Tag Archives: Numbers 7

February 15, 2025 Bible Study — Each of the Tribes Had an Equal Part in Dedicating the Tabernacle

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 7.

Today’s passage reviews how the leader of each of the twelve tribes gave the same offering for the dedication of the tabernacle.  I want to note that for this passage it counts Ephraim and Manasseh as two of the twelve and does not count Levi.  The leaders of the tribes coordinated to give twelve oxen and six carts to be used to transport the tabernacle.  Then each was given a day to provide offerings and sacrifices.  One might wonder why the writer did not just write the list of items each tribal leader gave and then say which tribal leader gave on which day, but that would have diminished the sense of how much the people of Israel offered and sacrificed for the dedication of the tabernacle.  I find it interesting that all of that leads into the ending of the passage where it tells us that when Moses entered the tent of meeting to speak with the Lord, the Lord now spoke to him from two cherubim above the ark.  First, this is how the writer chose to tell us that the tabernacle has taken the place of the tent which Moses had set up outside the camp to function as the place for him to meet with God: the tabernacle was now the tent of meeting.  Second, before, God had spoken out of the cloud which rested on the tent of meeting, now He spoke from above the Ark of the Covenant.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 15, 2024 Bible Study — The Levites Were Intermediaries Between the Other Tribes and God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 7.

On Monday I mentioned how the Israelite camp was set up “twelve and one”.  That is twelve tribes were arranged at the compass points from the tabernacle with four separate camps of three tribes each while the Levites were camped immediately around the tabernacle.  Today we see that after the consecration of the tabernacle, each of the twelve tribes whose fighting men had been counted brought offerings for the dedication of the tabernacle and for its maintenance.  Once again, we see the Israelites counted as being twelve tribes, plus the Levites.  Each tribe brought  exactly the same offering.  They counted equally within the polity which was Israel, even Ephraim and Manasseh, the tribes of the descendants of Joseph.  Once again we see a division of the Israelites into twelve tribes and one tribe.  I see the way in which Jesus’ inner circle reflects this “twelve and one” structure as being something which Jesus did intentionally.  In many ways, I am also convinced that God arranged the Children of Israel here in this way as a sort of foreshadowing of Jesus with the Twelve Apostles whom He called.  Here, the Levites stood aside from the other twelve tribes as intermediaries between them and God.  Jesus stood apart from the Twelve Apostles, as intermediaries between them (and us, whom they represented in that arrangement) and God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 15, 2023 Bible Study — Similarities Between The Way The Levites Related To The Other Twelve Tribes And The Way Jesus Related To His Twelve Apostles

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 7.

In today’s passage we once again see the Children of Israel divided into the “twelve plus one” groupings I mentioned a couple of days ago.  In fact, the twelve plus one nature of the tribal divisions is more obvious in today’s passage.  Here the leaders of each of the “twelve” made offerings for the upkeep of the tabernacle.  The first part of these offerings were a cart for every two of the leaders of the “twelve” and an ox from each of them (two of the oxen to pull each of the carts).  These oxen and carts were given into the care of the “one” in order for them to transport the tabernacle and its furnishings.  In addition, the leader of each of the “twelve” offered items to be sacrificed by the leader of the “one”.  I believe it was this passage with the tribe of Levi handling the offerings made by the other twelve tribes which caused me to see a connection with Jesus and His twelve Apostles.  There is more to this parallel between the relationship of the Levites to the rest of Israel and the relationship of Jesus to the Twelve Apostles, but I do not yet have a clear enough understanding of it to write about it.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 15, 2022 Bible Study — Each Of The Tribes Had An Equal Part In The Tabernacle

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 7.

At first I did not know what to make of today’s passage because it can be easily seen as a repetitive listing of the same offerings from different people.  However, when I thought about it I realized there is something interesting here.  The leader of each tribe gave exactly the same offering as the leader of every other tribe for the dedication of the Tabernacle.  They did this despite the tribes varying in population by a very large degree.  I believe this reflects the principle that each tribe had an equal share within the nation of Israel, regardless of how many warriors they could provide to the nation.  Having written that, I am not sure what significance it actually has.  It seemed very significant when I started writing.  I thought that as I wrote I would be able to explain that significance, but that did not happen.  I am still convinced the equality of the tribes is significant, but I am not sure why.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 15, 2021 Bible Study Levi Plus Twelve Foreshadows Jesus Plus Twelve

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 7.

I am not sure if I am correct, but it seems to me that in today’s passage we see Ephraim and Manasseh counted so as to make the number of tribes equal twelve without counting the tribe of Levi.  To me this is a foreshadowing of Jesus and His Twelve Apostles.  I find it interesting that we have this symbolism in the Torah 12 +1.  I did an Internet search (DuckDuckGo, not Google) for the Jewish understanding of the meaning and found a lot of articles which spoke of the fact that the number of Tribes was always 12, either Levi was counted and Ephraim and Manasseh were counted as part of the tribe of Joseph, or Ephraim and Manasseh were counted as two tribes and Levi was not counted.  However, as a Christian, I cannot help but see a parallel between the Tribe of Levi and the other 12 Tribes with Jesus and His Twelve Apostles.

February 15, 2020 Bible Study — There Are Only Twelve Tribes of Israel, and Yet There Are Thirteen

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 7.

The leader of each tribe, except for the tribe of Levi, presented the same items for the dedication of the Tabernacle.  I had mentioned the other day the way in which the descendants of Joseph being divided into two tribes created a circumstance which foreshadows (in a way) Jesus and His twelve apostles.  This passage makes that more clear by showing how the leaders of the twelve tribes made their offerings.  I actually find it interesting that the Old Testament sometimes designates twelve tribes by the names of Jacob’s sons, which would include Levi, and at other times does not include the Tribe of Levi and counts Ephraim and Manasseh separately.  The former seems to be in situations where the listing is more ceremonial, while the latter appears most of the time when the writer is describing actual events involving the tribes (such as today’s passage).  It is passages such as today’s which make me see the relationship between the Levites and the rest of the tribes as a foreshadowing of Jesus and His apostles.

February 15, 2019 Bible Study –Dedicating the Tabernacle

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 7.

The tribal leaders all gave gifts for the dedication of the Tabernacle and of the altar.  For the Tabernacle they banded together and gave six wagons and twelve oxen.  These were divided up among the Levite clans according to their duties regarding transporting the Tabernacle in order for them to transport their portion.  Those who were responsible for transporting the Ark of the Covenant and other sacred furnishings were not given any wagons because they were supposed to carry the items for which they were responsible. 

They all wanted to bring their offerings for the dedication of the altar at the same time (so that none of them were seen to have been lax in their giving).  However, because some of their offerings were going to be sacrificed on the altar, Moses instructed them each to bring their offerings on a separate day.  As a result, the dedication of the Tabernacle and its furnishings was a twelve day festival.

February 15, 2018 Bible Study — The Levites and the Twelve Tribes

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 7.

    After Moses set up the Tabernacle and anointed it, the leaders of the tribes other than the Levites made offerings for transporting the Tabernacle and its furnishings and to dedicate the Tabernacle. It is not clear from the passage if this happened before, during, or after the ordination of Aaron and his sons as priests. One thing I noticed this year reading through the Bible which comes out especially in this passage is that the Levites were not counted among the Twelve Tribes (most of the time). That instead Ephraim and Manasseh were each counted as one of the tribes. What I find interesting about this is that it matches up with Jesus and His Twelve Disciples. The other thing of note is that the leaders of each of the Twelve Tribes gave exactly the same offering, even though we know from the census counts a few chapters earlier that the tribes varied in size by a significant amount.

February 15, 2017 Bible Study — Maintaining Balance Between Groups

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 7.

    The leaders of each of the tribes of Israel(not counting the Levites), selected to help take the census of the tribes, got together and brought offerings for the dedication of the Tabernacle. The offerings from each leader was the same, despite the great disparity in the sizes of the tribes (there were almost 75,000 fighting men in the tribe of Judah, but only just over 32,000 from the tribe of Manasseh). This reflects the idea that each of the tribes was equal despite their varying sizes. There is an important lesson here for us in creating federations of smaller groups. If we want those smaller groups to each be equal in the larger group, they must each contribute equally to the larger group. The tribe of Manasseh could have claimed that because they were smaller, their share of the offerings of dedication should be smaller. However, if they had done that there would have been a perception that because they were smaller they counted for less. With each tribe giving the same offering of dedication for the Tabernacle it was established that each tribe had an equal share in the Tabernacle.

February 15, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 7.

    Once the Tabernacle was built, set up, and dedicated the leaders of each of the tribes got together and gave offerings and donations for the transport of the Tabernacle and its supplies. In addition, they coordinated dedication gifts for the altar. The leaders coordinated their gifts so that each tribe had equal “ownership” of the Tabernacle. The leaders, out of their own wealth, supplied these gifts on behalf of those they led. It is the responsibility of leadership to work together with each other to ensure that all of the people they represent are equally empowered in their worship of God. Leadership should not be trying to one up each other in an attempt to get those they represent favored status. Rather, they should work together to see that all of the people are treated equally.