Tag Archives: Psalm 74

October 2, 2015 Bible Study — Striving To Emulate Christ

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:15-16

    The godly will recover from set backs time after time, while the wicked are devastated the first time calamity strikes. Guess which group you belong to if you are skulking around waiting for an opportunity to rob those who have done you no wrong?


Psalm 74

    One of my concerns about the Church, the Assembly of believers, in the United States is that we see few if any true miracles. We do not see signs and wonders like those which Jesus performed. This psalm both gives me hope for the return of those days when the Church showed God’s power throughout the earth and helps me understand why we have not seen it. There have been times like this in the past, and there will probably be times like it in the future (unless the Lord returns before it happens again). The reason we are not seeing powerful signs and wonders is because of God’s mercy. When He once more shows His signs and wonders, His mighty hand will strike the earth. He will unleash His might and smash those who are His enemies.
    When we read the accounts in Acts of the signs and wonders God performed through the Apostles, we also read of Ananias and Sapphira. I pray for God to once more show His power through those who follow His name, but am I prepared for when those I know experience His judgment?


Philippians 3:4-21

    Paul tells us that if anyone had a basis for bragging about their righteousness it would be himself. Yet despite that, he considers all of his acts of righteousness to be trash, to be of no value, when compared to what Jesus has done. This is an important thing, no matter what we have done that might be praiseworthy, it is of no value when we look at the wrong we have done. It is only through faith in Jesus that our sin can be compensated for. Paul wanted to suffer with Christ so that he could experience the power which raised Christ from the dead. There is a definite truth here. We can only truly experience the joy that comes through Christ when we are willing to sacrifice our interest and well-being for the betterment of others. Even then, we only truly experience it when we recognize that it is only through God’s free gift of salvation that our sinful tendencies can be offset.
    It is important to understand that as long as we are on this earth we have not yet been completely transformed by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of God. Nevertheless we should continue to strive for that perfect transformation. Let us seek out role models who are living examples of Christ and strive to emulate as they strive to emulate Christ. Always remembering that no one on this earth is perfect. As we are transformed internally into the likeness of Christ, so too will we, eventually, be transformed externally into his likeness.


Isaiah 66

    God looks with favor on those who have a humble and contrite heart. It does not matter what sacrifices you make, what offerings you offer, if you are trying to be righteous by your own actions, to be justified by the works you perform, you may as well be performing human sacrifice. Until you recognize that you have sinned beyond hope of redemption, you will not be prepared to accept God’s grace. If you think that the little good you have done gives you an entitlement to God’s good will, you have failed to understand the depths of your depravity. As long as you are at the center of your life, you are an idolator and sinner.

April 2, 2015 Bible Study — The Harvest Is Great, But the Workers Are Few

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:11

    Those who work hard at things known to produce something of value (such as a farmer planting crops which do well where he lives) will have more than enough to eat. On the other hand, those who spend their time chasing get rich quick schemes and the latest thing to catch their fancy will do poorly.


Psalm 74:1-23

    This psalm contains a line which reminds me of something I have been struggling with the last few years: Why do we not see more miracles among Christians today (at least in the U.S.)?

We no longer see your miraculous signs.
All the prophets are gone,
and no one can tell us when it will end.

This tells me that I am not the first person to wonder about why God’s people were not seeing His miraculous signs. The rest of the psalm talks about how God’s enemies had struck down His Temple and His people. Yet, I see signs that that may soon happen. Nevertheless, I will join the psalmist in calling upon God to defend His cause and give the poor and needy reason to praise His name.


Luke 9:51-10:12

    Luke put the accounts of the three potential followers of Jesus right before the account of His sending out the 72 for a reason. At least part of that reason is to show us the amount of dedication we need to the task to which God has called us. We have the accounts of those who were potential disciples, but were not willing to pay the price.
    Then Luke tells the account of Jesus sending out the 72. Here we learn why it is important for those who choose to follow Christ to be fully committed without second thoughts. There is a lot of work to get done and not enough workers. This means that we need to do two things: Ask God for more workers…and buckle down and get to work. There is work to be done reaching those who do not yet know the Lord. Let’s get to work!


Deuteronomy 21-22:30

    At the beginning of chapter 22 we are reminded that our responsibilities are not just passive. Doing the right thing is more, much more, than not doing wrong. We have a responsibility to help those who need assistance. If you have an opportunity to help someone and fail to do so, you are not better than someone who actively harms them. And it is indeed an opportunity with all of the positive connotations that word carries. When God send opportunities our way let us take advantage of those opportunities.

October 2, 2014 Bible Study — Forget The Past, Look Forward to What Is Ahead

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:15-16

    The righteous will pick themselves up from set back after set back, but when the wicked fall they will fail to rise again.


Psalm 74:1-23

    When it seems like God no longer performs miraculous signs nor speaks through prophets, remember what He has done in times past. He will perform such wonders once more when the time is right. Fools will dishonour God’s name because they think He will not intervene in history. However, He will defend His honour and those fools who insult Him will learn their error.


Philippians 3:4-21

    This is another passage which I had committed to memory that perhaps I should re-memorize. Paul tells us that if anyone could have confidence in their own effort to be righteous it would be himself. He had everything going for him, born in a good family of great pedigree, taught from an earliest age to follow the rules, zealous in obeying the law. He had once valued all of these things, but no longer. All of those things, and anything else that could be considered to his credit, he considered a loss because they distracted from becoming one with Christ. No matter who we are or what we have done, none of it has any value compared with knowing Christ. Anything that makes us think we have righteousness in our own right is a flaw that distracts us from focusing on the righteousness which comes from Christ. If we think that in some way, in some part of our life, we have value independent of our faith in Christ it will prevent us from accepting what the Spirit wants to do in that part of our life.
    Rather than seeking some righteousness we can call our own, we should strive to know Christ in all aspects of our lives and experience the power of God that raised Him from the dead. Let us covet sharing the type of suffering which Christ suffered (I cannot begin to tell you how much just writing that frightens me) so that we might share in His death, which is the only way to experience His resurrection.
    As long as we are on this earth, let us not think that we have accomplished the goal and reached perfection. However, let us forget our past mistakes and look toward what we can do in the future in order to serve God. We cannot change our past, so let us focus on what the Spirit can do to transform us in the future. Let us seek out examples like Paul to model ourselves after. Look around for those who are striving to serve God the way in which Paul did. Then, let us follow their example so that we can become ever more like Christ.


Isaiah 66:1-24

    We have a choice to make, will we be humble and contrite before God? Or will we seek our own way to righteousness? Those who strive to be righteous on their own may as well be mass murderers for all the good their righteousness will do them. Those who seek to consecrate and purify themselves are doing so before an idol while feasting on disgusting things. It is only when God consecrates us and purifies us that we become purified and consecrated.

April 2, 2014 Bible Study — The Harvest Is Great, But The Workers Are Few

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:11

    Those who work hard will have enough to meet their needs. It is foolish to chase after get-rich-quick schemes or other fantasies.


Psalm 74:1-23

    When troubles seem great and God seems far away, this psalm is a reminder that others have felt as we do with even greater reason. Let us remember what God has done in the past and trust that He will act on our behalf. Things seemed dark to the psalmist, yet he did not lose faith. In times of trouble, I will follow his example.


Luke 9:51-10:12

    In this passage Jesus tells those of His disciples He was sending out as His advance team to pray that the Lord send out workers into the harvest. This passage causes me to look around me today and think that, “Yes, the harvest is great and the workers are few.” There are so many today who need to hear the word of God preached, yet there are few who are preaching it. I pray to God that He send more out to preach His Good News. I, also, feel guilty when I read this, because I do not preach the Gospel more. So, I pray that God show me what He wants me to say to whom and when He wants me to say it. And I pray that I have the courage to say it.


Deuteronomy 21-22:30

    This passage reminded me of a saying I heard as a child, “Finders keepers, losers weepers.” This passage reminds me that it is my duty to God to do my best to return things I find to their original owners. I have an obligation to help those whose transportation has broken down. It is not acceptable to God for me to see someone in difficulty and just go about my business as if nothing had happened.

October 2, 2013 Bible Study — Forgetting What Is Behind and Straining Toward What Is Ahead

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 66:1-24

     Heaven is God’s throne, where He sits in comfort, and the earth is His footstool, where he rests His feet. Compared to that, what is anything we can build as a place for Him to live. For that matter, do we really think God needs our material possessions to accomplish His will? We cannot buy God off. Our only hope is to listen to Him and answer His call. God knows those people who ‘consecrate’ and ‘purify’ themselves to a path of self-indulgence. God knows the hearts of those who proclaim that evil is good. He will bring judgment down upon them.
     While many who think that they are God’s special evil conspire to do evil in His name, He will send out those who are truly faithful to carry His message to the entire earth. Those who truly serve the Lord will declare His glory in all of the earth. People from every nation will see God’s glory and come to serve Him. Oh Lord, make me your messenger, send me where You will, put Your words in my mouth.



Philippians 3:4-21

     Whatever claims we might have to being good people, it is not enough. In some ways, those things are a hindrance to truly following Christ. Nothing we have or do has any ability to make us righteous. The only thing which can truly bring us righteousness is faith in Christ. It is only by knowing Christ, and being known by Him, that we can be made right with God. Do I truly have the same desire Paul had to know Christ–to know the power of His resurrection by sharing in His suffering?
     When I read this passage it often makes me feel inadequate because I am not sure that I can embrace sharing in Christ’s suffering as enthusiastically as Paul did. Then I come to the part where Paul admits that he is not really there either. He has not achieved the relationship with Christ that he feels he should have. Nevertheless, he presses on. He is striving to grasp Christ with the same energy and enthusiasm with which Christ has grasped him. He forgets his past failures, only looking toward the goal, striving every day to more enthusiastically, and faithfully, serve Christ. I will follow Paul’s example and let go of my past failures. I will focus on how I can serve Christ more faithfully each day.


Psalm 74:1-23

     The psalmist wrote that they were not seeing any miraculous signs from God and there were no prophets to tell them God’s word. Nevertheless, he counted God as his king and was confident that God would bring salvation to the earth. He calls for God to act once more and to strike down those who mock Him. Are we echoing the psalmist and crying out to the Lord for Him to come to the aid of the poor and downtrodden? Let us make that the focus of our prayers.


Proverbs 24:15-16

     The proverb writer warns against plotting to steal from the righteous. The righteous may fall, but they will get up again. When the wicked fall, it will be their end.