Tag Archives: Proverbs 22:5-6

August 27, 2015 Bible Study — Necessary To Forgive Those Who Repent

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 22:5-6

    The actions of the wicked expose them to dangers and obstacles. If you desire a long life you will avoid them and their plans. Show your children the right way to live when they are young and they will live their entire lives that way.


Psalm 41

    I really needed to read both the NLT and the NIV translations of this psalm in order to get a fully formed idea of what it meant to me today. Those who are kind to the poor and help the weak will be blessed by God. God will protect them and people will see them as the justly blessed. Even if we have sinned against God, He will forgive us and bless us when we turn to Him and help the poor and weak.


2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11

    Paul starts out today’s passage by stressing that there is no need, and no benefit, to read between the lines of what he writes. He did not write his letters intending to convey a hidden message, nor did he intend to write something that went over their heads. He was confident that they could, and would, understand what he wrote.
    Paul then addresses the issue of what to do about the man about whom he had written in the previous letter. In the first letter Paul had told the Corinthian believers that they should cast the man out of their company for his sins. In this passage, he tells them that now that the man has repented of his sins, the Church should forgive him and welcome him back. This is an important second part to Church discipline. We need to be ready and eager to forgive and welcome back those who have repented of their sins. In the previous letter the key problem was the failure to recognize that their was anything wrong with sinful behavior. Here the key is the willingness to admit that his actions were wrong and seeking forgiveness.


Job 23-27

    I always struggle when I get to this point in Job because the arguments from both sides have run their course. Job’s friends insist that he must be guilty of some heinous sin. Job insists that he is not. In today’s passage, Job agrees with his friends that God will judge the wicked, even if it sometimes seems as if they suffer no harm. Job points out that everyone dies, but the wicked have no hope, no comfort, when their fate befalls them. The righteous, on the other hand, can take comfort from God, even in their suffering.

August 27, 2014 Bible Study — Forgive the Repentant Sinner

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 22:5-6

    Sin will lead us down a path with many painful obstacles and traps. If we value our lives we will avoid sin so as to avoid that path and those obstacles and traps.


Psalm 41:1-13

    God will protect and preserve those who care for the weak and the poor. When times of trouble come upon them, God will rescue them. If we have the integrity to admit our sins, both to ourselves and to God, He will heal us and protect us from our enemies. We will know that God is pleased with us by the fact that our enemies do not triumph over us. Let us praise God all the time in all we do.


2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11

    Paul had planned on visiting the Church in Corinth. However, he heard about the situation he wrote about in 1 Corinthians 5 and decided not to visit, instead he wrote them a letter. His decision here can be a lesson for us. Paul decided to write rather than visit. He knew that if he went to Corinth at that time, people would react defensively to what he had to say. By writing, he could choose his words with more care and people would need to think about what he had said before they could respond. If Paul had said what he had to say in person, he may not have worded it as carefully, and people would have responded out of how it made them feel before they had time to think about the merits of what he said. Let us remember the importance of thinking about our words before we speak them, or commit them to writing.
    Paul then addresses the issue he had written about. Once the sinner had repented of his sin, the Church should embrace him once more and welcome him back among them. We should lovingly discipline those who sin in the congregation, then forgive them and welcome them with open arms when they repent of their sins.


Job 23-27:23

    Job complains that he cannot find God to present himself before Him in order to make his case. Yet Job reminds us that if we listen to the words of God and store them in our minds, we will be able to stand before Him to face His judgement. Let us hold God’s words as more valuable than even food. Job wishes there were scheduled days of judgement when the wicked who oppress the weak and the powerless would face judgement for their actions. However, he recognizes that even so, God will bring judgement against them.
    Bildad responds to Job’s claims to innocence before God by asking rhetorically who can be truly right and good when confronted by the goodness of God. Bildad makes a good point here, however Job’s answer is one we should remember. How is pointing out their sinfulness comforting to someone who is suffering? There are times for pointing out someone’s sin to them, but that time is not when they are suffering (unless they are continuing to commit sins which are compounding their suffering). What is gained by pointing out to the man suffering and dying from AIDS that his previous actions led to his condition? Is it not better to seek to offer him what comfort we can?

August 27, 2013 Bible Study — Forgive the Repentant Sinner

     I have been reading through Job for the last few days. I find it challenging. Both because of Job’s negativity and because sometimes his friends say things that seem so right, yet I know that at the end of the book God tells them to repent and ask Job’s forgiveness. Job and his friends seem to repeat themselves. On this read through it seems like the book is longer than it needs to be, yet I know from other passages in the Bible that on different occasions different parts will speak to me.
     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Job 23-27:23

     Job responds to Eliphaz by saying that he wished that he knew where to find God and His court. He has looked for Him in all directions, but has not found Him. However, despite his inability to find God, Job tells us that God knows where he is going. He may be unable to find God, but God has found him. Job claims that in all of this he has kept to God’s path and followed God’s commands. Job then asks why God does not punish the wicked. Why do they get away with the various evils which he lists? Yet despite asking that question, he concludes this speech by noting that the wicked will be consumed by death just as snow disappears in the heat.
     Bildad replies and asks Job who can possibly be innocent before God? Job responds once more by sarcastically praising the wisdom of his friends. He then goes on to speak of God’s great power. Job vows that despite the suffering he has experienced at the hand of God, he will not speak evil. As long as God continues to give him breath he will not speak lies. He acknowledges that the wicked will suffer the penalty for their acts in due time.


2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11

     Paul tells the Corinthians (and us) that he has not written anything which they cannot read and understand, even if they have only managed to understand in part what he was writing. He hopes, and believes, that they will come to understand what he had written fully as they thought about it more. He wants them to be as willing to boast about knowing him on the day of Christ’s return as he intends to boast of knowing them.
     Paul goes on to say that he had planned on visiting them on his way to Macedonia and on his way back from Macedonia. However, he changed his plans because he had heard news about what was going on in the Corinthian Church that made him so angry he feared being overly harsh. In addition, he wanted to give them a chance to address the issue themselves. He did not want to cause grief and hurt feelings among those in the Church who were not part of the problem. So, in order to make sure that they understood the gravity of the situation, without causing unnecessary hurt feelings, he wrote them a letter about the issue and chose to bypass them on his way to Macedonia.
     He goes on to say that the man who was responsible for the problem had caused more hurt within the Church at Corinth than he had caused Paul. The majority of the Church in Corinth opposed his actions and only needed the support of Paul’s letter to take the appropriate action. That action was sufficient punishment for the man’s sins. Now that the man has repented it is time for Church to welcome him back in and comfort him so that he will not be overcome by grief over his sin. The Church needs to reaffirm that they love the man and welcome him back into their fellowship. Paul had written as he did to see if they would be faithful and discipline the man in love. Now that the man has repented, if the Church will forgive the man for his sins, Paul will do so. And when Paul does so, he will be extending God’s forgiveness to the man as well. In fact, Paul has already forgiven the man in the name of Christ.


     This passage appears to refer back to the man mentioned in 1 Corinthians who was sleeping for his father’s wife. Combining these two passages seems to me to give us an example of the early Church disciplining someone according to Jesus teachings in Matthew 18:15-19. In that passage Jesus gives instructions for dealing with a fellow believer who sins, Paul follows that up by showing that once the person has accepted the rebuke by the Church they should be accepted back. In addition, Paul shows that when Jesus spoke of binding and loosing in that passage, He was referring (among other things) to the forgiveness of sin.
     Paul makes another important point. It is important that when someone repents of their sins and changes their ways that we accept that change in love. We need to do this so that the sinner is not tempted beyond they can bear to return to their sins.


Psalm 41:1-13

     Those who are kind to the poor and have regard for the weak will experience joy. God will protect them and raise them up when they face trouble of any sort. Even when their closest friends, those they trusted implicitly turn against them, God will stand by them. God will nurse those who aid the poor and look after those weaker than themselves back to health when they are ill.


Proverbs 22:5-6

     The path trod by the wicked is full of snares and pitfalls, those who value their life will stay far from the wicked and the dangers that they court. If you teach your children to follow the path of righteousness when they are young, they will not turn from it when they are older.

August 27, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Gandalf & Tabby

Job 23-27:23

     Job declares that he would like to go before God’s court and make his case, but he does not know where to find it. Job expresses the common human desire for God to explain why things are the way they are. Nevertheless, Job is confident that God knows where to find him and that when God tests him he will come out pure. He tells us that God will do whatever He has planned and controls our destiny. Job then asks why the wicked are not brought to judgement. Job in this speech asks why the good suffer and the wicked prosper, a question that people ask time and again.
     Bildad again responds to Job and tells him that he must be guilty of some great sin, because no one is innocent before God. Job replies very sarcastically, thanking Bildad for his great wisdom, essentially telling him that what he said was useless even if true. Job then discusses how powerful God is. He explains that what we can see of God’s power is just a small part of it, that God’s power is so great and wonderful that we cannot even begin to comprehend it. Job proclaims once more that he will not tell lies. After having in previous speeches said that the wicked prosper and are not punished, here Job says that God will indeed punish the wicked, that their prosperity is fleeting and disaster will come upon them.

2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11

     Paul starts off this section with two things that call for our attention. The first thing is something that we should try to imitate. Paul tells them that he has conducted himself with holiness and sincerity that are from God. That his actions do not derive from human wisdom, but from God’s grace. This reminds me of a discussion I had about my congregation’s worship team the other week. I expressed my dissatisfaction with an aspect of it and the person I was talking to responded with, “I feel the same way, but studies show…” and in their mind that was the end of the discussion. I think this points up a flaw in much of the thinking we use to conduct Church today, an over reliance on human wisdom. The first question about a program in the Church should not be, “What is the most effective way to do this?” The first question should be, “What is God’s way to do this?” I am not claiming that the way I would like to my congregation to conduct worship services is God’s way to do it. I do not know, but I think we should pray about it and try to design our worship services around God’s will, not just around “what works” according to man’s definition of working. When we plan our programs in the Church we should seek God’s plan for those programs and the words “studies show…” should not be the end of the discussion (although they do have a place in the discussion).
     The second thing that calls for our attention is that Paul tells us that he does not write anything that we cannot understand. Paul expresses the feeling that the Corinthians only partially understood his earlier writings. But he also expresses the hope and expectation that they will come to fully understand what he wrote. I think this is an important message for us and I think it applies not just to Paul’s writing but to all of Scripture. There is nothing in Scripture that we cannot understand. There may be passages that we do not understand, but if we turn to God and ask for His Spirit’s guidance we can come to understand them. This is why I am doing this Bible Study blog to read through the Bible in a year. There are passages I do not understand. I fully believe that part of understanding them is seeing how they fit in with other Scripture. Which means that I must become more familiar with all of Scripture and that means reading through the Bible on a regular basis.
     Ordinarily, after what I have already written about this passage I would move on to the psalm, but there is another segment of this passage that I think needs to be highlighted. In 1 Corinthians Paul wrote about a man who needed to be disciplined by the Church. Here Paul tells them that the man has expressed his remorse and changed his ways. Now it is time for the Church to welcome him back and forgive him. This passage is the other side of Church discipline that too often those Christians who do practice Church discipline do not follow through on. Once the Church has disciplined a believer and the believer acknowledges their sin and turns from it, the Church must welcome them back and offer them forgiveness. They must be brought back in and shown the love of the brotherhood once again. Church discipline is not about punishment. It is about restoring people to a right relationship with God.

2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11

     The psalmist says that those who are kind to the poor will be blessed. Other translations say that those who have regard for the weak will be blessed. In both cases it carries a sense of providing aid for those who cannot for one reason or another fully care for themselves and do not have the ability to repay us for what we do for them. But then the psalmist says something interesting, “Heal me, for I have sinned against You.” That phrasing seems awkward, asking God for healing because we have sinned. What is the psalmist getting at here? Some other translations read, “Heal my soul,…”. Certainly it is easier to understand if we take it as a request for soul healing because our souls need healing as a result of our sins. I think that gives me the insight to see what the psalmist is saying (or at least what the Spirit is saying to me today through this passage). When we sin it results in us needing healing. Sometimes that healing is of no more than our soul, but often times our sin leads to our physical bodies being damaged as well. When we have sinned we need God’s healing of our souls, our minds and our bodies.

Gandalf uses Tabby as a pillow

Proverbs 22:5-6

     The first of today’s proverbs tells us that the path followed by the wicked has many dangers and those who value life will avoid such a path. The second proverb tells us that if parents direct their children on to the right path the children will not depart from it. Does this mean that every time people turn out badly it is a result of the failure of the parents? I don’t know. I do know that all of the circumstances where I witnessed the parenting as an adult where the child turned out badly the parents were guilty of bad parenting. On the other hand, I know several people who turned out badly, yet all of their siblings have followed their parents in following the Lord. So, I just don’t know. I do know that those people who I have witnessed raise their children well, the children have turned out well and those people I have witnessed modeling bad behavior for their children have had children who follow that model. I do however know parents whose children turned out badly that I cannot imagine not modeling good behavior for their children, but I did not know them while they were raising their children.