Tag Archives: Numbers 29

February 23, 2025 Bible Study — Understanding What Happened Involves More Than Just Knowing About the Battles and Their Outcomes

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 27-29.

I’m not sure where I am going with this, but I find the order of narrative here interesting.  We would not recount the events this way.  So, you understand what I mean I am going to summarize what the writers tell us over the last few and next several chapters.  At the end of chapter 25, we were told that God told the Israelites to treat the Midianites as enemies.  In chapter 26, we were told that Moses and Eleazar, Aaron’s son, conducted a second census of the Israelite men who were 20 years old or older.  So far that makes sense, if you are about to go to war you need to now how many fighting men you have. Then at the end of the census we learn that everyone who had been counted in the first census had died, except for Caleb and Joshua (Moses and Eleazar were alive during that first census, but they were Levites and were not counted).  The census leads to the daughters of Zelophehad bringing up what should happen with their father’s inheritance in the land since he had no sons.  Since the ruling about what should happen with a man’s property if he did not have a son was important, and the incident which led to it being addressed happened here, we would have likely included it here, but we would have made it more parenthetical.   After that Moses asks God to appoint someone to take over leadership of the Israelites since he will soon die.  That also makes sense here, since such a leader should lead the Israelites into battle while Moses is still alive and they are about to enter into battle against the Midianites.  Finally, Moses restates the offerings to be made throughout the year with a bit more detail than in the previous descriptions.

It’s that last bit that we today would have done differently.  In our imagination of the correct way to tell the account, we would have either said something about how Moses gave these other commands before they went into battler.  Or, more likely, we would think that the account of the battle against the Midianites should be explained first.  Then after telling about the battle and its outcome, write that before the battle Moses told them about these sacrifices and festivals.  We might have even chosen to put the details of the census and Joshua being named as Moses’ successor after the battle as well.  All of that is because we view the battle and its outcome as being more important than the other elements of what happened.  The instructions concerning the sacrifices was necessary here and now because the Israelites who were about to go into battle had been too young when they were given the last time to have really paid attention.  We need to recognize that understanding the proper ways to worship God are every bit as important as battles and their aftermaths in understanding what is going on.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 23, 2024 Bible Study — Accepting God’s Call to Lead God’s People So That They Will Not Be Like Sheep Without a Shepherd

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 27-29.

When God told Moses that his days were coming to an end, Moses asked God to appoint someone over the community so that “the Lord’s people will not be like sheep without a shepherd.”  As I read that today I was reminded of what Matthew wrote about Jesus in chapter 9 verse 36

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Which is entirely appropriate, since Jesus is the Greek transliteration for Joshua, and it was Joshua whom God appointed over the community.  Matthew wrote that after Jesus saw the people as being like sheep without a shepherd, He told His disciples that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, so they should ask the Lord of the harvest to send more workers.  Here Moses asked God to send someone to go out and come in before His people, someone to lead them out and bring them in.  God told Moses to give authority to Joshua before the people.  Jesus told His disciples, and through them us, to lead His people and to seek out those whom God had sent to do likewise.  Moses had been teaching Joshua how to lead God’s people for many years at this point.  Or, to put it another way, Moses had discipled Joshua.  In the same way, Jesus sent His disciples out to disciple people of all nations.  Moses laid his hands on Joshua and commissioned him to lead God’s people.  In the same way, we should accept whatever leadership role God has called us to, and then we should lay our hands on those God brings to us and commission them.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 23, 2023 Bible Study — God Provided Someone So That His People Would Not Be Like Sheep Without A Shepherd

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 27-29.

When God told Moses that he would shortly die without entering into the Promised Land, Moses’ first response was not to beg God to reconsider.  His first response was to ask God to appoint someone to lead the Children of Israel in his place so that they would not be like sheep without a shepherd.  The first thing which came to me when I read that was what Matthew wrote in chapter nine of his Gospel account.

36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

I am confident that Matthew was making the same connection.  God’s immediate answer to Moses’ request was to have him appoint Joshua, Moses’ disciple, to lead the people.  God split Moses’ responsibilities between Joshua, who handled the military and other secular leadership functions, and Eleazar the priest, who was responsible for the spiritual and religious leadership functions.  However, as Matthew repeatedly pointed out, God’s long term answer to Moses’ request was Jesus of Nazareth, who once again combined all aspects of leadership over God’s people into one man.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 23, 2022 Bible Study — Making Sure That Leaders Can Be Held Accountable

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 27-29.

As a leader, Moses had his shortcomings, but he seemed to learn from his mistakes.  However, there was one mistake which is common to leaders similar to Moses that he did not make.  Moses prepared for a successor.  Joshua had been his aid since before the Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai, possibly going back to before the Israelites left Egypt.   Not only did Moses start training a successor as soon as he began to lead the Israelites, when it came time to pass on his leadership he recognized the value in separating religious and secular leadership.  Part of the commissioning of Joshua as Moses’ successor was the command that Joshua would consult with Eleazar when he needed God’s guidance.  Moses had always sought God’s guidance directly, but Joshua was instructed to consult with the high priest when he needed God’s guidance in leading the people.  By dividing the leadership of the Israelites in this manner, Moses ensured that there would be someone who could hold Joshua accountable.  Every organization needs a mechanism to hold its leadership accountable if it is going to survive for the long term.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 23, 2021 Bible Study The Importance of Defined Leadership Roles

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 27-29.

When God told Moses it was time for him to die, he was concerned about appointing a successor to lead the people.  God told him to commission Joshua for the role.  Now, this would have come as no surprise to anyone: Joshua had been Moses’ assistant since before Mt Sinai (perhaps going all the way back to Egypt. the first time Joshua is mentioned he is already established as Moses’ assistant).  Joshua had not only been Moses’ assistant, he had been commander of the Israelite army under Moses. However, Joshua was commissioned to be leader in one way, one very important way, that was different from Moses’ role.  Joshua was not going to be the intermediary between the people and God.  That role was going to be filled by Aaron’s son, Eleazar, who was now high priest.

So, the leadership setup to succeed Moses gives us some clear lessons on how leadership should be structured for an ongoing organization.  Really, it gives us a twofold model.  First, every leader needs for there to be someone who can hold them accountable.  Second, leadership naturally divides between administrative and spiritual, but the two must work together.  We will see in the Book of Joshua with the treaty with the Gibeonites what can go wrong if the Administrative leadership fails to seek God’s guidance from the spiritual leadership.  I have seen throughout my lifetime numerous examples where organizations fail because the spiritual leadership failed to allow those with administrative gifts to take charge in areas which required such gifts. And history is replete with examples of how power has corrupted those who had no one to hold them accountable.

February 23, 2020 Bible Study — Separation of Powers

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 27-29.

When God had Moses appoint Joshua as his successor, He divided He divided secular and religious authority.  Joshua had authority over the people, but when guidance was needed from God, he needed to go to Eliazar, the high priest.  However, while Joshua needed to go to Eliazar to consult God for guidance, the arrangement did not give Eliazar authority over Joshua.  Instead, when Joshua needed guidance from the Lord he would go to Eliazar and Eliazar would use the Urim to cast lots to determine God’s will.  We do not know exactly what the Urim was,, which is probably a good thing since people would substitute a device which resembled it for actually seeking God’s will.  The important thing was not what was used to determine God’s will, but that it was done publicly, or, at least, in front of Joshua.  This meant that Eliazar could not just put forward his own decision and claim that it was God’s will.  So, even in a society where the laws of the land were intended to be those laid down by God, the secular authorities were not given the power to determine God’s will, but the religious authorities were not given the power to dictate to the secular authorities.  Not all decisions require us to inquire after God’s will, but we should be careful not to substitute  someone’s will for that of God.

February 23, 2019 Bible Study — Leaders Must Train Their Successors

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 27-29.

When Moses realized that he would soon die he asked God to appoint a successor to take over leadership of the people.   God told Moses to appoint Joshua to that role.  However, we know that Moses did not wait until he foresaw that he would soon no longer be able to lead the people.  Moses selected Joshua as his aid and assistant some time before the Israelites reached Mt Sinai.  Joshua appears time and again throughout Exodus as Moses’ assistant.  We even have an example of Moses teaching Joshua when they were on Mt Sinai while the people worshiped the gold calf.  Joshua thought the noises coming from the camp sounded like the sound of war.  Moses pointed out that it was neither the sound of battle, nor of victory or defeat.  While this is not a very detailed thing, it indicates that Moses taught Joshua how to use his judgment.

February 23, 2018 Bible Study — Planning For Succession

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 27-29.

    When Moses realized that he would not be leading the Children of Israel much longer he asked God to appoint someone to take his place. Moses’ chosen successor was Joshua, who had been Moses’ assistant since shortly after the Israelites left Egypt. Joshua is first mentioned as Moses’ assistant at Mt. Sinai, but the context there indicates that he had already been Moses’ assistant before that. Now the interesting thing is that God splits Moses’ duties between Joshua and Eleazar, Aaron’s son and successor as High Priest. Joshua was to be the leader of the people, but when God’s guidance was needed he was to have Eleazar consult God. Moses did the latter himself. This split created checks and balances which limited the likelihood of abuse of power. There is an important lesson here. Moses had been training Joshua as his successor for the entire time the people of Israel were in the wilderness. Yet he still asked for God’s guidance in selecting his successor. Moses both planned for succession and asked for God’s guidance on implementing it when the time came to do so.