Tag Archives: Psalm 78:1-31

October 6, 2015 Bible Study — Being Culturally Relevant

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:26

    An honest answer is a better indication of care and respect than a kiss.


Psalm 78:1-31

    The psalmist reminds us of the importance of teaching the stories of our past to each new generation. When I was growing up, my family, and many others in my church, had a book called “The Martyr’s Mirror”. This book was an account of Christian martyrdom from the first century through the 17th century. By reading this book I learned the price that many have paid for following Christ. Furthermore, I learned that they paid that price joyously.


Colossians 2:8-23

    When we came to Christ we were figuratively circumcised in that our spiritual nature was cut away from us. In that sense we died with Christ when we were baptized and were resurrected with Him. Our sins, and our sinful nature, were nailed to the cross with Christ. Now, God has raised us spiritually with Christ to a new life. We should not allow people to convince us that we need to follow certain dietary rules, or observe particular rituals, or hold celebrations on specific days in order to be saved. The Gospel message is not one of “do not do this and do not do that.” The Gospel is not a set of rules which govern our behavior. Instead our behavior is guided by our love of God and of others.


Jeremiah 6:16-8:7

    God has offered people guidance. He has told us to follow the old way, the good way, but people have responded, “No, we want a different way. We don’t want to follow the path followed by the godly men and women of the past. They were fuddy-duddies. We want to follow the new, cool path. We need to be culturally relevant.” God has sent us watchmen who tell us to respond to the sound of the trumpet, but people have declared, “We have more important things to do. We will not listen for the sound of the trumpet, let alone respond to its call.”
    God warns us that He is raising up an army in a far away land. That army will be a destroying army and it will march upon us. There is no force that will stand in their way. Yet, even now, there is still time to turn from our sins. There are those who look at what is happening and are saying, “That cannot happen here.” Do not be fooled. It most certainly can happen here. It will happen here if we, as a people, do not start treating each other with justice. God is calling us to stop exploiting foreigners (think about why the Chamber of Commerce does not want immigration laws enforced), widows, and orphans.
    Do you really think that you can cheat and lie, steal and murder, commit adultery and other sexual immorality and never suffer any consequences? All of those actions have consequences and if we do not turn from them and start doing good, we will experience those consequences. Let us look at what has happened to other nations which were once mighty. The consequences of their evil came upon them and they were destroyed. I will pray for the people of my nation that they may turn to God.

April 6, 2015 Bible Study — Today I Am Giving You a Choice

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:19-20

    There are those who think they can change the world for the better with lies. They are badly mistaken. If you find yourself resorting to deceit to accomplish your goals it is a good clue that your goals are evil and not good. Those who wish to make lasting, positive change to this world rely on the truth.


Psalm 78:1-31

    There are two elements to this psalm (there is that two thing again). Each generation needs to choose to follow God’s commands by their own decision. The parents cannot decide for their children that the children will follow God (although I have known of parents who chose to follow God for their children’s sake). Each person must choose for themselves to give their hearts to God.
    Let us not be like the Israelites in the wilderness. They saw God’s marvelous power displayed for their benefit time and again. Yet, time and again they failed to have faith that God could meet their needs this time. I have seen what God has done in the past, I will have faith in His power and love for the future.


Luke 11:37-12:7

    The important point about this passage is its condemnation of hypocrisy, but we all know that. I was looking for something different to say about this when I realized something I never really thought about before. Jesus is not saying that our outward appearance should not look righteous to those around us. He is saying that we should focus on making our inward being righteous first. When we start to clean up our lives we should start with the parts that others do not see. If we clean up our inward being, our outward appearance will follow. It doesn’t work the other way around.
    When we teach people about God’s commands, we need to do more than teach them the “rules”. We need to work with them to teach them how to keep those “rules”. Jesus condemned the teachers of religious law for teaching the laws, but not offering to help people to keep those laws. Our job is to help people live a righteous life, not to condemn them for failing to do so.


Deuteronomy 29-30:20

    This passage was addressed primarily to the people of Israel and talked primarily about the land of Israel, but it applies to all of the peoples on this earth. The blessings and curses laid out in these passages apply to all mankind. Those who love and obey God will be blessed. Those who rebel against God and seek after other gods will be cursed.
    Today God is giving you a choice. If in the past you have rebelled against God and are suffering His curse, today you can choose to turn to Him and start walking in His way. If you do so, He will bless you and show you life. I do not know how to write this as I feel it needs to be written. I am convinced that someone will read this today who God is calling right now. All I can think is to quote the final paragraph of today’s passage (and to pray for you, whoever you are):
Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life. And if you love and obey the Lord, you will live long in the land.

October 6, 2014 Bible Study — Dead to Sin, Alive With Christ

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:26

    Giving an honest answer is an act of love. If you truly love someone, you will not lie to them. Since we are called to love our neighbor (which Jesus defines as everyone we come into contact with), we should give everyone honest answers.


Psalm 78:1-31

    It is important to tell and retell the stories from the past. They can serve as a reminder not to repeat the mistakes made by those who went before us. While each generation must make its own mistakes, it is worth trying to learn from the mistakes of those who went before us. Let us teach those who come after us the mistakes which we made, so that they can avoid them. Let us not give up just because they have not listened to us before and have already repeated some of the mistakes we warned them about.
    The people of Israel in the Exodus story repeatedly saw God’s mighty hand work on their behalf, yet time and again they doubted His ability to deal with the next hardship which came their way. This sort of behavior is not limited to the ancient Israelites, people of every generation have made the same mistake. Time after time throughout history people have experienced God’s miraculous aid, then when a new problem arose they complained and whined, rather than asking God what new wonder He was going to show them.


Colossians 2:8-23

    When we come to Christ, He cuts away our sinful nature and removes its authority to rule our bodies and lives. We do not overcome our sinful nature by rigorous bodily discipline. It is not by strict ascetic behavior that we are released from bondage to our sinful nature. The cleansing of our sinful nature does not happen by avoiding certain foods or drinks, nor by eating certain foods or drinks. It is not accomplished by following certain ceremonies or rituals. We should neither condemn others for what foods they eat or drinks they drink, nor should we allow others to make us feel wrong for those things. Following such rules makes us feel that we have earned our salvation and such is not the case. We do not become righteous by following rules and rituals. It is only by Christ that we receive righteousness through the Holy Spirit. We will not defeat our sinful nature by our own pious self-denial. Such things will only give our sinful nature another way to control us. It is only by surrendering our whole being to Christ that we can be freed from our sinful desires, our sinful nature.


Jeremiah 6:16-8:7

    When we chose a path for our life let us choose the old godly path. All too many people when it comes time to choose a path do not want to follow the old, tried and true path of godliness. They want to find a new path to righteousness. They think the old path is stodgy and boring. They want a path that is exciting and new. They want to demonstrate that they are better, brighter, wiser, more cool, more hip, more with it than those who went before them. Be that as it may, the old, stodgy path is the only one there is, if you want a path to righteousness. I will tell you that it may appear stodgy and boring, but it is more exciting than you can imagine. In order to discover that you need to be willing to travel down that path some distance. If you stay within sight of the other paths so that you can change your mind, you will never see the excitement which the old godly path has on it.
    God has posted watchmen to sound the alarm when trouble is coming. Those watchmen are now calling out that trouble is coming, but the people have chosen to ignore their warnings. They rejected the idea that the watchmen God posted could tell them anything. People have become like the person who works in a building who ignores the fire alarm because they think it is just another drill. There is a reason we conduct fire drills. God has sent prophets to warn us before. As in a fire drill, people responded and turned to Him. The danger they were warned of never materialized, so they are convinced that it will not materialize this time either. They do not consider that perhaps the reason it did not materialize was because they turned to God.

April 6, 2014 Bible Study — It Is Not Enough To Appear Righteous

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:19-20

    If you tell the truth, you do not need to worry about explaining inconsistencies. If you tell lies, you need to be constantly remembering what you said and fitting it into the other things you talk about. When you plot evil you need to fill your mind with the lies and deceit necessary to carry out your plot. On the other hand, when you plan on how to obtain peace your mind can, and will, be filled with joy at all of the wonderful things you wish to do for others.


Psalm 78:1-31

    This psalm reminds us of the importance of telling the next generation about what God has done, both in our lives and in the lives of those who went before us. Let us tell those younger than ourselves what we know of God’s wondrous actions so that they may know of Him and choose to follow Him. Each generation must decide for itself to follow God, but we need to give them the information to make an informed decision.


Luke 11:37-12:7

    Jesus tells the Pharisees and teachers of religious law that while there is nothing wrong with acting so as to appear righteous, it is not enough. It is not even the proper place to start. It is more important to give to the needs of the poor and support justice than it is to do things which make others think we are righteous. When we teach others about following God, we should strive to act in ways which make it easier for them to do so. Let us encourage those who are trying to follow God, rather than stressing the ways in which they are falling short.
    Jesus then turned His attention to the crowds. He warns us not to imitate the hypocrisy of religious leaders, nor to allow it to discourage us from doing what is right. We should not let human opposition frighten us, since the most they can do is kill our bodies. Rather, we should fear God who can kill not only our bodies but can destroy our very souls. Then He tells us that despite the fact that we should fear God, we should also trust Him to care for us. We are more valuable to God than we can possibly imagine. God pays attention to the details of our life more closely than we are even capable of ourselves, to the point of numbering the hairs on our heads.

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Deuteronomy 29-30:20

    Today we are given a choice between life and death. If we love God with all of our hearts, minds, souls, and strength, and obey His commands, He will give us life and joy. If we reject His commands and worship things other than Him, we will be destroyed. God is not far from us, nor are His commands. They are not difficult to know and understand. We do not need someone specially trained to interpret them for us. We do not need to send someone up to heaven, nor to the ends of the earth to know God’s will. He lives with us and will speak in our hearts to show us the way. We need only seek His face and we will find Him.

October 6, 2013 Bible Study — Ask For the Old, Godly Way

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Jeremiah 6:16-8:7

     God tells us that when we need to choose a path, we should seek out the old, godly path. That is the path to find rest for our souls. He has set watchmen to sound the alarm when danger approaches, we need to listen to them. Let us not make the mistake of rejecting the godly path because it is “boring”, “old-fashioned”, or “out-of-date”. Following God’s leading has never been fashionable and never will be. When God’s prophets warn us about the dangers of the choices we are making, I will listen and mend my ways. I do not want to be labeled by God as ‘rejected silver” and be discarded.
     If we exploit foreigners (see how illegal aliens are treated…by those who encourage them to come to this country), orphans, and widows, God will bring judgment on our society. When we harm ourselves by worshiping idols, God will not protect us from the consequences of our actions. It is only if we quit our evil ways and follow the instructions which God has given us that we will be able to turn aside from the coming destruction.


   &nsp; I cannot get the words to come together for what this passage says to me about our society. All too many people go to great lengths to worship idols in ways which hurt themselves. People do things which God has warned us against and then when they suffer the consequences of their actions they demand them someone protect them from those consequences. Rather than turn to God, they turn to the government. They do not want to be “enslaved” to God, so they ask the government to enslave them instead. God does not give us instructions that are arbitrary. His rules and regulations are to keep us from harm. If we do not listen to His commands, it is not His fault when troubles come upon us.


Colossians 2:8-23

     Paul warns us against getting caught up in hollow, deceptive philosophies. All too many people attempt to separate the Gospel teachings about how we should live and treat each other from the spiritual parts of it. They try to rework it into something without the death and resurrection of Christ. However, without the death and resurrection of Christ, the Christian message is hollow and empty. It does not lead to contentment and fulfillment.
     It is by allowing our sinful nature to die with Christ that we can be raised to a new, spiritual life with Him. It is through the cross that God removed our obligation to the spiritual powers of this earth. It is not by rules and regulations that we experience God’s power. we must not fall into the error of thinking that rituals and special ceremonies will give us salvation. This does not mean that there is no value in rituals which bring us close, but they must be activities that have meaning for us, not rituals we follow because someone else tells us that we must. And we must never become enslaved to the rituals and ceremonies because their value is not in and of themselves, but in bringing us closer to God and showing us how to do His will. Rules will not help us overcome our sinful desires. Only by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit can we defeat our selfish desires.
   &nsp; I will not fall into the trap of relying on rules which tell me, “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!” Instead, I will follow the leading of the Spirit which says, “Do not call anything unclean which God has made clean.” I will add one important caveat. I will wait for the leading of the Spirit. It is not up to me to declare that something is clean, but I will not refuse to help those in need because they are not “pure enough”, or because it might violate some rule.



Psalm 78:1-31

     The psalmist tells us the importance of telling the next generation of the wonders which God has done. It is up to each generation to set its heart on following God for itself. You cannot commit your children to follow God, they must make that commitment for themselves. The Israelites in the wilderness are an example of an all too human tendency. When they cried out for water, God split open a rock and gave them water. But rather than acknowledge God’s great power, when food began to run short they doubted and wanted to turn back. They did not trust that God could and would provide them with food. The result was that God was angered with them and many of them died as a result of their rebellion. Let us train the next generation in what God has done throughout history, and in our own lives, so that they do not repeat that mistake.


Proverbs 24:26

     All too often in our society the only people we give honest answers to are those with whom we are in a close relationship with. And even then, all too many people are not honest.

April 6, 2013 Bible Study — God’s Will Is Not Too Difficult For Us To Understand

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

This hyacinth will open its bloom eventually
This hyacinth will open its bloom eventually

Deuteronomy 29-30:20

     Moses reviewed the covenant between God and the people of Israel once more. He told the people of Israel that this covenant was not just with them but also with their descendants. Moses told them that if they obey the terms of the covenant they would prosper in all that they did. He further warns them to take the curses seriously, if they believe that they are safe even though they do not follow God’s instructions and commands they will experience the curses of the covenant in fullest measure.
     Moses goes on to promise them that in the future, after they have been exiled because they broke the covenant, if they turn back to the Lord and once more keep the commands of the covenant and walk in the ways of God, God will restore them. Finally Moses tells them that the message of the covenant is not hard to understand, it is not in some distant place where a Hero will need to be found to go and fetch it. God’s commands are written on our hearts and on our lips so that we can do as God desires if we so choose. We have a choice between life and death. If we choose life, God will set His Spirit upon us and give us the power to follow His ways, the ways of life.

Crocus blooms
Crocus blooms

Luke 11:37-12:7

     A Pharisee invited Jesus to eat with him. Jesus went and sat at the table. The Pharisee was surprised because Jesus did not follow the hand washing ritual of the Pharisees. Jesus replied to this criticism by telling the people there that the Pharisees make a lot of show of cleaning the outside, but inside they are full of greed and wickedness. If they truly want to be clean, they should be generous to the poor. He tells them that they are scrupulous to tithe from their herb gardens but neglect justice and love of God. Jesus says that they should have focused on the latter without neglecting the former.
     A teacher of religious law responded to what Jesus had just said by saying that His statements might be taken as applying to teachers of religious law as well. Jesus did not pull back, rather He said that “Yes, those comments applied to all teachers of religious law as much as it did to the Pharisees.” Jesus then went on to say that the teachers of religious law took the key to knowledge away from people. They did not enter into fellowship with God and interfered with those who were attempting to do so. All too often throughout history those who have studied God’s word have set themselves up as authorities to interpret it for everyone else, making it seem as if only those with special knowledge can know what God desires. Jesus emphasizes here and elsewhere in His ministry that God’s will is accessible to anyone who desires to look for it. What Jesus is teaching here fits with what Moses said in today’s Old Testament passage. God’s word is not difficult to understand and we do not need someone to go up on the Mountain to commune with God on our behalf. Everyone of us can understand God’s word for ourselves and God will speak with each of us, if we but listen.
     Jesus goes on to warn us to watch out for the hypocrisy of those who claim to be the experts on God’s word, those who claim to be more righteous than others. No one is the arbiter between us and God. Jesus came and died on the cross so that He could present us directly to the Father, so that we could listen directly to the commands that God has for us. We should not fear any human agent, who when they have killed our bodies can do no more. We should fear only God, who can not only kill our bodies but also destroy our souls. However, sparrows are cheap, but God keeps track of every one. God has counted every hair on our heads and we are more valuable to Him than all the sparrows on the earth. We should only fear God and there our fear should be mitigated by the fact that God loves us dearly.

Daffodil blooms
Daffodil blooms

Psalm 78:1-31

     The psalmist tells us to learn from our past, to look at the wonders God has performed. He tells us not to repeat the sins of those who came before us, who saw the wonders that God performed, but nevertheless rebelled against God because those wonders were not enough for them. God provided them water, but they believed that He could not provide them food and complained about the lack. God gave them manna from heaven and they complained because He did not give them meat. So, God gave them meat, but while they were still stuffing themselves with the meat, He sent a plague upon them to punish them for their rebellion. Let us learn from their example and honor God for the great things He has done. I will praise God for the great things He has done and petition Him to meet my current needs, then I will patiently wait for Him to meet those needs according to His wisdom and glory.

Magrat up close
Magrat up close

Proverbs 12:19-20

     When we tell the truth our statements will be supported as events unfold. When we tell lies, the falsehoods will soon be revealed. Those who are deceitful are plotting evil, while those who promote peace are filled with joy.

October 6, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Bird at Feeder

Jeremiah 6:16-8:7

     The Lord tells us to stop at the crossroads and ask for the old, godly way, but instead people say they don’t want to take that road. People don’t want to take the “old-fashioned”, godly way. They want a new path for modern times. Well, the “new” path isn’t all that new either. The people of Jeremiah’s day tried taking that “new, modern path.” Look where that led for the people of Judah. Jeremiah told the people of Judah that God had prepared their judgement. The armies of Judah’s destruction had been mustered. But even so, if the people would turn from their evil ways, God would turn the judgement aside. The people thought they were safe because the Temple was there. Jeremiah told them that the safety was a myth unless they stopped their evil ways. They needed to treat each other with justice, to stop exploiting foreigners, orphans and widows, to stop harming themselves by worshiping idols. That last is an important point. It is not God whom we hurt by worshiping idols, it is ourselves. Jeremiah concludes this section by noting that when people fall down they get back up, or when they take a trip and discover that they have taken the wrong road, they turn around and go back. Yet today, people continue on the path they have chosen even after they see the bad results. Even as things go wrong, people fail to acknowledge their sin and admit that they have done wrong. I pray to God that I do not follow such a path, that when I see that the path I am on is not the path God has for me I will turn around. Let us turn from the path our society has chosen and instead follow the “old, godly way”. Let us not be embarrassed to be “old-fashioned” and do what is right. Perhaps if we do, those around us will also turn from their sins and be transformed by God’s Spirit.

Magrat stalks

Colossians 2:8-23

     Paul warns us against being caught by empty philosophies that are full of high-sounding nonsense that are based on human logic and the spirituality of this world. We were dead in sin before Christ cut away our sinful nature. But now that we have died with Christ and allowed our sinful nature to be crucified with Him, we are raised with Him to new life. We should not be captured by rules about what we eat or drink, or about celebrating certain holy days. We should not get caught up in “pious” self-denial or worship of angels. We should not get caught up in rules that tell us, “Don’t handle, don’t taste, don’t touch.” Such rules fail to help us overcome our sinful desires. Instead we should focus on imitating Christ and doing the positive will of God. If we focus our energy on doing the things that God wants us to do, we will find that we do not have time to indulge our sinful desires. If on the other hand we focus on not doing the things that we know are sinful, we will find them filling more and more of our minds.

Psalm 78:1-31

     Let us tell the stories of what God has done, both in our lives and in the lives of those who came before us. Do not keep these stories hidden. Each generation must set its hope anew on God. People do not inherit a faith in God. They are not born Christians. Everyone must make that choice for themselves. But if we want them to choose to follow God, we must tell them the stories about what God has done. We must not tell just the good stories where we did the right thing and were rewarded. We must, also tell the stories where we made the wrong choice and suffered the consequences of our sin.

Fall wreath

Proverbs 24:26

     An honest answer is like a kiss. Think about what it is like when you kiss your spouse, the feeling of love and the excitement of more to come. That is how you make people feel when you honestly answer their questions.