Tag Archives: Psalm 89

October 21, 2015 Bible Study — Greed Leads To Other Sins

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 25:28

    A person without self-control is vulnerable to their enemies. They will be unable to defend themselves against attack, whether that attack is physical, emotional, or spiritual. The first step to defending oneself against assault is to develop self-control.


Psalm 89:38-52

    No matter how wealthy and powerful you may be, if God no longer favors you, you will not stand. It is only through God’s grace that we may live lives of comfort and ease.


1 Timothy 6

    Paul warns against those who believe and teach that godliness is a path to wealth. Those who follow such teaching put on a show of godliness but do not exhibit the real thing. Those who are truly godly are content with what God has given them. We will leave our material wealth behind when we leave this world. Therefore, if we have what we need to survive, we should be content. Here Paul writes something outright which he has alluded to in many of his other letters. Greed (the love of money) is the root of most other sins. Those who seek after material wealth all too easily fall into the trap of justifying their sins in the pursuit of wealth. I want to point out that Paul makes it clear that it is not a sin to be wealthy. Some people do acquire great wealth while living godly lives. However, those who gain material riches must be careful not to put their faith in their wealth. They must be generous and use their material wealth to do good works. Most important, they must remember, and so must the rest of us, that their wealth does not make them better than others.


Jeremiah 37-38

    We see here that Zedekiah was a weak king. When some of his officials came to him demanding that he condemn Jeremiah, he told them to do as they liked because he could not stop them. Later, when another of his officials came to him and told him that what was being done to Jeremiah was wrong, he lent that official some of his guards to rescue Jeremiah. He consulted with Jeremiah, but was afraid to follow Jeremiah’s advice. It is clear to me from this passage that Zedekiah knew what was right, but was afraid to take a stand. He ultimately paid a price for that timidity.

October 20, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 25:25-27

    Seeking honors for yourself is like eating too many sweets. You may enjoy it as you do it, but the after effects will be unpleasant…and last much longer than the pleasure.


Psalm 89:14-37

    The NLT translates the first part of verse 15 as “Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship,…” I think it would be better translated as “Happy are those who listen to the joyful call to worship,…” because it is not enough to hear the call to worship God to experience the joy. We need to also follow the call and worship Him. I will worship God because it is from Him that my protection comes.


1 Timothy 5

    Paul gives advice on caring for widows, although I believe what he says can be applied to all of the elderly. First, he tells us that we should provide for our parents to the best of our ability. The Church should care for those who have no children to take care of them. However, those who are still able to provide for themselves should do so. So, to reiterate, we should care for our parents and grandparents to the best of our ability and we should work to meet our own needs for as long as we are able. The Church should care for those who are unable to care for themselves. Paul’s gave these instructions concerning widows who are believers, but I believe there is room to interpret them as applying to anyone who is unable to care for themselves.


Jeremiah 35-36

    In this passage, Jeremiah had the words God had given him recorded on a scroll which was then read to the people. When the king heard of this, he had the scroll read to him, but as the scroll was read, the king destroyed it. However, when Jeremiah heard what the king had done, he had the scroll rewritten. The message here is that no matter what those in power do, God’s word will not be silenced.

April 22, 2015 Bible Study — Choose Today Whom You Will Serve

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 13:20-23

    Who you associate with matters. If you spend all of your time around foolish people, you will do foolish things. When you do foolish things you will end up with trouble and problems. Even if, by a stroke of fortune, you avoid doing foolish things you will experience the trouble created by the foolish actions of those you are spending time with. If you find yourself plagued by trouble, as soon as one problem is resolved another problem crops up, it is time to examine your behavior. That is the type of circumstance fools and sinners find themselves in.
    As an alternate, spend your time with the wise and you will find yourself becoming wiser. Your companions will offer you advice on how to avoid trouble and solve problems. The wise choose the righteous path and then, instead of being pursued by trouble, unexpected blessings keep turning up in their lives.


Psalm 89:38-52

    Despite feeling like God has turned His back on him and abandoned him the psalmist praises God and calls on others to do likewise. I praise God not just because He has done great things for me, but because He is deserving of praise.


Luke 21:1-28

    As I read Jesus’ comments about the widow’s mites I was reminded of an article I read recently. During the last economic downturn extending into the current economic hard times, charities have discovered that donations from big money donors have fallen off, while those from those of lesser means have not only remained steady but increased. This fact serves as a reminder of the lesson Jesus was teaching here. God is not impressed by how much of our surplus we give to His work. He is impressed by how much we are willing to sacrifice in order to help those less fortunate than ourselves. When deciding if we are giving enough to God’s work the question we need to ask ourselves is if our giving means we have to forgo buying something we want?


Joshua 24:1-33

    Joshua presented the Israelites with a decision which each and everyone of us must make. It is a decision which must be made by every generation. Actually, it is a decision which we must make every day. We must choose who it is we are going to serve. Are we going to serve God? Or someone/something else? We have many people and things we can choose to serve. Joshua presented it here as a life decision, and it is. But it is also a decision we must make anew each day.
    When Joshua told the people of Israel to choose whom they would serve, it was not a dispassionate question. He did not say, “Well, you need to choose a set of gods to follow. I think you should follow God, but its up to you.” No, he described all the things God had done for the Israelites, both those to whom he was speaking and their ancestors. Then he told them to serve God and God alone. Then he uttered the phrase that must have stirred the blood of the people listening, “Choose today whom you will serve…But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord!” When he uttered that line, I imagine that it was met with a loud shout from the people affirming that they too would serve the Lord. We need to confront the people we meet with their need to make a choice and we need to make sure they understand the seriousness of the choice they are about to make. But that doesn’t mean that we should not make it clear to them which choice we think they should make. We should use every bit of our ability to convince them to make the right choice.

April 21, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 13:17-19

    Those who refuse to acknowledge their mistakes and ignore all attempts to point them out will end in poverty and disgrace. Those who respond to criticism by changing their ways will be honored. Everybody enjoys seeing their dreams come true, but fools are unwilling to change in order to obtain them.


Psalm 89:14-37

    The first few verses of today’s psalm are a continuation of the praise of God found in yesterday’s psalm. Then it goes on to speak of God’s promise to King David. However, there is actually a little more to it than just that. This psalm describes how any ruler can gain God’s support (or lose it). Those who obey God’s commands and keep His decrees will find their power and authority expanding. Those who do not do so will find themselves the subject of God’s judgment.


Luke 20:27-47

    After being asked yet another trick question by the religious leaders, Jesus asks one of His own. Reading it today, I just realized what Jesus was getting at with His question about the Messiah being the son of David. He was telling us that we can get too caught up in setting up rules and reading into what a passage means. Jesus tells us that those who study the Scripture and claim they have all the answers are hypocrites. He warns us to be wary of those who twist the words of Scripture in order to sound pious and praiseworthy, while using their position and authority to defraud those who already have little.


Joshua 22:21-23:16

    The tribes who lived east of the Jordan responded to the concerns of the rest of the Israelites over the altar they had built. They acknowledged that the concern raised by the other tribes was a legitimate concern. They told the other tribes that if they had intended what the other tribes thought they intended the other tribes would be right to make war against them. Then they explained their actions. They explained that they had built the altar as a reminder to the other tribes that those east of the Jordan were their brothers in serving God. They had built the altar in order to maintain the unity of future generations of Israel.

April 20, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 13:15-16

    The proverb writer tells us that those with good sense are respected, then he tells us part of what he means by good sense: thinking before you act (I believe that he would include speaking within the meaning of “act” for this proverb). On the other hand he tells us that the treacherous, or unfaithful, are headed for destruction. The treacherous, the unfaithful, are those who not only act without thinking first, but brag about doing so.


Psalm 89:1-13

    The King James translation of the first verse of this psalm inspired the hymn, “I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord”. The sentiments of this psalm and that song should be ours. I will sing of God’s great faithfulness, of the fact that His love endures forever.


Luke 20:1-26

    When Jesus was asked by what authority He took the actions He did, He responded by asking if John authority to baptize came from heaven or from man. Essentially, Jesus was asking them what sort of answer they would accept. This is a good example for us to follow when we are challenged on our faith and what we believe. Before we attempt to answer the question, let us make sure that there is an answer our questioners will accept. If every answer is the wrong answer, don’t bother to try.
    There is a common point between the parable of the evil farmers and the story about Jesus being questioned on taxation. In both cases, Jesus brings up the point of giving God what is God’s due. It is in Jesus’ answer on taxation that we get the clearest answer as to what is God’s due. Jesus asks whose image is on the coin used to pay the Roman tax. The answer is that Caesar’s image is on those coins. At which point Jesus says, “Give to Caesar what belongs Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” It is subtle, but this is a clear reference to Genesis 1:26. Since we are made in God’s image, it is ourselves which we are to give to God.
    I could go on for some time about this message. The government has claim to our money, since it is government laws which make that money in the first place. However, only God has claim to us, because it was God who created us and in the process put His image upon us. It is the nature of governments that they continually attempt to extend their authority over our very beings. If we fail to give our very selves to the service of God, we will gradually end up giving that service to the government, or some other authority which does not have legitimate claim to that service. This lesson is just another take on the lesson Jesus taught when He told us we must choose who we are going to serve, God Or Mammon?


Joshua 21-22:20

    The story of the eastern tribes building an altar and the response of the rest of Israel gives us a lesson for dealing with those who we believe are behaving sinfully. Here is what happened. The people of Israel learned that the eastern tribes had done something. The only explanation they could think of for that action was something which violated God’s commands to the people of Israel. However, rather than assume that their explanation for the action of the eastern tribes was correct and passing judgment on them, they asked them why they had done what they had done. That is instead of acting on their assumptions they decided to check their facts. It is this model to which Jesus refers in Matthew 18 when He tells us how to deal with our fellow believers who sin.

October 21, 2014 Bible Study — The Love of Money Is the Root of Much Evil

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have been convicted over the last few weeks to seek to develop a disciplined prayer life. It is still a work in progress. Please pray for me, that the Holy Spirit may show me how to pray in a disciplined manner.


Proverbs 25:28

    A person with no self-control is like a country with no defenses. They will be overrun by trouble.


Psalm 89:38-52

    The psalmist appears to be writing at a time when David is facing troubles, perhaps when he fled Jerusalem from his son Absalom. He asks how long God will be angry with David? How long will he allow David to be mocked? Yet despite the troubles which he sees for the king God has promised to love faithfully, the psalmist ends the psalm by praising the Lord. Can I do the same? Can I praise the Lord even when my troubles seem to go on without end?


1 Timothy 6:1-21

    Paul warns against those who contradict his teachings. He tells us that such people are arrogant and lack understanding. They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and arguments about words. Their approach to issues causes strife, malicious talk, slander, and friction among believers. They lead people to question the truth and whether their actually is such a thing as truth. They encourage people to believe that appearing godly is a way to become wealthy.
    In various controversies in the Church today, who is causing the controversy? Those who are arguing for the traditional understanding of Biblical teaching, or those who are arguing to change it? Who is arguing for a new way of understanding the words used by the various writers of the Bible? It is my belief that the Bible is written so that it does not require a scholar to understand what is meant. If someone is teaching a doctrine that requires a scholar’s knowledge of the Bible, I question the validity of that doctrine.
    Paul goes on to tell us that godliness in and of itself is of great value. Let us seek to be godly for the sake of being godly, not as a means of acquiring wealth. Those who desire wealth easily fall into temptation. The love of money, the desire to acquire ever more money, results in people doing all sorts of evil things. People often justify doing that which they know is wrong in the pursuit of wealth. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy, but making acquiring wealth one of our goals can easily lead us into sin.


Jeremiah 37-38:28

    I mentioned yesterday the apparent divide among the government of Judah. When Zedekiah became king, he appears to have been sympathetic to Jeremiah. However, he was afraid to stand up to the members of his government who opposed Jeremiah. These were men who did not want to listen to the message God was sending through Jeremiah. When a group of men came to Zedekiah and demanded that Jeremiah be killed, Zedekiah did not tell them to kill him. Rather, Zedekiah told them that he could not stop them. Later, when another man came to Zedekiah to plead for Jeremiah, Zedekiah ordered him to gather some men and rescue Jeremiah. Elsewhere we are told that Zedekiah did what was wrong in the eyes of the Lord. It appears that his sin was that he failed to stand in opposition to evil men.

October 20, 2014 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have been convicted over the last few weeks to seek to develop a disciplined prayer life. It is still a work in progress. Please pray for me, that the Holy Spirit may show me how to pray in a disciplined manner.


Proverbs 25:25-27

    When we receive good news from far away, it provides relief greater than similar news from nearby. This is largely due to the fact that good news does not travel as far, let alone as fast, as bad news.
    When the godly stop standing up to the wicked and telling them that they are wicked, all of society becomes polluted. At that point there ceases to be a place where people can learn what is true and right. This is just as destructive to the health of a society as when there are no sources of clean water to drink.
    When you obtain honours which you sought out for yourself it leaves you feeling uncomfortable and bloated, similar to the way you feel when you eat too much sweets. If you persist in seeking honours for yourself, it will sicken your soul in the same way in which too much sugar will sicken your body.


Psalm 89:14-37

    The psalmist tells us that righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne. The truth of the matter is that these are the only stable foundation for any government. Just as God promised to punish the descendants of David who failed to keep His commandments, so too will He overthrow governments which fail to deliver righteousness and justice.


1 Timothy 5:1-25

    This passage gives clear instructions for dealing with our fellow believers, in particular those who need to be called to task for their actions. We are to treat them all with respect. If the person is older than us, we should approach them as we would our own parents if they had done something wrong/foolish (remember the command to honour our father and mother). Those who are our age or younger we should approach as if they were our sibling, that is with love and concern for their well-being (not with the anger that so many of us have towards our siblings because of slights from childhood, perceived and real).
    Further, we as members of the Church should care for those widows who are unable to care for themselves. However, we should first take care of those in our own family…and we should push those who have widows in their family to take care of those women. Those women who are still able to care for themselves should be encouraged to seek work to do so. In many ways this passage gives a clear lesson on how the Church should deal with all who have needs. First, it should encourage, to the point of demanding, that their families provide for them to the best of their ability. Second, it should encourage, to the point of demanding, that those in need find ways in which they can provide for themselves to the greatest extent they are able. This may involve finding them jobs, or tasks they can be paid to do. Most importantly, those the Church supports need to be encouraged, to the point of demanding, to fill their time with constructive activity, rather than with sticking their noses into other people’s business.


Jeremiah 35-36:32

    As I read today’s passage a realization struck me that has been growing on me as I have read through the Book of Jeremiah this year. When Jeremiah was prophesying there were two groups in the government of Judah. One group was composed of men who feared God to some degree and listened to Jeremiah’s prophesies. The other group was generally stronger and had the ear of the royal family (usually the king, but there are places where the king appeared prepared to act against them). The second group appears to have considered religion a tool for governing the people but nothing more. So, basically the government of Judah was split between men who honoured God to one degree or another and men who did not actually believe in God at all. The men who were in the primary positions of power appear to have been mostly from the second group with the first group composed mostly of those in secondary and support roles.

October 19, 2014 Bible Study — Train Ourselves To Be Godly

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have been convicted over the last few weeks to seek to develop a disciplined prayer life. It is still a work in progress. Please pray for me, that the Holy Spirit may show me how to pray in a disciplined manner.


Proverbs 25:23-24

    People react the same way to sly attempts to subtly defame others in much the same way they react to an unexpected cold rain.


Psalm 89:1-13

    When I read this psalm, it immediately called to mind the song “I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord”. Of course that is because the opening of this psalm is the basis for that song. I want to make that first verse my life’s purpose.

  • I will sing of God’s great love.
  • With my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations.
  • This is a promise I have made to God in the past and I will keep that promise as long as He gives me the strength to continue.


    1 Timothy 4:1-16

        Paul warns us against false teachers, people who teach against marriage and who teach special diets. It is OK to eat any food that we receive. When I read this, I think of the controversy over foods which were secretly prepared by Muslim rituals so that it would be “halal”. As a Christian, I do not care that food has been offered to the Muslim god (Muslims claim that they worship the Judeo-Christian God, but then, so did the worshipers of Baal). If someone points out that certain food has been prepared to be halal, I will not eat it, but only because of the person who pointed it out. All food has been made acceptable by the word of God. I will receive it and give thanks to God for it.
        Let us avoid myths and old wives tales. Instead of spending time debating and studying such things we should train ourselves to be godly. Just as professional athlete trains themselves physically, we should train ourselves to be godly. There are two aspects to any training. The first is learning the correct way to do what it is you are training to do. You can do this by reading the word of God and listening to instruction from godly people. The second step is practicing what it is you are training to do. Take the time to act in a godly manner around your fellow believers. Invite them to critique your “technique”. Remember to weight the advice you get according to how successful the person giving it is (but don’t ignore advice from people who themselves do not live godly lives, just remember the source).


    Jeremiah 33-34:22

        The passage begins with a continuation of Jeremiah’s prophecy that, even though God was bringing death and destruction upon the people of Israel, one day He would restore them to the land and make them even more prosperous than they had ever been in the past. He would restore them to their land, make them more numerous than ever, and give them peace from all of their enemies. This promise extends to all of God’s people. The day is coming when the people of God, both those biologically descended from Abraham and those adopted by God through Christ, will live at peace in this world.
        The passage ends with Jeremiah condemning the people of Jerusalem. When the city was threatened by the Babylonian armies, the people, led by their king, freed those slaves they had who were Israelites (in a belated acknowledgement of a provision of the law of Moses). However, as soon as the Babylonian armies withdrew, they re-enslaved those they had freed. All too often we behave in a similar manner. When danger threatens, we call out to God and turn from our sins. We stop doing that which is wrong to those around us. Unfortunately, all too often as soon as the crisis is past, we return to our sins and treat those around us even worse than before. God’s punishment will be severe for such acts.

April 22, 2014 Bible Study — Who Can Escape The Power of the Grave?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 13:20-23

    If you want to become wiser, spend your time with those who are already wise. If you spend your time with those who are foolish, not only will you begin to act foolishly, you will end up in trouble, even if you do not do anything foolish yourself (other than spend your time with fools). The earth produces sufficient food for all people to have enough to eat. It is injustice that leads to the poor going hungry.


Psalm 89:38-52

    The NIV version of verse 48 is appropriate a few days after Easter.

Who can live and not see death,
or who can escape the power of the grave?

The answer to the latter half of that question is Jesus, and those who trust in Him. God’s enemies mocked(still mock) His Anointed One and denied (and many still deny) that He could escape the power of the grave. Yet Easter morning is testimony to the fact that He did escape that power.


Luke 21:1-28

    Luke’s version of the widow’s offering gives me an insight into what Jesus was teaching here that I have never noticed before. The widow gave only a very small amount of money, but to God it was worth more than the vast amounts given by others. Her offering’s value was because she trusted God enough to give even that which she needed to live on. She trusted God to provide for her needs. While those more wealthy gave large amounts of money out of that which was in excess of their needs, still retaining wealth in excess of what they needed to live. This is an important lesson for us, we should give until we feel it. The proper amount to give is complicated and I think God is leading me to flesh out my thoughts on this subject.
    Jesus tells the disciples about the coming destruction of Jerusalem. As we read His account of the events that led up to the destruction of Jerusalem (something which was still in the future as He spoke), we should recognize that He is describing what happens during the lead up to every great calamity. Surely, what He says is very similar to the world leading up to WWI and WWII. Jesus warns us that as the world is turning towards such things those who follow Him will be persecuted. They will be arrested, tortured and put on trial. If we are faithful to Christ, we will be persecuted. It may be in minor ways, or it may be to the point where we give our lives for our faith, but if we are faithful we will be persecuted by those who refuse to believe. Whatever persecution we face, let us face it with joy because it will provide us with an opportunity to present the Good News of Christ to those who have not yet listened (they may have heard, but did they listen?).


Joshua 24:1-33

    In this passage is one of the great calls to dedicate ourselves to God. It contains elements of a sermon that every pastor should preach regularly. I am not sure how often, but over half of the congregation should remember the last time he preached it. This is a message for those who claim to be the servants of God.
    First Joshua points out all of the good things which God had done for the people of Israel. Then he declares that they should fear God and serve Him with all of their being. Let us destroy all of those things which we are tempted to worship in place of God, those things which lead us to act in ways other than those which God commands. If we are not willing to make that commitment than we need to decide what gods we are going to worship instead of God. That is the only choice we have. Either we worship God wholeheartedly and single-mindedly, or we acknowledge that we would rather worship something else. Today is the time to decide.
    There are times when we need to decide as a group, but even then we can follow Joshua’s lead. He told the people of Israel that they needed to decide. But no matter what they decided, His decision was made. He, and His family, would follow the Lord. I ask that you say his statement with me today:

As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.

April 21, 2014 Bible Study –He Is the God of the Living

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 13:17-19

    Those who ignore criticism and disregard discipline will end in poverty and shame. Those who change their behavior in response to correction will be honoured. Everyone enjoys seeing their dreams come true, but it is foolish to pursue them with evil methods.


Psalm 89:14-37

    Righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne. Any ruler who wishes a long and prosperous reign will base his rule on them as well. God has raised up Jesus as the eternal heir to David’s throne. God will beat down His adversaries and destroy those who hate Him. Let us hear the call to worship and walk in the light of God’s presence


Luke 20:27-47

    As I read today’s passage about the Sadducees who attempted to trap Jesus with a question about the resurrection of the dead I was reminded of an article I read yesterday. There are still people today who claim to believe in an all-powerful God who do not believe that He can, or will, raise people from the dead. The article I read claimed that the story of Jesus’ resurrection was a source of rifts between Christians. Jesus makes it clear here that the dead will indeed be raised. Yesterday we celebrated that Christ rose from the dead. He did not rise in a metaphorical manner, or just as a spirit. Jesus rose from the dead in this physical world. God can indeed raise the dead in a physical body. He is not bound by the laws of the physical universe.


Joshua 22:21-23:16

    Yesterday we read the passage where the tribes living east of the Jordan built an altar just before returning home. Those living west of the Jordan were afraid that it was intended for idolatry and prepared to go to war to wipe this stain out of the midst of the nation of Israel. First, they sent a delegation to determine why the altar was built. Those living east of the Jordan met the delegation and explained the purpose of the altar. They had built the altar to remind their descendants, and the descendants of those living west of the Jordan, that they were one people who together worshiped the God of Heaven. Let this be a reminder to us that all of those who worship Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are one family. Anyone who worships the risen Jesus Christ is my brother, or sister.