I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Isaiah 8-9:21
Isaiah predicts that before his new born son is old enough to say “Papa” or “Mama” Assyria will destroy the kingdom of Damascus and the kingdom of Israel (the Northern Kingdom). Assyria will sweep over those lands like a river overflowing its banks. The flood waters will rise up into Judah, but subside before Judah is completely submerged. Judah would not be overcome by Assyria because God was with them.
In the time of trouble that was coming, God gave Isaiah a message that applies to all who wish to serve the Lord. The message is that we are not to become enmeshed in believing in conspiracy theories and afraid of earthly powers. We should make God our focus. We should fear only Him. If we have an appropriate fear of God He will keep us safe. Far too many people will find stumble over God, like a stone in the road, rather than shelter in His protection. When trouble strikes people will turn to mediums and the occult to find answers. Instead they should consult God, who would tell them what to do. People ignore God’s instructions and guidance only to find themselves lost, tired, and hungry. In their hunger, instead of turning to God and being fed, they will rage against Him and curse Him. Because they refuse to turn to God and accept His loving care they will see only darkness and despair everywhere they look.
However, Isaiah tells us that, despite the unwillingness of people to turn to God, there is cause for hope. God will bring revival. He will call His people back to Him.
The people who walk in darkness
will see a great light.
For those who live in a land of deep darkness,
a light will shine.
This is traditionally viewed as a prophecy regarding the coming of Jesus, and it is. But I believe that it is more than that. It is a reflection of how God works in this world. People reject God and His commands. They rebel against His commands and seek to go their own way. The world descends into chaos and darkness. Everywhere people look they see despair, anguish, and trouble. A few, however, will remain faithful and when the darkness seems to cover the entire world, their light, the reflection of God’s glory, will shine forth. People will see this light and God’s Spirit will bring about a revival as people turn to Him as the answer to their troubles.

2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Paul speaks of a man who had a vision whereby he was caught up into the third heaven (I am unaware of any other references which suggest that there are multiple heavens and that they are numbered). He says that he would boast about such a man, but will not boast about himself, except for his weaknesses. Paul goes on to say that if he wanted to boast he would not be a fool, even though boasting is foolish, because it would be the truth. Paul says that he avoids boasting about such things because he wants people to judge him based on what he says about the revelations which God has given him. Paul then tells us that he was given a thorn in his side to keep him from becoming conceited. He tells us that this thorn was a messenger from Satan to torment him and keep him from pride. Paul plead with God on three occasions to have this thorn removed. God’s answer was that His grace was sufficient and that His power worked best through weakness. Today’s passage concludes with Paul telling us that it is when he is weak that he is strongest.
We do not know what the “thorn” in Paul’s side was. Many different people have theorized one thing and another, most commonly, a problem with his eyes. Whatever it was, the consensus is that it was some sort of physical disability/illness. Paul, who by God’s grace, was able to bring healing to so many was unable to experience healing for some physical disability or illness which he suffered for most of his ministry. The most important part of this passage is the idea that it is when we are weak that we are strongest. It is when we acknowledge that we have no ability on our own to do God’s will that God is most able to work through us to bring about change, both in ourselves and in the world around us. I am unable to make the world a better place. However, if I allow God’s Spirit to work through me, He is able to change the world in ways that are unimaginable before they happen. One of the reasons we so often fail to bring about the changes in the world around us is because we try to do it ourselves, rather than rely on God. Even there, part of the problem is that we shoot too low. God does not want to make small tweaks to our lives. He wants to transform us into His very image and likeness. God is not looking to light candles to illuminate the dark. He wants to light magnesium torches in order to banish the darkness.

Psalm 55:1-23
This psalm was written at a time when the psalmist was feeling betrayed by someone he counted a friend and a fellow servant of God. He wishes for the ability to fly away and escape from the shame and suffering this friend’s betrayal has brought upon him. However, despite what he is feeling he will still call upon the Lord and he gives us advice that we should all follow when we feel overwhelmed.
Give your burdens to the Lord,
and he will take care of you.
He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
What a great verse for me today. I will give my burdens and cares to God. I suffered a disappointment at work today and this passage is a reminder that all goes according to God’s plan. He will use me to glorify His name and all that happens to me is part of His plan. He will guide me along His paths and show me how to serve Him.

Proverbs 23:4-5
This proverb reminds us that wealth is fleeting and that we should spend our energy on those things which are more important and last for an eternity. We should know that our own cleverness will never get us anywhere that is not on God’s path for our lives.
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