to define evil desires. He tells us that evil desires are desires for things purely for our own pleasure. We are jealous of what others have and we cannot get it, so we fight to take it away from them (sound familiar?). We do not have what we want because we do not ask God for it. This is starting to sound like “prosperity gospel”. But then James hits us with this, even when we do ask for it, we ask only for that which gives us pleasure, rather than for that which will make us better servants of God. I know that I am guilty of this. Even worse (or at least, just as bad), I ask for things to further serve God, then, all to often, I use them for my pleasure.
     In either case, doing this is an indication that we are valuing this world more than we are valuing God, which is a form of idolatry. Our loyalty is divided between God and the world and God desires our undivided loyalty. If we humble ourselves before God and resist the temptation from the devil, the devil, and temptation, will flee from us. We should have sorrow and grief for the sins we have committed where we have indulged our own pleasures rather than helping those in need. I need to recognize how often I have failed to do that which the Spirit has convicted me that I ought to do. Failing to do that which you know that you ought to do is just as much of a sin as doing that which you know that you ought not do.
     Finally, there are two other points James makes in this passage. We are not to slander one another. We should not attempt to judge another person’s motives. We should obey God’s instructions as best we understand them, not try to find reasons why they do not apply to us. We should focus on doing God’s will as the Spirit has guided us rather than on whether someone else is doing wrong. The other point he brings up is that we should remember that all of our plans are conditional on the will of God. We should not boast about what we are going to do because perhaps God has other plans for us. We should do today the things that we know are God’s will, not put them off until tomorrow. Additionally, we should understand that as noble as our plans may be, God may have other plans for us that will preclude us completing those plans.

Fellowship After Worship Service

Psalm 118:19-29

     When the gates which lead to the presence of the Lord are opened I will enter in. We as humans have little understanding of God’s plans. Human builders rejected as unfit the stone which God selected as the cornerstone of the building. The results of God’s plans are wonderful. This day has come about because the Lord has made His plans and caused them to come to pass despite human thoughts and actions. Let us call on the Lord to bring us salvation and success. The Lord is my God and I will praise Him. He brings me victory. I trust Him because I know that He is faithful.

Three Women Practicing for Thanksgiving Service

Proverbs 28:3-5

     When the poor oppress the poor it is even more destructive than when the rich do so. Those who reject the law empower the wicked. The way to fight the wicked is to strengthen the law. The law is not something that changes from person to person. Evil people do not understand justice, let alone strive for it.

November 19, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I am back to a routine. It is not the same as my old routine, but I think it will work out well. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Burning Leaves

Ezekiel 39-40:27

     Ezekiel continues his prophecy against Gog. I remember that in the 1970s people pointed out that this passage sounded a lot like a nuclear war and its aftermath. At the time, I could not imagine how the then current geopolitics and distribution of nuclear weapons could possibly fit into this prophecy. This is no longer true. I am not sure what this prophecy is foretelling, but I could imagine the Muslim nations of the Middle East, including Iran and Turkey this time, massing their armies to attack Israel. And with the current world situation and the threat of a nuclear Iran, I could see Israel responding with nuclear weapons, something I could not imagine in the 1970s. The next part of the passage seems to imply that Israel will rebuild the Temple after this mighty battle, which also makes sense to me. After such an overwhelming defeat of the armies of the Muslim nations of the Middle East there would no longer be any reason for Israel to make the attempt at pretending that they can maintain the goodwill of Muslims by not destroying the Dome of the Rock.
     All of that being said, I cannot reconcile that reading of the prophecy (or any other that I have so far come up with) with my understanding of the New Testament explanation of how God is now working in the world since the death and resurrection of Jesus. I am sure that in time God will make this clear to me (although perhaps not in this life). I do know that the important thing to remember is that God will act through history to bring glory to His name.

Burning Leaves

James 2:18-3:18

     James continues with his exposition of how faith without works is meaningless. He shows us how the great examples of faith in the Old Testament acted on that faith. He asks us how we will demonstrate our faith without action. He uses this to bring home the idea that true faith results in action and that we can tell what people truly believe by what they do (and they can tell what we believe by what we do).
     He then goes on to tell us that not many of us should become teachers in the Church because teachers will be judged more strictly. I have always seen this interpreted that God holds those who are teachers in the Church to a higher standard, but reading it today I do not think that is what James is saying. I think he is talking about the standard those around us hold us to. I think that fits it into the context better. Immediately after telling us that those who are teachers in the Church will be held to a higher standard he goes on to discuss the importance of controlling our tongues. He gives us examples of how small things can have large consequences. In the same way, some things we say that we give little thought to can have a big impact. We need to think carefully before we say things. All too often we allow both positive and negative things to come out of our mouths. We take the attitude that it is not a big deal. But James tells us that it is a big deal. He tells us that you cannot draw fresh water from a salty spring. The foul language I use and the unjust criticism of others I speak negates the positive things that I say (perhaps not all the time, but more than I would wish).
     We are to live our lives doing good works with humility. If we do this, we will demonstrate that we have God’s wisdom in our lives. Wisdom is pure. It is peace-loving and gentle at all times, willing to yield to others. It does not show favoritism and is always sincere. I pray to God that He will help me to demonstrate these characteristics in the future.

On the Shore of the Lake

Psalm 118:1-18

     The Lord is indeed good. When we pray to the Lord, He will answer us. The Lord is for me so I will have no fear. What can people do against me when the Lord stands as my defense? I will turn to the Lord for my defense and rescue rather than rely on humans, no matter who they might be. Even if the entire world comes against me, they will have no effect as the Lord is my defender. It is by the power of the Lord that I have victory. I live to tell of what the Lord has done.

Across the Lake

Proverbs 28:2

     The government of a nation is only as sound as the morals of the people. If you think that the government is unjust and flawed, look to your own morals.

November 18, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I am back to a routine. It is not the same as my old routine, but I think it will work out well. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Rock By the Lake

Ezekiel 37-38:23

     Ezekiel prophesied that in the future God would speak His message to the dried and scattered bones that were the people of Israel. By the power of His word, He would put flesh and skin on those bones. Then He would breathe life into them again. When He had done this He would gather His children together and give them the land of Israel once more. When this happened all would know that He is Lord.
     Ezekiel then had a different but related prophecy. He prophesied that the divided people would be united once more into one people. Ezekiel prophesied that God would gather the Northern Tribes and the Tribes that composed the Kingdom of Judah into one nation once more. People speak of the “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel”, but there are no lost tribes. When the Kingdom of Judah went into exile, they joined their relatives already in exile from the Kingdom of Israel. The important point of this prophecy is that God was going to bring the people of Israel back as a united people and give them the land of Israel once more. When God does this, He will give them the land until the end of time.
     Ezekiel concludes today’s section with a prophecy against Gog of the land of Magog, who rules over Meshech and Tubal. Ezekiel tells us that this leader will gather his armies and that other peoples will ally with him. He will attack Israel in an attempt to plunder the land. Ezekiel prophesied that despite gathering a mighty army from many nations, they would suffer a defeat that was disastrous for their armies. This certainly sounds like the various Arab wars against the modern state of Israel. It could also indicate an even more encompassing war yet to come. The important point about this prophecy is that it tells us that Israel will survive these assaults, not because the people of Israel are deserving, but because God has chosen to honor His name by defending them.

Fall Day at Green Lane Park

James 1:19-2:17

     James starts this section by giving us sage advice. We are to be quick to listen and slow to speak. I struggle with this, I want to give people my opinion on issues. In addition to being slow to speak, we are to be slow to anger because human anger does not produce the righteousness (or justice) that God desires. We must get rid of the filth and evil in our lives, a task easier said than done. Above all we must accept the word that God has put within us with humility. It is not, however, enough to listen, we must act on what we hear. We must take the actions that God instructs us to. One of those actions is to control our tongues. That goes in part with the being slow to speak from above, but it is more than that. We must strive to control what sorts of things we say so that all of our words may honor God. James tells us what true religion is. It is caring for widows and orphans, the truly powerless. There is one more bit to it. We are to keep the world from corrupting us.
     James further tells us that we should not favor some people over others. In particular, we should not favor the rich over the poor. This is a challenge that every church body will struggle with. You need money to operate. Money to pay the bills. Money to pay for maintenance on the buildings where you meet. So, it is tempting to favor those who have money to give to help cover those bills, but it is wrong. We are to have faith in God that He will provide the funds necessary to pay those bills. If we are serving God’s will, He will provide the resources to continue.
     Today’s passage concludes with the key element of the book of James. Faith that does not result in action is no faith at all. If we truly believe something, we will act accordingly. If we claim to care for the poor, but do nothing for them it is clear that we do not really care. My father told a story that illustrated this. I am sure he got the story from someone else, but I do not know where it came from.

A tightrope walker set up a rope across Niagara Falls. As a crowd gathered he walked across the Falls to the crowds amazement. Next, he walked across the rope blindfolded. Then he crossed the Falls pushing a wheelbarrow. Finally, he turned to the crowd and said, “Now I am going to push the wheelbarrow across the Falls with someone in it. Do you believe that I can do it?”
Many in the crowd replied, “Yes, we believe that you can do it.”
The tightrope walker pointed to one of those who said “Yes” and told him, “OK, then hop in.”

My father concluded this story by saying, “Faith is getting into the wheelbarrow.” Are we willing to get into that wheelbarrow? Do we really believe that God can get us safely to the other side?

Amphitheater By the Lake

Psalm 117:1-2

     Praise the Lord for His unfailing love endures forever.

Decked Out for Fall

Proverbs 28:1

     The wicked are easily frightened because they know what they would do if they had the upper hand. The godly on the other hand do not fear, for the same reason.

November 17, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I am back to a routine. It is not the same as my old routine, but I think it will work out well. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

God’s Paint-By-Numbers Earth and Sky #277

Ezekiel 35-36:38

     Ezekiel continued his prophesies against Israel’s neighbors by prophesying against Edom. He condemned them for the joy they took in the downfall of the people of Israel and for Edom’s plans to take control of the land of Israel with no concern for the Lord. They defied the Lord in their boasts. Ezekiel told them that the whole earth would rejoice when they are made desolate. This sounds like a warning to modern day Israel’s neighbors. God may have brought judgment on the people of Israel, but those who contributed to their suffering and rejoiced in it will suffer a similar fate. God will cause the entire earth to know that He is God.
     Ezekiel further prophesied that the Lord has heard the nations who thought to claim the land of Israel for their own and have mocked the children of Israel. God’s anger burned against those peoples and nations. God promises that He will pay those nations back for their mockery of the children of Israel. Ezekiel prophesied that before they were scattered into exile the people of Israel defiled it with their sins so God punished them and scattered them throughout the earth. People mocked the name of the Lord because of the suffering of Israel, claiming that God could not even protect His own people. Because of this mockery, God brought the people of Israel back to their land. He did this, not because the Jews deserved it, but in order to show His power to all the world. The enemies of Israel should consider this prophecy when they make their plans (but they won’t) because God has declared Israel to be His people and has stated that He gave them control of the land we call Palestine.
     In addition, Ezekiel prophesied that God would cleanse the people of Israel so that they would no longer worship idols. God was going to change their stony, stubborn hearts for hearts that were tender and responsive to His love. He is going to put His Spirit in their hearts so that they follow His decrees and obey His regulations. I read this as saying that the day is coming when a large fraction of the remaining Jews will come to worship Christ. God is going to bless the people of Israel, the descendants of Jacob, not because they deserve it, but in order to bring honor to His name. I look at the land of Israel today comparing it to what it looked like a century and a half ago and wonder how anybody can read this prophecy and not see the hand of God in what has happened in the Middle East.

God’s Paint-By-Number Earth and Water #301

James 1:1-18

     Today I begin reading the book of James, one of my favorites. He starts out by saying that he is writing to the twelve tribes scattered outside of the land of Israel. There are two possible interpretations of this. One is that he was writing to those Jews who had become believers in Christ and thus represent at least a partial fulfillment of the prophecy from Ezekiel that I just finished reading. The other interpretation is that all believers are now the children of Israel (which also represents a fulfillment of the Ezekiel prophecy).
     But that has nothing to do with why I love the book of James. It is the meat of the book that I love because I think it gives many important lessons for us. The first thing James tells us is that we should be joyful to face trials of all kinds. Trials test our faith and when our faith is tested we develop endurance. And when endurance is fully developed we will become perfect and complete, needing nothing. He goes on to tell us that if any of us needs wisdom (and who of us does not need more wisdom) they should ask God. If we ask God for wisdom, He will grant it to us. But we must ask with faith that God will deliver that wisdom to us. Not only must we have faith that God will deliver the wisdom we asked for, we must have faith that the answer God gives us is wisdom. That second part can be the difficult part for me. All too often, I ask God for wisdom, then when I receive a message from Him, I question if that is really the wise thing to do. If we do not trust the answers that God gives us, we cannot expect God to continue giving us answers.
     IF we are poor we should glory in all the good things that God has given us. On the other hand, if God has blessed us with wealth, we should focus on how little we have of what is truly important. When we face trials, let us persevere, recognizing that as we withstand these trials we will receive a reward from God. We should not think that the temptations we face come from God as a sort of test. God is not tempted by evil and cannot use evil to tempt anyone. Temptation is the product of our own desires which entice us. We undertake sinful actions when we allow our own desires to take control over our thoughts and become more important to us than the welfare of those around us. We should remember that we cannot obtain any truly good thing by sinful/evil actions because all good things come from God. This means that any desire we satisfy by sinful actions will be but a counterfeit of something of real good and value. On the other hand if we remain faithful servants of God we will obtain true riches beyond imagining.

God’s Paint-By-Number Earth, Sky and Water #298

Psalm 116:1-19

     I will join with the psalmist in saying that I love the Lord. The Lord has heard my prayer for mercy and I will pray to Him as long as I have breath. I strive to walk in the Lord’s presence all of my days. I have nothing of value to offer the Lord in return for what He has done for me, yet what I have I will offer to Him. How can I not, when all that I have of any worth comes from Him in the first place? I will praise the Lord for saving me. I will serve the Lord with all that I am. The Lord cares deeply for those on this earth, even when they defy Him. Let all of my being praise the Lord.

House By the Lake

Proverbs 27:23-27

     Take care of what you have because wealth is fleeting and what might seem unimportant today may be all you have to support yourself tomorrow. If you manage your resources carefully they will be sufficient to meet your needs.

November 16, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I am back to a routine. It is not the same as my old routine, but I think it will work out well. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

God’s Paint-By-Numbers Earth Sky and Water #274

Ezekiel 33-34:31

     Ezekiel returns to the watchman metaphor he used early in the book. I believe that God has made us watchmen (and women) to those around us. When God reveals to us that He is about to bring judgment against those around us for their wicked acts, we must warn them of the coming consequences of their actions. If we do not, God will hold us accountable for their suffering. If one the other hand, we do warn them of God’s impending judgment and they choose to not change their ways, then the results are on their own heads. Then he gives us a message to deliver. If the wicked will turn from their wickedness, they will be saved. On the other hand, if the righteous turn from righteousness to wickedness, they will die. If we deliver God’s message to people who they should do what is just and right, perhaps enough people will turn from their sin that God will withhold His judgment against this nation.
     Ezekiel goes on to tell the people that their numbers will not make them powerful in the face of their sins. He accuses them of being murderers, idolaters and adulterers. As such, why do they think that the land should be theirs? They measure those who speak God’s word as entertainers. They have no intention of following the instructions from God spoken by those speakers. They are too busy seeking after money and fulfilling their lustful desires. Does this not sound like many around us? Even how we sometimes judge a congregation?
“Oh, that pastor is a very good speaker, I enjoy hearing him preach.”
“Their worship service is so exciting, I always get a thrill from the singing.”
     How often do we talk about how convicted a service made us feel? About how a speaker’s sermon led us to change our ways?
     Then Ezekiel goes on and talks about how the shepherds set over God’s flock have allowed His sheep to be scattered and have kept the best parts for themselves. Ezekiel condemns them for failing to seek out God’s scattered sheep. Ezekiel tells us that God will send a shepherd who will seek out His scattered flocks, gather them and protect them from wild animals. Then he goes on to condemn the sheep for not being satisfied with having good pasture. No, the rich sheep destroy the pastures where the weak and needy sheep graze just because they can. The strong and well-fed sheep drove God’s sick and hungry sheep away and did not allow them to feed. How often are we like that? Fed and satisfied, driving away those who come seeking comfort and understanding because they aren’t “good enough”? God has sent His Shepherd to gather the sick and hungry to Him. His Shepherd will care for them, punishing the “healthy” sheep who attempt to drive them away from Him. I pray that I am not one who drives those seeking God’s healing away.

Deep Creek Riparian Zone

Hebrews 13:1-25

     The author of Hebrews sums up what he has written. He tells us that we should love our fellow believers as if we were siblings. We are to show hospitality to strangers because by doing so some have entertained God’s messengers without realizing it. We should remember those who are suffering as if we were suffering as they are. We should honor marriage and remain faithful to our wedding vows, for God will surely judge those who are immoral and adulterous.
     We are to be satisfied with what we have and not become worshipers of money. God will provide for our needs. He will not fail us, nor will He abandon us. Jesus does not change, so we should not become enamored of new and novel interpretations of what it means to be His followers. Let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God and never forget to share with those in need. Doing good at every opportunity that God brings our way. All too often I have missed the opportunities to do good that God has given me.

House By the Lake

Psalm 115:1-18

     I will take no credit for any good that anyone may have experienced at my hands. What little good I have done in my life pales in comparison to the wonders that God has done for me. I will ever praise the Lord for He is my helper and my shield. Others may choose to worship material things, but I will worship and praise the eternal God.

Canoes on the Shore

Proverbs 27:21-22

     One tests the purity of silver or gold with fire, but the purity of people is tested by good times. It is more difficult to remain faithful to God in times of plenty than in times of trial. Fools will refuse to give up their foolishness even when it brings hard times upon them.