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Proverbs 12:26
The godly choose their friends with care because wicked friends will lead them astray. That is not quite what the proverb says, but I think that is part of its message. Another way to look at it is that godly friends will give you advice which will help you lead a godly life, while wicked friends will give you advice that encourages you to act wickedly.

Psalm 79:1-13
Reading this psalm reminds me of our society today, where those who reject God mock those who try to follow His commands. They do more than that, they subject them to scorn and disparagement. They attempt to force them to give up their faith in God. Let us cry out to God for vindication. As a first step to receiving that vindication from God we must confess our sins and repent of them. If we dedicate ourselves to turning once more to God and serving Him, He will show His power. God will pay back those who have heaped scorn upon His servants. They will see that He is indeed God, the Creator of the universe.

Luke 13:22-14:6
Jesus was asked whether only a few would be saved. He answered by telling us to work hard to enter by the narrow door. Many will attempt to do so, but will fail. Jesus tells us that we have a narrow window of opportunity to accept God’s offer of salvation, once the door is closed it will be too late to change our minds. It is not enough to call ourselves Christians, followers of Christ. If we do not have a personal relationship with Christ, He will tell us that He does not know us. I just realized that Jesus is telling us that many of those who appear to have the inside track will fail to be admitted, but who are seen as unwelcome in the Kingdom of Heaven will be granted entry. Some of those whom we look down upon will be granted great honour by God, and some of those we view as worthy of great honour will receive none from God.

Deuteronomy 34:1-12
God had told Moses that he would not enter into the land which God had promised to the people of Israel. However, He led Moses up onto a mountaintop overlooking the plains of Jericho and gave Moses a vision of the entire land. After seeing the vision which God gave him, Moses died at the age of 120. At the time which the editor of this compilation wrote, no prophet like Moses had arisen in Israel. The editor tells us that Moses spoke with God face to face. As followers of Christ, we have that opportunity.

Joshua 1-2:24
After the death of Moses, God spoke to Joshua and promised to be with him for his entire life. We may embrace the promise which God made to Joshua as our own. If we are careful to obey the instructions which God has given us, He will be with us throughout our lives. If we obey His instructions with strength and courage, we will succeed in all that we do and God will be with us wherever we go.
Joshua sent spies into Jericho to scout it out for him. While they were there they entered into the house of Rahab the prostitute, who hid them from the men of the King of Jericho. Rahab made a great statement of faith and asked the spies to promise safety for herself and he family when they conquered Jericho. Rahab demonstrated great faith in her actions to hide and then help the spies. She took great risks. If the King of Jericho had discovered her actions, she would have suffered dire consequences. Do we have the faith to do God’s will, even when those around us will cause us to suffer for doing so? Rahab chose to be on the side of the Israelites, God’s side. Which side will we choose?
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