Tag Archives: Psalm 112

November 14, 2015 Bible Study — Of Whom The World Was Not Worthy

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 27:17

    Your friends will help you become a better person in the same way in which iron can sharpen an iron knife.


Psalm 112

    This psalm points out the feedback loop which exists in serving God. If we follow God’s commands joyfully, we will gain great joy. Another way to look at the point the psalmist makes here, and elsewhere, is that once we recognize the results of following God’s commands we will not only be happy to do so, but eager to do so. Do you have the faith to eagerly do what God commands?


Hebrews 11:32-12:13

    The writer continues to write about how our predecessors in faith acted because of their faith. They knew the joy to which the psalmist referred in today’s psalm. The writer here writes about those who were strong and victorious in ways we readily recognize because of their faith, but he, also, speaks of those who demonstrated they were strong and victorious by suffering for their faith.
    I have mentioned this before, when I was growing up my family had a copy of the book titled “Martyr’s Mirror”. In it there were stories of people who suffered many terrible tortures and were killed because they would not give up their faith. The bulk of the stories in the book took place during the Reformation. Time after time there are accounts of how the first step the authorities took when torturing these Christians to death was to make sure they could not talk. Why was that? Because if they could talk, they would sing. And not just sing, they would sing so joyfully that those listening wanted to know what they knew that would give them such joy while they were clearly suffering. The faith of those martyrs was so great that those watching them burn to death wanted to emulate them. Do we have faith that inspires others?


Ezekiel 29-30

    Ezekiel prophesies against Egypt. He says that Egypt will be conquered and rendered desolate because it failed to offer the support to Judah which it had promised. The government of Egypt accepted the things which the Kingdom of Judah offered it for protection against Babylon, but when Babylon attacked Judah, Egypt did not send any aid. This is a warning to those who promise to be Israel’s allies today.

May 16, 2015 Bible Study — The Truth Will Set You Free

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. Why, yes, I do like cats. Why do you ask?


Proverbs 15:12-14

    Those who mock others resent it when you point out that their mockery is unjustified, especially when you show them how they are the ones being stupid or foolish. You will notice that those who most enjoy mocking others avoid those who could/would teach them to understand those with a different view of the world from themselves.
    When I read the third of today’s proverbs it reminded me of the entertainment choices people make. Some people choose to spend their leisure time learning and gathering knowledge, others spend their leisure with things that distract them from thinking about anything. There is nothing wrong with limited amounts of the latter, but the wise are hungry for knowledge and will fill up their leisure time acquiring it. The fool has no interest in knowledge and will avoid like the plague any leisure activity which requires thought, let alone the acquisition of knowledge. If they spend their leisure time involved in anything which involves the acquisition of knowledge, it will be knowledge which is of no lasting value.


Psalm 112:1-10

    Those who fear the Lord and take delight in in following His commands will be filled with joy. They are willing to lend money generously and are fair in all of their business dealings. As a result good comes their way and evil will fail its attempts to overcome them. Overall I love the message of this psalm, but struggle with writing a meditation on what it means to me.


John 8:31-59

    This passage starts with one of Jesus’ most famous statements, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” That is a very true and important statement. However, the exchange which follows probably gives us more insight into living our lives. There is one thing which I have never heard anyone preach about when they talk about this exchange. Jesus was talking to those who believed in Him. Yet, despite this, their first reaction was to take offense at Jesus telling them that they would be set free.
    Jesus points out that everyone who sins is a slave to sin. He then points out that there are some in the crowd who want to kill Him. Rather than accept that those who were trying to kill Jesus were in the wrong, they took offense. I always find this passage difficult to digest, but not because the message is so hard. I get caught up in the dynamics of the conversation between Jesus and the people so that it distracts me from the message Jesus is preaching here. I actually run into that a lot when I read the Gospel of John.
    Those who love God and are born of God will hear and love the truth. Those who are born of Satan lie, murder and steal. Or, to put it another way, truth and love are characteristics which come from God. Lies and deception come from the devil. The more we are truthful in what we say, and treat those we meet with love, the closer we are to God. The closer we are to God, the more we will be truthful and treat those we meet with love. On the other hand, the more we use lies and deception the closer we are to the devil and the farther we are from God. The farther we are from God the more we use lies and deception.


1 Samuel 18:5-19:24

    After his battle with Goliath David became one of Saul’s chief subordinates. Everything Saul asked him to do David did, and he did it well. David was so successful that the people began singing his praises. They began praising David as greater than Saul. Saul, rather than taking this as a compliment for his good judgment in selecting David, became jealous of David. David continued to be a faithful servant to Saul and to put all of his efforts into serving Saul’s interests. Saul felt threatened by David’s success and his reactions to that perceived threat made it more real. Despite Saul’s actions, David did nothing against Saul’s interests, except act to preserve his own life. One of the reasons Saul lost his throne was because he acted to diminish the power of any subordinate who was too successful.

November 14, 2014 Bible Study — Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy

For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have been away on business the last few days. I hope that my writing has not suffered from this. I am writing today’s before I catch my flight home. Thank you for all of your prayers during this time.


Proverbs 27:17

    Just as one iron tool can be used to sharpen another one, so too can our friends help us become better at serving God. We are God’s tools to accomplish His purposes. Let us spend out time with others who are also serving God so that we can make each other better tools for God’s use.


Psalm 112:1-10

    Yesterday, the psalmist told us that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Today, he tells us that it is a source of joy. It seems counter intuitive to us to think that fear can be a source of joy. Most of the time, fear is the opposite of joy. However, fear of the Lord will inspire us to obey God’s commands and following God’s commands will bring us joy. If we fear the Lord we need fear nothing else. Not only need we fear nothing else, if our fear of the Lord is as great as it ought to be, we will fear nothing else.
    As our fear of the Lord leads us to obey Him, good things will come to us and evil will find no foothold to bring us down. Let us infuriate the wicked by doing what is right, no matter what they may do to discourage us.


Hebrews 11:32-12:13

    The writer goes on to point out that many people did great things as a result of their faith, but not all of those whom we should admire for their faith did things which the people of this world would desire to emulate. Some people suffered mocking, torture, and some even painful death. They were destitute, mistreated, and persecuted because of their faith. Yet despite this they maintained their faith in Christ.
    Here the writer puts in something which has always touched me deeply, the KJV translates it as “Of whom the world was not worthy.” I can barely begin to communicate what that phrase means to me. Growing up there was a book in our house called the “Martyrs Mirror” which contained accounts of those who suffered death for their faith in Christ. It contained stories of how the authorities committed ever greater atrocities against such people because they would not stop joyously praising God in the face of horrible suffering. The world was not worthy to have such people in it. Yet they counted it as joy to suffer for the name of Christ. My greatest fear is that I would not be able to emulate those people if faced with even a fraction of what they suffered.


Ezekiel 29-30:26

    Ezekiel prophesied against Egypt.Egypt’s fall came about for two reasons. The first was that the Pharaoh and the people of Egypt believed that the blessings they gained from the Nile were the result of their own actions. The second was that they had made promises to the nation of Judah to defend it against Babylon, but when the time came to do so, Egypt offered no support at all.
    Let us never forget to give thanks to God for the blessings He has given us. And let us remember the dangers of making promises that we will be unable, or unwilling, to fulfill, even if we think we will never be called upon to do so.

May 16, 2014 Bible Study — The Truth Will Set You Free

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 15:12-14

    Those who mock others avoid interaction with those who are wise enough to get their facts straight because they do not want to be corrected when they are wrong. This demonstrates their foolishness because the wise are always seeking knowledge, even when it proves that their past judgements were wrong.


Psalm 112:1-10

    Those who fear the Lord and take delight in doing as He instructs will be blessed. Those who fear the Lord and do as he commands need fear nothing. They can confidently trust God to care for them and provide for their needs. Their success will infuriate the wicked, who will be able to do nothing to thwart them.


John 8:31-59

    There are two complimentary points in this passage. The first is that if we are faithful to Jesus’ teachings we will know the truth and the truth will free us. Of course, it is not just knowing the truth which frees us, but telling and living it as well. As we allow the truth to take over and fill our lives we are freed from the need to remember the lies we have told and fit everything into those lies to avoid being caught out. When we tell and live the truth we are making ourselves children of God and building up our strength to live free and righteous lives.
    On the other hand, every time we tell a lie, we make ourselves children of the devil and tie ourselves into slavery to him. Those who lie frequently come to hate the truth because it reveals who they are. Lying is a sort of gateway sin which leads to all others. When we lie we begin to believe that we can reshape the world into what we want it to be. As time goes by and the world fails to conform to our lies, we commit ever greater sins until we find even murder acceptable to support the lies which we have told. Once we have begun down that path the only way to be freed is to dedicate ourselves to the truth. Let us dedicate ourselves to the faithfully following Jesus’ teachings so that we may learn, speak, and live the truth. When we do that the truth will free us from slavery to sin.


1 Samuel 18:5-19:24

    Saul set David to many tasks and sent him on various missions. David was successful at all of them and became a hero in the eyes of the people. Once more Saul’s insecurity was revealed. Rather than rejoice in David’s successes and see them as reflecting well on him as David’s mentor, Saul became jealous of David. He feared that the people would make David king in his place. Saul’s insecurity made him a king of uncertain temper. One day, in his anger Saul attempted to kill David. David avoided the attempt and when Saul’s temper faded he sent David out as a commander of troops. David gained even more fame as his troops successfully won battles. Saul allowed his insecurity to overcome him. Rather than see David as an asset to his rule, he saw him as a threat to be eliminated. Let us not follow Saul’s path of insecurity. Rather let us follow the path laid out in today’s psalm. Let us fear the Lord and live with the confidence and trust in Him that comes from obeying His commands.

November 14, 2013 Bible Study — Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Ezekiel 29-30:26

     Ezekiel prophesies that Egypt will fall. He gives two reasons for its fall. The first reason is Egypt offered itself as a supporter of Israel, but when Israel needed Egypt’s help, Egypt failed her. The second reason is that the rulers of Egypt became proud and believed that they were responsible for their own greatness. Both of these warnings strike me as applicable to political leaders today. There are many political leaders today who are showing signs of reneging on promises to stand at Israel’s back should they be attacked and there are many political leaders today who believe that their success and power are because of their own personal greatness. The hubris, and the danger it entails, of the latter applies to those who are not political leaders as well.


Hebrews 11:32-12:13

     The writer continues speaking about those who went before us and the faith which many of them displayed. Some of them are people we take note of because of the great and wonderful things which they accomplished through their faith. Others are noteworthy because of their refusal to give up their faith in the face of great suffering. The writer tells us that the world was not worthy of such people.
     Since we have such a group of examples on living out the faith who are witnessing our acts today, the writer tells us that we should be encouraged to resist temptation and demonstrate faith just as they did. There is a path laid out for us to follow, it is not easy and will require that we show endurance. However, as long as we keep our focus on Jesus, He will provide us with the strength to continue. If at any point we begin to feel that we have already endured more than should be expected of us for our faith, let us remember that there are many, including Jesus Himself, who gave their very lives. As we become weary of the battle to serve God, let us remember those who have gone before us and redouble our effort, strengthen our grip, and map out a path forward which avoids obstacles.


Psalm 112:1-10

     Yes, I will praise the Lord. The writer of Hebrews tells us to mark out a path around the obstacles so that those whose legs are tired and those who are lame may make their way to our mutual goal without stumbling. This psalm tells us that we will be able to do this because light shines into the darkness for those who are righteous. If we are generous and compassionate we will see the obstacles that may cause us to stumble in plenty of time to plot a course around them. We will not need to fear bad news because God will care for us. I will serve the Lord and not fear what is coming because I know that He will care for me.


Proverbs 27:17

     Just as we use iron to sharpen our iron knives, so our friends can can help us serve God better. Owning a knife sharpener will not keep your knives sharp unless you make use of it. In the same way, having godly friends will not help you be a better Christian if you do not spend time with them.