Tag Archives: Psalm 16:1-11

January 18, 2015 Bible Study — Are We For Jesus, Or Against Him?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 3:27-32

    If you can do good for someone who deserves it, don’t put it off. If someone needs your help, deserves your help, and you could help right now, DO IT. Don’t wait until tomorrow, that might be too late.


Psalm 16:1-11

    God is my master because every good thing I have comes from Him. When I look at the world around me I realize that it is the godly who are the true heroes. Being an athlete, a pop music star, or a movie star, or any other kind of pop culture star does not make one a hero. Those are not the people we should hold up to be honored. Instead, I will honor those who do the will of God.


Matthew 12:22-45

    Jesus says that whoever is not for Him is against Him. Yet, shortly after the Transfiguration,He told the disciples that whoever is not against us is for us. These two statements seem in contradiction. However, when taken together they tell us something about Jesus and Christian faith that people often try to sidestep. There is not such thing as being neutral when it comes to Jesus. Sooner or later everyone must reach a decision. They are either for Him, or against Him. You must decide if you believe that He is your Savior, the Son of God, or you must believe that He is some combination of crazy/evil.
    There are those who try to get around this choice by saying that He is fictional. However, that only puts off the problem for a bit. If you believe that He is fictional, you will still have to decide whether the teachings attributed to Him are good or evil. Ultimately, the teachings attributed to Jesus cannot truly be good if Jesus is a fictional character. This leaves you with the conclusion that those teachings are evil when taken as a whole, even though you may think some of them are bad. So, either Jesus was God, and the only path to salvation, or He was evil/crazy (or the invention of evil/crazy people). Those are the only two options and, sooner or later, everyone is going to have to choose between them.


Genesis 37-38:30

    I find the story of Judah and Tamar interesting. One thing I wondered about when I was younger was why God made the Israelites slaves in Egypt. Why did His chosen people have to suffer through that slavery? I found that answer in the story of Judah and Tamar. Judah thought nothing of joining into pagan worship by visiting a shrine prostitute. I take Judah’s attitude as typical of his brothers. If Jacob’s sons were already casually integrating with the pagan practices in this way, how long would it have been before they had completely adopted the local practices?
    So, the answer to the question I started this section with is, the Israelites had to suffer through slavery in order to forge them into a people separated from others by their worship of God. We see this still to this day. From time to time the Church becomes too much a part of society around us. When that happens, God allows persecution to arise in order to call His people out from the midst of society so that they will renew their dedication and love for Him.

July 20, 2014 Bible Study — Every Good Thing That I Have Comes From The Lord

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 19:20-21

    If you want to be wise, take advice, listen to instruction, accept discipline. Actually, not just take advice, listen to instruction, accept discipline, but seek these things out.
    We can make many plans and seek to accomplish the goals which we choose. However, only those plans which align with God’s purposes will come to pass.


Psalm 16:1-11

    Everything that I have comes from God. He is the source of all that is good and nothing but trouble can be found by seeking after other gods. I renew my commitment to make God the focus of my life and to live my life to bring glory to His name. The Lord is beside me and will give me strength. Nothing can shake me so long as I remain at the Lord’s side.


Romans 6:1-23

    Paul explains how, before Christ came into our lives, we were slaves to sin. Through His death, Jesus freed us from slavery to sin. We are dead to the power of sin. I must refuse to let sin control my life. If I give in to my sinful desires, I risk becoming once more a slave to sin. Rather, I will choose to obey God and become a slave to righteous living. We can either “enslave” ourselves to the freedom of doing what is right, or be enslaved to sinful desires. We will be enslaved to whatever we choose to obey. If we choose to obey God, we will be enslaved to righteousness. If we choose to obey our sinful desires, we will be enslaved by them.


2 Chronicles 1-3:17

    God’s response to Solomon’s choice of wisdom is very telling. If we seek wealth, fame, or power, we may obtain those things, but that is all we will gain. If we ask God to give us the wisdom and knowledge to accomplish the tasks He has given us, He will grant us that wisdom and knowledge. And He will grant us other things which we may desire. As Jesus says in Matthew 6, God knows all that we need. If we make seeking His Kingdom our first priority, He will give us everything else that we need.

January 18, 2014 Bible Study — “Whoever Is Not With Me Is Against Me”

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. My work schedule has recently changed, meaning that I may not have time every day to complete these. As a result, I am trying to get several days ahead. I hope this does not negatively impact the quality of these posts (if that is possible). If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Genesis 37-38:30

     We have here the story of Joseph’s early life. Since he was the first son of Rachel, Joseph was Jacob’s favorite. This resulted in him being spoiled. His father gave him gifts that were much nicer than those he gave his other sons and Joseph was a tattletale. Then to compound things, he had dreams which showed him ruling over his brothers, and over his father and mother. Worse, he told his brothers about his dreams, and, while the passage does not say so, I am pretty sure he talked about the obvious interpretation of the dreams and told his brothers he was their better.
     Later his father sent him to get a report about his brothers. When he arrived at where they were, his brothers decided to take out their resentment on him. However, Reuben, the eldest, had second thoughts and convinced the other brothers to throw him in a cistern, intending to return later and let him go. While Reuben was away from the rest of them, Judah had the idea of selling Joseph to a caravan of merchants. When Reuben returned and found Joseph gone, he lost his composure and worried what he would tell his (and Joseph’s) father. However, his brothers convinced him that they should dip Joseph’s coat in blood and send it to their father saying that they had found it.
     There is an important lesson for us in this passage relative to how Joseph handled his dreams, dreams which were messages from God. What we learn is that just because God has revealed something to us, we don’t necessarily have to tell everybody about it.


Matthew 12:22-45

     A demon possessed man who could not see or speak. Jesus healed the man so that he could both speak and see. The crowds were amazed and began to ask if perhaps He might be the Messiah. The response of the Pharisees was that the only reason He could cast out demons was because He got His power from Satan. Jesus first points out that it makes no sense to believe that Satan would give someone the power to cast out demons, since that would mean that Satan was fighting against himself. He follows up this up by asking them who gives power to their own exorcists. He concludes this argument by telling them that if He casts out demons by the power of God it means that the Kingdom of God is among them. I think that He is suggesting that the reason they are denying that God is working through Him is because they are afraid to face the Kingdom of God in their midst.
     Jesus then tells us that those who are not with Him are against Him. That those who are not working with Him to bring God’s kingdom into this world are working against it. Those who attribute the acts of the Holy Spirit to Satan are committing the one sin which cannot be forgiven. Finally, Jesus tells us that we can judge people by the results of their actions. If others are better off because of what they do, they are good people. On the other hand, if others suffer as a result of their actions they are evil people.


Psalm 16:1-11

     Who do we hold up as heroes? The successful athlete? The movie or television star? Or do we follow the example of the psalmist and hold up the godly people of the land as our heroes? I will strive to emulate the godly and hold them up for others to do the same. I will not imitate those who worship gods other than God. I will be content with what God has given me, with the inheritance which is mine from Him. No, I will not just be content, I will be glad for what God has given me, whether it is great or small in the eyes of this world.


Proverbs 3:27-32

     This proverb is a wonderful piece of advice about how to live a good life. If you can assist someone who needs help now, do not put it off. Do good for others when the opportunity arises. Further it tells us not to betray those who have reason to trust us. Finally it warns us against admiring those who use violence to advance their interests, or to succumb to the temptation to imitate them.

July 20, 2013 Bible Study — How Can I Serve the Lord Right Now?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Reading Phillies-conference on the mound
Reading Phillies-conference on the mound

2 Chronicles 1-3:17

     When Solomon took the throne he called together all of the leaders of Israel to worship at the Tabernacle in Gibeon. David had moved the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, but the Tabernacle that was built in the wilderness was still at Gibeon. In addition, the bronze altar that had been built during the Israel’s time in the wilderness was there as well. Solomon offered 1,000 burnt offerings on the altar before the Tabernacle in Gibeon.
     That night God appeared to Solomon and asked him what he would like God to give him. Solomon responded by asking God to give him the wisdom and knowledge to be a good ruler of God’s people, Israel. God was pleased that Solomon had not requested wealth, long life, death to his enemies, or honor. Because of this God promised Solomon that he would grant his request for the wisdom and knowledge to be a good ruler, and he would give him wealth, honor and a long life.
     The passage goes on to recount Solomon’s correspondence with Hiram, king of Tyre, in preparation for building the Temple. It concludes with a describe the building of the Temple itself.


     This passage teaches us the same lesson as Jesus taught in Matthew 6:33. If we make our priority to seek after God’s will in our life, God will grant us everything else that we need. If we make it our heart’s desire to do God’s will and to serve Him to the best of our ability, God will give us our heart’s desire and more. Once more I ask God to give me the desire to serve Him first and foremost of all of my desires. I wish to get to the point where my question of anything I want is, “How can I use this to serve the Lord?”

Reading Phillies pool party
Reading Phillies pool party

Romans 6:1-23

     There is a lot of stuff in today’s passage, but for me, I want to highlight the following verses (Romans 6:12-14)

Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Sin is no longer your master,…

There is not much I can say to make the meaning of this any clearer or explain how it applies to my life. I do think this fits very well with what the Old Testament passage said to me. If we give ourselves completely to God and ask, “How can I use this to serve the Lord?” of everything we do, it will go a long way to helping us fulfill the other part of what Paul tells us: “do not give in to sinful desires.” I will strive to ask in every moment, “How can I serve the Lord, right now?”

Reading Phillies--another mascot
Reading Phillies–another mascot

Psalm 16:1-11

     This psalm has an important point to make. Every good thing we have comes from the Lord. I will follow the example of the psalmist and make the godly people in the land my heroes. They will be the ones that I will emulate and that I will encourage others to emulate. I will resist the temptation to follow other gods, because that is the route to destruction.
     The Lord will guide me and instruct me. He is right beside me, ready to answer whenever I ask, “How can I serve the Lord right now?” I just need to listen (something I am not very good at).

Umpire upstages the mascot
Umpire upstages the mascot

Proverbs 19:20-21

     Today’s proverb recommends that we get all of the advice that we can and take whatever instruction we are given, this is the route to always being able to determine the wise course of action. It does not say to follow all of the advice we are given, merely to get all of the advice that we can. The second proverb tells us that we can make all of the plans that we wish, but only those that serve God’s purpose will come to fruition. Which brings us back to my question for the day, “How can I serve the Lord right now?”

January 18, 2013 Bible Study — He Who Is Not For Jesus Is Against Him

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

More Snowy Day
More Snowy Day

Genesis 37-38:30

     When Joseph was 17 he began working with his brothers tending the flocks. In particular, he worked with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, who were the servant women that Rachel and Leah had given to Jacob as wives in their competition over having children. These were the sons that Jacob had put out front when he thought Esau might be coming to extract revenge. Joseph reported on their bad behavior to Jacob (in other words he was a tattletale). To make matters worse, Jacob spoiled Joseph, giving him extravagant gifts that indicated that he favored Joseph over his brothers. This resulted in Joseph’s brothers hating him.
     It is with this background that Joseph starts telling his brothers about the dreams that he had. In one dream he saw that they were out binding grain when the sheaf he had bound stood upright while the ones his brothers had bound gathered around and bowed down to his. This infuriated his brothers because they interpreted it as Joseph ruling over them. They also interpreted it as Joseph planning to rule over them. In another dream, he saw the sun, moon and eleven stars bowing down to him. When Joseph told his father about his dream, his father rebuked him for suggesting that his father, mother and brothers would bow down before him. While Joseph’s brothers became even more jealous of Joseph, Jacob filed it away in the back of his mind.
     Some time later Jacob sent Joseph to find his brothers and see if all was well with them. It took him some time to find where they were, but when he finally found them, they saw him coming from a distance. When they saw him they conspired to kill him and tell their father that a wild animal had killed him. Reuben, the eldest, in an attempt to rescue Joseph from his other brothers, suggested that they not shed his blood. Instead Reuben suggested they just put him in one of the cisterns and let him die there. Reuben intended to return later and take Joseph to their father. His brothers liked Reuben’s idea and decided to follow it. When Joseph got to them, they stripped him of the fancy coat their father had given him and threw him in an empty cistern. While they were eating their noon meal they saw a caravan on its way to Egypt. Judah came up with the idea that rather than let Joseph die, they should sell him to the merchants. The remaining brothers agreed. When Reuben went to the cistern to rescue Joseph, he discovered he wasn’t there. Reuben went to his other brothers distraught over this. The brothers took Joseph’s fancy coat and dipped it in goat’s blood. They then took the coat to their father Jacob, told him they had found it like this and if it was “his son’s coat”. Jacob recognized the coat and went into mourning for Joseph. His remaining sons and daughters attempted to comfort him, but Jacob refused to be comforted.

Two Fencers
Two Fencers

Matthew 12:22-45

     After Jesus heals another demon possessed man, the people begin to ask if perhaps He is the Messiah. However, the Pharisees start to say that He gets the power to cast out demons from Beelzebul, the prince of demons. Jesus replies that any kingdom that is divided against itself cannot stand. If Satan drives out Satan, Satan’s kingdom would not stand. Further, if He drives out demons by the power of Beelzebul, by what power do their own people drive out demons? Jesus continues by saying that everyone who is not with Him is against Him, which is interesting because at another place Jesus says that whoever is not against Him is for Him. We tend to view these two statements as contradictory, yet these two statements tell us a lot about the nature of human reaction to Jesus. Sooner or later, everyone will take sides, either for Jesus, or against Him.
     Jesus continues by saying that if a tree is good its fruit will be good, whereas if a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad. You can tell what a person is like by what they say. What we say comes out of what is stored up in our hearts. If our hearts are full of good things, then our words will be full of good things, but if our heart is full of evil, our words will be likewise. On the day of judgment we will be held accountable by our words. Our words will either acquit us or condemn us. Based on this let us choose our words carefully.

Snow In The Fire Pit
Snow In The Fire Pit

Psalm 16:1-11

     I trust in God to Keep me safe. Every good thing in my life was given to me by God. Those who make anything other than God the center of their life will suffer ever greater loss.

Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
you make my lot secure.

I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,

God makes known to me the path I should follow and I will strive to follow it all of my days. Oh Lord help me to see the path that you have laid out before me!

I Can't Believe She Said That

Proverbs 3:27-32

     Do good to those who deserve it and act when it is within you ability to do so. Don’t procrastinate on doing good, if you have the ability to do good now, don’t put it off. Do not plot against your neighbor and don’t make baseless accusations. Do not envy or imitate the violent.

July 20, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

2 Chronicles 1-3:17

     Second Chronicles begins with Solomon taking the throne of Israel. He then gathered the leaders of Israel and went to Gibeon where the Tabernacle is still located (even though David had moved the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem) to offer sacrifices. That night God appeared to Solomon and asked him what he desired God to give him. Solomon asks for the wisdom and knowledge to lead the people properly. God replied that he would give Solomon wisdom and knowledge, and because Solomon’s first thought was of the people, God would give him great wealth and fame.
     The next thing we are told is that Solomon had a huge force of chariots and horses. This is followed be an account that suggests that Solomon’s power and wealth were based on being in the center of a trading empire. David built his power by protecting the trade routes through Israel/Palestine from bandits and raiders. Solomon built his power and wealth by taking control of the trade that used those routes. Next we are told that Solomon arranged a trade agreement with King Hiram of Tyre for master craftsmen to oversee the building of the Temple and for lumber to use in the construction. Solomon took a census of the foreigners living in the land of Israel. He then recruited them as forced labor to build the Temple.
     Today’s passage ends with a description of the Temple that Solomon built. There are two things about it that strike me. The first is something that I have always been aware of. It contained a massive amount of gold and other precious materials. The second thing is that it wasn’t really all that big. The Temple was about 2700 square feet, the average new house in the U.S. in 2010 was about 2400 square feet. Now the square footage of a house is based on multiple floors, while the Temple was a single floor. However, on another site I found a measurement that said the footprint for an average house was around 800 to 1500 square feet. Based on that, a house that was 30 feet by 50 feet would not be considered terribly large, whereas this passage tells us that Solomon’s Temple was 30 feet by 90 feet, or less than double the size of a moderately large house.

Romans 6:1-23

     Yesterday’s passage ended with Paul telling us that as people sinned more and more, God’s grace became more abundant. Today’s passage begins by telling us that this does not mean that we should sin so as to cause God to show us even more grace. Instead he tells us that the power of sin over us has been crucified alongside of Jesus and we are raised with Him. That even as death no longer has any power of Jesus, so sin should no longer have any power over us. Paul tells us that we are slaves to that which we choose to obey. If we sin, we are yielding ourselves into slavery to sin. We should instead choose to be slaves of righteousness.
     I had never looked at this passage this way before, but I have a story that illustrates what Paul is getting at here. When I got out of college, I smoked pot. After a time, I realized that as a Christian I should quit (I probably knew all along that as a Christian I shouldn’t smoke pot, but before this point that hadn’t entered my calculations). I, also, felt called to be more active in the Church. I tried to give up pot, but was unsuccessful in doing so. I became more and more convicted that I should be more active in the Church. But I felt like I needed to give up pot first, that otherwise I would be a hypocrite. After quite some time of trying to quit pot and failing, God revealed to me that I should not put off any longer doing what I knew I should be doing and I should become more active in the Church. I said to God, “OK, I can’t stop doing this, which I know I should not be doing, but I will start doing that, which I know I should be doing.” The interesting thing is that when I stopped trying to quit smoking pot and started doing the things that I knew that God was calling me to do, I almost immediately stopped smoking pot. When I made myself a slave to righteousness (obeying the commands of being righteous), I stopped being a slave to sin. There were a couple of steps involved here. The first was acknowledging that smoking pot was a sin. The second was acknowledging that I did not have the ability on my own to stop committing that sin. The final was being open about the fact that I was a sinner and being active doing works of righteousness anyway. The lesson I take away from this (both the story and this passage) is that if there is a sin in your life that you cannot overcome, you need to become more active in doing acts of righteousness. I have sins I struggle with now. I see that the solution to my struggle is to spend less time in “leisure” activity and more time doing acts of righteousness, whether that is Church activities, writing another blog or some other activity that God calls me to. Time we spend doing acts of righteousness is time we do not have to sin.

Psalm 16:1-11

     There are two elements to today’s psalm. The first is that the psalmist turns to God for safety. He recognizes that every good thing comes from God. The second is that he vows to not take part in the worship of other gods, whether those gods are Vishnu and Zeus, or pleasure and wealth. The psalmist says that he will follow God’s guidance and not be shaken because God is right beside him. What more do we need than the joy of being in God’s presence and the pleasure of living with Him forever?

Proverbs 19:20-21

     Today’s first proverb tells us that we should actively seek advice and instruction. Beyond that, we should take advice and instruction, even when we were not seeking it. The second proverb tells us that we make whatever plans we desire, but God’s purpose will be served. We should seek to align our plans with God’s will, to make our plans to serve God’s purposes.