Today, I am reading and commenting on Mark 1-3.

When I was younger, I understood the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ baptism to indicate that the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus after His baptism and everybody heard the voice speak. Some years ago I realized that the wording here in Mark, and also in Matthew and Luke, suggests that only Jesus saw the Spirit and heard the voice. The Gospel of John account suggests that John the Baptist heard the voice from heaven. The wording here in Mark could indicate that only Jesus or John the Baptist, or perhaps both, heard the words. My understanding of the accounts leads me to believe that Jesus and John saw the dove descend and heard the voice from heaven, but that the others present only saw the dove (and perhaps heard something which they dismissed as “noise”). The voice served as a confirmation to Jesus of the things He had been coming to understand about Himself and provided Him the strength to go through His wilderness testing.

Another thing which we take for granted is that, on the Sabbath, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. I do not know this to be true, but I am pretty sure that they did not allow just anybody to come into the synagogue and teach on the Sabbath. So, in some way, Jesus had established Himself as someone with the necessary credentials to be allowed to teach., at least at a synagogue in Capernaum. Which leads me to discuss some things we know about Jesus, and about John the Baptist. We know from the Dead Sea Scrolls that there were many similarities between what Jesus taught and the teachings of the Essenes (a third group of devote Jews alongside the Pharisees and Sadducees). We also see from the Gospel accounts of John the Baptist that he was closer in approach to the Essenes than was Jesus. So, it seems likely that both Jesus and John the Baptist were “credentialed” by their connection to the Essenes. Which brings me to a second aspect of Jesus teaching in the synagogue: the people felt, and said, that He taught with authority. In order to understand what was meant when they said that, we need to understand how most Rabbi’s of that time taught. They would say things like, “as Rabbi Hillel wrote,…” Jesus on the other hands appears to teach by saying, “as the prophet Isaiah wrote,…” Most other Jewish teachers of the time referenced the interpretation of the prophets given by prominent Rabbis. Jesus, on the other hand, spoke as if He, and His audience, could read the prophets for themselves and understand what they meant. Jesus taught that we do not need someone else to tell us what God wants of us. We can read the Scripture for ourselves and understand what God wants of us.
I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.
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