Tag Archives: Psalm 69

September 27, 2015 Bible Study — Don’t Be Fooled By Those Who Try To Excuse Sin

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:7

    When true leaders discuss the actions which should be taken for the good of all, fools have nothing of value to add.


Psalm 69:19-36

    Praising God pleases Him more than any gifts and offerings we might give. Those who humbly seek God’s help will be aided. He hears the cries of the needy and comes to their assistance.


Ephesians 5

    I find this passage extremely relevant in today’s society. There are three things which we must not allow ourselves to be: a sexually immoral, an impure, or greedy person. Anyone who is any of those things is an idolator. Notice that these three things are lumped together by Paul. He goes on to warn us not to be fooled by those who try to make excuses for these sins.
    Rather than let ourselves be caught in such sins, we need to carefully determine what actions please God. Once we have made that determination, let us make the most of every opportunity we have to do good. In order to make the most of our opportunities we must never act thoughtlessly. Paul warns us against getting drunk, one of the leading causes of people acting thoughtlessly. Instead, we can gain a similar feeling by allowing ourselves to be filled with the Holy Spirit.


Isaiah 51-53

    Isaiah reminds us that if we truly know and fear God there is no reason to fear any human being. We do not need to fear the oppressor, or those who have made themselves our enemies. God is our comforter and His law will be proclaimed. The earth and everything in it will come to an end, but God’s salvation is eternal. Isaiah tells us that God’s name has been blasphemed because of the actions of those who claim to serve Him, but God is going to truly reveal His name to His people. He will fill them with His power. On that day, and that day is today, the good news of God’s salvation will be proclaimed in all of the earth. God is sovereign over all of the earth.
    Then Isaiah tells us how this day came to be (although when Isaiah proclaimed it, it was still in the future). God sent Jesus to suffer for our sins. He was despised and rejected. It seemed at the time that He was punished for His sins, although, in fact, He was punished for ours. Jesus was made an offering for sin. Yet, it was because of His weakness that He was victorious. By accepting that suffering Jesus was able to bear the sins of all the world and bring the offer of salvation to all who would receive it. Let us joyfully accept the gift He has given us.

September 26, 2015 Bible Study — Get Rid of All Bitterness, Rage, Anger, Harsh Words, and Slander

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:5-6

    Those who act wisely will defeat those who rely solely on might. You will need wise guidance to gain victory in any contest of strength (from sporting events to war), seek many advisers before beginning the contest.


Psalm 69:1-18

    There has only been one time when I felt as utterly overwhelmed by life circumstances as the psalmist expresses here and even then I knew that I was not truly in floodwaters up to my neck. However, even now when God has made my life good, there is something here that speaks to me. I must acknowledge that God knows how foolish I am, and every one of my sins. I cannot hide my sins from God. I pray that God does not allow me to do anything that will cause shame to those who trust in Him. Let each and every one of us consider our actions so that we do not bring shame on others who trust in God. As I typed this I realized that there is a second reading to that phrase that is just as important…we should not feel shamed by the actions of those who are doing the Lord’s will (it is one thing to be shamed by someone who claims to serve God and does wrong, it is another to be shamed because someone is doing God’s will).


Ephesians 4:17-32

    In a way, everything Paul has written up to now in his letter to the Ephesians has been by way of introduction. In today’s passage he begins to get to the point. We are to stop living the way that unbelievers do. They are confused. They want to live righteous lives, but think they can do so while living for lustful pleasure and practicing all kinds of impurity. They think they can find righteousness while refusing to have anything to do with God. Those who follow Christ have learned that truth comes from Him. We cannot live righteously until we find God. In order to find God we must throw off our sinful, lustful nature and allow the Holy Spirit to make us new in our thoughts and attitudes. Paul then goes through a checklist which we can follow in order to allow that transformation to occur.

  1. Stop telling lies
  2. The first step to being transformed is to be honest with everyone: no more lies, no more half-truths, no more truths told in such a way so as to deceive.

  3. Don’t let anger control us
  4. Yes, we will still get angry, but we need to let the anger go. The sooner the better, but certainly before the end of the day. Our anger will allow us to justify doing wrong: “He did wrong to me, so I can do wrong to him.”

  5. Work hard so that you can give to those in need.
  6. Stop thinking that it is OK to live off of the productivity of others, or that it is charitable to take others wealth to help those in need.

  7. Do NOT use foul or abusive language
  8. Instead be careful to only say things which are helpful and build others up. I think I do a fair job on the “not” part. However, I have a long way to go on the “instead” part.

  9. Do not bring sorrow to the Holy Spirit by the way you live.
  10. To a large degree this follows from the previous four, but not entirely. Paul then gives us a two sided list: things not to do and things to do in order to not bring sorrow to the Holy Spirit.

And here is that two sided list;
Get rid of:

  • bitterness
  • rage
  • anger
  • harsh words
  • slander
  • all types of evil behavior


  • be kind to others
  • be tenderhearted
  • forgive one another


Isaiah 48:12-50:11

    Much of this passage is a Messianic prophecy which was fulfilled by Jesus. However, some aspects of it are both that and guidance for how we should live our lives. Each and every morning God has spoken to us. Have we listened? Let us not turn away or rebel. Let us offer our backs to those who beat us, because God will help us. If we are determined to do His will, we will not be disgraced.
    If we are walking in darkness without a sliver of light, let us trust and rely on God. He will guide us. The danger will arise if we try to create our own light in the darkness. That light will deceive us and lead us to torment. Let us trust in God and look for the light from Him.

March 28, 2015 Bible Study — How Do We Know Where the Gospel Will Thrive?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:2-3

    This proverb contains a truth which those who conduct foreign policy all too often fail to heed. Those who perform wicked deeds will never create stability. Stability is a byproduct of the godly people in a society. The roots referred to in this proverb provide stability not just for the godly but for the community around them, just as the roots of a tree growing on a hill reduce the chance of a mudslide by providing stability to the soil around them.


Psalm 69:19-36

    The psalmist continues to describe his depression. Despite his desperate depression he continues to call on God and to praise Him. As I read this psalm there was one phrase which makes me want to cry:

If only one person would show some pity;
if only one would turn and comfort me.

Every time I read this I vow that I will be that one. I know that I fail, but nevertheless, God calls us to be that one. The one who makes the difference, who shows the person suffering depression that they are not alone and that God loves them.
    Oh God, whoever it is who is crying out as the psalmist does her, if they are someone I know, make me be the one who turns and comforts them…or better yet, let me be just one of Your many servants who turns and comforts them.


Luke 8:4-21

    I will repeat what I have said elsewhere where I have blogged about the parable of the sower. Every time I read this passage, I fear that I am the soil with the thorns. I know I am not the hard soil, because I have responded to God’s message. I know I am not the rocky soil because I do not wilt in the face of opposition. On the other hand, I have trouble seeing myself as producing a crop that is a hundred times what was planted.
    That being said, I have been starting to get a different view of this parable recently. I noticed that the farmer spread the seed on all of the soil. Why would he waste seed on soil where it would not thrive? You could say, “Well, he did not know where it would thrive?” There is some truth to that, but surely he could tell where the soil was too packed down to thrive? The answer to that is that something might happen to change things. Perhaps the soil of the path would get broken up and the seed could settle in before the birds got to it. Perhaps the rocks would get dug out of the rocky soil, allowing the seeds to thrive (I know from a farming perspective that is silly, but bear with me). Perhaps someone would come and pull out the thistles and other weeds so that they could not strangle the good crop. The point is, we don’t know where the Gospel message will thrive so we should spread it to everyone we meet.


Deuteronomy 9-10:22

    The Israelites went against God’s will again and again, yet God gave them new chances. After Moses gives an account of all of the times they had rebelled, he tells them what God requires of them now: “He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases him, and love him and serve him with all your heart and soul.” This is what He requires of us today.

  • Fear the Lord
  • The best example I can think of what this means is something I witnessed happen between a friend and his dog. He had raised the dog from a puppy. He loved that dog and treated it well, but he demanded that it obey him. One day, just as it became an adult dog, he gently smacked its nose away from a bit of food it was going for. It snapped at him and bit him. He went from stern to angry. The dog ran under the table and hid. That dog feared its master the way we should fear God.

  • Live in a way that pleases Him
  • Live with integrity and honour

  • Love Him and serve Him with all your heart and soul
  • Feed the hungry, clothe the poor, love your enemies, bless those that curse you, etc.

March 27, 2015 Bible Study — How Much Have We Been Forgiven?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:1

    This proverb is so true. Only the truly stupid hate to be corrected and the only person who is truly stupid is unwilling to accept discipline when they are wrong.


Psalm 69:1-18

    This psalm expresses the faith of one suffering deep depression. Everything, and everyone, seems to be conspiring against him (and perhaps it is). Yet, no matter how bad he thinks things are, no matter how bad things actually are, he continues to have faith in God. He continues to cry out to God for rescue, believing that God will rescue him. The psalmist does this even though he is ridiculed for his faith. He acknowledges that he has foolishly sinned and prays that God does not allow his foolishness to cause others who trust in God to be shamed.
    All in all, this psalm is a great expression of faith. I pray that my faith will be as strong should I ever find myself in similar circumstances.


Luke 7:36-8:3

    Wow, I actually have three points to make on this passage. First, the more we perceive ourselves to have been a sinner, the more thankful we are to God for His forgiveness. Second, we should all strive to show our thankfulness as enthusiastically as this woman. Third, none of us should have the attitude of the Pharisee in this story. None of us should think of someone else as a greater sinner than ourselves, that we are somehow better than that other person.
    I was going to go into more detail on this, but I think that pretty much covers it. I will finish with this question: Do we realize how much we have been forgiven? Do we express to God the love He deserves for the forgiveness we have received?


Deuteronomy 7-8:20

    Moses tells the Israelites that when they enter into the Promised Land they must not make any treaties with the people living there. He tells them to completely consecrate those people to God. The word used here is typically translated as “destroy”, and typically the term means destroying something in order to give it to God. As I read this, I am reminded that when the Israelites left Egypt they were accompanied by a large number of non-Israelites. Those non-Israelites became part of the people of God. The Israelites were not to adopt any of the customs of the people whose land they were entering. But if those people were to dedicate themselves wholly to the service of God, well that was different. Understand, I do not think that was how those who heard Moses speak understood him. I do however think that was how God intended them to hear it.
    The second part of the passage contains both a promise and a warning. The promise is that if the Israelites live in fear of the Lord and follow His commands they will prosper. This promise was not just for the Israelites. It was for all people. So was His warning. The passage warned the Israelites to remember that their wealth came from worshiping and serving God. If they were to begin to think that the wealth they acquired was a result of their merit and specialness they might stop being faithful to God and start worshiping other gods. Just as the nations which the Israelites were displacing were being destroyed because they refused to obey God, so too would the Israelites be destroyed if they refused to worship God…so, too will we be destroyed.

September 27, 2014 Bible Study — Fill Your Time Doing Good

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:7

    Fools do not even aspire to wisdom. They should not speak when serious matters are being discussed. These are people who refuse to think deeply about things, but then want a say in deciding what should be done.


Psalm 69:19-36

    The psalmist was in deep despair, such that if even one person had offered him comfort it would have lifted the burden. Let us strive to be that one person to those suffering despair. Let us not be like those he described as his enemies, those who added to the injury of those suffering God’s judgement. God will judge those who sin, let us remember to show His love. Let us not make the mistake of pretending that our sins are any less severe than those who are suffering despair. Let us show them the love God has for them and remind them that He will forgive them if they turn from their sin.


Ephesians 5:1-33

    Paul tells us that we should strive to imitate God in everything we do. Christ set an example for us and we should follow it, living a life filled with love for everyone. In particular Paul points out three types of sin which will infect us and keep us from growing as Christians. Those sins are sexual immorality, impurity, and greed. It is very telling that Paul singles out these three sins. We need to strive to avoid obscenity, foolish talk, and coarse jokes. It is so easy to let these creep into our lives and then allow them to inflame our sinful nature.
    Staying away from those sins is difficult. As Paul pointed out earlier, our sinful nature constantly entices us to follow those desires. However, he tells us how to do so. The way to stay away from sins is to fill our time doing that which is good, that which God desires us to do. Let us spend our time being thankful to God, seeking to do what pleases Him. Let us fill our minds with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. If we fill our time with doing that which God desires us to do, we will not have time left over to yield to the sinful desires of our earthly nature.


Isaiah 51-53:12

    As we seek the Lord and face the difficulties of this life, let us remember Abraham. He was but a single man when God called him. Yet God blessed him and made a great nation out of him. God’s law will be proclaimed to every nation. Indeed, it has been so proclaimed. His justice is a light for the world. This world will wear out in time, but God’s righteousness and salvation will last for eternity. Our God today is the same God who rescued His people from Egypt and drowned Pharaoh’s army in the sea. We need not fear any human agency if we serve the living God.
    This passage also contains one of the prophecies about Jesus which deeply touches my heart.

But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.

It breaks my heart that this is true, but it also brings me joy to know that God loves me so much.

September 26, 2014 Bible Study — Let Us Be Made New

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:5-6

    Strength and power applied without wisdom and knowledge will fail. Seek advice before entering into the contest. You will not prevail unless you weigh the advice from many advisers.


Psalm 69:1-18

    Let us follow the psalmist’s example. When we are overwhelmed by the troubles of this life and are sinking fast, let us continue to cry out to God. Even when I am about to drown in my troubles I will not lose faith in God. Even then I will remain faithful trusting Him to rescue me.


Ephesians 4:17-32

    Paul warns us against living our lives by the standards of those who have closed their minds to God and hardened their hearts against Him. They live their lives for lustful pleasure and give themselves over to all sorts of impurities. Let us put off our old selves with their deceitful desires, desires which promise more pleasure than they deliver. Instead, let us be made new in our minds and our attitudes so that we may become like Christ. Every time I hear or say what I just wrote above the question comes to me, “But how do I do that?”
    Fortunately, Paul offers an answer to that question as well. If we follow his answer with discipline it will allow us to be transformed. Step one, resolve to avoid falsehood as an easy out and only speak truth to our neighbors (remembering what Jesus told us about who are neighbor is). Step two, control our anger, do not allow our anger to cause us to sin. No matter how justified our anger, it does not justify doing that which is wrong. One part of that is letting our anger go and move on. We need to let our anger go at the end of the day, if not sooner. The longer we hold onto our anger, no matter how justified, the more likely we are to sin because of its influence on our thinking. Holding onto our anger gives the devil a foothold to influence our actions, let us not yield him any advantages.
    Step three, if we have been living by stealing from others (and I think he means that in the most expansive meaning of “stealing”), let us stop doing so and start doing something useful so that we have excess to give to those in need. Step four, stop using foul and abusive language. Instead let us choose our words carefully so that they are helpful and encourage everyone who hears them to improve themselves.
    The final step is twofold. Let go of bitterness and anger (which really goes back to step two), and all other evil behavior. Instead, let us be kind and tenderhearted, forgiving those who have sinned against us. Christ forgave us for our sins, we cannot be like Him unless we are willing to forgive those we believe have sinned against us. We cannot claim to have forgiven someone if we remain bitter and angry about what they have done.


Isaiah 48:12-50:11

    God has declared that when the time is right, He will make His salvation known to us. He will lift people up and draw them to Him from far away lands. I read this as both a promise to the Church and to the people of Israel. In this passage, Isaiah predicts the coming of Christ as God’s servant, but he also predicts the return of the people of Israel to the land God promised Abraham’s descendants. When I read this part:

See, I will give a signal to the godless nations.
They will carry your little sons back to you in their arms;
they will bring your daughters on their shoulders.

It made me think of when the modern state of Israel was created following WWII. Countries from all over the world helped Jews go to the newly established state of Israel.
    At the end of the passage there is this:

Who among you fears the Lord
and obeys his servant?
If you are walking in darkness,
without a ray of light,
trust in the Lord
and rely on your God.

Even if we cannot see the way in front of us, we can rely on God and He will direct us. It is better to be in darkness and trust in God than to make our own false light and rely on ourselves.

March 28, 2014 Bible Study — Is Our Lamp Lit?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 12:2-3

    A society becomes stable and strong through the righteous acts of the godly. Wickedness only results in ever-increasing instability. God shows favor to those who do good and condemnation to those who plot evil.


Psalm 69:19-36

    Wealth and bounty will become a snare to those who lose sight of God and His will, those who do not have pity on the suffering of others. God does not desire our offerings out of our excess. He desires for us to praise His name and honour Him. God hears the cries of those in need and will come to their aid. If we are in need we can rely on His aid. If we are not in need, let us be the hands by which that aid is delivered.


Luke 8:4-21

    I have talked about how the parable of the sower always makes me fear that I am the third type of soil. It feels so much like I allow the concerns about this life crowd out the word of God. Am I truly producing a bountiful harvest for God? Or has the word of God been crowded out by the cares and pleasures of this life?
    I realized one thing today as I read the parable of the lamp. If God’s light is lit on our hearts, we may try to hide it, but God will take away the bowl which we may try to place ourselves in. He will come and get us out from under the bed. He will place us on a table, or a lamp-stand, so that everyone who comes by will see out light. I will resist the temptation to turn down the lamp inside me when I find myself in public view.


Deuteronomy 9-10:22

    When we receive good things from God, let us remember that our success is not because we are such good people. If we turn from God and behave wickedly, He will take these good things from us. Let us not forget our sins and rebellion against God. God is a great God and He will not show partiality. I will dedicate myself to doing as God requires of me (even though I know that I will only succeed through His grace and Spirit). I will love Him and serve Him with all of my heart, soul, and being. I will strive to imitate God by showing love to the foreigners who live amongst us, meeting their needs to the best of my ability (as God gives me the strength and guides my hand).

March 27, 2014 Bible Study — How Much Forgiveness Do I Need?

    I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I write this daily blog because it helps me pay closer attention to the Scripture as I read it. Before I started writing this blog I had trouble disciplining myself to read the Bible regularly, let alone every day. I hope that by posting my thoughts I can encourage others to regularly read the Bible (and perhaps my thoughts will give someone encouragement in their walk with Christ). In order to make it possible for others to use my blog as part of their daily Bible Study (the hubris of that idea never ceases to amaze me), I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 12:1

    In order to learn, you must embrace being corrected and disciplined when you are wrong. Anyone who despises being corrected is both ignorant and stupid.


Psalm 69:1-18

    This psalm reflects how I feel right now. I am overwhelmed by my troubles and I beg of God that He rescue me. I have been foolish and made many mistakes. I acknowledge my sins before God. I have no choice because He knows them all. I ask that God not allow those who trust in Him be ashamed because of me. Oh God, do not allow those who honor you to be humiliated by anything I say or do!


Luke 7:36-8:3

    There are a lot of different takes on this story of the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and with perfume. There is a lot to be learned from it. However, the question that struck me is that in reality there is no practical difference in the amount of forgiveness the Pharisee and the woman in this story needed from God. The difference was in their perception of their need. Or to put it another way, if I am drowning in the ocean, it doesn’t matter if I am 1 mile from shore or 100 miles from shore. In either case, if someone does not come along and pull me out of the water, I will die.
    Simon the Pharisee perceived himself as needing just a little bit of help in order to be righteous. The woman who anointed Jesus perceived herself as being completely unable to be righteous. So, the question is how do I perceive myself? Do I understand that without Jesus, righteousness is completely out of my reach? The answer is, “Not always”. Yet, I know that it is.


Deuteronomy 7-8:20

    God did not choose us as His servants because we are stronger, or smarter, or faster, or in any other way better than anybody else. He chose us because He loves us. We were chosen by God to serve Him and if we do that He will bless us. However, we cannot compromise on God’s principles. We cannot meet those who do not believe in God halfway. We must not worship their gods or serve their goals.

September 27, 2013 Bible Study — Live In the Light

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 51-53:12

     If you think, “What difference can one person make?” Remember that Abraham was but one man when God called him. God made him a great nation. God’s law will be proclaimed. His justice is coming soon. Do not be afraid of the people of this world, because they will all die in due time. However, God’s salvation will last for eternity. God offers us His comfort and protection, the only reason we still fear humans is because we forget God. IF we let Him, God will put His words in our mouth and hide us in the safety of His hand.
     I will declare God’s good news, even in the face of mockery and persecution. I know that the day will come when God’s people will praise those who brought them the Gospel. From one end of this earth to the other, everyone will see God’s victory. Isaiah declared that it was God’s purpose for His Messiah, Jesus, to be crushed and killed. Isaiah said that he would be buried like a criminal in a rich man’s grave.



Ephesians 5:1-33

     Paul tells us that we should imitate God, living a life filled with love, following the example of Christ, who laid down His life out of love for us. He lists three types of behavior which we should avoid: sexual immorality, impurity, and greed. Obscenity, foolish talk, and coarse jokes are out of place for those who strive to serve God. Greed is just a form of idolatry, where the person worships wealth instead of God. People will try to make excuses for such behavior, but we will suffer for it if we do those things.
     The proper way to behave is as the people of light. If we feel compelled to hide certain behaviors from some people we should not do those things. We should be ashamed to even talk about the things which are done in secret (and if we are, that will keep us from gossiping). Let us be careful how we live, striving to act with wisdom. Take advantage of every opportunity we have to bring glory to God. Avoid foolish behavior and think things through before we act. Do not get drunk because that is likely to lead us to do things which we will regret. Instead, express our joy through singing and praising God.
     Let us submit to one another. Wives are to submit to their husbands in the same way that you submit to Christ. Historically, too much emphasis was placed on that portion of this passage and not enough on the following portion. As a husband, I am to love my wife as Christ loved the Church. Christ gave up all that He had in order to glorify and elevate the Church, even to the point of dying a painful death. Until I have shown a similar dedication to my wife, I have no basis to demand that she submit to me and even then, Christ did not demand that the Church submit to Him. The Church submits to Christ as a voluntary act in response to His love for the Church. I am to love my wife as I love my own body, caring for her so that she does not experience pain or suffering as much as I am able. I will challenge any husband reading this, if you feel that your wife does not respect you as you think she should, perhaps that is because you do not love her as you should.


     I always feel troubled when I write something on this passage because my wife respects me and submits to me in every way as I believe the Bible calls for, but I question whether I truly fulfill my end of the bargain and love her as Christ loved the Church. I truly love my wife, but I do not think I live up to the standard which Paul holds up for me in this passage. I will continue to strive to reach the point where I can say that I live according to what Paul is teaching here.


Psalm 69:19-36

     I have trouble seeing what to make of this psalm, but there are a few things I see here. The psalm warns us against “piling on” on those whom God has sent punishment. It is not our place to punish those who have sinned. Instead we should show them kindness and concern. Let us show pity to those who are suffering in consequence of their sins. Let us aid them as we can to soothe their hurts.


Proverbs 24:7

     Fools should not try to discuss things that require wisdom. They should keep their mouths shut and listen to those who understand. But how do I know if I am one of those who should speak, or one of those who should keep quiet?

September 26, 2013 Bible Study — Do Not Sin By Letting Anger Control You

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 48:12-50:11

     The prophet tells us that God, and God alone, predicted that Cyrus would rise and overthrow the Babylonians. No one speaking on behalf of other gods had made such a prediction. Isaiah then goes on to report that God tells us that He gives us His commands because they are what is good for us. If we, as a people, listen to God’s commands, we will have peace. And even if we only obey God’s commands on an individual basis we will be better off than if we do not. God’s commands are for our own good, just as the rules laid down for a child by good parents are for the child’s own good. Yet even though we have disobeyed His commands, like a loving parent, God will extend His hand and rescue us from the trouble our disobedience has brought us.


     This passage contains an important lesson for us. God’s commands are not arbitrary rules designed to prove that we will do as He instructs.Rather they are there for our own good. God does not want us to be hurt, so He tells us not to do the things which will cause us harm. He wants us to be happy, so He tells us to do the things which will bring us true joy.

     Isaiah then proceeds to what has been quoted in the New Testament as a prophecy concerning Jesus. In that light, I find a statement in the middle of it interesting. Isaiah puts a statement in the mouth of the one who is prophesied to come. That statement says that His work seems so useless, that He spent His strength for nothing. God replies to this statement by telling Him that not only will He restore the people of Israel to God, He will bring God’s salvation to the ends of the earth.

     When those who do not know God look at the crucifixion of Christ, it looks like failure. So too does many of the things which God calls us to do. Sometimes when we do what God has called us to do, it looks like failure. But that is because we stop looking at what He is doing too soon. If we stop reading the Gospels at Jesus’ death, it looks like He failed. But that is not the end of the story. There is still the resurrection to come. That is how it is in our lives, we may seem to have failed, but God tells us that the resurrection is going to come. He will bring about victory from what appears to all as complete defeat.

     When conditions were right, God sent His Redeemer to redeem His people. He will free the captives and give sight to the blind. He will make level roads in the mountains and cause it to rain in the desert. He will bring the people He has chosen to Himself from the ends of the earth. God asks about rescuing captives from a tyrant and taking plunder from a warrior (the implication being that the captives will be killed and the plunder destroyed before they will be released). However, God tells us that He will free the captives and give them the plunder taken by the warriors.
     Isaiah continues with what is certainly a Messianic prophecy, but I believe it is also a guide for our instruction. He tells us that he did not turn away from God’s commands. He was willing to be beaten and tortured to do as God instructed. He refused to hide from mockery. He was not put to shame because the Lord was his help. Now will bring charges against him because God stands as his advocate, his defense attorney. If we are walking in darkness and trust the Lord, He will give us light. But those who think that their own insight will get them through without needing to turn to God will stumble and fall.


Ephesians 4:17-32

     Paul tells us that we must no longer live as unbelievers do, a lifestyle that is the product of futility and ignorance. They live for lustful pleasure, indulge in impurity, and are full of greed because they have refused to accept God’s instructions. However, this is not the life which we have learned to live since we accepted Christ and His truth. Let us throw off our old lives of deceitful desires which corrupt our entire being. Rather let us put on new selves as the Spirit transforms our minds into the likeness of the righteousness and holiness of God.
     This means that we are to give up lies, deception, and falsehoods. We cannot allow our anger, no matter how justified, to control our actions. Those who had been stealing are to stop and take up productive work so that they have to share with those in need. We need to stop using foul and abusive language. Instead everything we say should be good and helpful so that those who hear us will be encouraged. Let us not bring sorrow to the Spirit in any way by the way we live.


     Some time back I realized that my non-Christian friends tend to commit the sins which they do because they are attempting to distract themselves from the darkness and depression inherent in their world view. There is a certain emptiness to every non-Christian philosophy I have examined. For one reason or another, people have chosen to reject Christianity, which leaves them with no choice but one of these empty philosophies. As a result they spend much of their time trying to find ways to avoid looking into that emptiness.
     As a Christian, we need to acknowledge the value of being productive in service to God. It is not enough to not tell lies, we must avoid being deceitful by selectively telling the truth. I cannot let anger control my actions, even when I believe that I have been wronged. Instead I need to imitate God, who forgave me even though He had much greater reason to be angry with me than I have with any person I have met. The last tow verses of today’s passage sum it all up:

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.


Psalm 69:1-18

     The psalmist cries out to God for rescue. He is exhausted from calling for God’s help. Yet, he still has faith that God will come to his aid. He admits that he is a sinner and that his sins are known to God. His first request is that his actions and troubles do not bring shame to those who trust in God. He has been mocked and ridiculed for his efforts to do God’s will. Nevertheless, he has faith that God will come to his aid.


     The psalmist expresses a desire that his own failings and shortcomings not reflect poorly on others who are striving to do the Lord’s will. I, also, will strive to make it clear that my failings are despite my faith, not because of it.


Proverbs 24:5-6

     Wisdom and knowledge allow one to make the best use of one’s strength. Someone who wisely deploys their forces will defeat a stronger opponent who does not do likewise. Knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the contest will give you an advantage over an uninformed opponent.