Tag Archives: Leviticus 16-18

February 7, 2025 Bible Study — Azazel and the Scapegoat

Today, I am reading and commenting on Leviticus 16-18.

As with the previous several days’ passages, when I began this passage I thought I would have nothing.  However, when I came to the part about the scapegoat, I was reminded of research I did a few years ago because so many people now say “escape goat” instead of “scapegoat”.  When I did that research I discovered two interesting things.  The first is that “scapegoat” does indeed derive from “escape goat”, so substituting “escape goat” for “scapegoat” is not really wrong.  The second is that the word translated as “scapegoat” is “Azazel” (or, as close to that as transliteration of Hebrew allows).  Now the Hebrew word Azazel is not used anywhere else in the Bible, so we don’t really know what it means, or even to what it refers.  I am not a Hebrew scholar, but after reading multiple commentaries on this, it seems that Hebrew allows for several different understandings of the script which would be translated as azazel.  The most common of those understandings would be that it is a name (probably of an individual, but possibly of a place).  The only other place that Hebrew word is used is in ANY ancient manuscript is the Book of Enoch, where it refers to a demon.  The problem with saying that is what it means here is that it appears that the writer of the Book of Enoch was inspired by his understanding of this passage to make that designation, rather than using the word as the name of a demon of which he was otherwise aware.  Nevertheless, it appears that a literal translation of the passage is that one of the goats is chosen for YHWH and the other is chosen for Azazel.  Then the goat chosen for YHWH was to be sacrificed before the Lord as a sin offering.  The goat chosen for Azazel was to be presented alive before the Lord.  Then Aaron, and his successors as high priest, was to lay his hands upon the head of this goat and confess all of Israel’s sins, placing them upon the goat.  The goat was then to be sent into the wilderness to Azazel (or perhaps sent into the wilderness of Azazel).

All of the above set me to thinking about what the commands regarding the scapegoat would mean if we translated the goat we call the scapegoat as being the “goat for Azazel” where Azazel is a proper name.  Dualists (those who believe that there is are two Divine Beings, one good and one evil) would take this as support for their position.  I am not a Dualist.  However, perhaps Azazel was a name for Satan, the Adversary.  Satan is the one who stands before God and tells Him that in order to be a just God He must condemn us for our sin.  Looking at it this way, I see this ritual as the High Priest offering the blood of the first goat to cover the sins, then loading them onto the head of the second goat and sending them to Satan, saying, “These sins have been covered by the blood of the sacrifice.  I am sending them to you as the people of God no longer need to carry them.  They have been forgiven.”  This foreshadows the way in which Jesus covered our sins completely.  In a manner, He covered both roles by offering His blood as the sacrifice while taking our sins upon Himself.  Then going into the country of the dead and delivering those sins unto Satan, to be burned in the eternal fire alongside Satan.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 7, 2024 Bible Study — The Israelites Were Forbidden to Eat the Blood of Their Sacrifices, While We Drink the Blood of Jesus’ Sacrifice

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 16-18.

I am going to do something I almost never do today.  My first thought when I read the prohibition against eating blood this morning was of the communion service we had Sunday morning during our worship service.  In particular, one man stood up afterwards and shared that he had never before that morning made the connection between communion, eating the symbolic representation of Christ’s body and blood, and the priest’s eating the meat of the sacrificed animals as described here in Leviticus.  Christ was the ultimate Passover Lamb and when we partake of communion we are partaking of His body and blood, much as the Israelites partook of the body of the Passover lamb.  So, as I read today’s passage I was struck by the fact that we partake of Christ’s blood of sacrifice, while the Israelites were forbidden from eating the blood of their sacrifices.  Here God told them that they must not eat the blood because the life of the being (animal or human) is in its blood.  So, when we drink Christ’s blood as part of communion, and thus partake in the sacrifice He made on the Cross, we are drinking His life.  And through drinking His life we join ourselves with His life.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 7, 2023 Bible Study — Thoughts On The Difficulty In Translating Hebrew

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 16-18.

I want to spend a little time today looking at the Hebrew word translated as “scape goat” in chapter sixteen verse 8.  The same word is used again, twice, in verse 10, and finally in verse 26.  These four occurrences are the only time this word, azazel, appears in the Hebrew Bible.  Further, all of the other writings we have where this Hebrew word is used appear to base its meaning on that writer’s understanding of what it means here.   Some have concluded that azazel is the proper name of something, and later tradition has made this some thing to be a demon.  The basis for this conclusion is that lots were cast between the goats.  One lot was “for Yahweh”, the other lot was “for azazel”.  This can be problematic because it suggests the Israelites had been commanded to make a sacrifice to a demon (there are other problems for orthodox theology with this interpretation as well).  So, despite not being a Hebrew scholar, or even particularly knowledgeable about Hebrew, I decided to see if I could determine the meaning of the Hebrew words from which azazel is derived.   One possibility is that azazel derives from the Hebrew words “el”, which means god (often times referring to God, but not always), and “azaz”, which means strong.  That would mean that azazel means something along the lines of “God is strong”, or “strength of God”.  In this interpretation, azazel might be a proper name, Azazel,  similar to Gabriel and Michael, two of God’s messengers who appear elsewhere in the Bible, although if that were the case I would expect it to be Azaziah, because that is the form used elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible.   Or, it might just be a descriptive term making the passage read something like this:

He is to cast lots for the two goats—one lot for the Lord and the other for the strength of God. Aaron shall bring the goat whose lot falls to the Lord and sacrifice it for a sin offering. But the goat chosen by lot as the strength of God shall be presented alive before the Lord to be used for making atonement by sending it into the wilderness as the strength of God.

That does not seem to me like it fits the context of the rest of this passage.  Another possible derivation for azazel is from the word “ez”, which means female goat, and the word “azal”, which means go away.  This interpretation results in something very close to the translations which we currently possess.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 7, 2022 Bible Study — The Scapegoat As Foreshadowing Of Jesus

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 16-18.

Immediately after the death of Aaron’s sons, which happened during their ordination period, God gave Aaron additional instructions regarding entering His presence in the Tabernacle.  These instructions also contain the sacrifices for the Day of Atonement for the entire nation of Israel.  It is not clear to me if these instructions meant that the only time Aaron was to enter into the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle was on the Day of Atonement, or if he was not to enter until after the Day of Atonement (which would apply to his successors as high priest, they were not to enter the Most Holy Place until after they had first made the Day of Atonement sacrifices).  In any case, this passage is where the idea of a scapegoat comes from.  The scapegoat as described here is one who bears the blame for the sin of others, sin of which they are not guilty, specifically, it is a goat which is incapable of being guilty of the sins it bears.  The symbolism of the scapegoat here involves carrying the sins away from us.  The New Testament presents Jesus as filling the role of both goats in this passage.  He was sacrificed on the cross for our sins, and He carried those sins away from us despite being entirely innocent of them.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 7, 2021 Bible Study Entering Into God’s Presence

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 16-18.

A couple of days ago we read about how two of Aaron’s sons were struck down because they used the wrong sort of fire in their incense burners in the Tabernacle, or, at least that is how it is explained there.  Today we get a little more information about what happened.  We learn that the two had approached the Lord inappropriately.  In today’s passage it lays out what Aaron, his successors as High Priest, must do before they approach the Lord.  What I want to point out here is that only Aaron could approach the Lord, no one else (until his death when someone else took his place), but even Aaron had to go through a complex ritual of sacrifices before he entered God’s presence.  Jesus changed all that.  He became both our High Priest before God, and the sacrifice for entering into His presence.  However, we should remember the effort which Aaron had to go through to cleanse himself to enter into God’s presence and not casually approach God.  We have the right and ability to enter God’s presence, but we must do so reverentially.

February 7, 2020 Bible Study — Not the Escapegoat

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Leviticus 16-18 .

In today’s passage God gave Moses the instructions for the Day of Atonement.  The first thought I had about this passage was curiosity about where the “wilderness of Azazel” was.  As I suspected, the place being referred to is ambiguous.  In fact, some translations say that the goat should be driven into the “wilderness for Azazel”.  In fact, there are Jewish legends which say that Azazel was a demon, whom the goat was intended to appease.  That would essentially make the goat an offering to a demon, which seems to me to be inconsistent with the commands against idolatry.  A little further research on my part revealed that the Hebrew word “azazel” is composed of the Hebrew word for rugged, “azaz”, and a generic word for God, “el”. (note: “el” in the Bible usually, and perhaps always, applies to God, but was used by the people of that area for other gods as well, even in some of their names for their gods).  All of which suggests to me that the original writer of this passage would have understood the phrase to mean that the goat would be driven into a rugged wilderness dedicated to God (perhaps so dedicated by its use for this purpose?).  I want to add that it is from this passage that we get the term “scapegoat”, which is sometimes misspoken as “escape goat”.  Interestingly enough, the “scape” in “scapegoat” is almost certainly a shortening of the word escape.  The importance of all of this is that words change meaning over time and Ancient Hebrew was a language which, at least the written form, contained many words whose meanings changed significantly depending on context.  

Later in today’s passage, in chapter 18, there are a series of prohibited sexual practices.  When Christians refer to these prohibitions as guidelines, some people ask why they do not also follow kosher food rules.  There is a relatively simple answer to that question of which most Christians fail to be aware.  When the Jerusalem Council, recorded in Acts, sent out a letter instructing Gentile believers on the issue of following Jewish “Law”, they specifically said that Gentile believers only needed to follow three elements of Jewish Law.  Those elements were: do not worship idols by taking part in their feasts (eating food offered to idols), do not eat/drink blood, do not commit fornication.  These instructions contained here would have been more or less what they were thinking of by fornication.





February 7, 2019 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Leviticus 16-18.

When Aaron wanted to go before the Ark of the Covenant to enter into the presence of God, he needed to perform a series of sacrifices some for himself and some for the people of Israel.  As I read today’s passage, he could do this whenever there was a reason to do so, but he was required to do so at least once a year on the Day of Atonement.  The effort which Aaron needed to go through reminds us that entering into God’s presence is a serious matter.

The command to celebrate the Day of Atonement (celebrate is not really the right word here) each year is immediately followed by the command forbidding sacrifices any place but at the Tabernacle.  Later on in the Law of Moses God commands that the people only perform sacrifices at the place which He designates for such.  The purpose of this command was to create unity of worship among the Children of Israel and to call them away from idol worship.  Tied in with the prohibition on offering sacrifices away from the Tabernacle is a prohibition on consuming blood.  Which suggests that the Old Testament prohibition against consuming blood was partially because if its role in idol worship.

I want to add here that throughout much of the Old Testament the people of Israel worshiped many other gods.  This leads to the conclusion that the people of Israel were polytheists for much of their history, which is correct.  However,  many people reach the conclusion that this means that the religion which was established in the Book of Exodus (before the Book of Exodus the worship of God was not a religion. I don’t want to go into what that means at this point) was polytheistic.  This passage, among many others, makes clear that such was not the case.  While many of those who worshiped God were polytheists, the actual teaching was monotheistic.

February 7, 2018 Bible Study — Forbidden Sexual Practices, Don’t Sacrifice Your Children To Idols, More Forbidden Sexual Practices

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Leviticus 16-18.

    Today’s passage discusses the sacrifices and rituals which Aaron was required to follow before and during entering into God’s presence. In the New Testament this is compared and contrasted with Christ’s death on the Cross. Certainly as a Christian, these sacrifices and rituals can be seen as a foreshadowing of Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself for our sins. One of the contrasts which struck me was that only Aaron was allowed to be in the Tabernacle while he was conducting these sacrifices and rituals. In other words, only Aaron could be in the Tabernacle while God was present there, only Aaron could come into the presence of God. On the other hand, Christ’s sacrifice means that everyone may come into God’s presence.

    The other set of laws which I want to write about is the ones about what constitutes improper sexual relations. My thoughts about this are heavily influenced by an article I read many years ago which suggested that the clear limits on the acceptable expression of sexual desire laid out here provided a framework for keeping people from being distracted by seeking sexual gratification. By creating such a framework, energy which might otherwise have been directed into seeking gratification of sexual desire went into more productive activities. While there is some truth to that, I think a more important aspect of the framework for sexual gratification laid out here is the impact it had on social relationships. Forbidden sexual relations include ones we consider taboos in almost all societies: incest, same sex relations, bestiality, etc.. However, this passage contains much more extensive prohibitions than that. As such, these rules help promote healthy social interaction between people by taking potential sexual interaction off of the table between those who follow these rules. I find one thing interesting. In the middle of rules forbidding various kinds of sexual behavior there is a command to not kill our children as a sacrifice. It seems to me that this placement speaks quite clearly to the issue of abortion.

February 7, 2017 Bible Study — Purifying the People

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Leviticus 16-18.

    Only Moses and Aaron were allowed to enter the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle, later that would be only the high priest who was allowed to enter (NOTE: this suggests that when Gabriel announced the coming birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah, Zechariah was functioning as the high priest). However, Aaron, and later his successors, were not allowed to enter the Most Holy Place at just any time. They were only allowed to do so after offering the sacrifices described in this passage: a bull as a sin offering for the high priest, and two goats as a sin offering for the people, one goat to be sacrificed and one goat to be driven into the wilderness (I am curious how that was accomplished once the Temple was built in Jerusalem). As part of the sacrifices there was a complex ritual which the high priest was to perform. My reading of this passage suggests that this sacrifice of atonement could be performed at any time, but was required to be performed at least once a year on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).
    There is an aspect of this ritual which has entered into our culture (although most people have completely lost knowledge of the reference). As part of the ritual the high priest would lay his hands upon the head of the goat which was to be driven into the wilderness and confess over it all of the sins of the people. This goat was referred to as “the scape goat”. All of the sins of the people were laid upon it and it was driven into the wilderness. The idea being that the people drove their sins away from themselves. While we no longer follow this ritual, we should do what it symbolizes. We should seek to catalog our sins and drive them away from ourselves.


February 7, 2016 Bible Study — Finding a Scape Goat To Carry Our Sins Away

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Leviticus 16-18.

    Once a year, the high priest was to conduct a ceremony of cleansing for all of the people of Israel. It is instructive how this was to be done. First, the high priest needed to make two sacrifices for himself. Then he must sacrifice a sin offering for the people. As part of both of these sacrifices he must purify the Most Holy Place and all of the Tabernacle. Once he has done this he places his hands on the head of the scape goat and has it driven into the wilderness. I think the scape goat gives us an interesting metaphor. We need to drive our sins from us. We need to drive them out into the “wilderness”. It is not enough to repent of them. It is not enough to make restitution for them. We must drive them away from ourselves into a “place” where we will not go to retrieve them. In this passage the scape goat was a metaphor, although one which was carried out literally. When I say that we must drive our sins away from ourselves, I am not talking about resurrecting this metaphor (or something similar). I am talking about a psychological process whereby we recognize the damage and danger of our sins and do not make excuses to continue them.


    After describing the yearly ritual for purifying the people of Israel the passage goes on to describe a list of sexual sins that are to be avoided at all costs. I am not going to list the sexual sins listed. I want to note that homosexuality is on that list, as is bestiality. However, those sins are the last ones on the list. I read this and it tells me that there are a lot of sexual sins about which we should be more concerned than homosexuality or bestiality. The point here is that we should be equally concerned about all sexual sins. I think we have a tendency to focus on the sinfulness of those sins to which we are not tempted. When we do that we are getting it exactly backwards. We need to focus on the sinfulness of the sins by which we are tempted.