Tag Archives: Psalm 140

December 21, 2015 Bible Study — Those Who Hate Have Been Deceived By Satan

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.

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Proverbs 30:17

    At first glance this proverb warns against mocking and scorning your parents. That reading is not wrong, but it is incomplete. I believe it is also a warning against those who mock and scorn other people’s parents. I do not think this is about mocking someone who is a parent. The warning is about encouraging someone to mock their own parents, to scorn their parents teaching.


Psalm 140

    This psalm makes a great prayer. I will call on the Lord to rescue me from evildoers. I do not rely on my ability to keep me and my loved ones safe. I know that only the Lord can accomplish that. I know that God will help those whom the wicked persecute and bring justice to the poor. Yes, I will call on the Lord and praise His name.


Revelation 12:1-17

    There are many lessons to be learned from this passage, but the one which strikes me is that Satan is a deceiver. He deceives the whole world. It is Satan, the devil, the dragon from this vision who is responsible for Anti-Semitism and the persecution of Christians. It is the deceit of Satan which leads people to persecute one group or another. In particular, Satan deceives people into persecuting Jews because he failed to destroy Jesus. When he is unable to get at Jews, he turns that persecution against those who faithfully follow Christ. Satan seeks to deceive all people. He uses deception to get us to hate those who have succumbed to another of his deceits. Whenever we allow ourselves to hate our fellow humans, even those who hate us, we have fallen for Satan’s deception.


Zechariah 1

    From time to time throughout history, God has raised up nations to punish the Jewish people. Time and again those nations go beyond the mandate they were given and persecute the Jewish people beyond the bounds which God had set. When those nations do so, God brings judgment against them and peace to His people. In many ways He uses the the excesses of those who persecute the Jews to bring good things to the Jews. This does not excuse the excesses of those who persecuted the Jewish people and God will bring punishment upon them.

June 22, 2015 Bible Study — Do Not Allow Ourselves to Be Praised for the Actions of God

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. For those of you who do not read this every day, I was very sick last week and it affected my writing (I do not know if for the better or worse). While I am still taking antibiotics, I am otherwise feeling better. I thank those of you have been praying for me.


Proverbs 17:22

    Those who are cheerful suffer less from illness and misfortune. Those who constantly look on the bright side feel less pain and recover from physical problems more rapidly. On the other hand, those who have been broken down by their suffering become depressed and do not have the energy to do anything.


Psalm 140:1-13

    Evil and violent people will plot against those who serve the Lord. They will lay out traps and pitfalls before us. If we rely on God and trust in Him, He will save us from their schemes. The evil they planned for us will fall upon them. Those who plot the downfall of the godly will find their plots rebounding upon themselves.


Acts 14:8-28

    While Paul was preaching the Gospel in Lystra he saw a man paralyzed since birth in the audience. Paul realized that the man had the faith to be healed, so he told the man to stand up. The reaction of the people of Lystra tells us something about the relationship of Paul and Barnabas. They thought that Paul and Barnabas must be gods and concluded that Barnabas was Zeus while Paul was Hermes. In part they reached this conclusion because Paul did most of the talking. However, it suggests that they observed Paul offering some level of deference to Barnabas.
    The story itself has an important lesson for us. If we are the conduits which the Holy Spirit uses to perform wonders some people will want to lift us up and hold us above the common man. They will want to worship us. So, when we find ourselves being used by the Holy Spirit we must stay alert for those who will attempt to make what is happening about us and not allow them to do so. I struggle with the lack of witnessing the power of the Holy Spirit in my life, but I know that part of the reason for it is that I would struggle with preventing people from holding me up as special.


2 Kings 3-4:17

    Once again, Jehoshaphat goes to war along with the king of Israel. Joram, the king of Israel, leads the armies through the wilderness without knowledge of where there are water sources. When the armies become desperate for water, Joram blames God for his bad decision making. However, Jehoshaphat suggests they seek a prophet among the men in the army. So the kings call upon Elisha, who happens to be with the armies. Elisha tells Joram that he is only willing to seek God’s word for the kings because of his respect for Jehoshaphat. He then reveals that God will provide the armies with water and with victory the following morning.
    The story of the prophet’s widow tells us a lot about how God provides for us. When she approached Elisha and begged for his help, his immediate response was to ask what she had of value. His miracle was not to miraculously provide her with money. Instead, he provided her with the ability to raise the funds she needed through her own effort. The story does not suggest that the widow was in a bad situation through any fault of her own, but God’s means of providing for her involved her taking an active part.

December 21, 2014 Bible Study — “Return To Me, and I Will Return To You,” Says the Lord

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. Christmas is coming soon. Let us remember what it is truly about, the birth of Jesus Christ. Let us strive to not be caught up in the commercialism which is what this season is about for many in our society today.


Proverbs 30:17

    A young person who mocks the advice given by his parents, rather than listen to it, will find themselves in a world of hurt. You know the people I am referring to, those who think their parents are completely clueless and boring. As a result they never pay attention to their parents’ warnings. While some parents are overprotective and restrictive of their children’s behaviors, they all have more experience about the dangers in this world than their children.


Psalm 140:1-13

    The psalmist cries out to God for rescue from the wicked and the violent. We cannot expect God to rescue us from the wicked and protect us from the violent if we are also wicked and/or violent. We know that God will help the poor and those whom the wicked and violent persecute. Let us choose to be among the persecuted, not the persecutors.


Revelation 12:1-17

    This passage is more metaphorical than many and understanding it relies on properly identifying the elements of the metaphor. I will be perfectly honest, my experience is that doing that is beyond most people. However, there are a few that are obvious. The woman described in this passage is the Jewish people. The baby she gives birth to is Jesus. The dragon, at least, is easy. The dragon is Satan, or “The Adversary”.
    One of the points we learn from this passage is that the enemies of Jews are advancing Satan’s agenda. This passage tells us that those who seek to weaken or destroy Israel are serving Satan. This does not mean that we are called to support Israel, merely that we should not work for her destruction. This passage is a good starting point to sort out many evil organizations long before the rest of their evil becomes apparent. If an organization, or ideology, spreads the idea that Jews are inherently evil, it is a tool of Satan and will, sooner or later, be revealed to be evil in many other ways.


Zechariah 1:1-21

    Zechariah starts off by reminding us that if we return to God, He will return to us. It is we who left God, not the other way around. If we accept that our suffering is a result of our sin, God will show us how to move on and leave it behind. We cannot expect God to relieve our suffering if we do not turn from our sins.
    The rest of this passage fits in well with today’s passage from Revelation. The prophet describes how God is angry with the nations which He used to punish the sins of the Jewish people. He tells us that when God chose to punish the people of Israel these nations went beyond God’s intentions in bringing harm to them. To me this says that while we may suffer as a result of our actions/sins, that does not excuse those who bring about this suffering. Just because someone deserves to suffer does not mean that we are not sinning when we inflict that suffering on them.

June 22, 2014 Bible Study — Laughter Is the Best Medicine

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 17:22

    As “Reader’s Digest” puts it, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Years ago, a friend of mine proposed that emotions can be manipulated, so as Christians it is our duty to manipulate those around us to be cheerful. There is definitely some truth to that. Whether or not you are cheerful is a choice. What emotions you feel is under your control (not completely, but it is possible to change how you feel). You will feel the emotions which you choose to express. Strive to express those emotions which are positive.


Psalm 140:1-13

    When we find ourselves surrounded by wicked and violent people, let us call out to the Lord for deliverance. When we are threatened with violence, that is the time to call out that the Lord is our God. I will make it my prayer that liars not prosper in this land. I know that God will cause burning coals to fall on those who use violence against the innocent to advance their wicked plots. I will not allow the violent to intimidate me into denying my God.


Acts 14:8-28

    When Paul and Barnabas healed a crippled man in Lystra, the people thought they were the gods Zeus and Hermes. When Paul and Barnabas realized that the people were going to offer sacrifices to them, they remonstrated with them not to do so. They were barely able to convince the people not to offer sacrifices to them. Yet, a short time later when men from the towns they had most recently preached in arrived, the people of Lystra were convinced to stone Paul, leaving him for dead. Let us remember how easily people can go from loving us to hating us.
    Paul and Barnabas left Lystra and preached in Derbe. Then they went back the way they had come and spent time in each of the cities where they had preached, even though they had been driven out of those cities by mobs in the first place. The passage tells us that they appointed elders in the churches (technically, assemblies of believers) of each city. It is worth noting that they turned each elder over to the Lord through prayer and fasting. Once more I am convicted that I do not do enough fasting.


2 Kings 3-4:17

    When the widow came to Elisha for help, Elisha did not give her money. Instead he gave her the opportunity to raise money for herself. He told her how to use the resources she had with God’s aid in order to meet her bills. Yes, God worked miraculously, but the widow had to take action as well. Let us use this as our model for helping those in need.

December 21, 2013 Bible Study — Victory Through the Blood of the Lamb

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

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Zechariah 1:1-21

     Zechariah also prophesied to the Jews who returned to Judah and Jerusalem from the Babylonian exile. He begins by calling the people to turn to God and to make God the focus of their lives. He warns them against making the mistake that their ancestors made when they did not listen to the prophets who called them to repentance. This introduction is followed by a vision which Zechariah saw. In the vision, Zechariah hears that God is angry with the nations He used to punish the people of Judah and Jerusalem. Those nations were given power over God’s people in order to punish them, but they used that power to do evil. God is now going to send destruction upon them to punish them for their evil.

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Revelation 12:1-17

     John describes the next part of his vision where he sees a great dragon attempt to devour the son born to the woman with a crown of twelve stars (presumably the people of Israel, with the twelve stars representing the twelve tribes and her son representing Jesus). However, the child was snatched away from the dragon as soon as it was born and carried to God and His throne. The woman fled to a place which God had prepared for her to stay safe from the dragon for a period of time. Michael and his angels waged war with the dragon. Upon defeating the dragon, Michael and his angels cast the dragon and his angels down to earth.
     Those who rely on the blood of the Lamb will be victorious over the dragon, the one who accuses them before God. Upon finding itself cast out of heaven, the dragon pursued the woman, but the woman was protected from his attacks. This led the dragon to turn his attacks against the woman’s other children, those who obediently follow God’s commands and testify to Jesus’ wonderful name.
     This passage may indicate a time to come, but it reads to me as being representative of history since the birth of Christ. Satan has been cast forth upon the earth and has declared war against those who follow Jesus. He is able to cause much suffering upon the earth, but ultimately each and every believer is able to be victorious over him by relying on Jesus’ blood and remaining faithful in testifying to their trust in Him.

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Psalm 140:1-13

     God will rescue those who trust in Him from the traps which evil people lay before them. I do not need to seek to defeat them, I need only follow God’s direction and commands and the traps they lay for me will not catch me. If I faithfully follow God’s commands, the traps that evil people set for me will fail to catch me. Those traps will instead catch those who set them. God will help those persecuted by liars and will give justice to the poor. I will praise God’s name and live in His presence, then I will not need to fear the plots of the wicked.

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Proverbs 30:17

     Those that mock their father and despise their mother’s instruction will suffer for it. They will be unable to recognize good advice when they receive it.