Today, I am reading and commenting on Judges 9-10.
The story of Abimelek, one of Gideon’s sons, is interesting. Abimelek convinced the people of Shechem to support him as king over Israel. In particular, he convinced them that it was better for them to have just him, whose mother was one of them, as ruler than to have Gideon’s seventy other sons all exercising some level of authority. They agreed with his argument and gave him money to hire a fighting force. Abimelek used that force to kill all of his brothers, although one of them escaped. Previously reading this I thought that he did this without the people of Shechem realizing what he planned. but today I realized that his argument was that they should give him money to hire men to kill his brothers. The people of Shechem knew what they were paying for when they gave money to Abimelek and proclaimed him their ruler. The other thing I had not noticed has to do with Shechem’s rebellion against Abimelek. I did not make the connection between the people of Shechem robbing travelers nearby with Gaal son of Ebed gaining the confidence of the people. I always thought that Abimelek was a bad ruler and that was why Shechem rebelled against him. Instead, it appears that the people of Shechem were not particularly good people and chose banditry as a shortcut to wealth. God used Abimelek to punish the people of Shechem for their sins, and he used Abimelek’s campaign against the bandits associated with Shechem to punish Abimelek for murdering his brothers.
I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.