I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Jeremiah accuses the people of Judah of worshiping other gods at the same time that they are calling on the Lord to save them from their enemies. He, also, accuses them of putting their trust in other nations to save them from their enemies rather then relying on God. Jeremiah tells them that they while they are crying out to God requesting His aid they are continuing to do evil. I need to study my own life to see how much I am guilty of the same thing. Jeremiah condemns the people of Judah for not turning to God, for following the example of the Northern Kingdom, even after they saw what happened to it. Jeremiah tells the people of Israel and Judah that if they turn back to God He will bring them back from exile. He warns the people of Judah that time is running short to turn back to God and turn from their pride in their evil ways. God has raised up a fire of judgement against them because of their sins. If they do not turn from their sins at once the fire will come down upon them. I believe that God has a similar judgement in store for the people of America. Too many Christians are putting their hope in politics when they should be putting their hope in prayer and in the mercies of an ever-loving God. We should not be campaigning to change the laws of this country, we should be “campaigning” to change the hearts of the people of this country.

Paul and Timothy co-wrote this letter to the Church in Colosse. They start off by saying that they pray continuously for the believers in Colosse and thank God for them. This is not the first of Paul’s letters that he began with such a greeting. I think this stands as a challenge and judgement upon the Church in America today. There are few who pray with the dedication that Paul showed. Paul tells the Colossians that the Gospel is spreading throughout the world changing lives. If we would spend the same amount of time and energy praying that Paul did, we would see similar levels of changed lives. Paul commends them for their love for others and then repeats that he has not stopped praying for them. He is praying that God will give them complete knowledge of His will and spiritual wisdom. We should desire the same knowledge and wisdom so that we, also, will lead lives that always honor and please the Lord. Let us pray that those around us will strengthened with God’s power so that they will be given the endurance and patience that they need. I will strive to thank God for everything He has done for me, being continually filled with His joy.

Let us not be afraid to speak the Gospel to those around us, for our God is more powerful than all of our enemies and no one can stand against Him. If we faithfully serve Him, He will defend us. Those who attack us will be destroyed, but let us pray that instead of being destroyed, they allow God to change their lives. Let us intercede with God that instead of bringing judgement and destruction on those who have chosen to be our enemies, He will bring His Spirit into their lives and change them into our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Fear the Lord and do not rebel against Him. Disaster will suddenly strike those who rebel against the Lord.Let us pray for them and strive to bring the healing of the Holy Spirit to them.