Tag Archives: Psalm 119:129-152

November 29, 2015 Bible Study — Be Prepared

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 28:21-22

    Some people are stingy out of a desire to grow rich. Such people are poor, even if they accumulate great wealth (because they only ever spend their wealth grudgingly).


Psalm 119:129-152

    The psalmist continues to make clear the benefits of following God’s word. He reminds us that God’s word is clear, so that even the simple can understand it (often, the simple find it easier to understand God’s word than those who think they are bright). God’s laws are always right…if you think differently it is you who are mistaken.


2 Peter 3

    Peter tells us that people will mock God’s truth, asking why it is taking so long for Jesus to return. However, there are two things which those scoffers do not understand. First, God’s perception of time is different than ours. Many people try to use Peter’s statement that, “A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day,” to apply to prophesies in the Bible, but when they are doing so they are missing the point. The point is that God does not distinguish between years and days. The point is, no matter how we try to figure it out, the day of Jesus’ return will not be known until it arrives. We need to be prepared for every day to be THAT day.
    The second thing which the scoffers do not understand is that God has delayed Jesus’ return because He is patient. He is delaying THAT day in order to give more people the opportunity to respond to the Gospel message. It is up to us not to waste the time which God has given to us. We need to use this time to preach the Gospel to as many people as we can.


Daniel 6

    Those who were jealous of Daniel got a law passed which targeted his religious practices. A law which Daniel could not obey and remain true to God. Daniel had three choices. He flat out rejected the first, which was to abandon his faith. His second choice was to take his faith underground and only pray in secret. His third choice, and the one he took, was to continue his practice of praying openly. It is worth noting that he neither hid his practices, nor did he flaunt them in front of everyone. His enemies needed to seek out evidence of his “crime”, but he made no effort to hide it.
    I think it is worth examining the second option a little bit. There have been times when people of faith have followed that option. However, in most of those cases, they were people who came to faith AFTER the faith had been made illegal. Daniel, on the other hand, was a prominent person of whom it was well-known that he was a person of faith. If he had hidden his prayer times, others would have taken it to mean that he had set aside his faith. This passage is a call to some of us to stand up in the face of persecution and declare our faith. It is a reminder that when we do so, God is capable of rescuing us from the punishment which the persecutors intend to deliver. More importantly, if we publicly display our faith in the face of threats of persecution we will show others that God matters more to us than anything else.

May 31, 2015 Bible Study — The Fourth Cup of Passover Wine

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 16:12-13

    It is important to remember that these proverbs are advice TO a ruler rather than advice ABOUT a ruler. In addition, they are applicable to anyone in a leadership position. Successful rulers, and leaders, detest wrongdoing because the only path to lasting success for a leader of people is by basing that position of leadership on justice. If a leader does not value honesty over flattery they will not know what they need to make good decisions.


Psalm 119:129-152

    God’s laws and commands are such that it does not require an advanced degree to understand them. God has given His instructions so that even those with limited capacity can understand them. Once we have understood one part of God’s law, it will provide us the insight to understand more. We should not feel anger towards those who fail to keep God’s commands, rather let us feel grief for the unnecessary pain they put themselves through.
    God’s words and promises have been tested. They will see us through difficult times. I learned the hard way that when I think I see a better way than what God’s word tells me, I am mistaken. I will listen for what His word instructs me to do. I will pray that His Spirit move within me to do as His word commands. I will pray to God early in the morning and late at night that He might show me His will for me and that His Spirit might lead me to follow that will.


John 19:23-42

    Each of the Gospels begins their account of Jesus’ crucifixion with a reference to Psalm 22. Here John refers to the soldiers dividing Jesus’ clothes and throwing dice for His robe. John then continues referring to Psalm 22 when he notes that Jesus declared His thirst just before dying (this is also a reference to Psalm 69).
    John then mentions that they gave Jesus a small amount of sour wine just before He died. I never really thought about it before, but it seems like John is telling us something significant by mentioning that. Several sources tell me that there are four cups of wine drunk in the traditional Passover meal (something I had never been aware of before this). Some of those sources claim that only three of the four cups were drunk at the Last Supper and that this was the fourth cup. I have never paid attention to the number of cups of wine drunk at the Last Supper and think that none of the Gospel writers really did either. However, there is a certain logic to the idea that this represents that fourth, and final, cup of the Passover. Jesus’ crucifixion represents a new “Passover”. Jesus is replacing the sacrificial lamb of the first Passover with Himself. I am not going to write more on this idea because I want to think about it some more, but I encourage each of you to consider the implications of Jesus’ drinking the fourth cup of the Passover just before He dies.


2 Samuel 17:1-29

    Immediately upon taking full control of Jerusalem, Ahithophel advised Absalom to give him control of a small group of men in order to set out after David at once. Absalom decided to consult with Hushai before following Ahithophel’s advice. It is worth noting that Ahithophel had joined Absalom as soon as he began his rebellion. Hushai only joined Absalom after he took Jerusalem (and did so in order to foil the advice given by Ahithophel, although Absalom had no way of knowing this). Hushai’s advice played on Absalom’s fear and his pride, but in a very subtle way.
    There are two ways in which Hushai couches his advice. First, he plays up how mighty David and his men are as warriors, and David’s cunning as a military leader. By doing so, Hushai appeals to Absalom’s insecurity. Second, Hushai suggests that it would be best if Absalom leads the troops which defeat his father, playing on Absalom’s desire to be seen as a glorious military leader.

November 29, 2014 Bible Study — Hurrying The End

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 28:21-22

    It is wrong to show partiality, even though there are people who will do wrong for even the most minimal of reasons. This is an interesting statement of how we should behave. Even though we know some people will do wrong for very poor reasons, we should still treat them the same as everyone else.


Psalm 119:129-152

    The psalmist continues with his praise of God’s instructions and commands. God’s laws are wonderful, those who understand them are happy to obey them. However, perhaps the most important point made by the psalmist is this

The teaching of your word gives light,
so even the simple can understand.

It does not require a genius, or great training, to understand God’s word. As we study God’s word, the combination of studying it and the Holy Spirit will provide all of the insight we need to understand what we are reading. All too many times people use their learning to find ways to claim that God did not command what His word says that He did command. We may be despised and insignificant but if we ask God, He will give us the understanding and strength to obey His law.
    Sometimes when we are under pressure and stress we are tempted to forgo studying God’s word. This is a terrible mistake, because studying God’s word is one of the best antidotes for stress.


2 Peter 3:1-18

    Peter reminds us that Jesus will return. It may seem like it has been a long time since He promised to return, but God does not view time the same way we do. From God’s point of view there is no significant difference between a day and a thousand years. The reason for the delay between the promise and the return is because God is patient. He desires that everyone repent, so is willing to give people time to do so. Nevertheless, the end will come suddenly and without warning.
    In due time, everything we can see or touch is going to be destroyed. Which means that we should live godly and holy lives. One result of living godly lives will be that we eagerly look forward to the coming end and seek to hurry it along. The question is, how do we hurry that day along? Looking at what Peter said just a few sentences earlier there are two things we can do to speed Christ’s return. The first is repent of our sins and turn to God. Hopefully, we have already done this. The second follows from the first.
    The other thing we can do to speed Christ’s return is convince others to repent of their sins and accept Christ’s salvation. Since repentance is fully volitional, that is it must be something that one does entirely by one’s own free will, this involves demonstrating to others that this is a desirable thing to do. Repentance involves regretting our actions, not just getting caught. This is why it must be entirely volitional. I can use force to regret getting caught, but I cannot use force to make you regret the action itself (except insomuch as you believe that you could not take the action without getting caught).


Daniel 6:1-28

    When his daily devotions became illegal, Daniel refused to change his habit of praying before God each day. Those officials who had written the law, and flattered the king into enacting it, knew that Daniel would remain faithful to God. That was why they proposed the law in the first place. Daniel is an example for us. Even though his enemies enacted a law to directly target his faithful service to God, he refused to change his behavior. He did not let the threatened dire consequences deter him from being faithful to God. Let us do likewise.
    There is another lesson to be learned here. When the king realized that Daniel was to be condemned as a result of the law he passed, he regretted his actions. It is important that we think through all of the consequences of our actions. The king only saw how this law would increase his stature and never thought to ask himself why these officials wanted him to enact such a law. What did they have to gain from it? We need to be careful not to make the same mistake.

May 31, 2014 Bible Study — It Is Finished

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 16:12-13

    A ruler who wants stability will detest wrongdoing and build his rule on justice. When those who govern a society do not honour those who speak honestly, that society will suffer.


Psalm 119:129-152

    I want to have the same passion for God’s word that the psalmist had. I want to pant with expectation as I long for God’s commands. I want the Holy Spirit to guide my steps so that I will not be overcome with evil. I am insignificant, nobody of any importance, but I will follow God’s instructions. By acting according to God’s will, I will improve the world around me, even if only by a small amount. I ask God to give me understanding of His laws so that I may live.


John 19:23-42

    While Jesus was hanging on the cross, He saw His mother standing next to John. He told John to take care of His mother in His place and told His mother to treat John as her son. Then, having settled His affairs on this earth, He cried out, “It is finished” and gave up His life. He did not fear death, so He was able to recognize that the time had come and surrender to God’s will. We, also, have no need to fear death, because in Jesus we have victory over death. It is my goal to face death in the manner which Jesus did.
    John points out the various ways in which prophecies were fulfilled in the events surrounding Jesus’ death. In addition, it is important to John that when the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side blood and water poured out. I am not sure if John’s emphasis on this is because it is sure proof that Jesus was dead, or if there is theological significance to it. Considering that some people try to explain away the Resurrection by claiming that Jesus never actually died, the former is certainly distinctly possible. Further, when combined with Jesus’ comment about being thirsty just before He died, it gives us a complete picture into the cause of death that it is improbably that John would have been aware enough of to fabricate.


2 Samuel 17:1-29

    One of David’s advisers, Ahithophel, had defected to Absalom. David had sent another, Hushai, to join Absalom’s advisers to offset the advice of the first one. Ahithophel advised Absalom to send him with troop of men after David at once. Hushai played on both Absalom’s fear of his father, emphasizing the fighting prowess of David and his men, and his ego, recommending that he lead the troops himself. Absalom chose to take the advice of Hushai. Ahithophel recognized that Absalom’s only chance of victory was to move quickly to defeat David before David had time to plan his campaign. When Ahithophel realized that Absalom would not follow that course of action, he put his affairs in order and took his own life. Ahithophel realized that David would be victorious.
    When I read this account, and Absalom’s response to the advice he was given, I see a lesson here for us. Absalom’s mistake grew out of the two key flaws in his personality. He respected his father for the wrong reasons. He saw only his father’s military prowess and did not recognize the role David’s faith in God played in his successes. Absalom’s other flaw was his desire to be loved and honoured without having to do the work to earn that love and honour.

November 29, 2013 Bible Study — God Is Patient

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Daniel 6:1-28

     After the conquest of Babylon by the Medes and Persians, Daniel once more was appointed to a position of authority. The other administrators and government officials sought out ways in which they could manipulate and/or blackmail Daniel into supporting their interests. They were unable to find anything to use against him, except for his faith. So, they went to the king and flattered him into outlawing worship of any being or thing other than the king for thirty days. Despite the law, Daniel refused to change his practice of praying to God and he made no attempt to conceal this fact. The other officials watched Daniel and as soon as he carried out his practice they returned to the king and demanded that Daniel suffer the punishment written into the law, which was to be thrown into a den of lions.
     The king realized his mistake too late. The law had been written and could not be changed. So, he had Daniel arrested and thrown into a lion’s den. He expressed his hope that Daniel’s god would protect him from the lions and returned to his palace, refusing to eat. In the morning when the king returned to the lion’s den, Daniel was still there, unharmed. The king ordered Daniel’s release and had the officials who had conspired against Daniel arrested and thrown into the same lion’s den. The lions immediately attacked and killed the conspirators.
     Daniel was targeted despite his integrity (and in my belief because of his integrity). His enemies used that same integrity against him, yet even so, Daniel refused to compromise his beliefs. Both Daniel and his enemies knew that if they could separate him from his routine of prayer and worship of God, they could crack his otherwise unimpeachable integrity. Daniel had a regular, daily routine of connecting with God. This gave him the strength to remain faithful to God in all that he did. It is the same for us. If we want to be people of integrity(and as followers of Christ, we are called to be people of integrity), we need to have daily communion with God.


2 Peter 3:1-18

     Peter wrote that some will scoff at the idea that Christ will return. They will tell us that things have been as they are since the beginning of time. They overlook the fact that right in that statement is a testimony to God. Time began when God created the universe and the earth within it by His word. By His word, he destroyed the earth with water in the flood. Now, by His word, the earth and the universe are awaiting the day He will destroy them by fire. God is not constrained by time and does not view it as we do. Christ will return at the time which God has already determined, but it will not be at a time that we, as humans, will expect. It will not be by our timetables nor according to our understanding. Any delay we perceive in His return is not a result of God being slow. Rather it is a result of God’s grace and patience. God wishes for everyone to repent and is giving us time to reach out to our friends and neighbors.
     A day of great destruction is coming, but we should not dread that day. Rather we should look forward to it with great hope and anticipation, because it will be followed by the creation of a new heaven and new earth. This new creation will be filled with righteousness and the sin and destruction of this earth will be destroyed with it. With this hope, let us live peaceful, blameless lives as an example to others whom God is patiently calling to come to Him. God is giving people time to be saved. Let us not waste the time which He is giving us, but let us reach out with His Spirit to those who do not yet know Him.


Psalm 119:129-152

     God’s laws are perfect and trustworthy. They do not require advanced degrees, or esoteric studies. Those who seek to understand God’s commands and will need only study His word to achieve understanding. The study of God’s law provides the light necessary to understand it. Even the simple-minded can comprehend what God desires. Actually, sometimes it is easier for the simple to understand what God wants than it is for those of great human understanding. I want to understand God’s will for my life, so I will turn to Him in prayer. I will pray and cry out to God. I will study His word and listen to His voice, then He will give me understanding of what He wishes me to do.


Proverbs 28:21-22

     It is wrong to show partiality, even though some people will do wrong for the most miniscule of perceived gain. Hoarding wealth in order to grow rich leads to poverty, always of the soul and often material as well.

May 31, 2013 Bible Study — Even the Simple Can Understand God’s Word

     I have been using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study for almost a year. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I started writing this blog because the only way I can get myself to read the Bible everyday is to pretend that I am teaching someone about what it says to me. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Fencing against Lord Snowflake
Fencing against Lord Snowflake

2 Samuel 17:1-29

     Ahithophel counseled Absalom to give him 12,000 men to immediately pursue David and his men. That way they could overtake them while they were tired and before they had a chance to organize their defense. David and his men would panic and many of the men would run away. Ahithophel would be able to kill only David and bring the rest of David’s people back to serve Absalom. Absalom and the men with him liked Ahithophel’s plan, but Absalom called for Hushai and asked what he thought of Ahithophel’s advice. Hushai told Absalom that Ahithophel was wrong. David and his men were mighty warriors and they would currently be enraged, which meant that they would fight with determination. In addition, David was an experienced soldier, so he would not be with the rest of his troops, but would be hiding apart from them with a small force. Hushai said that when Ahithophel’s force attacked the main force, David would emerge from hiding and attack them from the flank. Because everyone knew what mighty warriors David and his men were, as soon as they started inflicting casualties on Absalom’s troops panic would set in and even the bravest soldiers would be paralyzed with fear.
     Hushai advised that instead of sending a small force after David quickly under Ahithophel’s command, Absalom should muster the entire Israelite army and lead it into battle himself. Then he would have such an overwhelming force that they could easily wipe out David and his loyal supporters. In addition, if David should take up a defensive position in a town, Absalom would have the means to lay siege to the town and bring down its walls. Absalom and his men liked Hushai’s advice better than Ahithophel’s and chose to follow it. Hushai then told Zadok and Abiathar, the priests, the plans that had been discussed and told them to send word to David to not camp at the Jordan River, but to go into the wilderness on the other side. The priests’ sons had stayed in a town outside of Jerusalem to avoid being seen entering and leaving the city, so the priests sent word to them through a servant girl. However, a boy saw the two young men and took word to Absalom. The two young men left where they had been staying and went to another town where someone hid them in his well and put a cloth over it with grain scattered on top to dry in the sun. When Absalom’s men arrived looking for the priests’ sons, they were told that they had already departed. Absalom’s men went looking for them, but were unable to find them and returned to Jerusalem. As soon as Absalom’s men returned to Jerusalem, the priests’ sons went to David and gave him word.
     David and his men immediately crossed the Jordan and were on the other side by dawn. David and his men traveled to Mahanaim, the city out of which Ishbosheth, Saul’s son, had ruled over Israel for two years. He was greeted by three leaders of the city (or perhaps just wealthy men based on that side of the Jordan), who brought him and his men supplies. Ahithophel, when he realized that Absalom was not following his advice, returned to his home town, set all of his affairs in order and killed himself. In the meantime, Absalom mustered the Israelite army and crossed the Jordan in pursuit of David.

Setting up the list field
Setting up the list field

John 19:23-42

     John starts today’s passage by showing how the crucifixion was a fulfillment of Psalm 22 (as at some point do the other Gospel writers). While Jesus was on the cross, He saw His mother standing at the foot of the cross along with “the disciple he loved.” He asked the disciple to care for His mother and the account tells us that this disciple did so going forward. Jesus then stated that He was thirsty (another reference to Psalm 22). He was offered sponge soaked in sour wine. He tasted the wine, cried out that it was finished and died. This was a remarkably quick death for a crucifixion. Because it was the day before the Passover Sabbath, the Jewish leaders did not want the bodies left hanging. So they asked Pilate to have the legs of the prisoners broken to speed their deaths. Pilate ordered his men to do so. When they came to Jesus they found that He was already dead, so they did not break His legs (which fulfilled a prophecy that none of His bones would be broken). However, they drove a spear into His side to ensure that He was dead. This also fulfilled a prophecy regarding His death.
     After this Joseph of Arimathea got permission from Pilate to take down Jesus’ body and bury it. He and Nicodemus brought perfumed ointment and wrapped Jesus’ body with the ointment and linen according to Jewish custom. They then buried it in a new tomb near to the place of crucifixion.

Dancing on a sunny afternoon
Dancing on a sunny afternoon

Psalm 119:129-152

     The psalmist makes a great point to which we must pay close attention, even the simple can understand God’s word if they try. It does not take a college degree, or study at a seminary to understand the message that God has given us. The psalmist instructs us to pray to God that He guide us with His word and teach us His decrees. It is a source of great sorrow to me that people choose to disobey God’s instructions because I know the suffering that comes from that choice. Those who disobey God’s commands always suffer as a result, and often inflict suffering on others as well. As Christians, we join the psalmist in mourning for this suffering.
     We may be insignificant and despised (I am certainly insignificant, I will leave it to others to determine if I am despised), but if we remember and follow God’s commands we can change the world. Trouble and anguish may find us, but we can find joy and relief in following God’s commands. If we pray with all of our hearts, God will answer our prayers and show us how to follow His will. Then it is up to us to do so. I will repeat that we do not need a seminary education to know God’s will, if we study His word and pray to Him, He will give us understanding of His will. God’s commands are true and they will last forever.

Illustrating death from behind
Illustrating death from behind

Proverbs 16:12-13

     A ruler who commits wicked acts is undermining his own rule. Those who wish to rule long and prosperously delights in those who speak righteousness and who speak to him with honesty. A ruler who surrounds himself with those who do evil and tell him only what he wants to hear is dooming himself to failure.

November 29, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Winter Is Coming

Daniel 6:1-28

     Once Darius had conquered Babylon he divided his kingdom into 120 provinces and appointed a governor over each province. He then appointed Daniel and two others as something akin to an Inspector General to audit how the governors exercised their authority. Because Daniel was effective at this job, the king made plans to give him authority over the entire kingdom. The other officials and administrators began looking for ways to diminish Daniel’s influence. They were unable to find fault (at least what the king would have considered fault) with anything about the way Daniel carried out his official duties. Since they could not find anything wrong with the way he did his job, they decided to attack Daniel on the basis of his religion. But they could not attack him directly, so they went to King Darius and told him how wonderful he was. They recommended that he pass a law that for thirty days, no one could pray to anyone but him on pain of being thrown into a den of lions and told him that they supported it unanimously (they failed to tell him that they obtained that unanimity by not inviting anyone who might have disagreed). King Darius was convinced by their flattery. I don’t know about you, but this is sounding familiar. Time and again I see prominent figures attacked for their beliefs when those beliefs have little to do with the job those people do (except possibly making them better at it).
     What was Daniel’s response to this new law? It was to continue worshiping in the manner that he had always done. He changed nothing. He did not even attempt to be more secretive about his actions. The other officials went to his house and caught him violating the new law. They brought him before Darius and demanded that the king enforce the law. King Darius immediately realized what had happened and began looking for a loophole that would allow him to let Daniel off. The officials insisted that the king enforce the law and because he could find no loophole he gave the order for Daniel’s arrest. Just before having him placed in the den of lions the king told Daniel that he hoped that the God Daniel served would rescue him.
     The king spent the night in fasting and refused to sleep. In the morning he went to the lions’ den and called out for Daniel. Daniel answered the king and told him that God had kept the lions from harming him. The king ordered Daniel brought forth from the den. The king then ordered that those who had been behind the plot against Daniel be arrested and thrown into the lions’ den. The lions immediately attacked and ate them, demonstrating that Daniel’s safety was not the result of the lions not being aggressive against humans or not hungry.

Stream In The Woods

2 Peter 3:1-18

     In this passage Peter addresses the issue of the Lord’s return. First he tells us that some will scoff. The scoffers will question why Jesus has not yet returned and suggest that this is because He is not coming back. Peter reminds us that God destroyed the Earth once already with a flood and that He is going to destroy it a second, and final, time with fire. We must not forget that time does not mean the same thing to God as it does to us. God does not perceive time the way that we do. A thousand years looks no different than a day to God. I believe that what Peter is saying here can be compared to talking about a map. On a map of a state, there is no distinction between an inch and a thousand feet, both are too small to be separated out. When I tell you that two places are close together, if you do not know the scale of the map I am using, you will not be able to judge just how far apart they are. For example, to someone in California, Washington, DC and New York City are close to each other, but to someone in Baltimore, MD they are quite a distance apart. So Peter is telling us that Jesus is not being slow in returning, it is just that we do not understand the scale on which He is measuring time.
     God is not being slow in bringing about the judgment. He is being patient. He wishes to give everyone an opportunity to repent. He wants to give us time to reach out to our friends and neighbors and perhaps convince them to turn from sin to following Him. However, the day of Jesus return will come without additional warning. Since everything in this world is going to be destroyed, we should live our live accordingly. Let us live recognizing that the material things of this world are temporary and thus willingly sacrifice them in order to accumulate honors that are eternal. I will strive to live a peaceful life that is pure and blameless before God. In the meantime, I will use the time that God has given me to attempt to convince others to turn from their sins, praying that the Holy Spirit will move in their lives and show them God’s path.

She Came Looking For Me

Psalm 119:129-152

     God’s instructions are wonderful and following them gives me joy. They are straightforward and uncomplicated such as even those who are not very bright can understand what God wants from them. I am saddened by those who choose to ignore God’s instructions, both for the grief they inflict on others and for that which they inflict on themselves. God’s commands lay out the path to joy, happiness and fulfillment. They are trustworthy and thoroughly tested. We may not understand why God calls for us to behave as He does, but we can have confidence that it is the best path for us to follow. I will continue to pray to God that He give me the strength and courage to do as He commands.

Back Inside, Where It’s Warm

Proverbs 28:21-22

     It is never good to show favoritism, yet there are people who will do wrong for the pettiest of rewards. Attempting to get rich quick is a sure route to poverty. The timing on this second could not be more perfect for me. I am reading it (and writing this) while there is lots of buzz over the size of the PowerBall Lottery prize. Many have chosen to buy tickets in the hope of getting rich quick.

May 31, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

2 Samuel 17:1-29

     After Absalom occupies Jerusalem and has sex with the concubines which David, his father, had left behind, Ahithophel urges him to immediately send troops out after David and his men under the command of Ahithophel. However, Hushai, whom David had encouraged to stay behind and give Absalom bad advice, convinces Absalom to delay until he had gathered more troops and for Absalom to lead them himself. Hushai uses two time honored techniques to get Absalom to follow his advice. He plays on Absalom’s fears of David and his men and he plays to his vanity of being seen as a great war leader. Absalom decides to follow Hushai’s advice. This allows Hushai time to warn David and allows David and his men time to get to a defensive location among supporters. Interestingly, David chooses as his base the same city that Abner had chosen to base the kingship of Saul’s son Ishbosheth. Ahithophel recognizes how disastrous following Hushai’s advice will be for Absalom, and thus for himself, and goes home,sets his affairs in order and kills himself.

John 19:23-42

     In this crucifixion account John references Psalm 22:18 when he says that the soldiers that crucified Jesus divided His clothes and diced over His robe. Matthew and Mark reference Psalm 22:1 when they write that Jesus last words were “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” In both cases the writers are applying the whole of Psalm 22 to this situation. In Psalm 22 the psalmist is crying out in despair, yet nevertheless praising God and declaring His righteousness. Later in this account John references Psalm 34:20 when he says that the soldiers did not break Jesus’ legs to fulfill the scripture that “Not one of His bones will be broken.” The verse before that in the psalm says, “The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.” That is very similar to the theme of Psalm 22. I think it is significant that three of the four Gospel writers reference this. I believe that they are each saying that despite appearances God was with Jesus to the very end and came to His rescue. In a way they are foreshadowing the resurrection and they are saying that Jesus knew that the resurrection was coming to follow passing through this time of torment. Even in the despair and torment of His crucifixion and death Jesus continued to praise God. We should do the same in whatever hardships and troubles we face.

Psalm 119:129-152

     Throughout this psalm the psalmist has expressed his joy in following God’s commands and the judgement that will fall on those who do not do so. In today’s reading, he expresses his sadness for those who do not follow God’s commands:

“Rivers of tears gush from my eyes
because people disobey your instructions.”

This should be our feeling as well for those who do not choose to serve God, deep sadness. This passage emphasizes the burden on my heart to pray for my friends who have not yet come to know the Lord. As has been true since I started reading Psalm 119, today this psalm truly touches me.
“Your laws are wonderful.
No wonder I obey them!”

I definitely see this as true. The more I obey God’s will for my life, the more joy I have and the more I want to find more of His will to follow.
“Your laws are always right;
help me to understand them so I may live.”

There are those who wish to throw away those of God’s laws that they do not like, thinking that they understand how humans work better than our Maker. I once thought there was something to their arguments, until I experienced the pain (and inflicted pain on others) of not following those rules. I learned that biblical instructions are not just for those who lived many years ago. God’s laws are always right.
“I have known from my earliest days
that your laws will last forever.”

I have no excuse for the mistakes I made, my parents taught me this from a young age. I wanted it to be true, so I allowed those I should not have trusted to convince me that it was. I have learned that what I learned as a child is more reliable than the “more mature” perspective I came to later.

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Proverbs 16:12-13

     When those with political authority follow these proverbs a country will be blessed. The further those with political authority are from the standard of these proverbs, the more oppression and suffering will be found in the country. In addition the further those with political authority are from the standard of these proverbs the less stable will be their authority.