Tag Archives: Psalms 29

June 21, 2024 Bible Study — No One Who Hopes in God Will Be Put to Shame

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 23-31.

Every year when I come to this group of psalms I debate about what to write.  Today’s psalms do such a great job of expressing their thoughts that anything I can write feels like it does not do them justice.  Any way, I decided to capture a few thoughts which struck me as I read through all of them and see if I can make a coherent whole out of them.

First, as I read through Psalm 23 I have two images side by side.  In one image I see a pleasant meadow with a gentle stream running through it.  In the other image I see a shadowy forested valley with a tumultuous flooding stream rising up over the path and wolves (or something worse) howling in the shadows.  In both images I see a vague comforting shape.  In the latter image that shape is facing out into the shadows, challenging anything which might desire to come forth and face Him, while the howls go silent.  I emerge from the shadows back into the pleasant meadow where a table is set up for a picnic in the gentle shade of a tree.  We transition out of these images to realize that there was never any threat because everything and everyone belongs to God, and no one and nothing can overpower Him to take from Him what He desires to hold.  I belong to the Lord, as do those who may wish me harm.  They can only act as He allows.  Which brings us to the psalmist’s prayer that God show him His ways and teach him His paths.  Let us join the psalmist in that prayer so that we do not move off of His path into the dangerous “forest” which surrounds us.  If we allow ourselves to follow the temptation to join with the deceitful and associate with hypocrites, we will find ourselves off of the path to which the Lord is guiding us.  When we leave that path, we move out of His light and into danger.  Yet the psalmist reminds us that if we stay in the light of the Lord, we need fear no one, the wicked are frightened by God’s light and do their best to stay out of it.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

June 21, 2023 Bible Study — Allow the Lord to Guide You and You Will Not Need to Fear Any Evil

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 23-31.

These psalms have several related themes which appear in different forms in each of them.  In Psalm 23, the psalmist writes “I will fear no evil, for You are with me.”  Then in Psalm 27, he writes, “whom shall I fear?” and “of whom shall I be afraid?”  He also writes about how we get to that place where we do not fear; we get there by following God’s leading.  In Psalm 23, the psalmist tells us to follow God’s guidance on the path we should follow.  In Psalm, he tells us to allow God to teach us.  Throughout these psalms the psalmist tells us to put our trust in God, to rely on Him, and on nothing else.  He writes that there can be no greater joy than to live in the presence of the Lord.  If we seek the Lord, He will answer when we call and He will protect us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

June 21, 2022 Bible Study — We Can Walk Securely Where God Guides Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 23-31.

Psalm 23 is beloved for good reasons.  The imagery used by the psalmist communicates God’s love for us in ways which are both comforting and complete.  However, we can miss some of what the psalmist is saying because so few of us know anything about shepherding.  Fortunately, the some of the other psalms in today’s passage speak on the same theme. Let’s start with that first phrase: “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing”                                                               The sheep trust the shepherd, and we must trust the Lord.  Just as a shepherd guides the sheep and teaches them the paths to take, we must allow God to guide and teach us.  This Universe belongs to God, as does everything, and everyone, in it.  Therefore, if we trust in God, He can, and will, provide for all of our needs.  Further, if we put our trust in God, and walk in the ways to which He guides us, we need fear nothing, no matter how desperate our situation may appear to us, because God will be at our side.

I want to touch on a few other things mentioned in today’s Psalms I want to write about.  While God offers us guidance and teaching, we must humbly accept that teaching without demanding more than what He offers us at this time.  God will test us and try us, examining our hearts, as He shows us what He next desires of us.  If we wish to spend our days in God’s house, we must not allow ourselves to be influenced by the deceitful and hypocrites.  If we assemble with evildoers and socialize with the wicked, we will drift, or perhaps move even more rapidly, away from God.  Let us seek the Lord by joining with those who also seek His face.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

June 21, 2021 Bible Study — Praise The Lord And You Need Fear Nothing

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 23-31.

I could easily make this whole post on just Psalm 23, preachers have made entire sermons on it, even series of sermons.  In some ways the rest of the psalms in today’s readings expand on the themes contained in Psalm 23.  Or, perhaps a better way to put it, Psalm 23 sets things up for where the rest of today’s psalms go. God provides for us, guides us, protects us, and comforts us.  Those who put their trust in God and do as He instructs will not be put to shame.  Make God your stronghold and there will be no one and nothing you need fear.  Do that which God commands even when times are good and He will answer you cry when you face hardships.

Today’s psalms bring me great joy.  I wish my words describing them were as inspiring as they are.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

June 21, 2020 Bible Study The Earth And Everything In It Belongs To God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 23-31.

I could write an entire entry on Psalm 23, but there is so much more here and most people are at least somewhat familiar with it.  So, I am going to focus on the rest of the psalms in today’s passage.  There is a set of themes which run through all of these psalms.  The earth, and everything in it (including all of its people) belongs to God.  This means that all of the things of this earth and the people dwelling in it should be treated with respect and dignity.  Because we belong to Him, God will show us the path which we should follow.  If we seek the truth, which is His truth, God will teach us how to follow that path.  Then, if we follow that path and learn from His teaching, God will forgive our sins, our failings, and will not allow us to be disgraced.  If we stay near to Him, His light will drive away all darkness so that we will not need to fear anything.

June 21, 2019 Bible Study — The Lord Is My Shepherd

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 23-31.

Today’s passage begins with Psalm 23, which everyone knows, or thinks they know.  Certainly every Christian should know it.  If you don’t know it, please spend some time familiarizing yourself with it.  Anyway, I am not going to spend much time on it today, except insomuch as it contains themes also in today’s other psalms.  I will cover these themes in the order they jumped out at me as I read this over trying to decide what to write today (yes, that’s right, this is one of those times I went over the passage again and again trying to figure out what to write).


So, why should I be afraid?  That is what the psalmist asks in the first verse of Psalm 27.  The psalmist had addressed this same issue in Psalm  23 when he said, “I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.”  Again and again through these psalms he tells us that if we trust in the Lord we not only don’t need to be afraid, we should not be afraid.  In fact, it is our enemies who should be afraid.  Of course, it is not enough to trust in the Lord.  We must give our lives to Him and humbly follow the path which He shows us.  

We will be tempted to sin in order to gain pleasure, comfort, or wealth.  If we remember what the psalmist tells us here it will help us to resist the temptation: God will give us all that we need if we remain faithful.  The earth and everything in it belongs to God.  From that plenty He will supply our needs.  Besides which, not only does everything in this earth belong to God, so do all of the people.  Which means that we belong to Him, so we should do as He commands even if He had not promised to care for our needs.  

Let us praise the Lord and sing of His glory.  He will protect us and care for us.  When we sin, He will forgive us.  If we focus on doing His will, He will not let us be disgraced.  The psalmist even has something for those who feel that their prayers are bouncing off of the ceiling: 

In panic I cried out, “I am cut off from the Lord!” But you heard my cry for mercy and answered my call for help.

That’s right, even when we think we are cut off from God He hears us.  Do not lose faith. Continue to put your trust in Him and He will answer you.

June 21, 2018 Bible Study — God Will Guide Us to the Path of Honesty and Integrity

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 23-31.

    Psalm 23 is well known and as a result is often discussed. So, I am only going to make a few comments about it, mostly in context with the rest of today’s Psalms. God will provide us with all of our needs and we need never fear, not even death itself, because God is with us. God is able to provide our needs because, not only is the earth and everything in it His, but He made everything that is in the first place.

    If we seek the Lord He will show us the path to follow and the decisions we should make. If we trust God enough to do the things He directs us to do we will never be disgraced. If we turn to God for knowledge He will teach us all that we need to know. The psalmist even tells us how to recognize where God is directing us: He will never direct us to lie or to do that which is not pure. If the path we are travelling calls for deceiving others, it is not the one to which God has directed us. God will not direct us to accompany liars, defend hypocrites, or join in with those who do evil. No, God directs us to live with integrity and according to His truth, which is the only truth that there is. I want to emphasize the importance of not lying, of not being deceitful. I had a discussion with someone who said that any religion which does not allow for lying to avoid persecution is irrational. Unfortunately, I was distracted by other issues in the discussion and failed to point out that neither Judaism nor Christianity do so. There are passages in the Bible which can be interpreted as supporting lying in order to protect others from harm, but none that support lying for your own protection.

    I have a few final points I would like to make today, but I am not sure I will be able to tie them together. The antidote to fear is meditating on God’s words and instructions. Meditating on His commands and instructions should lead us to act in accordance with those instructions. If we do so, we will know that we are under His protection and that no true harm may come to us. God is calling us to come to Him to talk with Him. I pray that you are willing to have a conversation with Him. I pray that I am willing to converse with Him when He calls to me. Sin will drain our strength, when we find this happening we can either let it drain us completely or we can allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse the sin from us. I will praise the Lord for He has stored up goodness for those whose fear of Him leads them to follow His instruction.