For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have been convicted over the last few weeks to seek to develop a disciplined prayer life. It is still a work in progress. Please pray for me, that the Holy Spirit may show me how to pray in a disciplined manner.

Proverbs 26:17
Getting involved in someone else’s quarrel is as dangerous as grabbing the ears of a stray dog. It is foolish to rush into an argument that you are not otherwise involved in. If you are tempted to get involved in a quarrel not your own, think carefully before doing so.

Psalm 99:1-9
The Lord is king and sits on His throne. All of the earth and everyone on it should fear Him. God enforces justice and righteousness and all of the earth. Moses, Aaron, and Samuel (interesting that the psalmist chose those three examples) called on the Lord for help and He answered them. The same will happen today. If we call on the Lord, He will answer us with great power. Are we willing to do so?

Titus 2:1-15
This passage contains instructions on how we should live at different stages of our lives. The theme that runs through all of it is the idea that we should live wisely. While Paul gives separate instructions for men and women, and for older and younger men and women as well, we will do well to pay attention to all of his instructions no matter at what point in life we find ourselves, or what gender we are.
Older men are to exercise self-control, be worthy of respect, and live wisely. Well, that is certainly worth doing. It is worth pointing out that while the young should respect their elders, that becomes much easier if those elders are worthy of respect. Older women should not be heavy drinkers, nor should they slander others. Well, no one should do those things. They should also teach others what is good. In particular, they are to teach young women to be good wives and mothers. Again, something we all should do. Older men should teach younger men to be good husbands and fathers. Even those who are younger should strive to teach others to do the same, at the very least by demonstrating how to do so.
Our lives should be an example to others, consistent with the Gospel message. In both our teaching and how we live we should show integrity and seriousness (note: “seriousness”, not “somberness”). Let us teach the truth, which means making sure that the stories we use to illustrate what we say are accurate (or, if we are unable to confirm their truth, explain that the story as told illustrates the point, even if the actual facts turn out to be different). We should never let others denigrate the truth because we failed to do our homework.

Jeremiah 51:1-53
Babylon was once the most powerful kingdom on earth. God used it to bring His judgement against the people of Judah and Jerusalem, and against the people of many other nations. But the people of Babylon reveled in her power and mistreated those of other nations. They indulged in idolatrous rituals and did not do the Lord’s will. They acted wickedly in many ways. As a result, God raised up an army to destroy the kingdom and city of Babylon completely.
The United States has been the most powerful nation on the earth for all of my life. It has been used by God to execute His will on the earth. However, its people have reveled in its power and, more and more, started indulging in idolatrous rituals. The analogy breaks down because, at least up until now, the United States has supported and defended the state of Israel, rather than used its military might to overthrow it. Even so, we need to pay attention to the prophesies Jeremiah made against Babylon. If the people of the United States do not soon turn from their wicked sins, God will bring a judgement against them that will put that He leveled against Babylon into the shadows.
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