Tag Archives: Psalm 31:1-8

August 9, 2015 Bible Study–Reject Sin

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.

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Proverbs 21:1-2

    It is not enough to do what we think is right. We need to compare what we think is right against what God says is right. God knows whether we are trying to do what is best for others or merely looking out for own interests, even when we have convinced ourselves we are doing good.


Psalm 31:1-8

    I will trust God to take care of me. He is the strong fortress within which I will shelter from all those who pursue me. If I will follow Him, God will lead me out of danger and into safety. I commit my body, life, and spirit to God to use as He sees fit.


1 Corinthians 5

    In the last chapter, which I read and commented on yesterday, Paul told us not to make judgments about people ahead of time (or as the NIV translates, “before the appointed time”). Yet he immediately follows his discussion of that by telling the Church in Corinth to judge a man guilty of sexual sin. So, obviously there is more to what we are supposed to do than “do not judge others.”
    As we read Paul’s writing here he appears to be horrified by the situation. Not only was the man committing this sin an accepted member of the Church while openly committing this sin, the Church was proud about this fact. They are using him as an example of how accepting they are. When the Church is accepting of its members sins the entire Church becomes corrupted. The purpose of the Church is to call people to be transformed by the Holy Spirit so that they can learn to live without sin. Once the Church accepts one sin it will gradually lose its ability to call people to turn from ANY sin.
    I believe that the problem here was not that the man was sinning. The problem was that he, and the Church, were not only pretending that there was nothing wrong with his sin, but were proud of it. All of us have sinned, and most of us will continue to sin (although the Bible gives us hope to overcome that sin). However, we are called to acknowledge that sin as a failure and to strive to allow the Holy Spirit to overcome it in our lives. Sin is not something for us to accept and continue doing. It is something for us to acknowledge the pain and suffering it causes, both to ourselves and to others. When someone who claims to be a believer in and a follower of Christ begins to live in sin (and in this case, I am not using that as a euphemism for sexual sin) without any remorse, we, as their brothers and sisters in Christ, are called upon to challenge their behavior and call them to accept the transformation of the Holy Spirit. This action must be done in love, but we may not accept those who call evil good as our brothers.

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Ezra 8:21-9:15

    When Ezra prepared to set out with the group he had gathered he was concerned for their security because of the large amount of treasure they had been given for the Temple in Jerusalem. Ezra did not want to ask the king for a military escort because he had already spoken to the king about how God protected those who worshiped Him. There were two actions which Ezra and the rest of the group took to ensure the safety of the treasure they were entrusted with. The first was to spend time in fasting and prayer requesting that God protect them in their travels. The second thing they did was to divide up the treasure among various groups, carefully documenting how much of what was given to each group. The division was done in an open and public manner so that no one would be able to claim that one group was given more, or less, than they were actually given. A careful effort was made to avoid even the possible appearance of impropriety.

February 7, 2015 Bible Study –How Have You Invested God’s Gifts?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 8:1-11

    Wisdom is not some hidden secret we have to go looking for. Instead, wisdom is not only readily available, it calls out to us, extolling what it has to offer. Will we be instructed by wisdom? Or will we choose folly? Those are our choices. All too many reject what wisdom has to offer.


Psalm 31:1-8

    Today, this psalm will be my prayer. God is my rock and my fortress. I entrust my spirit into His hand. Read the psalm and join me in praying it.


Matthew 25:1-30

    In yesterday’s passage Jesus spoke of being prepared for His return. Today’s passage gives us two parables He used to illustrate what it means to be prepared. The first parable is the parable of the ten bridesmaids. Five of the bridesmaids did not take any extra oil for their lamps, five of them had extra oil. The bridegroom was delayed. When word finally reached them that he was approaching, the first five discovered that their lamps were going out. They asked the others five for some oil, but the latter did not have sufficient to lend them. The first five went out to get more oil, but by the time they returned with oil, it was too late. The groom had come and gone. We too must stay alert and make sure that our light is burning when the Lord returns.
    The second parable always makes me feel inadequate. God has given me many gifts in this life and I am not convinced that I have full use of those gifts. I fear that I am the third servant who hid my Lord’s money and failed to invest it wisely. Yet, He has not yet returned. There is still time for me to take the gifts which God has given me and use them to produce gain for Him. It may be too late for me to become the first servant in this parable, but if I work hard, I believe that I can still transform myself from the third into the second.
    How have you used the gifts God has given you? Which of the three servants are you?


Exodus 26-27:21

    God gave Moses and the people of Israel detailed instructions for building the Tabernacle and its furnishings. There was no room for misinterpretation. Yet for all of that there was room for artistic expression. The plans give detailed instructions for the structural details of the Tabernacle, but the decorative details were more vague. There were to be various curtains of specific sizes, but each of those curtains was to be decorated with embroidery. The only part of the embroidery which was described was that it was to include “cherubim”. It does not describe a “cherubim”, although I am sure that the people listening had a pretty good idea what image was meant. This means that each embroiderer could vary off of that base theme as they saw fit.

August 9, 2014 Bible Study — The Basis for the Ban

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 21:1-2

    We may think that we are doing good, but God knows what is truly in our hearts, better even than we do. God knows what our true motives are and will show us how to do the right things for the right reasons, if we ask Him to.


Psalm 31:1-8

    If we turn to God for protection He will not allow us to be disgraced. No matter how desperate our situation may seem, God will rescue those who put their full trust in him. Let us not cling to anything other than God, such things have no power to save us.


1 Corinthians 5:1-13

    This passage reminds me of many in the Church in the U.S. today. Paul condemns the Corinthians for being proud that one of their number was committing sexual sin. There are portions of the Church today who are stand up for a brag about their support for those who commit sexual sins. Paul tells us that rather than do that we should refuse to associate with such people. In doing so, we must remember that our purpose is not to punish the sinner, but to call them back to faithfulness to God. We are to make clear that their actions are destructive both to themselves and others. We cannot look the other way and pretend that those who claim to be following Christ, yet are actively practicing self-destructive behaviors, are in good standing with God. Note that the situation Paul was addressing was not one where the person was caught in the power of sin and striving to find the strength to escape. The situation was one where the person involved was claiming that there was nothing sinful about their actions (at least, that is how I read it).
    We, also, need to note that Paul did not instruct us to avoid those who commit various sins who do not acknowledge God. Let us make sure that we communicate to those who claim to follow Christ and openly sin that they are failing to faithfully follow Him. Yet, let us always remember that the purpose is not to bring harm or hurt to that person. The purpose of our interactions with everyone should be to open them to the working of the Holy Spirit so that they might more faithfully serve God (or start serving God).


Ezra 8:21-9:15

    Once more we get a lesson on undertaking a task for God. As the people prepared to travel from where they had gathered to set out, Ezra called on them to fast and humble themselves before God. They prayed asking God to protect them from robbers and bandits (and any other dangers) on their trip to Jerusalem. Ezra did not want to call on the secular authorities for a military escort because he had bragged (accurately) of God’s ability to protect them from dangers. The other part of Ezra’s preparation was that he selected certain individuals to be accountable for the treasure which they were carrying. He made a specific account of what was being transported and turned it over to these people, making it clear that they were to account for these items when they arrived in Jerusalem. It is important to be clear who in the group is responsible for the money and equipment which the group is using.
    When Ezra arrived in Jerusalem, some of the people came to him to complain about those previously returned Exiles who had married those living in the land, or given their sons in marriage to women from among those living in the land. It is easy to get caught up with the concerns about racial purity which this passage expresses and miss the real concern. The problem with marrying the local women was the practices which they followed in order to complete these alliances. The problem was not with Jewish men marrying non-Jewish women. The problem was that the Jewish men adopted the pagan practices of their wives. In the same way today, Christian men and women should only marry those who also follow Christ, or risk being seduced away from God by their spouse.

February 7, 2014 Bible Study –What Have I Done With What God Has Given Me?

I am trying something different. Previously, I have always placed my comments on the passage in the order Old Testament passage, New Testament passage, Psalm, Proverb. For the near future I am going to post them in the order in which I prepare the comments. This is likely to be the reverse of how I was doing it, but I foresee changing it up depending on what strikes me first. Please let me know what you think of this change.
I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Proverbs 8:1-11
     The proverb writer tells us that wisdom and understanding are not hard to find, if we look for them. They are calling out to us and making themselves available to any who desire them. Wisdom is more valuable than anything we can desire, let us seek it with all that we are.


Psalm 31:1-8
     If we turn to God for protection, He will not let us be disgraced. If we allow God to be our fortress, He will pull us from the traps set by our enemies. Trust in the Lord and He will set you in a safe place. Following God’s commands will lead us away from danger and into safety.


Matthew 25:1-30
     In today’s passage Jesus told two parables about the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven. In the first parable He talks about ten brides-to-be waiting for the bridegroom to arrive. Five of them carefully prepare with extra oil, five only bring the oil which is in their lamp. The bridegroom is later than they expected and they fall asleep. When he arrives and they awaken, the five with extra oil quickly prepare their lamps and are ready to go. The other five need to go and get more oil, causing them to miss his arrival. Jesus tells us to be like the five wise brides-in-waiting and prepare against His return. In addition, He warns us that we cannot borrow preparation from someone else.
In the second parable Jesus gives us an example of what being prepared meant. It means taking the gifts God has given us and working hard to maximize those gifts and the impact they can have in the world around us. This second parable has always left me feeling a little scared. I have always felt that God has given me great gifts, but I must confess that I have not done much with those gifts. Throughout my life I have sought God’s guidance as to what He would like me to do with the gifts He has given me. To go along with my feeling of receiving great gifts from God has been the feeling that I have never received the guidance as to what He wants me to do with them. I suspect that my inability to discern God’s guidance for my life is a product of my laziness and fear of what He is calling me to. All of this leads me to fear that I am the third of the servants in God’s parable. Which leads me to continue to seek what He wants me to do with the talents He had given me. I know that, even if my gifts are less than I perceive them to be, that I have not lived the life to which God has called me. I will continue to strive to find the tasks to which He is calling me.


Exodus 26-27:21
     Today’s passage gives a detailed description of the Tabernacle which Moses was instructed to have built. Then it ends with the instruction to use pure olive oil to keep the lamps lit. Those lamps were to be kept lit continuously, so that the light might of those lamps might shine in the presence of God. I was going to say that the bit about the lamps being kept lit was what struck me, but then I realized that was not true. What really struck me was the attention to detail necessary to construct the Tabernacle according to God’s instruction. Things like the three feet of overhanging tent covering mentioned in verse 12 of chapter 26. Or like the fact that the Tabernacle would be made of one continuous piece as mentioned in verse 6 of the same chapter. Such attention to detail is something that I have a hard time with, I believe that God is telling me that I need to work on that.

August 9, 2013 Bible Study — Sin Is Self-destructive Behavior

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Ezra 8:21-9:15

     As Ezra prepared to lead his group on their journey to return to Jerusalem he was concerned about opposition they might face on the journey; in particular bandits, since they were transporting so much wealth. However, Ezra was embarrassed to ask the king for a military escort because he had told the king that God was a mighty defender of those who worshiped Him. So, Ezra had all of those who were going to accompany him on the journey fast and pray before they set out. They asked God to give them a safe journey and to protect them, their children and the goods they were transporting. After doing this, Ezra and those accompanying him set forth. They traveled to Jerusalem without incident. Upon arrival they took an accounting for the goods that they had been given and they were all accounted for, none were lost on the journey. The travelers then offered sacrifices to God, thanking Him for their safe journey.
     When Ezra was settled in, some of the leaders of the Jews who had previously settled in Jerusalem and surrounding areas came to Ezra. They told him that many among them had married foreign women and had arranged for their sons to marry from among the foreigners living around them. As a result, they had begun practicing some of the detestable practices of these other peoples. After hearing this, Ezra tore his clothes and sat down in mourning until the time of the evening sacrifice. At the time of the evening sacrifice, Ezra got up and preached a sermon publicly calling out those who had chosen to marry foreign women and follow their religious practices while they at the same time pretended to continue to worship the Lord.


     If you read this passage casually, it appears to be a condemnation of marrying those from a different ethnic background than oneself, in particular of Jews marrying those not of Jewish ancestry. However, if one reads a little closer, one discovers that this is a condemnation of marrying those who have not fully embraced faith in God. The condemnation is for those who married a woman who practiced another religion and then joined her in her religious practices (the same condemnation would apply to women marrying a man of another religion).


1 Corinthians 5:1-13

     Today’s passage is Paul’s message on the limits of tolerance and not judging others. Paul addresses an issue that has been reported to him. Paul tells them that he has heard that there is a man among them who is having sexual relations with his father’s wife. Not only is the church in Corinth tolerating this man’s behavior, it is proud of it. Paul tells them that they should be mourning that one among them is doing such things. They must gather as a congregation and as a body remove this man as a member of their body. They are to do this so that he may repent of his sin and become one with Christ once more.
     Paul goes on to tell the Corinthians that they should not associate with those who indulge in sexual sins, because such sins will spread through the whole body of believers the way that yeast spreads through dough. He makes clear that when he says not to associate with those who indulge in sexual sins he is not referring to unbelievers. What he meant was that we should not associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sins, or is greedy, or cheats people, or worships idols. He tells them to not even eat with such people.
     Paul tells us that it is not our responsibility to judge those outside of the Body of believers, but it is our responsibility to judge those within the Church who are sinning. We are to remove the evil person from among us.


     There are traditions which have abused this teaching, but all too many Christians focus on the teaching “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” This passage reads to me like Paul is saying that the teaching against judging applies primarily to our approach to non-believers. In addition, I believe that Paul’s teaching suggests that we should embrace being judged. That is, we should wish for our brothers and sisters in Christ to confront us when they see us sinning. Certainly, if we are going to confront our brothers when we perceive them to be sinning, we should expect them to confront us when they perceive us to be sinning.
     I believe that we should follow the instruction which Jesus gave in Matthew 18:15-20. I believe that what Paul said in this passage is a special case of applying that instruction. Jesus tells us to go privately to the brother who has sinned and point out their failing. There are two reasons for going privately. The first is that we should not “air the dirty laundry” unnecessarily. If the person acknowledges their sin and repents, there is no reason to make it public. The second, however, is because we are fallible human beings, perhaps we are mistaken and the person is not actually sinning. By going to them privately, we give them the opportunity to defend their actions and show us how we misunderstood the situation. Each of the steps have the same element of allowing the person to defend their actions to those who we bring to confront them about their sin.
     In all of these cases, our goal is to restore our brother (or sister) to a right relationship with God. One of my basic understandings of Christianity is that sin is self-destructive behavior. When we confront others about sin, we are pointing out ways in which they are hurting themselves (and possibly others as well). If we truly love someone, we will want to discourage them from continuing to undertake activities that are hurting them. OF course, we should also desire that those who love us gently correct us when we hurt ourselves by the things we do.


Psalm 31:1-8

     If we trust God, He will be our refuge and protection. If we allow Him to guide us, He will lead us down the path to avoid the traps and pitfalls that our enemies have laid for us. The wisdom of this world tells us that if we follow its rules and abandon the integrity and righteousness which God commands we will be victorious. However, God promises us that despite any appearance to the contrary, if we follow His commands and live with honesty and integrity, He will protect us from all danger.


Proverbs 21:1-2

     Rulers may think that they are serving their own agenda, but in the end they will follow the path which God has laid out for them.
     As human beings we often convince ourselves that we are doing something for the best, when in fact we are doing it for selfish reasons. No matter how thoroughly we may have convinced ourselves that our motives are pure, God knows the truth of the matter and will hold us accountable. If we are willing to listen to Him, He will reveal to us when we have lied to ourselves to convince ourselves that we are not sinning.


February 7, 2013 Bible Study –Keep Watch, Because You Do Not Know the Day or the Hour

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Fum and Lillia Prepare to Dance
Fum and Lillia Prepare to Dance

Exodus 26-27:21

     Today’s passage is a detailed description of the plans for building the Tabernacle. As I read this I became impressed by the attention to detail called for in this. The craftsmanship necessary to follow these directions is impressive, although what it calls for is not great artistry but rather painstaking attention to detail. This passage is definitely one of those which led me to start this blog. There are two things I saw in here to highlight. The first is that Moses was given the detailed description of how various parts of the Tabernacle should be built, the detailed description was followed at several points with instructions to make it as he was “shown on the mountain.” Indicating that the earthly Tabernacle was based on a heavenly Tabernacle which was shown to Moses. The other thing I want to highlight is that the Israelites (in particular the priests) were to maintain lights in the Tabernacle at night. There was always to be light in the Tabernacle, during the day from the sun and at night from the lamps that Moses was instructed to have made.

Red Amaryllis blooms about to open
Red Amaryllis blooms about to open

Matthew 25:1-30

     Today’s passage contains two parables about the Kingdom of Heaven. The first parable is about 10 women waiting for their bridegroom to come. Five of them prepared for a long wait and brought extra oil for their lamps. The other five were foolish and assumed he would come before the oil in their lamps ran out. Then while all ten waited, they became drowsy and fell asleep. Suddenly they were awoken by word of the bridegroom’s coming. Those who had prepared added oil and trimmed their lamps. The unprepared asked to borrow some oil from them, but the prepared brides explained that they did not have enough for both themselves and the unprepared. They sent the unprepared out to get more oil, but by the time they returned it was too late. Jesus tells us that we should remain prepared, no matter how long the delay, because when we see Him coming it will be too late to prepare.
     The second parable tells us to make the best use of the resources which God has given us. This parable has always been a challenge to me because I have been given many talents in this life, yet I have always struggled with knowing how and where to apply them. I will continue to strive to find the ways to use the gifts God has given me to please Him. All too often I feel like I am the man given the five bags of gold acting like the man given just the one bag.

Bringing in some firewood
Bringing in some firewood

Psalm 31:1-8

     I desire to be as the psalmist and turn to the Lord for protection. I will not turn to idols or worship other things in the hope that they will protect me. I will not rely on the government, myself or anything else for my protection. I will trust in the Lord. God will be my rock and my fortress. If I follow the path He guides me on I will not fall into any of the traps set for me. I will commit my spirit and all that I am into God’s hands, for He will protect me.

More Office Greenery
More Office Greenery

Proverbs 8:1-11

     Wisdom calls out to us. The proverb writer tells us that wisdom is there for anyone willing to listen. Anyone who does not possess wisdom has chosen not to listen to wisdom calling out to them. Not listening to the wisdom that is there for us to acquire as we experience life is like leaving precious metals or gems lying on the road as we walk along. Yet all too many people make that choice everyday, treating the wisdom they could acquire like a penny that is not worth their trouble to bend over and pick it up.