I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Today I read the book of Nahum. The prophet Nahum prophesies the downfall of Nineveh. The prophet tells us that God is slow to get angry, but He never fails to punish the guilty. None can stand against God’s anger or survive His fury. Yet, even so, He is a refuge when trouble comes and will protect those who trust in Him. The prophet asks Nineveh if it is any better than Thebes. He then answers the question in the negative. He tells us of how well defended the city of Thebes was, yet it fell to conquest. The same is going to happen to Nineveh. No nation will survive once it has aroused God’s anger against it.

Finally the Lamb that was slain opens the seventh seal on the scroll. Its opening was followed by about a half hour of silence. Seven angels were given seven trumpets. Another angel with an incense burner came before the altar. He burned incense before God. The smoke from the incense mixed with the prayers of God’s people and together the smoke and the prayers ascended up to God. Let us take note of this, our prayers are a pleasant aroma before God. I will strive to offer them more and work to avoid having them bear the stench of rotting flesh that is selfish desires.
Today’s passage only covers the sounding of the first four trumpets. After the first, one-third of the earth is set on fire. After the second, one-third of the sea turns to blood and a third of the things living in it died. After the third, one-third of the fresh water became poisoned and many people died from drinking it. After the fourth, one-third of the sun, the moon and the stars went dark. There is a common theme here, one-third of the world is destroyed by each of these. Yet even after the destruction and terror of these four happenings there is a warning of greater terror to come from the last three trumpets.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever. This psalm reminds us to consider all of the mighty and beneficent things God has done and to give Him thanks for them. In light of last Friday’s tragedy, this is an important reminder to us. God’s love does endure forever, even after an event like that. I will remember the good things God has done for me (some of which did not feel so good at the time, but were necessary) and I will thank and praise Him.

The writer of today’s passage in Proverbs makes two very powerful requests to God. First, he asks God to help him to never tell a lie. Last night I was challenged on this by someone who did not even know they were doing it. A friend of mine was talking about interacting with someone who comes from the same religious background I do. He talked about how the person was very precise in the words he used, making sure that the meaning was clear. He said that it reminded him of me. I was both flattered and challenged because I knew from the conversation that my friend was impressed by the insistence of this person on complete honesty, that he would not even accept someone else lying on his behalf. I will strive once more, with God’s help, to never tell a lie, neither directly nor by omission.
The second request is interesting. He asks God to give him neither poverty nor riches, but rather just enough to meet his needs. He writes that if he becomes too rich, he may deny God believing that he can rely on his wealth. On the other hand, if he becomes too poor, he may steal or otherwise insult God’s holy name. I am glad to be reminded of this as well. It has long been my take on life, but sometimes the desire for more comes upon me. I pray to God that He grant me peace with enough to meet my needs.