Paul continues the argument he started in yesterday’s passage by pointing out that when his teachings were challenged by others, the Apostles sided with Paul. The point here being that Paul, having learned the Gospel primarily through studying Scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit, had a better understanding of that Gospel than some people who had learned it by listening to the other Apostles teaching it. The lesson here is that listening to the Holy Spirit is more important than credentials. We in the Church have gotten too caught up with the idea that our pastors should have the correct credentials. Paul points out that even Peter, who was the first to recognize that the Gospel was meant for the Gentiles as well as the Jews, got caught up in the error being promulgated by the “credentialed” teachers.
Isaiah predicted in this passage that there would come a day when Egypt and Assyria would ally with Israel and worship the Lord. I believe that this prophecy will still come to pass.
If a nation’s leaders are not wise, that nation is doomed. On the other hand, a leader who listens to many advisers, and knows how to decide which of their advice to take, is guaranteed to lead the nation to safety. When deciding whether to follow a leader, consider not just their wisdom, but the wisdom of their advisers.
This psalm contrasts the actions and thoughts of those who are evil with the actions and thoughts of those who serve God. Those who are evil come out at night. They speak cutting words. Most importantly, they believe that they will never be held accountable for their sins. Those who serve God praise Him in the morning. They sing with joy about God’s unfailing love. Most importantly, they recognize that it is God who keeps them safe and protects them from their enemies.
One of the most significant parts of this passage is the fact that the angels made their announcement to the shepherds. I have trouble imagining what group today would be the equivalent. The closest I can come is migrant farm workers, or perhaps carnies (the people who work the traveling carnivals). Few people from the rest of society interacted with shepherds and most people could never imagine doing that job if they had any other choice. Those were the people to whom God chose to send the angels to announce the birth of the Messiah.
I want to point out their reaction to the announcement. When the angels were finished, the shepherds said, “Let’s see this thing that has happened.” Would we have reacted the same way? Or would we have said, “That’s neat, but I have to get some sleep?” As I write this I am reminded of how I react to stories about strange events. If I did not witness the actual event, I am cautious in what I say about it. This is appropriate. Many people are easily fooled by scam artists into thinking something amazing happened when it was merely a trick of some sort.
However, when we hear that God is doing wonderful things, we should take time to check it out. We should find out if it is really God doing wonderful things…or is it just a scam artist preying on the gullible? Let us go, see for ourselves, and, if it is indeed God doing wonderful things, tell everyone what it is that we have seen.
The passage tells us that when Balaam realized that God was going to insist on blessing Israel, he did not use his normal methods for discovering God’s will. That sounds to me like Balaam was going to attempt to make up a curse on his own. However, the Holy Spirit came over him anyway and caused him to speak yet another blessing. The Moabites had failed to gain victory over the Israelites by having them cursed, so they turned to other tactics.
After the failure of Balak’s attempt to have the Israelites cursed by Balaam, the Moabites tried a different strategy. They began to try to assimilate the Israelites. Some of the Israelite men found some of the Moabite women attractive and began having sexual relations with them. The Moabite women encouraged the Israelite men to join them in the sacrifices and worship rituals to the Moabite god. As a result of this activity a plague began to spread among the Israelites.
I am a strong believer that we as Christians need to be involved with the society around us. However, this passage is a reminder of the dangers of doing so. As we become involved with the society around us it is all too easy to allow that society to draw us away from serving God and from doing His will. We can become seduced into worshiping the gods of those around us rather than converting them to worship our God.
For today, One Year Bible Online links here. From time to time I have encouraged people to read their Bible through on this blog. However, this morning (yesterday for those reading this) in our worship service, I realized that I have never made an outright appeal encouraging people to attend a local church (except occasionally when a particular passage leads there). So, I am going to so here today. Here is the link for the website of the congregation I attend. If you are in the area on a Sunday, please stop by and visit. If you live in the area and do not attend a congregation on a regular basis, I beg of you to start, whether at mine or another.
Parents should discipline their children for the good of the children. Lovingly administered corporal punishment will not harm the child and some lessons require physical punishment to truly hit home. Failure to learn those lessons will lead to your child’s death.
The psalmist does not call on God to kill his enemies, because such lessons are too quickly forgotten. He calls on God to use the pride and words his enemies speak to bring them down. His enemies come out at night and prowl the streets. They use words as weapons, lying and slandering others. They are convinced that no one will hear them who can hold them to account for their lies. But God knows what they are saying and will use it against them. By contrast the psalmist rises in the morning to sing praises to God. Let us be like the psalmist and rise in the morning to praise God with joy, rather than skulking about in the dark, thinking that no one can see our evil deeds.
Even Paul found it necessary to test what he taught against the understanding of others. He went to Jerusalem and met with the leaders of the Church there. He explained the message he was preaching to the Gentiles in order to find out if they were in agreement. He had been told that he was wrong on the basic elements of the Gospel he preached, so he went to those held in high esteem by the Church. Note that he did not go to them because they were held in high esteem, but because he respected the work they had done for God.
Despite the respect with which Paul held Peter, one of those he went to for confirmation of the message he preached, he was willing to confront Peter when he felt that Peter was doing wrong. This is an important lesson, accountability goes both ways. We need to hold accountable those we allow to hold us to account. This is something that Church leaders need to remember, they are accountable to those they lead. If a member of the congregation confronts an elder for doing something wrong, the elder must address the congregants concern. If the elder was doing wrong, they must repent and change their behavior. If the elder was not doing wrong, they must show the congregant why their action was right. What the elder cannot do is dismiss the concern because the person who raised it was not a fellow elder (although I will admit that there are some believers who frequently bring up specious concerns and perhaps their concerns can be taken more lightly…at some point congregational leaders should work with such a person to show them that doing so is more of a sin than the “sins” they are guarding against).
As I read this passage I cannot help but think about current events and the recent past in Egypt. I am sure that anyone reading this remembers the recent fighting in Egypt and most are probably aware that the current government is dictatorial. However, what people may not know is that since the building of the Aswan Dam the Nile no longer floods the way it used to do. This may seem like a good thing, and for years was held up as such. However, as time has gone on, one of the results of this is that agricultural production in Egypt has fallen. The regular flooding by the Nile refreshed the fertility of the soil along the banks of the Nile.
Is what we are seeing in Egypt today a fulfillment of this prophecy? I do not know. I do know that the government of Egypt is starting to see its interests served by siding with Israel against Hamas. Is this perhaps a precursor to the next part of this prophecy, where it suggests that much of Egypt will come to worship God? Isaiah prophesied that the people would cry out to Him for relief from oppression and that He would make Himself known to them. Further he prophesied that some of the cities of Egypt would begin to speak Hebrew. This prophecy has such hope for the people of the Middle East. That someday the people of Egypt, Israel, and Assyria (most of modern-day Syria and Iraq) will unite together to serve the Lord.
I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.
A nation which does not have leaders wise enough to take good advice will fall. The same holds true of companies and organizations. No one person can know enough to make the decisions needed to guide a large group of people without a multitude of wise advisers.
The psalmist asks God to rescue him from his enemies, but he requests that God not kill them. He asks that God trap them with their sins and the evil things that they say. The psalmist asks God to cause them to be captured by their pride and their lies so that the entire world can see and learn from their fate. The wicked say evil things at night when they think that no one who might hold them to account can hear. Yet God hears them and will hold them to account. I will not be like those who speak evil and despise God. I will sing about God’s power every morning (well, perhaps the word “sing” is inappropriate for the sounds I make, but I will praise God every morning). He has been my refuge (and still is) when troubles have arisen.
At the beginning of chapter 2 we have a statement by Luke that is both problematic and indicative of his attention to detail. Many biblical scholars find Luke’s reference to the census that occurred during the time that Quirinus was governor of Syria to be a problem because the other records we have indicate that Quirinus was not governor during the reign of Herod the Great. I will not go into the full set of arguments that can be used to deal with this problem. I will merely point out that the word used by Luke which is translated “governor” is elsewhere used to refer to several positions. There is another point I want to make. Later in this letter and in the Acts of the Apostles, Luke makes detailed descriptions of places and travel between places which many scholars used to believe were fictional or impractical. As time went on and more was learned about the time period, it was discovered that Luke’s account of those details was accurate after all. So, while I will not rule out that Luke got his facts wrong (this did happen before he would have been old enough to actually know what was going on and he had to rely on other sources), I tend to believe that he was more likely correct than our alternate sources who suggest that he was wrong.
I have always been a fan of the story of the angels announcing the birth to the shepherds for various reasons (not least being the fact that my father read the story every Christmas Eve before we began opening our presents). I love these words spoken by the angel, “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”(NIV) That is the message we have to spread today. It is good news and a source of great joy to those who heed it, no matter who they are or where they live. I need to be reminded of this on a regular basis. When I a book, or a TV show, or a movie, or…well you get the idea…that gives me joy, I can’t wait to tell others about it, especially when I think they will get pleasure and/or joy from it as well. Yet, all too often I am reluctant to share the Gospel with those whom I know need to hear it.
God, please forgive me for my lack of enthusiasm for telling others of your wondrous grace and give me the courage to do so more going forward.
Yesterday I discussed the first two times Balaam looked out over the Israelites in order to attempt to curse them for Balak, the king of Moab. Balak took Balaam to a third place to try to find a curse for Israel from there. Balaam had realized by now that God would not allow him to curse Israel. So, this time Balaam did not bother with conducting his normal divination routine. Nevertheless the Spirit of God came upon him and gave him a message for Balak. Balaam warned Balak that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. Balak was furious with Balaam, but Balaam reminded him that he had warned Balak that he could only speak the words which God gave him.
While the Israelites were still camped at this location, some of the Israelite men began sleeping with Moabite women. The women invited them to the sacrifices which they had to their pagan gods, and these men went with them. This passage is a reminder about the dangers of getting into a sexual relationship with someone who does not share your belief in God (whether it is a marital relationship or otherwise). It is all too easy to allow our sexual desires to lead us away from worshiping God.
I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.
Isaiah prophesied that destruction and tribulation would come upon Egypt. Those who advise the rulers of Egypt would give advice that was wrong and foolish. Isaiah further prophesied that five cities in Egypt (at that time cities exerted control over the region surrounding them, so this would mean five regions of Egypt) would follow the Lord and ally with Israel (almost to the point of becoming one nation with Israel). Isaiah told us that God would strike Egypt, which would cause the people of that land to turn to the Lord and follow Him. When they turned to follow Him, God would heal them. In that day, Isaiah told us, there would be a road from Egypt to Assyria and the people would move back and forth on it freely. He wrote that Assyria and Egypt would be allied with Israel. This reads to me that these three would be formed into a confederation, or possibly a single nation. Reading this passage, Isaiah seems to be saying that the day will come when the Middle East will be united in worship of God.
This prophecy may have been fulfilled in the time period of the Early Church, before the rise of Islam. But as I read it, I cannot help but think that God is telling us that there will be a day like this in the future. There is one thing that this prophecy makes clear to me, the only path to peace in the Middle East is through Divine intervention and by God’s grace drawing the people of the region to unite in worship of Him.
Isaiah next prophesied concerning the fall of Babylon. His prophecy bears a great resemblance to what we are told actually happened in the Book of Daniel and in other historical records. This passage has often been seen as a warning to those nations which become complacent in their might and power. The Babylonian elites became arrogant and confident that no one could penetrate their city walls. However, God had other plans and Cyrus devised a plan that let him take advantage of their complacency.
Paul wrote that when he went to Jerusalem after completing his first missionary journey he spoke with the leaders of the Church there. He explained to them in detail what he had been preaching to the Gentiles. Paul was concerned that the message he had been preaching might be deficient in some manner. He was not impressed by the reputations of the leaders, but he recognized the value of comparing his understanding of God’s word with his fellow believers. Paul claimed that the whole incident only occurred because some false believers had joined the Church in order to take away the freedom of belief in Christ and replace it with slavery to the Law. Paul went on to write that the leaders of the Church in Jerusalem added nothing to the message he was preaching. This means that Paul had arrived at the same Gospel through direct revelation and studying Scripture that they had been taught by Jesus.
Paul then told of a time when Peter came to Antioch. When Peter first arrived, he ate with the Gentiles, just as Paul did. However, when some Jewish believers arrived from Jerusalem Peter started taking his meals separate from the Gentiles according to traditional Jewish practice. Paul confronted Peter over his hypocrisy for pretending to follow Jewish custom in front of other Jews, when he lived otherwise in their absence. Paul pointed out to Peter that both men knew that they were made right with God by faith in Jesus, not by obeying the Law. No one is ever justified before God by their own works.
The psalmist calls on God to rescue him from his enemies. However, he asks that God not kill them because people too quickly forget such lessons. Instead, he asks that God allow them to be destroyed by the words they speak (which they think no one who will hold them accountable has heard). The psalmist tells us that his enemies come out at night and scavenge like wild dogs. However, he rises in the morning with a song of praise for the Lord on his lips. Yes, I will strive for this:
But as for me, I will sing about your power.
Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love.
The proverb writer advises us that parents who truly love their children will discipline them. He points out that it may sometimes be necessary to impose physical discipline to teach a child to avoid behavior that might lead to their death.
I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.
On the third and final time that Balak attempted to get Balaam to curse Israel, Balaam did not spend any time going through his usual routine of meditation to determine what God would have him say. He knew that God was going to bless Israel. Balaam turned to look over the camp of Israel and the Spirit of God came upon him. In Balaam’s final blessing of the Israelites is something that has proven true through most of history:
“Blessed is everyone who blesses you, O Israel,
and cursed is everyone who curses you.”
Balak was furious and refused to pay Balaam, demanding that he return to his home. Balaam replied that he had warned Balak that he could only say what God had commanded. Balaam then gives a prophecy concerning Moab and the other countries in the surrounding area. Am I willing to say what God tells me to say? Am I willing to say ONLY what God tells me to say? Even if it costs me?
While Israel was camped in this area, some of the Israelite men began having sexual affairs with Moabite women. The women invited the men to the sacrifices to their gods. The men went and joined in the sacrifices and the feasts. This caused a plague to break out among the Israelites. Moses gathered the judges of the Israelites and ordered them to put to death the men under their authority who had joined in the idol worship. While Moses was speaking to the judges about this issue and the people were gathered praying for God’s deliverance from the plague, a man openly brought a Midianite woman into his tent to have sex with her. Aaron’s grandson was so incensed by this brazen behavior that he grabbed a spear and went and killed the man and the woman while they were having sex in the man’s tent. At this point the plague in the camp ended, but not until it had taken the lives of 24,000. Reading this passage one can easily miss the point that by taking part in the rituals of worshiping the idols and the sexual licentiousness associated with them, these men were bringing disease into the Israelite camp. It was only when this behavior was stopped that the spread of this disease could be controlled.
The first rose bush as spring is coming
Today’s passage is Luke’s account of the birth of Christ. It is the one most often used around Christmas time because it so well brings together the important elements of that event. First it tells us why Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem. They went in response to a Roman census. When Jesus was born, Mary carefully wrapped him and placed him in a manger because there were no guest rooms available for them. Then we have an interesting thing. God announced the birth of His Son by sending angels. However, He did not send the announcement to the mighty and powerful. Instead He sent the angels to shepherds who were in the fields tending their flocks. When the angels departed, the shepherds went to see what they had been told about. Once they saw the child they spread the word about what they had been told and seen.
In due time Mary and Joseph had the child circumcised and named Him Jesus, as the angel had told them to do. They took Him to the Temple for the purification rites that the Law required Mary go through after giving birth. It is interesting to note that the offering they made was that designated for those who were too poor to afford a lamb. Luke tells us that while they were there they met Simeon. Simeon believed that he would live until he saw the coming of the Messiah. When Simeon saw the child, Jesus, he took Him in his arms and praised God that he had indeed seen the Messiah. Simeon said that he was now ready to die. All we know about how Simeon knew that Jesus was the Messiah is that we are told that the Spirit moved him. Are we open to such revelation from the Spirit?
The psalmist cries to God for rescue from his enemies. Do we turn to the Lord when others attack us and slander us? If we do, have we been careful to make sure that we can say with the psalmist that we have not sinned against them?
The psalmist asks God not to kill his enemies because people forget too quickly. He asks that God punish those who are evil in such a manner that they remain as a reminder to others of the folly of wickedness. The psalmist speaks of the evil which his enemies do, acting under cover of the dark but says that he will not respond in kind and will act in the light of day.
But as for me, I will sing about your power.
Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love.
For you have been my refuge,
a place of safety when I am in distress.
Do we perform our actions in the light of day, so that everyone can see how we behave? Or do we prefer the cover of darkness to hide our misdeeds from others? I will sing about God’s unfailing love because He has been and continues to be a place of safety for me when troubles arise.
The third rose bush as spring is coming
A nation whose leaders do not listen to wise advice will fall. Those who carefully weigh the advice of many different advisers will be victorious. This is as true for individuals, businesses and organizations as it is for nations. Where do I turn for advice in making my decisions? Do I have wise advisers? Do I have enough of them?